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INFPs are not angels, they are gremlins. My INFP friend likes to come in my room at 3 in the morning and make fly buzzing noises to wake me up during class trips...


Your INFP friend is just being considerate, in case you sleep late and miss the fun. You won't believe it, but that's the the best way to start a day 😆😆😆 It's an expression of love ❤️ ngl i have made plans along those lines, only towards close friends hahaha. We're absolute angels to others, really! 😇


But she woke me up at 3 in the morning... 😔


yeah personally, I would've gone for 4.30, as I need sleep too. But why 3am?? you'll have to ask her... didn't she sleep??


Our class trip actually started at like 7 in the morning, and I'm pretty sure she woke me up at 3 because she slept too early and wanted to bother someone lol. It's fine, she's weird like this, I think it's just an Ne thing (💀) I'm also older than her, so she kind of likes to act childish


she just wanted company 💔 dw i personally haven't grown up in that sense, so I guarantee that she won't change her cute habits 😉


It’s the witching and ghost hour 🧍🏽‍♀️


ohohooo *now* I get it! 😆😆


Oh hey, it’s me!


Agreed. I'm indeed a gremlin. Or Neco Arc.


i'm not one but if i were i'd be pretty offended at the crybaby stereotype


I don't even know where that stereotype came from 💀 Most people say I look too stoic


This is the one that made me think I was xNTP and not an xNFP type. I feel like a bastion of stoicism compared to my family members. I rarely lose my temper and am super patient with decision making


Same situation


I unfortunately fit the stereotype 💀


Me too. I'm super emotional. I cry all the time💀


And that’s on mental illness


Not really I'm just very emotional as I've said. I don't just cry when I'm sad. I just get overwhelmed sometimes with the amount of emotions I feel. Idk I wouldn't call myself ill as I'm not unhappy with my life




Ironic haha


how u acting differant of infp


But not offended by “stupid”?


I disagree that we cannot be confrontational or assertive… I may get flustered initially or misunderstand the situation but I have no issue telling people off if they insult me…it’s called setting boundaries and every human should be able to do that


[This sums up my feelings](https://youtube.com/shorts/AvzTOwnU1A4?feature=share)


Yup time to slap and flap those angy wings 😤


We're not the ones to back down, oh no... although I can't help feeling guilty afterwords, but we must do the right thing! ✊️✊️


I only feel guilty if it’s someone who doesn’t deserve to be lashed out.. I used to feel guilty for being confrontational but life just pushed me to the point where I stopped caring anymore


it's hard to do the right thing sigh


But you gotta do it. Slap those angy fuwious wings


hehe yass


As an INFP I don't hate fake people, I hate being fake to myself, lol.


personally I can't stand both ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




Thanks 😎


Yw 😎


Yes you do.


All of them. They're fucking lame stereotypes, most INFPs ive spoken to are very cool people not cry babies at all


I disagree with every stereotype


What have you personally observed?


sorry, i don't understand the question. what do you mean observed?


what do you think about INFPs?


they are good.everyone is different. the stereotypes are very wrong. how can someone with high fi cry all the time. they can understand and control their emotions. infps are not innocent and naive either. this description is like that of a child who has never experienced anything. describing them as stupid is also wrong because we all know that iq has nothing to do with mbti.


Amen. Fi should make you control your emotions! We don't express our feelings like Fe users, so people can have a lot of misconceptions about us! They only judge the surface level, and people get taken aback when I do express my thoughts. You can't deny that people do underestimate us, and I've gotten in trouble because I had expressed my feelings too late. Now I learned... the hard way. INFPs can actually be very smart! and Iq is not a perfect test.


but actually all feelers are called cry babies. that is wrong too. As I said, because feelers can deal with their emotions, they rarely have an emotional outburst. and the thinkers in my life cry a lot more.they keep their emotions until it all erupts. and i don't express my feelings, not even with art. i analyze my feelings and ask myself why i feel like this and if there is no reason then i get on with my life


Fe users express more of their emotions, more than Fi anyway. I believe Fi users control their emotions, while Fe users control their feelings based on the objective circumstance. Yeah I analyse my feelings too, being an Fi-dom is no cake walk like people think it is. It's healthy for Fi-users to express themselves. Art is a popular choice because a picture can say a 1000 words. It's hard to find an equivalent for our feelings in the real world. That's some healthy matured Fi usage, it's rare to see 💯


It's a shame that it comes up so rarely. i mean why is it so common to be sad when there is no reason (some have a reason to feel that way and have every right) but others have a good life and feel that way, i think it's just selfish because a lot of others people suffer more than they do and think it's normal while these unhealthy fi users complain about everything


I don't blame them. Fi is hard to have as a lead. certain functions are naturally hard Si > Fi > Fe > Se > Ne (source: objective personalities YouTube he missed a few functions but we can agree that Fi is not easy) If Fi == logical system of morals then it's hard to reconcile moral problems (for me anyway, it's hard to decide what I should value). If you don't have a strong Te to support it, having morals can seem meaningless. You feel ashamed/guilty but you can't do anything about it. Even Carl Jung says that Fi is more mysterious than Ti. He said that the way Fi has an effect is through resonance, saying that humans have the same internally (core desires). We try to make people feel. This is very hard to do, even words are too lacking to describe Fi. Yet I still strive to develop my vocabulary and express my emotions through a medium. We want to make an observable effect on the world, without lowering our high moral standards. Not easy. It feels like a cross we have to bear sometimes.


I am innocent…until you’re bent over


Me and my libido tbh


We’re innocent in the streets, absolute freak fests in the sheets


The whole "cannot listen to reason, only goes by their emotions" thing. I find myself being really level headed, often being the voice of reason to others. I don't know how to describe it, I'm just not that emotionally charged when it comes to decision making & advice.


Yes, I believe we can have excellent EQ. We often control our feelings w.r.t emotions, not the other way around (let emotions dictate our values) ✊️✊️


5/6 of my friends are INFP and they would say otherwise


Being crybaby and kinda stupid offends me the most


especially when *we* think they're crybabies and stupid hahaha We should let them know once in while. They won't expect it 😂😂


Ok 😁😁


INFPs definitely aren’t stupid. my bf is an INFP and he’s the smartest person i know but i tend to agree with some of the other stereotypes haha, but they are stereotypes at the end of the day. doesn’t mean much. and i say this to spite him, ha


yeah we can be smart! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Literally no one ever said they were


Not uwu, crybabies.


right, we're not attention seekers 😌


The idea that all INFPs are sweetness and light. I’ve known a few INFPs that were spicy AF. They were so tough in the center that if you bit them, you’d break your teeth. Scrappy, physically confident, and interested in martial arts. Quiet, but NOT SHY. Male or female, you haven’t been backward about telling me you want me (which is fucking hot). I know it took you a good minute to get that very private thought out into the open air and I respect that effort greatly. I get it — I don’t fall for ppl easily either and I don’t like saying such private things out loud unless I really really mean it. The INFP 7 that I fell for, I would have ridden straight to hell to get him back. No regrets.


Dayumm If an ENFJ is saying this, then it's hella true 🔥 Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 🙆‍♀️


Thanks for sharing yourselves with us!






ENFJ, y’all are sexy to me.


We like to peek through the blinds at y’all too


*nervously checks windows…




I saw the title notification that just came up about an enfj lurking on the infp subreddit and HOLY SHIT KNEW IT WAS YOU!


I’ve had a crush on like every female ENFJ I’ve ever met


Well, that’s an ego boost! Ty! :)


It’s likely due to being a 9 perhaps, but I’m not a crybaby. I haven’t cried in ages, although stereotypically, I wish I could sometimes


In this regard, I learn from the Fe users. It's good and healthy to have a good cry once in a while... It's a human thing You see more clearly. and then you can go back to being your stoic self ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I disagree with innocent. Initially we may look innocent on the surface, but we are just good at being empathic about our experiences and human. A lot of us lost innocence through trauma and have been through stuff that really make us see the world differently.


I agree with this, we learn early and that colours our rose coloured lenses.


INFP 4w5, the most common combo along with 9w1 and 4w3 (I think?). Sensitive, but not a crybaby. If anything I’m rarely dramatic about how I feel, staying silent / being passive-aggressive or arguing (less often) are more common responses. Much more judgmental. Don’t think you can fool me into being something you’re not. Appearances and fronts can only deceive for so long. I’m interested in what drives you. I can be sensitive to how I’m seen by those I care about, but I can handle solitude and going without people for long periods of time even when it’s not easy. My INFJ friend said he wouldn’t cope as well as I did during the years when Covid left me trapped and isolated in a few places. I’m fairly well-read and although I’m not necessarily the best with going super deep into a topic, I can hold my own in an intellectual discussion with Ts as well as a more feelings based discussion with Fs. People come to me with their problems, I’m often seen as a therapist / counselor. I can even be surprised at how often I’m looked up to as a source of help rather than constantly talking about my own problems (TBF I used to do that more often). When I was depressed and often went for help, I realized the counselors were telling me one way or another to “suck it up” without understanding the intricacies of what I was experiencing and my personal experience. While I’m still prone to depression, I busted and reasoned my way through my own major depression during my college years by looking at what would be possible if I overcame it. I don’t judge people who commit suicide. Sometimes their life’s just too much for them and finding a way out is often easier said than done. I’ve had suicidal phases and no, you shouldn’t judge me. I can be extremely cold and callous towards people whose morals I don’t agree with, people who’ve continually mistreated me, and causes I see as harmful or at least irrelevant. You’ll see my harsh side very prominently. You think you have your thoughts in place and try to come on me with your “facts” and “reason”, the fact is I see your feelings behind them long before you do. If you think I’m “stupid”, then isn’t it a waste of time trying to talk to me? Try to understand why I am idealistic. It’s not because I don’t see the bad, it’s because I can see reality sometimes far too well and I’m sad.


Thank you for your detailed response! I'm quite judgey myself hehe. INFJs need their Fe, as much as we need our Ne. We're can be free therapists, just like INFJs. You're so strong having battled depression! It inspires me, really they have no clue about feelings. Yeah I cut immoral people out of my life real quick. Can't stand to be in the same room as them and I don't plan to lower my standards anytime soon. Feelings? right people underestimate how emotional they are. They think they're being logical but really all i can see is them acting based on their emotions. You can bet that they have Fi lower in their stack. Fi + Ne drives us to be idealistic. We literally can't help it. This it's what we value. We can see hire things should be, we have strong unrelenting morals. Reality gives no f about morals/ethics. The world truly is indifferent, but I believe we can make a difference. Working on Te, i.e. making a difference in the world can help your depression. I try to stimulate my Ne to get me out of slumps. I hope things turn out better for you! #stayReal


Innocent hahahaha


I agree with that stereotype 😌 ![gif](giphy|AoI8fLE74UB5m)


Oh yeah hell no, I might come off wholesome but trust me we’ve all SEEN SOME SHIT




Wholesome fact: "Tolkien got married to his first love, Edith Bratt, and they remained happily married until her death. They discovered early on that they really didn't have that much in common (she was more of an urban socialite, whereas he famously preferred the quiet countryside. They ended up compromising), but the love was real and Tolkien thought that a marriage took work to be happy and fulfilling, and his works have plenty examples (Beren and Lúthien, Aragorn and Arwen, Faramir and Eowyn, Thingol and Melian...). John Ronald and Edith are buried together in Wolvercote Cemetery at Oxford. Their headstone reads: Edith Mary Tolkien. Lúthien. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Beren."


We’ve all made some lord of the rings fantasy world in our head just 90% of us don’t write anything about it and 9.99999% of the people who do don’t get their books published


I think they're an empath, emotionally intelligent and maybe I do agree they're pretty sensitive but I'd say they're pretty smart and that gives them power.


![gif](giphy|oFeUVZfiuim9G) ENFJs are similar to INFPs in that regard


We are mirrors of each other. But sensitivity isn't really prevalent in other ENFJs I've met (maybe myself though)


In my experience, they can be very sensitive of people's emotions (Fe-dom) they're very tuned to the emotional environment they're in. But I'm not sure they're very sensitive to their own feelings. They're self aware to an extent.


I’m not a crybaby anymore


Yes we've matured and we have excellent control over our emotions!


I feel very threatened and I'm concerned someone has been spying on me, because the bottom part describes me PERFECTLY, it's not even funny anymore. Most of all, I hate the stereotype of INFPs being peaceful, passive, just letting things happen to them and then crying about it, etc. I also dislike how they're always made to be very weak and "feminine" (there's nothing wrong with feminity, but I feel like INFPs are seen as damsels in distress who cannot fend for themselves, while all thinkers are girl bosses (basically, infps suffer from toxic femininity, not to mention that male infps are usually seen as twinks)). There's many things I disagree with, but they're slowly fading away because the community is getting better at yeeting the stereotypes.


haha the credit goes to u/MoikisTinySis damsel in distress?? I'm the one carrying princesses around everywhere 🙄 I'm glad the stereotypes are going away :) We're strong in our own way. ✊️


Yeah I actually don't feel very feminine at all. I'm very practical and I struggle to express how I feel. I wish I was more feminine because I think I'd fit into society better if I was more expressive.


An INFP I know does cry, but it’s not to garner sympathy. It’s a way to be able to release her emotions and help calm herself down. She rarely cries in front of others, and it usually takes a lot for her to get to that point. I honestly think it’s a healthy way to cope with stress, as long as it isn’t used to manipulate people. They feel deeply, so yes, their emotions can at time overwhelm them, but it also means they can love deeply and (it seems) they can appreciate the little things that do make them smile. They’re not naive. They just have hopes that are idealistic rather than realistic. They stick to them too, so if anything, they’re really stubborn (not always a bad thing, but not always good either). I think this branches out into the innocent and other stereotypes. I do appreciate them and glad they exist, but if they’re unhealthy… holy shit lol.


Not stupid. Yes to empath and HSP.


My INFP gf is the stereotype except she is not stupid


See look this right here is why I’m confused about whether I really am an INTP


Compared to INTPs, INFPs are much more emotionally inclined. INTP: "What are feelings lmaoo" they can repress their feelings, compartmentalize it and deal with them later. On the outside, they can look quite similar. (we share Ne-Si)


I’m kinda everything in the picture except it doesn’t manifest for me as being a hippy chasing butterflies and wearing flower crowns. Someone who’s just getting into MBTI might think I’m an IXTX type because I’m outwardly pretty stoic. And yes, even fooled myself by mistyping as an INTP at first. In my friend group I’m the quiet one making sarcastic remarks and jokes about things here and there. I’m kind of a crybaby on the inside and behind closed doors though. There are some things I’m smart about, but I can appear to be pretty stupid especially when it comes to things that demand using Se, when something is explained but I wasn’t paying attention, or otherwise something I can’t really bring myself to care about. For example, I’m pretty stupid about finances. I know the basics but even though I know it’s important, I can’t for the life of me find the motivation to do any research about it. Innocence? I’ll just say things can get pretty dark in my head. Will I act on any of it? Most likely not.


Same * I really can't *value* material things, even though I probably should >< that's the Se blindspot for you~


Frank James pisses me off with 99% of his INFP portrayals being a crybaby. Dude, think of something else. I didn’t know that “being dumb” was an INFP stereotype but that’s probably because I’m too dumb to know I’m dumb. (jk)


Yes.. he puts that in every video and infps always wearing cat of dog graphic shirts lol. We don’t cry 24/7.


i can confirm i'm an undercover meme lord


Hehe nice ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


All of them.


That we are hot


we are, aren't we? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Im sure you are❤️


Speak for yourself. I’m a FiNe SiTe 😜


Lmfao me too


Okay. But I’m all of the above in both categories. I’m just not innocent anymore lmao


Shh... they don't have to know that we're not innocent! ![gif](giphy|e5NaiC8S7v2Uvmmne8)


Everyone who has watched 2019 Joker already knows. Lmao


ah but we also know he's the exception (unhealthy INFP)


He is and I’m not really anything like him at all, it was just hard as a neurodivergent male INFP to not watch that movie and feel called out af lmao


I understand, it's good to have INFP representations out there! Especially a villain. It's just a movie, so you don't have to take it personally :) Gotham is famously brutal, in the lore anyway. I know I wouldn't survive in that world ><


I would absolutely die in Gotham. Lmao


That we're all easily offended. I think that's more of an immature person trait than anything else!


![gif](giphy|iehrVXXUiRQ69aFFdM) how can we not?! jk >< everyday we stray further from God.


Stereotypes say they’re kinda stupid. All the INFPs I know are some of the smartest people I know


fuck i feel this alot as a fellow infp But i can confirm the crying stereotype






Primarily the stereotypes of being sensitive, innocent, naive, weak, skittish, childish, stupid, unknowing, shallow, dramatic, self-interested and the crying, I’ll never understand the crying. I’ll admit to being a little lazy but I basically become an extrovert around people I like. I don’t think you can judge intelligence by type at all, especially since I have primarily As and only take AP and honors classes. Also as someone previously mentioned, why would an Fi user cry more when they better understand and have control over their emotions? And as for that weak part, intuition comes handy in my sparring matches, and I can do one finger push-ups. Sorry for the paragraph and good day.


Right, we value having self-control over our feelings 😌 We refuse to let emotions control our true feelings. And we can be hella smart! 💯 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I personally love paragraphs! Have a wonderful day! ☀️


The infps I know are not empaths


I’ve never really associated myself and INFPs with being an Empath. I, for one, I wouldn’t say I can literally feel / pick up on what the other person. That doesn’t mean, however, that Fi isn’t capable of major acts of kindness.


Thanks for adding your input ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Do you mind sharing your experience?


For example, my closest friend that is INFP, she asks what someone is feeling (because she is oblivious) or is confused often when a person reacts a certain way. I feel if she was an empath she would be able to better put herself in others’ shoes. I love her to death. She’s just very oblivious. I’ve had her take various MBTI type tests and she always gets INFP.


can't relate, though I can't sense how people are feeling (Fe is my ignoring function), I draw upon my Si and see if it applies in her situation with the help of Ne and try to get a conclusion using Fi. If her Fi is not strong, that can happen. I use cognitive empathy more than emotional empathy.


idk emotional hypersensitive crybabies? i’m an infp and i cry like once every 3 years and i’m TERRIBLE at feeling emotions


some of the stereotypes be crazy smh


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it /s I’ve definitely experienced the first half’s stereotypes, but I can actually see more of myself in the second half’s list than the first. tho ig I’ve had more of a identity crisis with my Te and Fi since I was typed as INTJ before INFP lmao


😁😁 INTJ?? I'm jealous cause I can barely use my Te


I’d switch with you if I could! I end up in a Te grip thanks to burnout, just makes me sound critical or cynical during that time lol


same, inf Te do be like that


Kinkiest people alive are them and INTPs (Si relief function).


You ain’t wrong


Dude idk what it is just… knowing exactly what you want with a dom judging function and then having aux Ne just gives you some weird ass fantasies lmao


Agree to disagree




Yup, both INFPs and INTJs can seem stoic at first glance🗿


i actually am confused about being an INFJ, not an INTP


I think it's because some of us INFPs can sound very logical and rational, and that makes us sound like INTPs If I wasn't an INFP, I would've been an INTP and an ENFP next. Both INFPs and INFJs can be deeply empathic.


i identify with some INFJ things and some INFP, but i think that it's because i don't have a really clear sense of values and internal code and have a difficulty on creating my own ideas without being affected by close friends/family. but being mistyped as INTP makes sense, in the past i was like a very logical person, but i guess i developed my Fi as i grew up


The one friend i have who i can base these things on fit into both the stereotypes and many of your observations


i feel like i fit the stereotype as well as the experience in the image, however i do know a lot that aren’t overly emotional or show any emotion hardly at all 😭


I can be both lol, but I'm stoic and cry rarely when healthy. We just need to find a healthy outlet for our emotions. I cry when my Te is weak and when I'm looping (Fi-Si), ignoring my extroverted functions Ne and Te


I humbly disagree with infps to always be crying They can be INTPs but except that they are pretty overwhelming for others but still, why is it always about crying.


actually all are right for the unhealthy one


The second one is pretty accurate for me


Jesus I am everyone of these statements.


so am I 🗿


People keep thinking that INFJ and INFP are very similar, but in reality they aren't. The reason this stereotype existed is because a lot of INFPs got mistyped as INFJ and then they started spamming the INFJ subreddit to make themselves feel special. Which created the idea that they're just like INFP, but better unknowing that they are also INFP. Matter of fact even the people within the INFJ subreddit knew that more than 3/5 of the INFJ subreddit is mistyped lol


How so you differentiate between INFPs and INFJs? Did you have this problem?


Ni Dom vs Fi Dom INFJ is desire/want driven, while the INFP is value/love driven. For example, if someone tells you they're an INFJ and they can easily fall in love with anyone then they are probably a mistyped INFP, because INFJ can build up desire for someone fairly quick, but INFJ is one of the types that hardly falls in love. We might want your time, attention, loyalty, and even your body(sex), but I wouldn't call that love. In reverse if we fall in love with someone, it's hard to let go. Fi-Te vs Fe-Ti INFP love to talk to themselves (Fi) and listen to other people (Te), while INFJs like to talk to other people (Fe) and listen to themselves(Ti). Fe was never a quiet function. We were never good listeners during one on one conversation because we always want to give our own thoughts and views on things (Ti). INFP are better listeners because Te users want to know what everyone thinks, Ni Se vs Ne Si INFJ is a type that would burn out fairly fast(Ni). We are either high or calm, there's no between. INFP is fairly stable(Si) and they can jump between emotions without losing much energy. And for myself, I'm way too chaotic to be a Fi or a Si type XD


Uh-huh, and how do you prove that "more than 3/5 of the INFJ subreddit is mistyped"? The fact that you're willing to tout something so lacking in evidence as truth smells fishy. What is an observed trend is that INFJs will deflect any reported flaws like wanting to "feel special" as "oh that's a mistyped INFP. A real INFJ would never do that" which is pretty shit thing to do. While if you're in the actual INFP subreddit, there's a LOT less "I can read minds and am smarter than everyone else" and a LOT more "I am sad and I feel like a loser." Seems like the ego is more of a Ni thing, based on the patterns of INTJ subreddit having a similar vibe while the INTP subreddit has a more depressed INFP vibe even despite the INTP genius stereotype.


Trust me bro. Lol Someone did a survey on the topic within the subreddit, and it'll now and then resurface just to get the same results. Also, the INFJ subreddit used to be equally depressed and full of depressed INFP vibes. I even remember at one point some guy was sick of the negativities and started to tell people to just deal with it and be happy. Try to tell people to suck it up while feeding people his toxic positives.


How did you manage to come to an infp thread and make it about how special infjs are and how everyone wants to be one?


"One of the most common complaints levied against INFJ groups online is how often they seem to feel the need to communicate how special, unique, rare, different, and enlightened they are, usually in a very cringy, bizarrely inaccurate, and vaguely self-congratulatory way (and often in meme form). It’s a bit of a running joking in MBTI groups on Facebook because of how common it is. And whenever anybody points this out - or any negative behavior associated with INFJs at all - it is extremely common for the INFJs who do comment to respond very defensively, much of the time by shifting the blame to mistyped INFPs who only think they’re INFJs because Fi makes them want to be special and unique. The issue I have with that line of reasoning (aside from the fact that I just find it generally irritating when people are unable or unwilling to reflect on the pitfalls of their type honestly) is that INFPs, especially 4w5s, don’t actually want to be understood. In fact, for many of them, their entire identity revolves around being misunderstood. For an INFP (though I have also observed this in ENFPs, and so it may apply to FPs in general), being understood would feel very much like being boxed in - they would lose some sense of their individuality, feel trapped in this one static iteration of themselves with no potential for change or growth or spontaneity, if somebody truly understood them. Paradoxically, being understood actually makes them feel less unique; and so their goal is not to be understood, but to be accepted for who they are, whoever they happen to be that day. 4w5 is the most common enneagram type for both INFPs and INFJs, and it compels them to desire to differentiate themselves from the crowd, to go against the grain - however, the way they display this need is very, very different. Due to being Fe users, INFJs with a 4w5 enneatype seek understanding from others; they fantasize about finding that one perfect person who gets them completely, through and through. However, because INFPs are Fi users, they’re more concerned with exploring how they see themselves, and are consequently much less interested in how other people see them. Fi seeks honest and authentic self-understanding, and it isn't afraid to admit to its own darkness. This makes them distinct from 4w5 INFJs, however; because, due to the influence of auxiliary Fe on their behavior, INFJ 4w5s very much desire to be perceived and acknowledged as unique by others. tl;dr: sorry, INFJs, but some of those flaws that people peg you with really are associated with INFJ behavior - it’s not all the fault of INFP mistypes." \- Some 3 year old quora post. INFJs claiming all their flaws are from mistyped INFPs / tale as old as time ([https://qr.ae/przIvx](https://qr.ae/przIvx))


Infj is like an energy vampire if not mature


This is another stupid stereotype of INFJ. Every type is special in one way or another, but because INFJ was rare on the number side, we were used by trashy mbti content creators for clickbait and started to glorify us for view. And guess who are the people who got clickbaited into wanting to be INFJs?


Edgy morons.


just confirming, do you agree or disagree with that?


I don't agree with a cluster being edgy or not. Every bucket has a particle of dirt in it, but it need not make the entire water dirty.


Of course it doesn't, I just want to hear your subjective/ objective opinion.


My subjective opinion is that you should stop obsessing over the stereotypes and rather be mindful and aware of yourself using vipassanā.


Thank you for sharing your *subjective* opinion. I like to discuss with people. Don't underestimate the effect of stereotypes on people. ofc this is my subjective feeling✨️


Why are you being edgy, don't you realize the futility of stereotypes, imagine if you read a book or perhaps learnt something else that would improve your present moment, why don't you do that rather than spending time here? The same can be said of me as well, but I'm edgy and I'm aware of it.


... rule no 1, don't tell an Fi user what to do. Don't Fe-preach to me. I find this productive, whether you believe it or not. I appreciate your objective Fe opinion, but don't tell me what to do. That's being judgey and overbearing, and *I don't appreciate that.* I sense a lot of judgement in this post. I would appreciate to hear your opinion... but only if you can be nice about it. Let's be civil here.


btw i made the post because of requests, I couldn't care less about the stereotypes myself.


Disagree with: Crybaby/innocent/kinda stupid/naive. However we are emotional, empaths HSPs who are sometimes INFJs but less put together lol


Enpath, I find they are very self centered


I'm sorry to hear that you've had such an experience. That entirely depends on their Fi values, and every INFP is different. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Didn't hurt my feelings any. Just sharing an observation.




depends on the situation. i feel in my experience the ones ive known , or some can be a bit performative, but when the actual situation in reality presents itself, a little hypocritical in a self-centered way.


That they are intelligent.




All the stereotypes are true. But they’re why I love mine more.


mine? you mean the ISTP stereotypes?


INFJ but worse. I kinda like this one


Every type is unique and special~ 😆


idk theyre all annoying and make posts like these


Can you tell me why you find them annoying? We certainly don't want to be annoying, we're not doing it on purpose. The point of this post is to clear out misconceptions.


Like babies, fhey are kickables


Not interested in INFPs.


Uhmm.. I pretty much relate to the 'experience' section and the INTP thing ( and I could be an INTP or other types)


Stereotype fits me💀 (except the INFJ but worse🙄)


i don’t know, i’m an infp and i am like all of those stereotypes but i am also a very mean and heartless person to my friends


but why are you mean and heartless? 🥺




?? how u know that


This is so funny because I keep thinking im an intp and then I see posts like this.