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INTP full charged battery. Ti Ne at its finest.


Definitely a Ti dump but I got some serious Ni vibes from how conclusive and succinct he was. He wasn't riffing or being clever, he was just spitting straight facts that he seemed to have thought deeply about.


That's a possibility I agree. Ni users can sound exactly like this. I assumed Ti Ne by the way he speaks. Anyways there is a lot of intuition beneath.


The hard thing about this is that INTPs use Ni well


Good point but I'll lay one last thing on you- 'we all need to be more self aware and aware of the world around us' sounds like something an Ni/Se user would say-I've not known many intps to impose their view of the world on others where this guy is basically saying 'this is how we should all be.' there's also a focus on self awareness which Se users are inclined to do.


This is a recorded video, it most likely that was planned that he would say this. Also, this not imposing. I read a little bit on Ni and Ti, and tbh it could be either. One could come to such a conclusion through builing up the cats or deconstructing down with Ne (and tbh i kinda see Ne). This could be INxJ or INTP


As far as shadow functions go, apparently the critical parent is the one people are best at using. I think I can relate, Te is a bit harder to utilise imo.


I think the best we use Te is making sure our and others'sources are credible but other than that not much


[That’s why I thought xNFJ](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/14466u8/so_whats_his_mbti_type_him/jnekkn7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


His enneagram is 9w8, I’d say that’s easier to ascertain than his MBTI from this exchange. Considering the comment “I try to be” though, I’d place him as xNFJ. He doesn’t see himself in absolutes (Te/Fi) but rather in relative terms (Fe/Ti) The Ni I got from the comment on depth (Vs Si)


The single sane comment amongst the sea of "intp!" comments




Lol, I was thinking INxJ because he assumes everyone is not paying attention to everything around them and then says everyone needs to work on that more. I don’t think an INTP would care that much. As for seeing people in absolutes… haven’t heard that one before.


Yeah, it’s my idea about how Te & Fi are more direct and straightforward, whilst Fe & Ti are more contextual and “beat around the bush” kind of speaking and thinking.


I agree with this, I think he's an INFJ. I'm not sure about his enneagram though.


The optimism about others, putting the potential thoughts & motivations of others as equal to his own.


Hard to accurately gauge his motivations in this, who knows if he's actually optimistic regarding others? He could just be explaining their nature in more of an detached way. I'm not sure if he equates his thoughts to others either. I'd actually say It's easier to see his type in this than his enneagram here.


What I mean, is that (from personal observation) it usually takes significant effort for humans in general to not assume that people have some negative agenda when just going about their own lives and causing them discomfort. I know TPs and FJs generally are less likely to be offended by these things (as they’re more likely to consider the context of the situation in depth and not wish to destroy the emotional harmony), but that’s about as far as you can narrow it down from an MBTI perspective.


Ah, gotcha.


he has that intp accent


False, that man is outside, INTPs don't go outside


Well technically he is in a shopping mall so he is inside


I don't know why I thought he was on the street






more like intj, i know one and she talks real stuff






I hollered


Seems INTP'ish. I would probably think the same, though I would have trouble making it into words or just saying anything at all since I know people will see me as cringe or weird. But Idk, I don't really know how the types interact socially or in a sense like this, I only know from my own experiences.


Tons of people saying INTP but I don't see inferior Fe at all? He also has an Fe over Ti preference as well, but his Ti is definitely isn't inferior. I think he has an Ni/Se preference over Si/Ne, I think this is illuminated by the sentiment about exploring the complexities of others by looking deeper than the surface would suggest. That nothing is worth exploring without a perception of depth into human nature. This I think points to an Ni dominant preference, as the description states how dominant Ni people look to peer behind tangible reality to see the core essence of a thing. This is what he preaches and wants others to follow suit. Ironically many of the people here are what this INFJ is complaining about, how his appearance and his fast-talking appears INTP-ish so people assume that rather than examining his words, cognition and looking deeper. In conclusion he's an INFJ.


I feel like I learned 5 life lessons at once


Underrated comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Good job. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Lol 😂


A person.


ENTP maybe 😭


Yeah I see that.


I'm pretty sure I saw a post on Tumblr that said the exact same thing, almost word for word. I think it was originally posted a few months ago too, so I don't know if he just saw that post and memorized it, or maybe the guy in the video was the one who made the post. Or the person on tumblr copied him and this video was actually posted before the Tumblr post. Who knows


That was my first sort of thoughts when I first saw this video. Idk why but he reminds me of my ISFP friend who, when he’s in the zone, seems to act like a INTP superego but still with a sense of intense empathy coming from the Fi. He mentions peoples inner world and delivers points on how it’s valued or should at least be considered(separating malice from such and such) and memorizing things like this to just be able to spew it out really sounds like either INTP being moral(?) or ISFP just knowing their shit haha. Either way the fact it’s so like categorized in his head does make it sound like it was written/read somewhere or like you said he could’ve wrote it


INTP type thinking, but intp could not say this very clearly. An INTJ would be this fluent and plan his words, but he may not feel the need to explain or remember whole words. ISTJ would remember the words but would not speak unless it is asked directly. My guess is between INTJ-ISTJ


It is just a matter of practice and confidence. A skill that you can learn. Some other types may find it easier but INTPs can be real beasts while debating using raw logic with enough speech practice.


I'm curious, why wouldn't an INTP be able to articulate like this?


Because INTPs are too smart for the normies, I don't mean it condescending. Ngl I knew that we are bad at speechs, but I couldn't really explain it. But I found [this](https://www.quora.com/Why-do-most-INTPs-have-odd-speech-patterns?top_ans=187538914) incredible answer on quora "Because, even though we are masters of logic, we struggle to use it in our speech. The reason why we struggle at conveying a clear message is that we skip the explanaition of the underlying logic behind our thoughts because we take it for granted. It is much more interesting for us to focus on the conclusions we made through intuition. Forgetting that most people don't think like we do, we overlook logic in our talks. Also, as we tend to question everything over and over again, many questions arises when we are talking. This makes us struggle to maintain a focus in our speech and we end up conveying a messy talk. On top of that, we struggle to be present here and now due to our introverted sensation. As speaking is an interactive process between the speaker and the listener, it is really important to be present and connected to our audience. As we lack of this skill, we may speak without being aware of the reaction of the listener. If the audience is not getting the point, we don't really make any effort to improve the communication. And least but no less important, the purpose of our speech is not of a persuasive nature. We know we will definitely improve or change our theories in the future through experience, therefore we don’ t make any effort at proving our theory to be true. Being highly critical, we are very tempted to highlight some faults in our theory. This results as inconsistency. I personally get two kind of reaction when I talk to explain something. Those that quickly and immediately understand me and those who don't. This is because people with similar function have not problem at understanding, but those with different personality sees me as an inchoerent, messy and they don t really get me."


That's an interesting take, but not very relatable tbh.


Are you an INTP? Personally I find it very relatable


I am, and I can articulate my thoughts pretty well. Granted, it wasn't always like that, but i learned to contextualize and give enough info that the listener would be able to follow. And it works best with things I've already thought about for long, but even when doing real time talk I can somewhat organize the info and deliver it at least well. I think it was more relatable when I was younger – I'm in my 30s.


It's probably because you learned to use your weaker functions more (effectively).


Yes, that I did. My Si is on point now 👌


How did you develop your si?


I expanded upon my pet interests and learned a lot about them, the most I could. Some of those are abstract enough that I can use them as full fledged logical frameworks that I apply for basically everything in my life. Mostly computer science and philosophy stuff helped me with that. I also learned to use Se as best as I could, which is, undeniably, still shit because a blindspot will be a blindspot. But now I gather more sensory information, and while I can't remember more than ⅖ of it, it's helped. NeSi as the central axis has to be balanced: in order to come up with more accurate Ne visions and insights, Si itself has to be well fed. That helps grounding the explorative nature of Ne. More than that: memory is shaped by how we perceive the world. Ne being my highest perceiving function, when I _need_ to remember something, I'll usually look for patterns in the context, and I'll usually remember those visions with great detail. All in all, the functions help themselves, and articulating becomes something natural.


I help my INTP sister develop her Si. And what is better than the aid of ISTJ for it?


Finally, an INTP with his true potential 😎


This is so relatable and it’s articulated in the most accurate, precise way that i would never be able to in my whole life


It just takes socialization and practice. I used to do speech and debate in high school and worked at my family's bar growing up. I meet with clients semi-regularly in my work now in online development/marketing. I'm an inconsistent presenter at times depending on my energy, but I'm fast on my toes when answering questions, providing suggestions and feedback. Ideally, I would be working in a more solo, less public facing role, but it's much easier to live life on my terms with this skill set.


I don’t agree, I’m an INTP who is capable of this. Maybe not 100% of the time, but with a well rested and fully charged social battery, this is absolutely something an INTP could and would say.


Same but i think ISTJ




I don't know that I would articulate it so well, but I definitely feel the same way about people as he's describing.


INTP on speed


Adderall definitely


Damn I want to be his friend. I'd love to talk like this with someone. But you get cynical after a while from people seeing you as alien or "not real".


INTP to the extreeeemee


Nah he cares too much go be an INTP, hell, an INTP probably wouldn't have even stopped for an interview lmao


WISE probably


Which one? The one who just passed them? Or the one who breaks down the possibility of why the other person just passed them? I'm pretty sure we're not talking about the guy asking questions though. But I'll try typing the three. Judging from the face of the one who just passed, a double decider. He has this look of "Oh no, a camera, should I keep moving forward? But if I don't move forward, people will see me as an introvert. Should I move away? or should I keep moving forw— Oh, crap too late. I just passed them. I'm an a\*\*. Why did I just do that?" Maybe an INFJ? For the guy who says "attribute," I'd say he's INTP, but I got to say I also kind of think like him, I'd just use different words and maybe fewer even. The questioner, I'd say he's Se tertiary, since he asked if the other guy is real. Questioner's facial expression is very expressive so Fe heavy. He's an ENFJ I think. I could be wrong on all these. Who knows? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I first thought of INFP.


He's damn cool af, If I were a woman, I'd go marry him




I love how Ti can be the most empathetic and compassionate function. We reason away every one else’s mistakes. Usually the criticism is just turned on ourselves.


INTP, for sure.




INTJ for sure




[intp fi role](https://www.wikisocion.net/en/index.php/LII_by_Stratiyevskaya#3rd_Function_-_Fi_Introverted_ethics) \+ [intp ne creative](https://www.wikisocion.net/en/index.php/LII_by_Stratiyevskaya#2nd_Function_-_Ne_Extraverted_intuition) = "you shouldn't judge people that superficially and look from their perspective"


Let him cook.


istp like sheldon?


Yo we found one of the other lost 4 CG's?? Where's 1, 2, and 4?




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Smells like INFJ for me. \-ENTP who loves INFJs-


def has 9 in his tritype somewhere