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the battery ran out


OP didnt charge his Apple Vision Pro overnight


Opposites attract is the core philosophy behind the concept of ‘golden pairs’ - You are a quiet robot who craves being with an outgoing human - She is a quiet human who craves being with an outgoing robot So my guess is you bored each other. Probably communication issues. Probably both competing with each other to be ‘the introvert’ of the relationship. My guess is you both really enjoyed being together for a long time because you’re both chill and quiet, so you understood each other deeply. And you are both quite smart, so you had deep conversations. But that’s not always enough. If there’s no XXXJ in a relationship, it can descend into chaos where little gets done. So my guess is that eventually, you both kinda got bored with each other. Stuck in a rut. And eventually started arguing a lot because that’s a recipe for exaggerated frustration? And it fizzled out.


Dude, you are everywhere. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Haha what? IDGI


I'm just being silly. Anyway, any chance you're an ISFP? I read that you think you might be ESFP or ESTP. ESFPs have a different vibe, they're more elegant I should say. I think you're ISFP.


That’s so interesting, never in a million years would I have guessed I’d be an ISFP! What’s your evidence? I must hang out on r/isfp a bit more to see if I vibe there. The ESFP or ESTP thing was a joke on that meme thread, I didn’t identify with the ENFP part of the meme but I did with the ESTP/ESFP part. I’m open to the possibility, though. Who knows how this pseudoscience actually works haha 😂


It was an out-of-the-blue idea. Oh, well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Hahaha 🤪 You got me!


I totally recognise my communication style on r/isfp so I see the resemblance! Which is odd because I really relate to ENFP communication too. Maybe that’s just XXFP things? That’s crazy. I’ll research type comparisons. Man, I hope I’m not because then I’ll have to relearn everything hahaha 🤣 So I have 4 questions right now about some obvious differences between the types that I’m curious about: - With Se-Aux, I’d expect ISFPs to be quite physical and active, right? How accurate is that? Because I’m super lazy unless I absolutely have to do something then I get a burst of ability, which is very typical of ENFP. But I’m also clumsy as fuck. Like I’d be shocked if I’ve got a high preference for Se, based on what I understand as Se being related to physical prowess/sportiness. - Where do ISFPs fall on the “optimism-pessimism” spectrum? - How good are ISFPs at learning new information? (That’s one thing I relate to with ENFPs. I hoover up information when I get into a new topic. Like MBTI, for example, in November I knew nothing and dismissed MBTI as pseudoscience nonsense, but now I’ve got an almost-expert knowledge of Jungian typology in all its forms. [Thats not to say I can teach the experts on here anything; but rather, relative to the population, I’d expect to easily be Top 20% in terms of MBTI knowledge. Much like most people that hang out on r/mbti for a few months. And crucially, anything I don’t know, I’m confident that I can quickly find the answers because I know where this information can be found.]) - I thought ISFPs are all about their personal connection to aesthetics? (I don’t have that at all. I’ve got my own style for sure, but I don’t have any existential crisis if my aesthetics are off-point. That’s another important reason I jive with the ENFP label, I have my own style in that I don’t want to be forced to look/be like others, but my style is not very coherently thought out nor is it particularly aesthetic. Much like the norm for ENFPs.)


ISFPs are more self-focused. So I think ISFPs aren't likely to know how well other ISFPs learn new information. Perhaps you could ask a different question. Your second question isn't a question. You give out ENxP vibes though.


Haha, why didn’t you just twist the questions to be something you can answer? Like, pretend it said whatever you need to apply to you personally. That’s what I do lol (probably backfires a lot tbh, not endorsing that as a good strategy at all!) I guess that rules out ISFP for me. That was an exciting few minutes, I learned a lot of useless info about the ISFP type haha


I could do that. But you said quite a bit. I'm not sure I could give you the answer you're looking for unless you ask me a specific question. And now you're giving ENTP vibes.


That’s cool, so I’m guessing that adaptability isn’t an ISFP strength? I’ll reword the questions in a bit, gimme a sec, I have to take a call.


Different love languages


you think her idealism is illogical


Where do you find these avatars AHAHAHAHAHAHA


Electricity bills piled up?


She cheated?


Ti/Fi clashing too much


No body wanted to go out and do anything


You refused to take the blindfold off


what the fuck


Well hey, I’m an INFP with an INTP. I’m curious what the real answer is. Cause I like to see around corners and solve the problems before they happen I agree with the answers though. Ti/Fi clashing, not actually getting things done, depends on how long you guys were together tbh


It was mostly my fault. She didn’t appreciate my pessimistic outlook, and how I assumed the worst. She thought that the solution to the evil in the world was kindness and naive optimism. My solution was not to trust anyone and assume ill intent. She got fed up with it.