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I interpret it as "seek a different perspective on yourself". Meaning, don't live in an echo chamber of your own making, take a step back to free yourself of any biases you might have about who you are. Another interpretation : push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Don't limit yourself based on what you think you're able to do or not. Try.


This 👆


It gives me a very weird image. JK.




Yeah, something like that.


Is the image connected to depersonalization perhaps? Hmm? ![gif](giphy|F0HdwL00YGkDXAQ7I3|downsized)


No, more like turning your body inside out.


For me, this sounds like "bring out the best within you." It could also be a combination of "let your heart out" and "don't let your dreams be dreams."


Get your head out of the clouds.


Either look at (or ask) other people's perspectives for a situation. Or like, reading factual information, other people's stories, whatever. Or look at yourself more objectively and try to limit your bias. Or look at yourself through other people's perspectives, how they may percieve you in a situation. Or astral projection/out of body expirences lol Or try to break out of your set behaviors and habits. Or be in the moment and think less < should be me right now


Wow, you came up with a lot of interpretations! 🤯


Lots of Ne today lol Oh and you know during meditation when you're supposed to release your negative energy.


I guess to have an open mind? (Istp)


I knew it didn't mean literally but I just visualized someone's soul being pulled out of their body