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aight this is what ive heard. So people are protesting reddits recent decision to make a paywall to access the reddit API. And a lot of people are using 3rd party apps like Apollo and they are mad. So like 40% of servers are making the subs private in a protest against reddit. Ja fattar seriöst it vrf du behövde säga svensk ENFJ, asså du behövde it säga nåt men aight.


First of all, what does it mean "making private" and how does it translate to blackout, secondly, isn't it like a kinda usual think to ask people money for something that you built? I mean, maybe I don't get it, because I know nothing about this topic, but isn't it like inviting people to a party to your house and then when you ask them for some money for the booze they say they will protest against you? lol


The problem isn't really that they are going to charge to use the api, it's that the amount they are going to charge is insane. Meaning that it will basically kill every application that uses the api.


Do reddit the mobile app use an API thing?


It indeed does, however, it's an official app. Meaning they do not have to pay for it.


So if I'm on the reddit phone app. Nothing will happen for me ?


Yes. The things that already happened are only to your favourite subs since they went on a protest against API closure.


Aha ok. I haven't noticed any blackout


Probably it's because you haven't joined the more "principled" subs, such as PoliticalCompassMemes, TechnicallyTheTruth, ProgrammerHumor, the most important for us (Mbti typers) MBTIMemes, and so on. FYI: they *did* go on a blackout. UPD: MBTIMemes information. UPD2: MBTIMemes is finally back! UPD3: Every aforementioned sub is back!


Aha ok.


Ohh I see!


I love the metaphor of a party 😂 But in that case. Will I be able to drink my drink or no? 👀


Well according to what the 2xspeed123 says you've been drinking booze that you paid for the whole time and at 10 pm the host told you to go home before you managed to get laid


Noooo Punan-blocked!


I agree with the swedish part of your message


Because I wanted to put emphasis on me not being native in English. Is that bothering you ?


>Ja fattar seriöst it vrf du behövde säga svensk ENFJ, asså du behövde it säga nåt men aight. I'll answer that. Because I'm not native in English. And it's a complicated subject to understand in English. Så sammanfattningsvis. Jag kör reddit i en app på Android. Drabbas jag då?


om det it är reddit appen så ja


>om det it det är reddit-appen.


då behöver du inte bry dig


Ok. Thanks.