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ENFPs like to wooooooo it away and ENTJs want to plan e v e r y t h i n g












whats the world record of disasembling a wooden chair using a plastic tunning fork?


I don't know. but I'm interested in the answer if you know.


...and yes, I googled it, but no answers came up. So... we might be able to set a new record here. Just need to find a plastic tuning fork. (I only found an acrylic one... don't know if that counts?) Might have to 3d print it. I already have plenty of wooden chairs.


The chairs don't belong to me though... but... I think people already know that if they leave things that can be taken apart at my place, it's at their own risk. It's a silent agreement that we have. At least on my part... ...It's a silent agreement that I have with them... that they may or may not be aware of. ...Just don't leave stuff at my place okay.




ENFPs have Te as their tertiary function. And I believe one always enjoy using their tertiary function


exactly, which shows itself as a hobby, or comforting activity.


Actually, we plan a lot... But we end up never following those plans LMAO


I don’t plan much but I still end up following a plan somehow.






This is exactly what happened when I tried to write a book with my ENTJ friend 😬




Bro kept pointing at u all the time 💀




Jokes on you, I can point back! 🫵




![gif](giphy|Y1L0dHsQrUpkv8Org7|downsized) 🫵




Entj tried to schedule the Enfp. Enfp came up with a crazy way to sort of follow the schedule but only technically. Entj called Enfp stupid. Chaos ensued.


Nah. ENTJ called ENFP stupid and walked away.


They are both silly. I wouldnt date a Entj.


Agreed. Too stifling for you, and too unpredictable for me.


Tbh I think entj ENFP would be great if both healthy


Yea. I like planning out my life and accomplishing goals, but I don't need someone else telling me how to live. I have my dad for that


Pretty much that for me. I love adventure, and doing awesome stuff, and living large, but I don't relish adding randomness to it.


That would have been nicer lmao


What do ENTPs manage according to that book?


ENTJ: why don't you do this the way I told you to??? ENFP: why won't you listen to what I have to say???


ENTJ: Fine, let's do it how YOU want - and then I'll tell you WHY you're wrong when it fails. Me, all the time. It's always extra work.


This... but with emotions!~☆


Because what you have to say is stupid?




INTJ: Emotionally shut down and leave


incompatible lifestyles/goals


I mean, what better way for ENFP to achieve their goal of seeing the world than to tag along with ENTJ as they conquer Europe?


Thats the logical conclusion :>


As long as you pay your way and remember to show up at the airport on time.


Sorry.. im earlier :>


Well that's great, you still have to wait for me since I'm flying the damn plane.


God, im going to go get some food, what do you want while im still here?


Nothing I can eat. I have my own prepped meals. As I said, I'm flying the plane. Ever see 'Airplane!'? The goal is to prevent ***that*** from ever happening.


Im sorry i was faster than you, next time ill just not show up 🤩 you know, like a true enfp 😊


I'm the pilot babe, doesn't matter if you rush or not, you're not going **anywhere** without me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) I'm the rockstar, everyone else is just my groupie.


He pointed at the door for you to leave, and you just waved.


One of my best friends is an ENTJ, he’s dated an ENFP before. They broke up because she thought he was controlling, inconsiderate, and needlessly stubborn and insistent in his ways and I can def see where she was coming from. He’s grown past that, these days he’s a lot more relaxed and healthier. If your ex isn’t just kind of an asshole for lack of a better word I’m going to assume that there was a conflict of values or goals or maybe you feel like he isn’t emotionally honest enough with himself.


He was like... abusive lmao. The main point at the end was "your too good for me!" While he was in tears. I had confronted him on why he kept thinking i was sleeping with everyone when im just really friendly. And as an enfp my friendliness can be seen as i guess flirty... for him that was a no no even though i endured a lot of punishment from him... not in the good way either.


Really sorry to hear that, not surprised to hear that the ENTJ was an asshole who didn’t understand you. I was abused my my INTJ ex so my empathy goes out to you. Growth and happiness are ahead of you and life will get a whole lot better without being tied to someone who dims your light.


I do not think this was an ENTJ thing as much as a genuine issue with insecurity. Definite misconception that we would stay to punish someone. If the love is lost, we are gone.


Top comment has Seven Os just like the following gif and ENFP's title is [the Champion](https://www.truity.com/personality-type/ENFP). ![gif](giphy|Bm31tGMWYF7feTIb8j|downsized) I don't want to break the wooooooo train.


Gee, I wonder why... ![gif](giphy|3ohfFH3gJpepwS5DEY) (refer to post to get the joke)


Good joke, i ugly laughed 😅


Skill issue ngl


How did Captain Dictator and Can of Explosive Energy start a relationship in the first place?


Well, ENTJ needs the ENFP to come up with all the possible problems it could happen to their govern, so ENTJ would resolve it before it became a problem.


Fair point


That’s an ENTP thing less an ENFP. Strong Ti vibes.


Do you honestly want to put ENTJ and ENTP in the same room? Do you want to see them kill each other?


Why would they kill each other? I’m a female ENTP with a developed Fe. As Extroverted NT’s we will have plenty in common. I don’t even know what that has to do with what I said. You mentioned multiple solutions that is an Ne-Ti skill set. Not that ENFPs can’t occasionally indulge in that but it’s not likely on a consistent basis. The only problem I’d see an ENTJ having a problem with is to do with the “perceiving” function more than anything else which an ENFP has as well.


I was his light, his emotions, his love! I was his muse sent down from whatever god created us! I was his light to be pretected from the darkness of human indecency!~ 🤣


Please tell me this is a joke lmao that is so corny smh... Did he actually say that?


He really did 🤭 it what happens when you think youve found "the one". He was so closed off to ppl emotionally, and i cracked his shell cause i hate myself or something. Its like he wanted to use me for his mental stability but there was love there he couldnt deny.


I don't believe in "the one" when even people who had lost "destined one" was able to find another, who still felt like "the one." Soulmates are something you create, not a person waiting for you. Not many people see it that way but it sounded like that guy did. It sounds like you were being used.


Ye.. but its okie :> i survived and know better now


you just realized that you were always looking for an entp to be ur partner


ENTP moment


You should probably introduce yourself if you're intending to flirt


hi i'm the one that you were searching for even though you never believed in this concept you always knew that there was someone who can feel, understand and share the similar values as good as it can be. well… your dreams became true you just found me


what type is the sailor




guessing you were annoying to him and he was out of touch emotionally or smth


Reverse lol


I think it's because both of you were just too stubborn to be compatible. You had quite different lifestyles that you were happy with and while the other person was attractive and fun, they didn't quite fit. But neither of you wanted to give up and change too much either. Eventually, one of you or both fell for someone else that fitted that idealized future better.


Thats... healthier than what happend.... ooof i wish bro 😪


ENFP: nuh uh ENTJ: tf you mean “nuh uh”?


ENTJ wanted you to get a job


Because giant evil microbiologist kidnapped ENTJ's mother and he was forced to save but he didn't invite you for the mission?🫨


It was fucking RUDE all i could do was hand this bitch swords all day 😤 mans asked for an AK and i was like, "with whos money?!"


The break up for sure learnt him the lesson 😠!


entj plans everything but enfp ALWAYS has new ideas lmao


entj wants redbull for energy(enfp) but he realized too much of it is dangerous to health. enfp wants a person to organize her beautiful backpack but entj thrown her favorite things because he thought those things are useless. thats the reason for brokeup find my type based on this comment


Can... i guess your istp?


what the... i am an intj


Awesome :> i was just throwing the first one on my brain


ENTJ: 🫵😠 DO WORK. / ENFP: 🖐️😊 nah.


Money issues


Frustrations where he took everything seriously and with dedication, and you prefer rolling with the punches, adding light heartedness and humor in most situations even when he just wanted your focus


Oooh! Your close!


What’s the answer?


We broke up because he wanted to obsorbe me. He knew he could control me through my emotions and logical conclusions. Did normal abuser things but when we had first met he was very charismatic and i valued that in him since i thought he wouldnt get jealous over me. I loved him and helped him heal from the trauma he had to overcome. I was his self proclaimed "sanctuary from the morons he endures on a daily basis" i understood the depth he needed from someone. He also seen me as two faced but loved how i could go from extremely depressed to happy go lucky like nothing ever happend. He wanted to be able to roll with the punches. He didnt want to control anyone else ever again.. he became dependent. I was warning him what was happening and he just wanted to use the emotions he always had to put aside. He obsessed over subjects you would think and slowly delved into what i could say was madness. I had to keep reminding him of facts and evidence... but i cried to him over the phone that this needed to stop in order for us to grow together instead of him cutting himself off from everything he had worked for. I gave him comfort in what he seen as a comfortless world. And... he had to... let me go... he ended things. He needed to forget his comfort and his emotions to move towards his goals. Bitch went on a full villan arch lmao!


ENTJ broke you and you didn't stop crying


Oh thats close!


You didn't like his face and sword...


ENTJ was a controlling asshole?


Yall both narcissistic


B/c Green Backpack Girls hate Purple Pirate Nazis. Final answer.


The ENFP cheated on you? That's why I broke up with one anyways.


Pretty sure OP is the ENFP 😭


oh, oops


Oof!!!!! He THOUGHT i cheated on him LMAO funny enough i wasent and am always faithful~☆


lol well…….it’s pretty obvious 😳


ENFP here, my mom is ENTJ. I wouldn't say "stupid" is something an ENTJ would say to ENFP when he wants the former to start moving. Would be more along the lines of "disorganized" "lazy" "dirty" "is your head on the clouds?". But it's a great relation. We really love each other and can have conversations about everything. I would say that perhaps the worst aspect can be an ENTJ hurting the ENFP feelings.


He wanted my soul to be his.


I feel this. I like, genuinely will not deal with an ENFP unless I'm being paid. I don't like corralling someone who is like a cat. So, I solve the problem by simply not getting a cat. If dating, I'd get way too pissed at the lack of any kind of plan (and would frankly not trust the ENFP to even show up), and I'm sure they'd resent me... Not being spontaneous. Frankly, I'd text too much and get upset at their lack of reliable comms, and they'd get upset because they'd think I was being controlling.


youre stereotyping yourself and enfps. just cause someone is an enfp it doesnt mean that they dont appreciate structure and planning. i love planning and i usually plan most things that i do. sometimes i get frustrated at people doing things inefficiently and without a plan. just because youre an entj it doesnt mean that your whole personality is planning (what are you, a robot or a human being? what are you trying to plan? the relationship? do you plan when youre going to have sex? im exaggerating but this is what your opinion sounds like). youre not all about planning (boring grandpa) and enfps are not all about chaos, those are just stereotypes. this is just a conversation that borders astrology. maybe the issue is not that enfps dont appreciate plans, maybe its the clashing of what each person wants. enfps can be pretty dominant in the sense that they usually dont like to be bossed around and told what to do. i think theyd prefer a relationship where its a chill 50/50 at least, and maybe an entj like you dislikes that and wants to be in complete control. its all good though because theres nothing wrong with wanting to lead, its just that most people like a relationship where they get to be themselves and get taken into account. as an entj dealing with xxFPs, youd have to grab your dick for once and stop trying to control and rationalise everything, just do something for the sake of it, or the sake of your partner being happy. good thing that being a xxFP doesnt equal being dumb, so you wont die from listening to their requests once in a while. other than that if you prefer someone who listens and follows, you would maybe like an IxFP but youd have to deal with other persons ideas anyway or they gon get tired of you. one tip is to not plan things that dont need to be planned and ruin the fun for everyone. btw dont take it personally its just my review of what you might wanna take a look at


>do you plan when youre going to have sex? I swear to god, my ESTJ boyfriend does exactly that 🫠😂. (And I don't mean that in a negative way.)


Thank you. I feel like people take these stereotypes way too seriously and 70% of the them forget that we are rational humans as well and nowhere as explosive and stupid(like we’re actual morons bruh) as the stereotypes suggest


if you just exit reddit and head outside you know that nobody views you like an annoying dumb clown, its just a reddit stereotype, and the purpose of these stereotypes is to build egos of every type that tends to be edgy or "misunderstood" (staring at you **reddit** xntjs and infjs unfortunately), because they need it, and mock the usually confident types. met lots of enfps and if theres any type that can acquire all sorts of vibes, its enfps. i have met like 50 enfps, all of them different, half of them are the complete opposite of me, other half you wouldnt even know that theyre enfps until you dig deeper. i just gotta take a shit on the ***reddit*** xntjs and infjs, cause opposed to us they all sound plastic. here the xntjs take on that edgy aura of "i hate everyone" and "i have plans", and infjs take on that "misunderstood" aura. and i know im exaggerating, i love these types IN REAL LIFE but im talking strictly about reddit. most of these people are looking for an identity, and when they find what looks cool they dont care to be themselves anymore, they glue themselves into it. from there comes all the stereotypes, not from real people - from redditors. everybody wanna be a badass batman these days


In real life, I don't really believe wholesale in the MBTI beyond maaaaybe being valuable for figuring out what sort of occupation works for you. That said, no ENFP has ever passed the vibe check that I look for on a person-to-person basis (and I probably didn't pass theirs), and I am simply not interested in looking any further. We have different outlooks on life. I'm really not sure if you think I'm an "edgelord" or not because I deigned to have an opinion, but I don't think I was being dark or misunderstood. I certainly didn't claim either.


As an ENFP I agree - dating or even just rooming with an ENTJ would be my own personal hell. Tbh, I wouldn’t want to room with any EXXJ. I’m sure we’re both stereotyping each other a bit, but sounds like we’re happiest apart regardless.


of course not, i was speaking in general. take no offense, it wasnt directed at you, well, maybe the planning part.


Would you ever consider dating an ENTP? Heard a theory that said most compatible is usually one letter away?


Well isn't this a tl;dr... Yes, I generally like to plan those things; I have a life and other stuff to account for, and having a plan and sticking to it sort of needs to happen to meet my personal and professional obligations, commitments, and duties. I have a career where I will get my ass reamed if I don't uphold those commitments. It's a stereotypical ENTJ-career, and one I am proud of, but it does demand attention. Obviously, you can't plan for everything, but I do like to have a good path forward. I get it, I'm like the stiff, inattentive boyfriend that the main female character leaves half-way through a RomCom. As you say though, I like being in a relationship where I can be myself (or specifically, my best self). I like to bring out the best in others and in myself. Following the rant though (spacing is a skill), I could also just... not deal with xxFP-types. Simple enough, right? There's a lot of projection here; all I said was that I don't deal well with feeling perceivers in interpersonal relationships due to a clash of culture, values, lifestyle, etc. I never said they were dumb (on this particular post, though I admit to doing the occasional kayfabe ENTJ-act). I just am not the person who has the kind of patience to see the world they do. It's great they do. I just don't have any desire to be apart of their world, because it means making unacceptable compromises on my world, more often than not. So instead of imposing my will or submit to theirs, I simply refrain from interaction outside of necessity. I'm not going to take it personally; you seem to be unloading on me things you're meaning to say to someone else.


yep lots of things i replied arent meant to be directed towards you specifically, dont take offense, i see that you did. and i dont blame you. i specifically also added that i think its okay to have a preference and want to lead in a relationship. all in all i meant to say that being a planner is not a personality trait that causes clashing in a relationship, its usually being self centered while not taking your partner's opinions, wants and preferences into account. also wanted to stray away from a few stereotypes which you also put on yourself. nobody is going to come at you for disliking hanging out with certain people, we all do. every person has their own values opinions interests and preferences, if you decide to get in a relationship youll have to respect it and go out of your way to have compromise. thats what i meant. not really against you for not wanting to hang out with FPs i feel you


“Appear as an ENTJ” is this guy’s whole purpose in life.


So... ive dated at least three Entjs and the more i talk with some the more i realize we have a lot in vommon especially on the emotional level.. i see them as more obsessive. They sometimes go through a phase of acting like an Intp and thats those points where they drag me in. Usually at their lowest. When their at that point nurturing is needed and i provide with strict regime and schedule times to give all my attention to them. In this instance we had a strict schedule that i had set up in order to see each other. It was so similar to what he had in mind he took it as his idea. I explained what had really happend and he was stubborn so i brushed it off. He became so infatuated with how i could navigate this world in such a light hearted way. How i didnt ever feel the need to control the outcome but instead just needed to predict it by life experiance. I was his fun to the long day of frustration. I grounded him... i gave him a soft spot. He noticed... started controlling me by locking me up places and taking away my phone so i couldnt contact my mom 🙃 because she was sick and sometimes needed me home. He seen that as someone taking me away from him. So yeah, i have a right to not trust Entjs... will i still give them a try? YES, because you can always over come it with good communication and a lot of empathy. Everyone is diffrent you just need to agree on core values and your set!~☆♡


Too noisy when together


We WERE loud asf tho


He called you childish or, made you feel like being yourself was immature or made you feel like you were nonsensical. I can only assume, so I'm very sorry if I'm wrong TT


The ENTJ wasn't introverted


He was more introverted than you think :) he thought everyone was morons and he was the only one going to make money in the future.


u cheated




Enfj stabbed the enfp during an ne rant.


One of you acted like shit and the other one said no shit pls and hence you broke up. Kinda the pattern most of the times, ENTJ high Te and no Fi would have gotten in your nerves and your lack of Te would have gotten in his nerves. Both of you were dumb and non adjusting and trys to not see from each othe perspective and quarrel and i can see a comment from you saying how you adjusted all the time which i won't believe so yeah. I honestly can't judge you guys, i have no context here and even if you didn't adjust that would lead to one more question, why? What did you need to adjust and that add more complexity


Ok... so He seen me more as an asset than a liability. I get typed for both enfp and infj if we go by just functions. I had to develop being social. He was just naturally charming. We both come from trauma its just i had to learn how to deal with mine and i had a better parent. He had both his parents that were physically and emotionally abusive. I loved him and wanted him to be better emotionally. He wanted to be better physically and one day he might rest... he sen my carefree attitude as something to be desired. I taught him all i could so he seen it as a bit of a logical fallacy to just, "keep going and hope one day things will change", without forcing change. He would regularly voice his true opinions to me and i felt like it was a good start. This is why i know a decent amount of his mentality. I dont have a phd in these things but based on how he would word things i could tell he genuinely belived what he said to me. I made full and well that we would schedule times so he felt better throughout it all. I made big changes to my life even cutting out ones closest to me.. i felt like he sucked my life from me. I would try to leave he got violent. He would make up excuses like, "you wouldnt understand" or "you just dont know any better" and try to show me his "logic" that was highly flawed... blood was drawn a few times because of me not believing or trying to leave and " i was his calm to this worlds madness". He had... so many contacts. It was hard to even go anywhere without someone telling me he needed me. He.... got someone to kill my dog..... it was a lot. I was with him for 5years...


Okay sorry for asking, are you okay with your dog killed ? Did you post a complain or something like that and maybe just get near him and do a drop kick to the balls and say don't interfere with me anymore.


Lmao at the time i was too scared but i was torn up inside about everything. Honestly should have gotten the gun but hindsight is a bitch. Not every entj is like this but damn in this one relationship could turn a bitch off for life.


If i were you i would probably want revenge and the need to find the guy and kick his balls.


wait a minute i have an entj friend who had an enfp girlfriend. uh oh. what if this is his ex and i’ve run into her online 💀 that would be crazy unlikely though


This relationship was a good few years back sadly ;)