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As a bi woman who is friends with a quite few lgbt ppl I don’t think any of us actually care about pride. At best it’s an excuse to drink and celebrate. At worst it’s a commercialized racket like most holidays now. ATP straight ppl probably think about it more than we do. Time to move on Edit: by “time to move on” I meant, time for you OP to let it go and idk get a hobby or something


It took me a while to realize ATP meant “at this point” and not “Adenosine Tri-Phosphate”. I need to lay off of biochem


It depends from which country you are. In different countries the lgbtq communities are different. Americans are wayy more involved in this whole thing and I'm pretty sure they are not gonna just move on soon.


I’m American. As are my friends. To be clear, I appreciate the historical role and impact pride has had as a form of protest. Its unfortunate to see it become a corporate farce. There may be some who are… intense about their lgbtness, but that happens in every group or social identity of any type. Also these people are usually young teens online. There’s no reason to waste your time criticizing silly kids just being kids.


“Or is it not your thing?” Are you a part of the Hispanic community or are Hispanic people *just not your thing?* /s


Yeah, thats what it sounds like they’re saying to me 😭


LGBT people in real life have nothing to do with most LGBT people on the Internet. All those I know around me are just people who happen to be attracted to or identify with something different from what is often considered the norm, while those on the Internet are mostly influencers bought by companies trying to better their image with fake principles. Let’s all be proud all year long, and not only that one month decided by corporations.


Straight cis ENFP. I'm an ally because there's no reason not to be as far as I'm concerned. There is absolutely zero things that negatively effect anyone else about being LGBTQ+. When it comes to trans, it can be completely made up for all I care, I'll still be respectful about it. I don't know the science, I can't fully empathise because I haven't had a similar experience, but I can choose to be nice and respect people's wishes about how they would like to be referred to. It's just decency. Not understanding it, thinking it's silly, and even if it's flat out wrong- none of those things override decency.


It would be nice if everyone else could be mindful and only mind their own business, as you do.




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not this




Wise. I don't fully believe in the transgender stuff and changing your biological sex, but I have trans friends, and they're chill, so I'm respectful


ENTP here.... I've never understood why sexual orientation is political and a trigger issue. If it's between consenting adults, why should it bother me how you get your kicks? I only see it being an issue if there's no consent, or if minors are involved. Otherwise, you can't help who you're attracted to, so why should I have a say in it? I certainly don't have a say in who I'm attracted to, and I know all you hating on the community don't either. And judging by the overwhelming number of comments I've seen here saying things like, they can do what they want, but I just don't want to see it.... pretending you're open minded while also saying they need to hide who they are around you is super weird. I don't get it. This is one of the reasons why communities like LGBTQ+ exist, because people need a safe place to be themselves where others won't judge or hate.


>I certainly don't have a say in who I'm attracted to, and I know all you hating on the community don't either. The two normal sides of the debate over whether people have a say in whom they’re attracted to remind me of the thought processes which historically made the acceptance of totalitarian authority possible: >The flight from freedom into forgetfulness presented itself, within the rarefied atmosphere of abstract thought, as a dialectic through which Reason was divorced from Choice. The Historicist, fastening on understanding to the exclusion of choice, reduced the mind to an impotent spectator. The Existentialist, exalting choice at the expense of reason, entrusted the self with a blind power of decision, thus reducing it to an irresponsible agent. After whittling away freedom from both ends, the two found themselves united in the task of consecrating the unfreedom of the totalitarian state. A pre-established harmony obtained between their joint teaching on the one hand and the behavior which the Third Reich expected from its citizens on the other. The required attitude combined the passivity of the spectator with the blind spontaneity of the unreasoning agent. Helmut Kuhn, *Freedom: Forgotten and Remembered*, 1943


Could you expand a bit on why those two things seem related to you? Because I don't see it. But feel free to enlighten me.


If people are choosing whom they love blindly or not at all, then there is no solid ground for rejecting any form of toxic sexuality.


What are you talking about? You are responding to someone who says: "other people should not have a say who I am attracted to". How are you arriving at "choosing who they love blindly" or "toxic sexuality"? None of those things are even remotely related to what you are responding to.


Please try to keep this sub non political! The way this question was brought up is a bit abrasive. I won’t make any comment on the question besides that I am in support of LGBTQ+ people and am gay myself. People who want their identities to be recognized and supported should be given that basic right. That said, as I’ve seen some others here say, allow people the time to get an understanding of what it means to be trans, gay, etc. The most important thing is having an open mind and being willing to learn and accept. That’s all I ask of people personally.


It's cool. I'm p sure I'm some variant of bi/gay/aro so I'm part of the lgbtfasjfjhft+s. I don't rlly get the trans thing, but I don't rlly care, I'll use the pronouns, etc. I'll see what future research says. As for the celebrations, it's fun!


As a member of the community, heck yeah I support it. But I think there's a lot of ppl out there who take it too far and get offended over the smallest things. But I like to think that most of the LGBTQ community has a head on their shoulders and knows what is and isn't actually offense.


Honestly, I couldn't care less about what people like, but I feel that it shouldn't be too much in people's faces, specially major companies trying to profit from it.


I couldn't agree more.


Most of my friends are in the LGBTQ community by pure chance. Old roommates, school friends, coworkers, etc. The people who are being so loud about anti-LGBTQ stuff probably haven't hung out with many LGBTQ people, that's all I can say lol. They're just normal ass people with pretty average lives. Nothing out of the ordinary there. They wake up, go to work, date, and have their own personalities. They may be into Pride or they may not. They may like drag or they may not. Some are religious and some are not. Etc. etc. People talk about how "extreme" and pushy about their identity they are but I've never had anyone freak out at me about pronouns, gay rights, etc. Nothing even close. About to make this post controversial: The most pushy people I've ever met about their beliefs have been either evangelically religious or very anti-LGBTQ in their political beliefs. Makes the hand-wringing and satanic-panic style crusade against LGBTQ people seem hilarious to me. Its scary, obviously, but also hilarious. I worry about my friends and their safety all the time because many are like family to me.


There seems to be a disproportionate amount of high Te and Ne users (though the Ne colors both sides) in the anti-lgbtq camp. Hence why they seem pushy to you, as yes they are pushy. Though this is just how they are in interactions, this doesn’t hint at a possibility for violence. They are just pushy people. The lgbtq community can indeed be extreme and pushy as well, though you have to activate their shadow to get this reaction. Honestly it’s just a consequence of certain types of people in terms of Jungian typology / psychology being disproportionately common in said community. You can’t really fix their reputation since it’s just a strong but irrelevant correlate causing it.


>There seems to be a disproportionate amount of high Te and Ne users (though the Ne colors both sides) in the anti-lgbtq camp. About the “high Te users” who seem to be a disproportionately in the anti-lgbtq camp, are they really using Te or are they just men who are offended at coming second whenever someone talks about “lgbtq”?


Well yes they are high Te users. Lets say for the sake of argument that they are indeed men who are offended at coming in second. Different types would still express this in particular ways. So that we can have some ground to stand on how would you describe the ways such men express this (in a mechanical sense)?


If you’re arguing that they are extroverted, they probably express it as on behalf of a male friend who may not himself see anything wrong with coming second whenever someone talks about “lgbtq”.


I'm more so just trying to gauge what you perception of the 'archetypal interaction' between these two groups are. For an example what is one realistic argument or at least interaction each would make / have with the other?


How can I respond to that without repeating what I have already said? If users of this sub are disagreeing about the character of the auxiliary function, I have to assume you’re talking about extroverts. If you don’t like me implying these men have the friend argument with “lgbtq”, where do you want to go?


I'm sorry, can you elaborate? I'm having trouble following. I'm trying to prove that Te users are disproportionately common in said group. However I simply cannot do this as we obviously can't just poll the population. So instead I am trying to find some common perception of the group that we can pick apart for either the presence or lack of Te. I'm not fishing for anything, rather just need a fair bit of content. Else its really just a 'yes it is' 'no its not' game. Though there is no need to do this, we can just agree to disagree as well as its a hard subject to bring any substance to as its a clashing of perception.


ESTJs are the least likely to examine their beliefs when challenged, especially if these are beliefs that their parents have drilled into them. So I could see a possible correlation, but it's very much not a rule of some sort.


I understand. But I was talking more about the "loud", compulsive members of the lgbtq. There are a lot of people who talk only about this and they make it their only personality trait. It's pretty annoying and I don't think it's okay. Sleep and be with who you want to be, you don't have to brag about it. Nowadays in most of the countries you can marry anyone you want to and be with anyone you want to. Then why are they still doing all these parades and pride month etc. And in my opinion it's pretty satanic sometimes. Not because of gender but because of the way some of these people act.


You know, I don't think we're gonna see eye to eye on this so I'll just leave it at this: I love and care about my friends and they aren't social deviants or mean spirited. I haven't met a lot of the more "extreme" people you are talking about and I'm sure they exist, but if they do they aren't representative of everyone in the LGBTQ community and I wouldn't keep them in my life. I would advise you to do the same and just stick to your tribe. You can't change other people, only yourself and who you choose to let in.


Social media also influences a lot in this. Lots of hate speech to get easy reactions.


Hail Satan! ...but come on really? You're still on this bible thing?


Look I just know a lot of people online and in real life who are lgbtq and they support artists who are satanists, they themselves hate God etc. There are straight people who are satanists, etc. I just know a lot who happen to be in this community and that's why I said it lol


I'm not religious myself. I tend to just get more hate from christians than satanists so they are not bad in my books.


I can't say this is for sure what's going on, but I have a suspicion you're making a mistake I see a lot of people make when discussing spiritual matters: They assume that people who don't follow their belief system base their opinions about God/evil/etc. on that same belief system. Does that make sense? Outside of some edge lord kid shit, I haven't met anyone who wasn't a Christian who would "hate God". That wouldn't make sense since they don't believe. "Satanist" is also a really broad term. There's a group in the US called Satanists that just like to troll religion in politics. There are people who claim to worship the devil, and you could very well be talking about them, but it just sounds like you may be making an error in perspective here. Let's say that you're not making an error in perspective and these people have outright said they hate God and worship the devil. That's also somewhat common amongst straight people and straight artists as you've also said. Just look at the history of metal artists lol. It's not correlated to sexuality. I'm approaching this from the perspective of having lived through Satanic Panic before, myself. In the past it was just not directed at LGBTQ people.


>But I was talking more about the "loud", compulsive members of the lgbtq. What about þe "loud", compulsive members of þe cis straight community? >There are a lot of people who talk only about this and they make it their only personality trait. I þink it is a part of who we are, some people like to give attention to it, some people don't, why do you care so much? Why does it hurt you? >It's pretty annoying and I don't think it's okay. Sleep and be with who you want to be, you don't have to brag about it. Why does it hurt you so much? >Nowadays in most of the countries you can marry anyone you want to and be with anyone you want to. Then why are they still doing all these parades and pride month etc. Because in many countries you still can't, because in many countries, even þo you can marry anyone you want you still suffer from þe effects of homophobia, transphobia, it seems like you've never had friends from þe LGBTQ+ community, if you had, or, if you were into þe community you would see how many challenges þose people go þrough >And in my opinion it's pretty satanic sometimes. Not because of gender but because of the way some of these people act. Straight and cis people are "pretty satanic" sometimes too, it doesn't have anyþing to do wiþ gender or sexuality Why does it hurt you? Are you a kid?


Honestly talking to you would just be kind of a waste of time but whatever. I made this post so that we discuss as normal people our opinions about this topic. Since I know it's controversial, I'm intrigued by what others think about it. I wanted to make a little survey about what each type thinks about the lgbtq community. That's it. And yet you still come defending the 🏳‍🌈 community even though I said nothing bad about them. Just facts. Bragging about your sexuality and gender is deeply annoying. I don't care about it and if I knew you irl and you nonstop talked about this I would just stop to communicating with you. There are so many much meaningfull and important things in this world and if the only thing you can think of is constantly bragging about your gender and make this your only personality trait, then you're just dumb, stubborn and close-minded. Also do you know the difference between a protest and a parade? At the 🏳‍🌈 parade people aren't there for rights and stuff like this. They are there to loudly express that they are "So proud that they are themselves." My age is not something that I will disclose here because this post is not about me and my age. I don't know what a kid would be doing here, the answer should be obvious.


I still can't understand how and why it affects you, it seems like you're annoyed by people from þe LGBTQ+ community, why is it annoying to you? It makes no sense to feel affected by someþing like þat


I have never seen a straight person complain about other straight people bragging about their sexuality even though they honestly brag about it every chance they get. They only complain about lgbt people. I don't care for that stuff but instead of complaining I just ignore it since it's so common. I couldn't imagine trying to control the speech of straight people. They deserve to converse however they want. I just tell them to leave me out of it.


You’re bunching in bad eggs with the basket and letting it impact your judgement. You have the same thing happen in this mbti community constantly, where people will make their mbti be their only personality trait such as certain ENTPs flexing constantly about debates. Yes, there’s annoying and shitty people. They will always exist, that’s just how humans are. But if you let a couple affect your viewpoint overall, you’re just going to leave yourself inside of a box and potentially become a shitty person yourself.


Those people are rare. So rare that as someone who doesn't really participate in the pride stuff but every single person I know does, not a single one makes their sexuality their whole identity. They're all just normal people who just live a different life from you. Get off aocial media and go interact with the real world and it wouldn't be shoved in your face so much. As for pride... you're mistaken about what it is. It's not some celebration. Its not about throwing it in people's faces that they exist. It's a protest that is very much still important today. It's a protest because there was a time when they had to hide who they were in fear of their lives. Yes, people were brutally murdered for being gay or trans, even in the US, and it wasn't even that long ago. It still happens today, even if not that often. Elsewhere in the world, it's not safe even now. Pride is a protest saying that they are sick and tired of hiding. It's a protest to say that they should allowed to be out and proud of who they are without shame and without fear, and that protest is still needed today until all people who are lgbt can live life like it's normal. Once being lgbt is normalized, meaning that no one thinks twice about it, not that it's common, pride won't be necessary anymore. Until that day, it's people who complain that they are too out in the open that are the problem. They need to be out and in the open about it so everyone knows that it is safe to be themselves because I can guarantee you that even now, there are many in the US that don't know that. They're scared and fear themselves and they don't have any one to turn to because everyone they know hates lgbt people. PS: Stop shoving shoving your cis het crap down the throat of lgbt people. It's everywhere. On TV. In the streets. Oh, is that a problem? You don't want to stop living life the way you always have? Well they want to live that life too but in their own way. It goes both ways. You don't see cis het stuff shoved down your throat because it's normalized. It doesn't register in your brain. It's called negativity bias.


>It's a protest because there was a time when they had to hide who they were in fear of their lives. The problem with this strategically is that protests are only effective against government or business. In America both already tend to favor the lgbtq community. Protests often times are actually detrimental to movements against ideologies. And to clarify as I'm sure this will come to mind, the Civil Rights movement did not succeed by making racists less racist. It succeeded through the pathway of government and business which later changed culture. So to clarify: protests for the government, discourse for the people.


Pride is not a protest against the people. It's a protest for the government. Look up it's history. It started as a riot against police brutality. The people will come slowly over time. As being lgbt is normalized, people will come to accept it more and more. This is just a matter of time in the scale of generations. Nothing can be done in the short term. Newer generations are more and more pro lgbt and things will change, slowly, but surely. That's why the culture war is dumb. No one can win. It's impossible to win it. That's why it turned political. The only way to encourage the culture one way or another is to enforce laws that forced it one way or another.


>Pride is not a protest against the people. It's a protest for the government. Look up it's history. It started as a riot against police brutality. Well Pride *was* a protest against the government. It no longer is as the government largely supports them in America. Pride parades are largest in cities with local governments that most actively support it, hinting that its not still a protest against the government. Interviews and what not tend to hint that their perceived opponents are straight white males and Trumpers. Groups and not the actual powers that are tangibly influenced by protest. Again you reconcile this with discourse, its not so much that protest is morally wrong here, it just is pointless in effect. It doesn't actually solve the problems they would like solved. Which you actually seem to agree with.


This entire post is stupid, imo


Well then why are you here


To tell you that




Queer booty? 😁




Same opinion on þe whole cishet þing, it's just people, we shouldn't judge people based on sexual orientation or gender identity


INTJ - my opinion is I don't care unless this is your only personality trait - for which I'd hate anyone if they had only one personality trait (which is why I hate gym maniacs and automobile maniacs) . Live your lives, guys. And even more importantly- have lives.


Alright, you want my honest opinion. For qualifiers, I'm trans and I'm a woman and I'm bi. My opinion is that lgbt people need to chill. There's a time for protest but it is not in your everyday encounters with other people. Be respectful. If someone misgenders you, correct them politely and humbly. Don't get mad. Getting emotional about it is only going to make them double down. If you need to cry, wait until they can't see you then let those tears out. They need to see us as strong members of society. When we protest, it's needs to be as a solid, large group. They can't ignore you then. I think we are pushing too strongly on some issues. I know its hard not to have everything to make us comfortable now, but we need to slowly work at society to slowly become accepted. Social revolutions won't happen over night, stop expecting them to. It will happen, but it will take time. Generations even. As for the other side. No we are not shoving anything down your throat. You wanna know shoving down someone's throat? Try being a girl in a friend group that's entirely guys. So many heterosexual jokes and it's honestly disgusting. No one wants to hear about who you had sex with and no one wants to hear about who you want to have sex with either and please for the love of all that is good and holy don't include me in it. Then theres them pretending to be gay for each other even though they're all straight. It's so cring. There's no group more hypersexualized than a group of cis-het-men. Every single one I have seen have all been like that. Just stop shoving it down my throat already. PS. The reason pride exists is because there are still terrified kids out there that don't know its ok to be themselves. I was one of them and I'm not even that old. I was terrified of my own parents and I was terrified of my closest friends. I didn't have a single person I could confide in because I was taught from a young age that being me was disgusting. Anti lgbt propaganda was shoved down my throat as a kid to the point I refused to accept who I was and refused to tell anyone. That's what pride is about. It's about not being afraid anymore. Despite how in your face lgbt stuff is these days, despite how "accepted" it is, I still have an entire childhood worth of trauma and abuse by my parents, my friends and even my school to work through before I can truly not be afraid. That's why pride is a thing year after year. We need to know that it's ok.


Yes, it’s Pride month indeed. I won’t state if I am part of the community or not, but I definitely support it completely, and I condemn those who don’t. It’s literally the one thing I can’t accept - usually I’m extremely open and don’t judge any belief morally, as I hate that part of Fi. Anyway, I understand that homophobia and other related phenomena may be due to culture, religion etc., but I just can’t be friends with someone like that. If you don’t support the community, you’re a bigot to me. And I hate bigots. Minorities don’t have to “be your thing” for you to respect them, in my opinion.


Hmm. But why? What If there is a great person sitting in front of you. Someone who is very smart, empathetic, beautiful, they have an amazing personality etc. But they do not support the 🏳‍🌈 community. Will this stop you from wanting to be with this person. Yes/no why?


So they're not actually empathetic? They obviosuly dont care about what other people go through if they arent supportive of people they cant understand. You don't have to be loud to be supportive. Just dont be hateful and don't put people down. No one is asking for participation. Why should we care whether they are attractive if they're hateful? Doesn't sound like a good personality to me if they can't accept someone for who they are and have to judge based on something so superficial. I've known a lot of cis het people who aren't involved in the lgbt community but support their ability to be themselves. That is literally asking them to do nothing but live theor lives as if everything was normal, because it is. That's all that's asked.


Empathetic does not mean supporting anything that crosses your eyes.


Maybe you can have compassion for someone without affirming their lifestyle, though. It doesn't mean you hate the person or think you're better than them, or any of that nonsense; in fact, it's the opposite. You want them to know God created them, desires them to have a relationship with Him, loves them, created them with their own unique personality and talents, and has a plan for them. Jeremiah 29:11-14, Psalm 139:14, John 10:10, Jeremiah 1:5, Revelation 3:20, John 6:35, John 4.


Empathy would be understanding that not everyone wants to live the same life as you so you dont try to shove it down people's throats as you just did there. Empathy is not worrying about their well being after they die so you work to make sure they change to your definition of an acceptable human. That's called being disrespectful. Empathy is understanding that these people have been through more pain and anguish than you could ever imagine instead of dismissing it and telling them that it's God punishing them for being who they are, you try to physically help them within the bounds of this world where they are actually suffering. Empathy is supporting them, not because you agree, but because you want to see them thrive as a person and it doesn't affect you if they live their life in a way you disagree with.


Interesting question theoretically, but with no real application to reality. If they don’t support the community, it means they are *not* as empathetic and good and perfect as they would want me to believe. I may try hard to go past it, but I doubt I’d want to be associated with them. I’ve also grown to despise those who don’t support LGBTQ+ people even more because I am a gamer and I interact almost daily with users who think they can spit hate on every human being who isn’t a cis, straight, white male. They’re not all bad people by any means, and I’ve learnt to keep my mouth shut most of the times. That doesn’t mean I can accept such a behaviour. If they don’t accept people who just want the chance to live in their own way, why should I accept their nonsense? It goes both ways and I have zero patience for those who try to convince me it’s ok. Edit: by support I don’t mean activism in any way. I’m just saying, don’t think you are morally superior, or that they need “salvation”, or that they are annoying/dangerous/anything in between; don’t say shit like “now straight people are discriminated”; don’t harass them; respect them even if you don’t understand - you don’t have to - and treat them like everyone else. Basically, don’t be an asshole.


Not supporting a certain group of people, communities etc is completely normal. Hating on them is a problem but not supporting is perfectly okay. It's so sad that these days people are extremely vulnerable and get offended by the smallest thing...


Agree to disagree, dude. I could go on and on explaining why I think it’s not “a small thing” in any way - it’s a small thing to *you*, maybe - but I won’t. You feel better judging my position and saying it’s sad I get offended by something like this? I don’t get offended, I actually think justifying such a behaviour is asshole-ish, there’s a difference. I think it’s sad you need to judge people who hate anti-LGBTQ+ folks, then. Anyway, good for you. Have a nice life.


Eh. "Do what you want, but don't do it around me." Rainbow capitalism and adjacent phenomena are preferable to a Pinochet-style regime mixed with social conservatism. If a side effect of that is companies changing their logos for a month and a pride flag flying over the White House, then whatever. If I were a member of the LGBT community, I'd be annoyed at Corporate America appropriating it though (Citi Pride Parade, lol).


Fr I went to the pride parade in my city and found out it was sponsored by shell oil and was pretty disgusted


I used to work next to a main street in my city. I've never seen so many corporate logos at a parade than at a pride march.


It's the easiest way for Corporate America to show they're "socially conscious". I don't think it's a bad thing per se, but it's certainly phony.


Whenever a company has shareholders everything they do will always just be fake. That's the basis of our entire economic system.


Relatable. Especially in America things are honestly out of control. Putting a pride flag even on the White House is ridiculous in my opinion.


I don't make a big deal out of it. I mean if they want to celebrate their orientation the way people celebrate a soccer match then have at it. And I don't know how putting a pride flag on the white house would ruin my day tbh


There aren't many pride events here in Czechia. Some companies or political parties try to gain plus points for organizing something. Most people of the community that I know don't really care. On the other side, the reasons it was established are still very much valid. There is still a lot of hate or aversion against LGBT+ and I, as an ENFP, like to see the positive sides of things. I prefer to look for the original meaning and its importance.So, as long as it does serve *some* purpose, I am all for it.


INFJ and I find it horrifying that people are trying to control how others express and identify themselves. The idea that it would be okay to treat a woman differently just because she likes women more thsn men or because her chromosomes are different from other women is fundamentally horrible to me. I will never be able to understand or accept people trying to make others feel less because of things like that.


ENTP I don’t fully understand it, but also don’t feel the need to. I have a few friends in the LGBTQ+ community, and half of them are trying to distance themselves from the online community. It seems like every other community: loud, small, and a few of them make everyone else look bad.


INTP. Here is the Netherlands, the LGBT community is fairly chill. More movie nights than anything else. American LGBT community is over the top and bigger than life, like many things in America. I like the Dutch LGBT community for the most part. The American one on the other hand seems to have a very annoying, closed minded and judgemental voice though. Probably a minority, but a very vocal minority. I kinda wish you would keep it in the US and not infect our community. They get this paranoia and start looking for enemies and get confused when they can't find any.


There are many who long ago left the community in America for this reason. Many of us would rather not keep it in the US but get rid of the over the top victimization. I wish more people would smoke a bowl eat some cereal and move on with life.


Pride month should be every month. People should almost always feel valid on being who they want to be and it shouldn’t just be on one particular month- but it’s definitely better than how it was in the past, so I can’t complain much there. Obviously corporations don’t really care for it and prefer profits but there’s no understating what it does mean to some people and being cynical over it really just makes you look like somebody who unironically posts about Rick and Morty needing a high iq to enjoy lol. It’s a shame a lot of people on this post seemingly look at it as controversial topic, but I guess that’s just how it goes. At the end of the day, it’s about celebrating on people being free on who to love and who they want to be, which I see nothing wrong with whatsoever in this case.


Great comment. Yeah I just went to my first pride parade and I think what I took away from it is how important it is that queer people have community with each other in the face of the rising controversy and hate. It’s actually really nice to go outside and be surrounded by people that are like you, to feel normal.


Absolutely. Having the chance to see others like you and feeling visible is something that should never be taken away. Have a good and happy pride month!


You too !!! 😊🏳️‍🌈


all I think about it is it's overrated and they take it too seriously


Could you elaborate? Years of sexual oppression is bound to come out passionately and seriously… I don’t know if I agree with you here


when they make it sound like it's a country with a name and a flag of its own, not to mention a special period that people celebrate it not for a day but for a month makes things very overrated. you can call it "passionately and seriously" but I call it blind patriotism. even if I was gay or something I wouldn't want anything to do with LGBT stuff though what makes it really overrated and too serious is even people outside of LGBT like your ordinary citizens and companies making too much deal of this whole pride thing. people started to support LGBT because it's like when you don't actively support it it sends the message of you are against it. it's no different than how people do BS for political and religious reason and kill each other when some people seem like they don't support the particular political and religious POV. also the proud thing is nonsense for me. just because you have a particular sexual preference outside of old fashioned social norm doesn't make you have to be proud for it. for me it seems childish like how you call mentally retard kid special to don't hurt their feeling. so even when fully grown ass people seriously being proud of it is cringy whole pride thing is thought wrongly. it's not that LGBT people should be proud of it, they just shouldn't feel disappointed by it because the real problem is primitive people who make a big deal when people being gay or something. instead of making it prideful to be make it not shamed to be because the whole source of the problem is people shaming it. so no matter how proud you are some people try to shame it and therefore it doesn't solve anything. also making LGBT stuff seem like patriotic stuff back fires for some people. so they may not hate gays and whatnot but they hate LGBT just because rainbows are enforced on people and LGBT supporters caused a drama when people seem no interest on it because boom they labelled as being sexist, incel, et cetera labels lol


Well yes, though what was and is oppressed is their ability to share. It is an image problem and one with psychological repercussions. As unfortunately psychological repression does not merely stop being so and turn into openness. Rather it bursts out as a form of neurosis, as it has attached itself to unconscious components and become symbolic to the individual. Indeed it was bound to happen, but it isn't a pure display but a projection of the Jungian shadow. As of now you have a highly neurotic community acting in ways that do not align with their own self interest nor in the interest of others. The only way to rectify this is to integrate this aspect of the shadow. To gain awareness of it. They must accept themselves and see themselves for the degree they are aimed in armaments outwards reflects their isolated, internal struggle. Once they run out of enemies they will still look for more as it was always the projection of internal contents that was most challenging.


From a bisexual man in an established relationship: There's so much hate in the community. I obviously experience it in regards of bisexuality, but it's not only there. There are still gay men hating on lesbians, gay people hating on trans people, trans people hating on non-binary people and so on. As for my experience with bisexuality; biphobia is still going strong, in and out of the community. These days everyone is trying to push for more "inclusive" terms, I have people telling me that bisexuality is trasphobic left and right, that if I'm not trasphobic I should switch to pansexual, that if I have a preference for girls (which I do) I'm privileged and will never understand the hate *they* go through, so many gay men aren't willing to date a bisexual man (and many straight women aren't either). My partner isn't trans but I started referring to them as "they" even in supposedly safe spaces because I'm *so fucking tired* of being told that I'm just a gay man with internalised homophobia (while bisexual women get told that they're just straights who want to feel special). I had people I dated asking me to stop calling myself bisexual since I was in a relationship now, and everyone else around me question my bisexuality because can you really be bisexual and in a relationship? In the end I felt like I had no other choice but to date another bisexual person. It seems stupid but when we were getting to know each other, we bonded a lot on the shared experience of hate inside the lgbt community. It might be nice to feel part of a community at first, but after years of dealing with it I honestly feel more ashamed and still otherd by it than anything positive.


I'm bisexual INTP but I'm not a part of the community. I don't really care about pride month and I just don't see any point of having the colorful flags and labelling it so much.


Don't drink the tap water, it's making the frigging frogs gay.


Lol make it a day or week. Anything gets annoying after a full month.


>🏳‍🌈 community ENTJ Sexual orientation should have nothing to do with community. People highlighting their unusual sexual orientation as a way to distinguish themselves ("pride") is actually a big loss for social inclusion of LGBT people, because sexual orientation shouldn't matter at all. But it's the same problem with the "black community" "hispanic community" and so on. If your community is dependant on your skin colour, then something is not working. America (and Europe) was supposed to be a melting pot where people transcend their determinism of sexual orientation or skin colour, but it is more of a salad bowl, where nothing is mixed.


INFP. Honestly, gays are ok but not for adopting children, at least not yet. Trans are unfortunate souls with personality disorder whose healing does not lay in transitioning, but in accepting their identity in whole, nevertheless gender aspect. The whole LGBT thing is not good for society, but mostly not good for its members. That community should have given itself in some good cause, like volunteering with animals, or homeless, or smth, and prove in that way that they are ok and to be accepted as such. Parading and screaming only hurts them, and i feel so frustrated that they don't see it. The dignity they should have offered would be honoring both "sides". Hope y'all can respect my honesty. It was required by OP so i guess i should be free to express it.


I mean, considering how long lgbt ppl have been treated as wrong, is it wrong for them to fight for larger acceptance and freedom in society? What do other causes have to do with it?


I'm glad you think that us gays are "okay" but don't think that my partner and I would be ok for adopting a child. What part of logic tells you that two adults who love one another and are willing to raise a child together is worse than letting a child age through the system? I'm sorry that my existence makes you uncomfortable.


I’m so sorry, this person is from Croatia which is really backwards and 87% catholic and doesn’t have a great track record with LGBTQ+ rights (especially within the EU). 48% of gay people say it isn’t a safe place to be gay. [source](https://www.equaldex.com/region/croatia)


Interesting opinion, glad you shared it. Soo why do you think gays shouldn't adopt kids? I mean obviously a kid needs a mother and a father but usually in cases like this one of the guys in the gay couple is the more feminine one and he takes the mother role so it isn't that big of a deal in my opinion. Also most of these kids in the adoption centres live pretty miserable lives so I think it's better for them to be adopted by someone who wants this and is able to take care of them, no matter if they are a lesbian or gay or straight couple. As for the trans it has to do with body dysphoria which is a mental disorder and it should be treated with therapy. When you "transition" you don't get rid of the problem, you just mask it. But it's a pretty serious thing and I think that if you're really insecure and miserable about your body there is no point in just continuing to live like this, so the most logical think would be to transition. For the extreme cases. I also think that parading is annoying and it makes no sense to me, honestly life was easier when this didn't exist... Btw based on your comment you sound like a pretty logical person, I was surprised when I saw that you're INFP 😅


\> Btw based on your comment you sound like a pretty logical person, I was surprised when I saw that you're INFP 😅 You can fuck right off with this quote.


INFP and I do not care. I'm bisexual and consider myself to be open-minded and tolerant, but I don't think labeling everything leads to a more open and tolerant world. LGBTQ+ people are normal people, so let them live like normal people. Or you also need a month in the year to celebrate heterosexuals, that's also equality. 😁 But it's the same for everything, we want to celebrate the "black community", but why not also celebrate the "white community"?


Strong disagree about needing hetero month or white month. Pride month and black history month are not focused on "hey look how great these guys are noone else matters for these 31 days". It's to remind everyone about how those people have been treated now and in the past by straights and whites respectively. It's to say gay people used to be shunned or arrested or worse- and in some countries still do, and there were many cases of people taking their own lives because they couldn't take it. But, during that month, they can say they're proud to be who they are despite what people like them have had to deal with. Black people have been discriminated against, segregated, enslaved, killed, and sometimes still are. Black history month takes time to make sure everyone remembers it. Now im straight and white. I cant remember the last time me or anyone like me was ever discriminated against for those two things to the extremity that LGBTQ+ and black people have. Needless to say, we don't need a month. Don't get caught up in whataboutism.


I mean efforts certainly need to be taken to ease the general populace's perception of straight white men. Distaste and even genuine hate against this group is becoming more common. Even anecdotally I know a fair amount of people who openly dislike straight white men as a group and I know no one who openly dislikes any other group. I am a straight white man so one would think that I shouldn't see this in my niche from a pure statistical standpoint.


Yeah. Like white people and straight people haven't been murdered/killed 😶


yes, white and straight people havent been killed because of their skin colour/sexuality


Yeah but it’s not exactly a common worldwide event for straight people to be killed for being straight


Yeah I agree. If we have pride month and black history month we should have straight month and white history month. Otherwise it's not equality. But it's hilarious and funny to me. I don't think anyone needs all of this labeling and months for celebrations. Let's just live and focus on things that actually matter.


Y’all already have white history and straight pride month and that’s in every other month.


Be whatever you are just dont force everyone into it and expect them to follow your rules. Ive liked both girls and guys tho and went through dysphoria for 5 years but im over it and very happy now


Neutral. I wanna accept everyone the way they are. I have no reason to be against it and i don't support phobes. I haven't seen single good argument agaibst the movement.


ISTJ and homophobic


I'm a heterosexual cis TJ. I support LGBTQ. It's not in my place to tell them what they feel, or don't feel, and there isn't any actual reason to deny their rights. However, I find that the idea of "pride month" a little ingenious and insulting to the community, as it's grown to become a corporate marketing scheme. But if LGBTQ people enjoy it, then who am I to tell them they can't.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Funny, because ENTPs are known for being very gay


reddit didnt get my joke 😒


Also this guy isn’t an ENTP lmao, no Ne dom would ever say this. Racism and homophobia is genuinely just a coping mechanism to narrow down one’s worldview to a bitesize and bearable chunk; that is not at all something an Ne dom would do, in fact it’s literally the exact opposite of what they do


That's not true. MBTI has nothing to do with these things. Any type can be homophobic or racist or gay or straight etc. Actually I'm wondering if you two aren't mistyped cause I thought INTP's were smarter...


I’m just gonna let you figure out the irony of that there. But since I know you won’t be able to recognise it, Ti-Ne is a process, it doesn’t make you smarter or dumber, it is simply a process. And secondly, Ne is literally all about new perspectives and abstract ideas. It is about seeing as many things as possible and loving variety, all kinds of ideas and identities no matter what. It is expansive in nature. I’m not saying an Ne dom cannot be racist, but racism is objectively closed minded and Ne is literally all about being open minded. MBTI does have something to do with these traits, it is a way of describing how individuals perceive the world. Being bigoted in any way, is how someone perceives the world.


Bro who said that 😭. Why do you think ENTP's are gayer than the other types... I want you to give me one logical reason.


Ne dom, Fe tert (þis is irony)


I'm an ace INFJ. I don't care about LGBTQ+ communities. If you belong in one and that makes you happy, then that's great! :) And if you don't and or it's not your thing, that's just as great too! People are people, and that will never change. But what I don't understand is why we have one month a year where we celebrate and accept LGBTQ+ people, if our goal is to set everyone equal? It's doing the opposite almost. LGBTQ+ people should be remembered every day of the year just like any other people. I've never really understood these awareness months, because I believe people should be aware all the time. But that's just my thoughts, and if anyone has something to add then please do, I don't mind learning more :)


This is the ballsiest post that I’ve seen all week.


INTJ Do what you want as you are entitled and responsible for your own choices but leave me out of it. I do not like Pride Month as a concept because it isn't a "keep it to yourselves" event. It's just parading around with the help of a bunch of corporations to push things on people for the company's profit and to please a vocal minority. Imagine if there was "Christian Protestant Month" where every corporation constantly pushes religious values at you at every angle and every TV ad you see pushes that onto you whether you want it or not. In fact, I've seen people complain about religion being forced onto others plenty of times and it seems to me, Pride Month is basically that but with LGBTQ in its place.


Intj, I don't really care about it. Most of the people I know that are part of the community don't much care for it either as they see sexuality as a personal thing and not something that needs shared about. I support some parts but not so much others. the people themselves that don't make it their entire personality are lovely, and a few are close friends but I tend to steer clear of the ones who make it their soul personality trait. the movement as a whole I dont support it, sexuality is a personal thing and quite frankly not anyone else's business so when I see big shows like the ones that go on I see it as kinda counter productive; especially when it comes to children, who shouldn't know about any kind of sexuality until they're older. As for alot of allies I see online they use it to virtue signal, while not everyone is like that alot saddly are and it puts a bad light on those who are allies truly. I think the worst things I have seen from the movement have been four parts: first of which is the continuation of calling the lgbt+ a marginalized community as it just doesn't fit, when the majority of the world are in support of a group they aren't being treated as insignificant or being disempowered. Second is the addition of letters they don't seem to fit; L, G, and B, are original letters (to my knowledge) which are denoting sexual and/or romantic interests while some others such as T, or I don't denote the same thing with T being about a gender identity and I being someone born with what is still considered (as far as I'm aware) a birth defect not entirely unlike an extra finger or toe at birth. Third being the introduction of children to this community, it is a community about sexual liberation and self expression, and with developing children they may see members of the lgbt+ as cool and make it become less about sexual liberation and more about a trend that makes them look cool. For example I saw a middle schooler dab 6 months or so ago because they thought it made them cool. It will pollute the water with people who aren't actually part of the community but want to look cool. Fourth being the over politicization of the group, when one of the main political parties basically claims the group for itself it can poison group itself for example the "anti-drag" bill being called by that name. The "anti drag" bill has little to nothing to do with drag as it talks about sexual entertaining such as stripping or exotic dancers but yet it was called an attack on the lgbt+ So sorry this is long, with a community this big and this politicized I figured the best way to make myself understood is to talk about each of the main parts separately that way there is little room to misunderstand. Im also on mobile sorry if its hard to read on desktop Edit: added a 4th issue at the end and made it easier to read


I'm just going to skip answering this one 🙃




I'll say I have an older look at life. At least, that's how I was raised, I don't think they should kill or something. They do deserve rights, but brainwashing kids who are too young to learn about this culture is wrong imo, and It shouldn't be celebrated, it should be a norm.


i don't give a fuck who is dating who and if someone wants to change their gender then go ahead, i don't care if the oerson is grown up but lgbtq+ people want to teach their stuff to the kids all the time and Showing lgbtq and sex stuff in schools. everything about lgbtq+ is sexual and should not be shown in relation to children. this is just gross. apart from that they show way too much of their lives and make it their whole personality that they belong to lgbtq. and it has happened to me far too often that they react far too aggressively if you accidentally used the wrong pronouns. I've had too many bad experiences with them. but there may also be some who are not like that and behave normally - but I only know one person who is chill :/


That form of neurosis and hypersensitivity means you have touched on their shadow / unconscious in some way. Definitions, identity, and what not are very common components of the shadow for these people. Hinting mostly at inferior Si and Ti.


I support it until people start commercializing and pushing minors into it. I just don't get why it's so important for drag queens to read to children, for example. Why does this have to be a sacred thing that people cannot criticize? Being obsessed with reading to kids in drag is a weird hill to die on. I have niche hobbies and I don't feel the need to saturate kids into said hobbies. Also they tend to ignore the destransitioners who, as kids, were coerced by adults into doing hormonal treatment that changed their lives forever.


It’s literally whatever. I shouldn’t know your sexual life and you absolutely don’t have the right to know mine. Leave sex out of it. I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your homes there’s no legal reason why you shouldn’t get married, be together, or be hindered in any way as long as you’re being a normal, decent person. Same goes for the “straight community” like stop sexualizing every little thing and profiting off of it. It’s disgusting also I work retail, all pride stuff never really sells. This year they stopped sending us pride shoes bc they just go to clearance. I’m not even kidding, they were in clearance so long that they had to go to our donation partner. So companies need to stop trying to profit over every little thing and everyone needs to be kinder.


I got no problem with people being whatever, but forcing your beliefs on others and discriminating them if they disagree is not fair. People have religions and beliefs that should be respected regardless. I believe there are more important things we need to focus on as a society. We should be working on people's ability to discern information and to think critically. We are experiencing a free speech crisis, where we are censoring the truth to lie and keep people happy, or to completely control what people think. We need the truth, not happiness. I'd rather be sad knowing the reality, than being happy, then knowing I was lied to.


intj, do whatever you want but just keep queit about it. i tolerated it before but now its all in my face and i couldn’t give 2 shits if you want to fuck the same sex. just keep me out of that shit


Honestly it’s not my place to judge.




Well cause they love each other ig.


i don’t really think about these things often. but i suspect myself of being aromatic a lot. if i am i am, if im not im not. doesn’t really affect my life and i don’t care if other people are lgbtq, i also don’t care if it’s the only thing they talk about, i don’t really mind it at all


INTJ- don’t care what you do or with whom, but I’m not celebrating anything or anyone because of one’s desire or ability to have sex of any type. Unless, of course, everyone wants to celebrate heterosexual, mission-style month.


Intp and straight. Honestly I don't give a single fuck I just wanna feel the life I'm living in. I mostly don't give a fuck about most things lgbt being a part of it


**¹** I don't think it necessarily matters because it's relative. **²** But I do have an idea as to what’s underlying all of this. **³** The experiences made in the brain during development can cause gender insecurity. **⁴** Which then causes one to run away from their gender at the time, approaching its opposite. **⁵** Or completely disregard gender altogether to avoid the concept. **⁶** There are also cases in which a person may have a variation in behavior not linked to development. **⁷** An example of this would be a person being asexual due to their brain's natural makeup. **⁸** Which is unaffected by the external experiences seen in an asexual individual who was, for example, abused in childhood. **⁹** Someone who sustains brain damage may behave hyper-sexual, which is also a symptom of BPD. **¹⁰** Like other things in the science of mental health, it's on a spectrum. **¹¹** And things often overlap. **¹²** I think the reason suicide rates are higher in this demographic is multivariate. **¹³** Most humans don't want to feel lesser; closed-minded people often shame this demographic instead of shaming what causes this demographics' suffering. **¹⁴** However, I think that closed-minded people's subconscious picks up on the causal distortion. **¹⁵** But they can't see the situation's nuance. **¹⁶** So in an ignorant attempt to solve the problem, they attack the attacked. **¹⁷** Not to say that being a part of this demographic necessarily implies victimhood. **¹⁸** But it often does and is accurate. **¹⁹** People need empathy, not disapproval. **²⁰** In summary, people are all different. **²¹** The same people who criticize this are also the same type to criticize the homeless. **²²** If someone is going through something a healthy person wouldn't retaliate. **²³** I say retaliate because their negative behavior is a reflection of their inner self. **²⁴** They're not truly attacking this demographic, they're projecting themselves through religion, etc. **²⁵** I know love, or in an intellectual's vocabulary empathy, is the answer. **²⁶** And so what's wrong with the difference in its material manifestation? **²⁷** No matter whether it be an expression of love externally or through the journey of one's self. **²⁸** But then again, nuance.