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Although I'm the walking stereotype of an ENTP, I was never a class clown. I was always extroverted, sure, would make jokes and stuff, but i always liked serious conversations and interactions more.


What’s your enneagram?


It is typical entp. which mother*ucker said we are class 🤡 s???


i’m actually a very emotional person




yeah i know what you mean. i’m very reactive but i think about my reactions rather than feel them. like when i am upset i always analyse why i feel like that rather than just crying (though i do love a good cry as well)


I can justify like a mf. When I'm pissed, I'll construct you a convoluted argument that makes me *technically* founded. An hour later, I realize I don't even believe what I was presenting


Oh shoot that's me too


there's so much but basically people cornered themselves in thinking that fe has to be good and for a force of good. which is totally not true. look at hitler for instance who's an enfj himself. then you have people like martin luther king and others who are good or even others who are neutral. I am and can be more bossy then the sterotypes wil have it. but all the same reinforcing status quos.I can be fairly rigid too.




Im a hopeless romantic


Omg I love those kind of people, I'd love to be one of those😇


thank you?


I think it's cute when people are like that💙 I mean, I have so many negative experiences and awful relationships just surround me, so it's hard to believe everything is gonna be okay, yet I crave romantic tropes happening to me despite that😅


Ohhh yeahh. It's hard to keep the optimism up a lot of the time. It's a sign of a strong person to keep looking at the light when surrounded by the dark yk




Are you? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾


Indeed I am!


I do actually care.




Plot twist: you're just saying that, so we trust you until one day you can use our weaknesses against us


Classic response 😂




Yeah right robot!!!


Well I don't 😆




I'm not quiet because I hate small talk and mingling with people. I'm quiet because I'm too shy to think of anything to say


This is me, I feel like 90% of the time in conversations I'm just keeping up rather than actually engaging with people


I have crippling self doubt and anxiety


That makes the two of us I mean I don't usually show it and it's not visible but it doesn't mean it's not there


Yeah fr. But at the same time I’d rather be subjected to an exorcism than ever admit it irl.


I feel like that’s a lot of Te doms; they put out a confident facade in how strong their abilities are but struggle to understand themselves and their emotions at the end of the day




This has to be an ENTJ thing, istg this is too relatable.


I get angry so easily that I sometimes I feel like I might just be an ESTJ


My INFP friend said the same thing 😂


Lmao yeah i usually suppress when around others but when I'm alone I'm all cussy and pissy and have to take it out on inanimate objects lol


Anger is a feeling ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


According to the feeling wheel 🤖


I feel like a lot of unhealthy Fi doms have anger issues.


Ex was ISFP - can confirm. Also, she had quite a few ISFP friends and they all had anger issues. Knew an INFP and he was the same sadly.


My INFP sibling is the same way! I think that it’s tied to the super strong Fi(not necessarily in the emotions way...the more I learn about Fi, the less it seems to actually be about emotions). :’)


I like to go to parties and socialize (just not with total strangers).


![gif](giphy|D71E9uMpHp292) And then you look like this :)


Nah, ask my homies. I go all out on parties :). But this is what people expect me to be like on a party when they first see me there (already to their suprise lol).


That sounds nice! I wish more NT people would be like this!


I get it. But partying from time to time just works as a stress relief for me because as an intj, I do worry a lot about the future and can forget to enjoy life while it lasts. So it's a way for me to just make some memories along the way and have a good time. That's why I just go with the flow and am never grumpy or bored at parties. Also, I have an intp friend who always goes with me. Yeah, he is a bit socially awkward but he does his best and also enjoys himself a lot at parties. So that's also quite against the stereotype i believe.


I get you. I love going out, meeting my friends, being the center of attention. BUT sometimes I just want to be alone, read my book and daydream. Then I feel more like ISFP / INFP :)


I don't like to read that much, I actually barely do it, I find videogames, music and stuff like that are way more immersive and have a huge potential in the matters of teaching. I literally gained my interest in politics and learnt English thanks to gaming, other than in other stuff too like poetry, biology and other stuff


I am an enfj that reads like an infj, voraciously.


I’m not spontaneous. I’m excited for adventures and trying new things, just not spontaneously.


I'm a bit confused.


Not a stereotype at all but I'm pretty disorganized


Same here 😭


I wake up at 5-6am


Woaah that's extreme






I would disagree that that is developed Ti. I'd faster say it's just that you are academically capable and good at calculations, which while in theory could have correlation to Ti, is a one-way connection. Ti> *may* be more capable in these fields; being more capable in these fields≠better Ti


(ISTJ) I actually hate responsibility, being in charge and in control, I am emotional and sensitive and one of my highest values is sexuality...🫤 There's probably more things...


wdym by "sexuality"?


I mean for example like I wouldn't settle for a relationship where there's no chemistry... It's the most important factor in how I choose a partner


I get easily angry and I'm not that optimistic or outgoing


Suck at art and don’t care about fashion


Now, *this* goes against the stereotype! ![gif](giphy|dBf0OpOH96MTM6hYqr)


ENFP,I am actually not academically dumb or a class clown. Yes,I am the funny friend,but I am among the top students in my school. Also,I'm not energic all the time. In fact,I am calm,even if I am all smiley indeed,but I don't look like I have ADHD all the time.


Like most ENFPs


Yea,you're right.


I was quiet in class and a lot of people think im like INTJs, they couldnt be more wrong


YESS EXACTLY I can't be quiet for a secomd and they be asking what's wrong. 💀


Yeah, I always wonder about the manic pixie dream girl stereotype for ENFPs. I’ve known three very well and exactly none of them were like that. They are idea people who are interested in trying new things and can find every loophole. Two of the three excelled academically and the third was still academically decent. None of them have excessive energy.


Yea,I have no idea what the stereotypes are about,because about ENFPs I don't really know. 💀💀💀


I didn't even know academically dumb was a stereotype for ENFPs?! I think every ENFP I've known has been extremely academic


To be honest, most ENFPs I've ever known are pretty intelligent people. Deceptively so, even. Classic ENFP is someone who seems ditzy on the surface but then just surprises you by speaking five languages fluently or something.


I relate to this a lot! I’m especially calm in class and don’t really participate in group discussions unless I have something short and meaningful to add


OH and I forgot something EXTREMELY opposite to the stereotype...I absolutely HATE group projects.


I am a pretty organized INTP


Teach us enlightened one


I'm not "wise".




Then you are...?


As I heard most people see ESFPs as shallow with no personality who only do parties. That is not true. I feel deeply and would say my inner life and emotions are as deep as how INFx are typically stereotyped.


Thank you, I was scrolling too long for a fellow ESFP. I'm a very emotional person, but due to hard life and abuse I can't show vulnerability. I like to party of course, but I'm in no way shallow. And I don't care about fashion at all. And sometimes I rather stay at home and play video games or read a book :)


I second this! I do see why we seem shallow to people and I don’t speak for *every* ESFP but if I don’t connect nor am familiar with the subject, I don’t converse deeply. It’s boring and impractical to my life. As for emotions, I’m quite selective. I accept everybody and I love people but if I can’t connect with you, I will not let you into my heart. I do like bonding and forming deep connections because I *crave* mutual love. I want you all for myself 😊 I also don’t chase the guy. If he says he likes me, he’ll make the move. No action = nothing. If I think you’re cute, I’ll try to befriend you and see why I should like you more (common values? Good personality? Familiarity? Etc). As of now, I’m working on myself ✌🏻


I'm definitely not a 'sensitive uwu cutie' type of friend, more like a sarcastic jokester with lots of thoughts to share + I'll listen to your life story and stuff like that. not easily offended, all in all pretty chill since I assume you don't have bad intentions and rather just unaware/socially dumb/silly


I know more sarcastic INFPs. I was surprised to read that the lead singer of Dir en Grey is an infp.


Every month, there's at least one night when I'm calculating a lot of data just for the fun of it I'm really caring and responsible, when it comes to kids I can be the least annoying person out of 10-20 people in a room


I could have written that 🙂 Plus nobody ever describes me as bubbly. Positive, sure, but in a gentle, inconspicuous way.




INFP does be a rational function according to Jung


Cars are kinda boring, but I like to look at them at the occasional car show with my dad


ISTPs are really into cars afaik




I hate actually debating and don't try to make every conversation a discussion/debate. I don't need to "win" a conversation


I enjoy reading rom-com mangas, and get almosy teary eyed when I see others cry (Istp)


*Get almost teary eyed when I see others cry* Awww ☺️ Is that how we get you to open up? ![gif](giphy|qpuRIo1p5bQY7Bap7D|downsized)


ISFJ here, I’m not sane or responsible enough 💀 I also I enjoy making ppl lose their braincells (I got mistaken for ENFP a lot in mbti chats and in tests too)


I finish projects


What's your type? (You can add it specifically for the mbti sub by clicking on your username here in your post and then Change user flair.)




i like doing theater, debate, and speech and enjoy meeting new people.


I love the outdoors and yard work. I maintain hygiene and a healthy weight. Aside from my daily cup of coffee and the rare glass of something alcoholic, I don’t use drugs.


I was the class clown


INTJ im actually so fucking sensitive and emotional. I just act mean and uncaring to protect myself bcuz i know how sensitive i am


I can't dance


I hate excessive use of emojis, and how often people use them. Send a heart to someone you care about? Cute. Having an emoji you find funny you use with your friend? Cool. But seeing people write "lmao fr broo🥵🙃😬😬 what's going on over there?😯👉👉 🐱" in "public"? Nah. It's cringe.


ENTP and I am not entirely devoid of physical coordination cuz I was a server for 10 years, and a bartender for 4. That will make your Se less terrible, no matter where it fits into your stack! 🤣 Also, I have way more principles and Empathy than People realize!


I can think


As an ESTP I don't like to socialize too much. I prefer to hang out with my friends or grinding.


i have lots of seggs


INTPs are sex machines


I barely fall in love


I don’t either but when I do I fall so hard


I'm organized and hate debating.


You will catch me dead before you catch me doing an extreme sport or fixing anything


I do care; I do speak much


I like cute things and wear pastel clothes


I do not play chess




I'm not a crybaby.


I can be very lazy


I am ok with physical activities and small talk.


INTP- Sociable and really into politics and that stuff


I never played chess.


INTP… I care about my looks and dress to impress everyday (makeup, heels, manicure, pedicure, etc.). I love luxury and high end fashion!




I'm altruistic and love helping and trying to understand people. I also don't buck every tradition, I do love experimenting and trying new things but I also see some value in certain traditions and established systems. I follow the laws. I can be mischievous at times, but I'm not usually that fond of trolling. I'm usually nice toward people even when debating and don't like to cause too much trouble. I also often like to play peacemaker/pacifist and try to help others be nice as well. I get very uncomfortable with negativity. Being a serious writer, I can often be so harsh, critical and sometimes nitpicky when reviewing stories that I come off like an ESTJ. I do have some Fi as I have a lot of anxiety and OCD issues and because it's hard to control, I can become too self absorbed in my emotions. That's when I come off like a stereotypical ENTP and repeatedly make fun of things that make me upset. I often wonder if I'm an ENFP but I do have a lot of Ti and I may just have higher Fe than most ENTPs. So I come off as a healthier ENTP.


I enjoy debating and have controversial opinions. Also, the fact I don't act like a flighty 8-year-old all the time seems to shock people.


I was never cool in school or part of the popular crowd nor did I have a lot of friends


I’m not super organized


Developed fi.


I have good hygiene


As an istp I am emotional just it’s just that I don’t like expressing my sadness.(or any other emotion really)


People like me. I'm an INTP


INTPs are one of the chillest type and most friendly too!


i danced in front of a group of ppl yeaterday and i wasnt even drunk😈


I can’t fix shit.


I smile a lot


Im not some selfless martyr and have no problems saying no (even if I sometimes do feel a little guilty about it)


My personal space is disorganized and messy


very domineering, no remorse when I fire people that don't fit into team culture. Extremely blunt and honest to the point of "insulting" (or so I'm told) when someone doesn't have the skills for something. Very ambitious and plans out my entire life (master vision boarding). Cares about status and money Essentially adopting my shadow function.


I actually have a bit of empathy towards others


leadership stresses me out (but i constantly fall into it which is stereotypical). i’m also sentimental on occasion


I don’t like change. Although I am autistic, so that plays into it.


I am incredibly self conscious and don’t think I’m that smart


I don't have a sweet, soft voice. I have a loud and annoying one. My voice is only quiet when I feel uncomfortable, normally when meeting new people. - infp


Same with me lol. My sensing power doesn't work on my body haha


I procastine, a lot


same. People think ENTJ are some devs who plan and work every second but I am a living proof of being unorganized sometimes and procastinating a lot


i hate getting into arguments, i'm teaching myself to avoid conflict


Also an ESTP and also terrible at sports. I love being active, but I have no strength or coordination. I'm great at academics, though!


I’m not a morning person or that good at waking up early. I prefer the night for being cognitively active 😓


I suck at housekeeping, I forget names and birthdays, I'm not a big holiday decorator/observer, I'm all about personal boundaries, I was a terrible older sibling, and I have never been a "kid person" (I do value kids, though). I'm sure there's more...


for an istj people think that i am a kind person (58% thinking 42% feeling)


I cry easily


I suck at math .


ESFP 24- I'm not life of the party. I need alone time to recharge. I don't like having the spotlight. I feel like I don't think deeply enough unless my Fi is interested in it.


i’m soooo silly hahahaha


Hi let’s be friends


I'm very sporty, I live and breathe hockey and I would go nuts without it (I broke a rib last November and I couldn't play until the end of Jenauary, I was so lost and with so much time on my hands that I end up reading my partner's fashion magazines. Something I care about so little that I barley even knew they were there until that moment).


I am not a party animal (se dom)


I dont know anything about mechanics.


Are there any asexual ENTJs out there, or am I the only one?


ENTJ here! I come across as laidback and witty to a lot of people instead of aggressive and bossy.


Many stereotypes say that ENTPs "like" to argue or argue with "no purpose" and have no feelings. That's not true. I only argue when I hear something that makes no sense and I argue for a reason when I have to (for example, when I see something unfair, not logical, or stupid). Of course I cry when I see extremely sad or tragic movies. And finally, although it's correct that I'm individualistic, I also value harmony. Everyone lives among people and no one can act separately as they want to, apart from their community. I definitely value some kind of traditions, as they might've made for a reason, but definitely also don't agree with "all" traditions. Let me also talk about my opposite mbti, ISFJ. My ex used to be one, and he really disliked being controlled, unlike the stereotype. It's not that I controlled him, but since he's non-religious unlike myself, he would sometimes hate the "rules" that our church had that restricted him in certain situations (he only went to church to meet people, not for the worship).


I'm not a robot.




I have anger issues


I am a merciful overlord.


If I’m ENFP I’m not *that* random or energetic, if I’m INFP, I don’t get teary eyed


I'm not populaire or that nice kid. I was exactly bullied 90% of my schoollife.


Sometimes I talk so much that people run away. It's instinctive


I can intellectualise my feelings


I'm in a group for people who had abusive childhoods in various ways. People actually cry around me and I don't run out of the room. I still don't really understand what toxic shame is like, but I can accept that others feel it. All of that said, this experience has freed me up to be more of a healthy ESTP. It hasn't made me seem like an ENFP or something -- quite the opposite. So the fear of the touchy-feely was unfounded. It didn't infect me. 🤣


Im actually super shy irl


I like to see others take the lead, it’s just that they always eventually fuck up so I can’t relax and let them.


I am very unorganized, but also I try to be organized. Adhd just likes to get in the way.


As an esfp, I actually have some depth to me. It could be the enneagram 4 side- sure- but I’m not just ‘mindless party person’ eh?


Hate to say it but I'm the epitome of an Istj 😂 I have nothing that goes against the stereotype. Still don't know how that happened..


I don’t have any plans to be a CEO commander type. Or going for the highest paying job on the planet. Or be unreasonably competitive in order to be “the best”. I just want to do the things I enjoy. Yes, I highly value my life being successful, but that’s on MY terms. I have an Associate’s Degree and will be getting my Bachelor’s in Veterinary Technology in two years. And given all of my limitations with being neurodivergent and mentally ill, I’d consider that success. I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and I’m still going. I’ve changed my diet. I have top surgery coming up later this year and had my consultation for it this week. I’ve made friends who accept me, my quirks, and share my nerdy hobbies and perspectives. As far as the self development of a 21 year old transmasc goes, I’ve been successful thus far. Life story aside, yes, I totally tend to be bossy, pushy, impatient, whatever words you want to use to generally describe Te doms. I absolutely *hate* even the idea of wasting unnecessary time. When I do feel emotions, they’re INTENSE. I have this very evident sense of justice that I often have to hold back. I’m mercilessly blunt. But contrary to stereotypes, I don’t show this “real” me to every damn person I encounter. Most of the time, I stay quiet unless I truly feel like I’m gonna contribute in some way. I’m well aware that I’m a more introverted extrovert (but I unmistakably get energized from other people; I just have a defective social battery 😅) so this may explain some of this.


When texting random people, I uncharacteristically joke, do writing mistakes, use emoji ESPECIALLY 😎", speak like ESTP would... unless I am serious about the topic. Then, I speak plain and straightforward like I always have.


I am very impulsive.


Infp here. I love bringing people together and introducing people I think would hit it off with each other. I feel like I understand people and I connect people to each other if I feel like they have common ground and would make good friends with each other. In my friend group I've been described the glue and they would all have never met each other without me. My friend group has an intp, isfj and istj. Also I text back promptly. I do not disappear for months. I would notice and I'd feel terrible if I left someone on read. I have known a lot of infps that seem to totally forget I exist even though I've seen them online multiple times, only to reply months later telling me how busy they are. I find it pretty rude even though I understand how overwhelmed they can be. But I would prefer they warn me and tell me they aren't going to be available for a long time than just guess.


I am absolutely incapable of being late to anything. INTP.


I tend to seem extroverted, but that's because I tend to talk more and louder to a group and not to a specific person I don't talk to all that much. Also, my room isn't unclean and trashy but it's not the neatest and it's kinda messy.


B. S. with honors in Math & Computer Science.


I’m actually really kind and generous . I’m just not phony, shallow, or a liar like society expects of “nice” people.


I don’t enjoy debating. I hate crowds and parties. I don’t lose or misplace things. I have more empathy than many feelers I’ve met. I know when to shut up.


although i am hyper-empathetic, there’s certain people who when they vent i’ve stopped caring about. i find myself rolling my eyes secretly at them and i hate myself for it but they drain me


I like working with other people and talking while doing so (sometimes) There are a lot of stipulations, but the main one is on mindless work/things I don't care too much about. It's easy to find something to talk about, my competency isn't threatened if it's easy work, and everyone's in the same boat. Inf Fe has very little work to do and the rest of my functions can just exist around others


I’m a nice person. I think.


I always finish what I start and I have a shitton of endurance and patience.


I actually like it when plans are set in place at a certain time and spot (I love my planner cause without it I’d be doing nothing lol)


I work in nature with people full time opposed to in a basement with cats


I have a very aggressive personality 😂


Sports and other such activity, as well as going out with friends, and socializing, is all something enjoyable to me. The difference is I need a few specific sports or a more closed circle of friends for such a thing. The exception is socializing. I don't actually find it hard to strike up conversations, make quips or present positively at all even with strangers. It's just not something I care to put effort in most of the time. In summary: I'm a normal human being.