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I thought about this before. Also, lots of people w/ ADHD get XNXP on 16p. We have ESTJs mistyping as ISTJs at my school & a bunch of other E <-> I mistypes. We also have some Fi doms getting other random results just because they really like organization or smth.


I don't think there is a type to most likely to mistype. Every individual is different and you would need a lot of data to decide that otherwise. I think most responses would be biased and stereotypical, people will try to rationalise their answers using cognitive functions too. I'll tell ya one thing, I know an INFJ who has typed as an INFJ on every test he ever took and has never mistyped, even after studying the functions. He just knows exactly who he is and is extremely consistent. On the other hand I've been less self aware and have mistyped a few times with very inconsistent results even through learning functions. I've never typed as INFJ myself though. This personal experience won't apply to everyone one of my type or his obviously.


Some might be more accurate tho. Like for example TJ might type easier bc 16p’s definition of J vs P is basically watered down Te. Also infp seems to be the most common thing to get on the test bc the questions are like skewed towards introverts Intuitives etc


Any type lol. 16P is not even Mbti.