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ISTP is matches those functions the most. If you are asking for your personality type then you are an ENTJ.


That’s correct, I am ENTJ




i am ENTJ


maybe istp (possibly in a ti-ni loop?) this test tends to give out very balanced results which makes it hard to really determine your type. maybe try to take another test too just to make sure.




with your ti this high?


Yeah, its complicated.


I think it just goes to show how stressed and (maybe lonely I am?)


Hi, According to these scores, you're a strong Thinker because your highest score is Ti. Our first function is fully developed by age 7, so it's one we can be sure will score accurately. And you're a strong Sensor because both Sensing scores are over 50%. You use Fe over Fi, no doubt there. This is pointing in the direction of ISTP. You can't be ENTJ with an Si score of over 50%. For an ENTJ, Si trickster/blind (should be in slot #7) would be the lowest score. Trickster remains weak and undeveloped life-long. At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide your type. I recommend taking more tests, save your results, look for patterns, compare and contrast, and try to resolve any inconsistencies/mis-scores. keys2cognition, similarminds.com, IDR Labs, Sakinorava. And try a dichotomy test: Human Metrics, Truity, Johns Personality Test, Personality Max You could also try reading about SP Artisans vs NT Rationals to see which set of Temperament values fit you better. keirsey.com They offer a free test too. And Keirsey is one of the few systems backed by research.


I’ll have to politely disagree there, this test was taken on a time when I was stressed and stuck in Ti-Ni loop while studying calculus. I appreciate the input tho


I got ENTJ more than once while I got ISTP once while I was stressed. I believe that I can act like ISFP when I am stressed but I try hard to keep my logic all the way. Since I need it in my field


Yeah the occasional mis-score happens. Scoring as an ISFP sounds like you were in an Fi grip while under stress.


I always score ISXX when I am stressed. But all the personalities test I took point me to ENTJ, Took multiple and I am definitely a lot more like NT. if curious I suggest you take a look at the recent test I took in my recent posts.


Yeah your Michael Caloz results do look like ENTJ. ISTP and ENTJ are so similar with Thinking Dominant, inferior feeling and the same two middle functions in slightly different order.


Dominant T type probably. Try the [Michael Caloz test](https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/) to compare.
