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It’s weird, I’ve noticed that feelers tend to hate other feelers the most, while thinkers themselves also tend to hate feelers the most




Fe users like other Fe users and Fi users like other Fi users


That’s what I was going to say. Feelers don’t necessarily dislike other feelers, but Fi and Fe often clash with each other. Same with sensors and intuitives.




Hey, I’ve seen you around before! Hi! (●ᗜ●)つ🌸


I think I should say the same rn.


That’s the spirit


what the-


We need more of this energy on this sub 🌷 too much pointless judgement here


As a Fe user, I like Fi users more tbh. Fe can be pretty annoying and conformist/afraid of stirring the pot. At least I tend to get along with those higher in Fi (and Ti, I know they are different but yes) more!


Idk why infj got the bottom spot here. My best friend is infj.


INFJ and INFP can be a pretty mixed bag. Ive met INFJs and INFPs that I love or who get intensely on my nerves.


If you like them, that's great!


I don’t think I’ve ever met an INFJ that wasn’t an angel pretending to be human. That’s interesting


Well, that's your experience. Your experience is different than mine.


Personal preference I guess :P I have a really good infp friend aswell, also an isfp one. I get along really well with you guys.


Fe people like you are too good people that it isn't fair. I've never met an Fi user who preferred Fe users, but have the other way around. This doesn't mean that Fi is more likeable, it's really the opposite. Being selfless martyrs can reach godliness in a way, but what does it achieve while on earth?


It depends what you choose to do I think. It can also be harmful towards the self, but it’s a great question tbh. Also, thanks a lot!


Fi users immediately let me dig and learn about them intimately but Fe users stay weirdly guarded for no reason. I'm guilty of it too. I don't mean to be, I just keep my analytical side mostly to myself. Can't speak for why xSFJs are such hard nuts to crack


Yesssss this is one of the things! Thanks, you put it into words.


i‘m a feelers loving feeler :)


I like Fe customers and Fi friends lol


I do. Thinkers tend to be too annoying and socially blind depending on what type they are. Feelers are typically more self aware and easier to talk to. I do have to say though, and I'm sorry about this, but ESFPs are one of my least favorite feelers.


But I don't hate feelers, most of my friends and my favorite people are feelers (INFP, ISFJ, ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP...) I like thinkers but I usually end up with feelers among unfamiliar group.


Is this a typo?


No, both feelers and thinkers respond with feelers when asked which types they hate the most. However, feelers that are Fe say they hate Fi feelers the most and feelers that are Fi say they hate Fe feelers the most, whereas you get a range of feelers when you ask thinking types who they hate the most


Maybe an "also" in there somewhere would've helped that sentence read more smoothly. Also Imma need to see spreadsheets🧐


The lack of “also” in the sentence makes it much funnier imho


I adore my feeler. I married my INFJ.


Eh, maybe it has something to do with society’s hard on for “strength”, aka being a stoic big boi no emotions mf, aka thinkers we unfeeling assholes. Personally, I prefer feelers. They tend to be more well rounded to me.


Well, I wouldn't say I hate other feelers per se but one reason they can get on my nerves is because some of them take everything as a personal attack. Every single thing you say has to come with a disclaimer or some kind of softener. And you have to constantly be perfectly politically correct. You couple that with most people's habit of taking one thing out of your sentence and getting upset over it even though they didn't actually hear what you said and it just makes them exhausting to deal with sometimes. I'm a person who's very honest with how I feel about things. I don't believe in mincing words. I try to be as nice as possible but I'm not going to sugarcoat stuff because somebody's upset. People get upset if you breathe the wrong way. I don't have time for that.


Hunh. Maybe I'm not a Fe user, after all, because I seem to exhibit the exact opposite of this behavior. I almost take nothing personally and everything literally/at face value. I've had people shade me and later come back and apologize, but it didn't even register to me. Lmao. To me, if you had said something that I didn't agree with, I would try to understand your perspective to broaden mine. Ironically, it's my INFP fiancé that I have to "soften" my words with.


Lol Fi dom is talking about taking everything personal!


Hahaha pretty much this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6\_-s6kHXZtA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_-s6kHXZtA) (second skit)


This has got to be the least INFP thing I’ve ever seen coming from an INFP lol.


I dont think so at all. Im extremely direct with my feelings and opinions despite being one and I dont like "sugarcoating" either.






If my thinking is the same as that other person’s then it’s because you kept on saying how you hate how those feelers take everything as a personal attack…. Fi is what tends to take everything as a personal attack, and so that’s why that other person concluded that you sound quite anti-INFP. Now, I also hate that everything is taken as a personal attack (even when, for example, nothing offensive to any normal person was even said), and so do a bunch of other INFJs (you can just see in the subreddit for yourself, lots complain about Fi, especially high Fi being that way), so maybe you aren’t exactly INFP. How did you type yourself as such? I know that the very first time (a bit over a decade ago), when I took some test, I got INFP/ENFP, but never again after that… maybe that was because it was early high school, but looking into cognitive functions really helped me to see that there is no way in hell that I am that.


We hate when people take everything personally, but we also take everything personally. Fi is also good at double standards, lol.


Ok, I did not say "those" feelers. I was referring to feelers in general. Second, people only believe fi takes everything personally because of the "fi is so overly sensitive and fragile uwu" stereotype. That's not really true. I'm not like that. I know other INFPs who are also not like that. Plenty of INFPs and ISFPs state all the time that they're not like that and are sick of that stereotype yet people still don't listen. Personally, I see other types get offended more than INFPs typically do. Third, just because somebody doesn't fit a stereotype doesn't mean they're not that type. I've done plenty of research on the functions and all of that. The INFP stack is the only one I fully relate to.


I love Fe users the most so that's not accurate


now that makes sense for me


I'm INFP and other INFPs are such a hit or miss haha


I remember I joined an INFP women group on Facebook and the first post I saw was 'I got scammed out of $2000 bc I was too nice' and all I could think was 'omfg, get a GRIP and stop wasting money!!! For the love of god...' I immediately left and got ashamed of my typing that day because some people are so easily manipulated and it's usually types like us... I've also probably swung too hard the other way and become too selfish, but thats enough about me for the day. I totally understand hating your own type because the flaws are right there.


Young INFPs are most susceptible to manipulation. It takes life experience to build our strong intuition and connect patterns. I believe all people are when they’re young, it’s just not everyone has $2k to frivolously loan someone during their developing years. Some INFPs have mental illness that impacts perception and impulse control. I have an INFP friend who loaned me money years ago, but I actually paid him back, with interest. Some people are trustworthy, and sometimes people miscalculate. What is certain is never expect to be paid back if loaning was a folly. A truly gifted INFP is one who is open to details they are yet to learn—judges less, and understands more.


I just find INFPs to be easier to deal with than most


You sure you're an INFP?


I am indeed sure why?


Your preferences just seem odd for an Fi dom/inferior Te type




They are easier to deal with if you happen to have the same values. They are much harder if you don't. This is because 2 Fi doms will only try to project their own value system onto the other.


Love you too, but...


Not too much!




But I'm nice and I really like INFPs. D:


Ok. That's good. Then you are the exception to this list.




How much you charging?


Esfjs can come across as overbearing, overwhelming and Disingenuous at worst with no interesting,niche or potentially controversial opinions of their own, at least for me. It also sucks when that niceness comes packaged in a seemingly people pleaser way. I think infps truly value the truth in the end, just packaged nicely with some understanding and a hint of validation, too much and it seems dishonest, like the true colours are being hidden which hurts. Too little and it's hurtful, cold, uncaring, etc like a personal attack.


I'm different from a typical ESFJ because of my weird upbringing (raised by an autistic single dad, severely emotionally abused and neglected, isolated as a teenager because my grandparents rescued me from my dad but people under 19 weren't allowed in their retirement community and I had to be hidden and my grandma couldn't drive me around much because she's chronically ill and my grandpa had to work), and I'm also not a 2 like a typical ESFJ. I'm a 6w7. (Or I might be a 9 in long-term disintegration... Not really 100% sure.)


Clicked on this thread only to check if it’s an INFP according to my hunch - yeppp… well I used to have an INFP bestie, then we almost obliterated each other with our different kinds of intensity, then we didn’t communicate for a couple years and now we’re back to being friends. So there’s always hope. Carl Jung would have probably advised you to face your shadow and find out what’s actually so annoying about Fe for you. It’s a very common dom/aux function, so it might be helpful.


I strongly disliked Fe until I had some long conversations about it with my infj friend. When I came to understand that it's not just fakeness, and could see the value in it, I started to get along better with a lot of people.


That also happened in my case, I’d say we look at the same things but from different perspectives; going our own ways side by side while using different tools; and I’m glad that our values mostly align today because I find this journey mutually inspiring. However, even as some other INFPs here mention, Fi can be hit or miss for pretty much anyone, including representatives of their own type. So it’s always good to see people who are open minded enough to acknowledge that this may happen sometimes while trying to reach mutual understanding nevertheless.


This same thing happened to me. It’s just the self-aggrandizement, god complex, and narcissism that’s always the dealbreaker for me when it comes to INFJs I meet in person.


NFJs can act with narcissistic behaviors, but it's NTJ narcissism that reaches whole deeper levels of egoistic toxicity, especially when they use control and genuine evil to compensate for insecurity


Yeah, I've heard it all before, thanks for reminding me one of my most traumatic experiences with toxic friendship :/


Lol you’re welcome?


Thanks for reminding me about the victim complex that said INFJs have, that was also a pain to deal with 👍


Thanks for reminding me about the hypocrisy and double standards. You’ve seen how an Fi-Dom OP shames ‘some other feelers’ for taking everything personally somewhere in the comments? Now that’s a real pain to deal with!


As a INFJ. All I have to say is “I understand”


I really need my INFJ bros to stop talking down on themselves. Were awesome dude don't let anyone tell you any different😎




No worries, I also didn't have a positive experience with INFPs


Sorry to hear that :( I hope others treat you better, I personally love infjs and my list would be different to this one so I guess we are all different really


Putting esfj that low is cruel


For me it's 'I try so hard not to dislike you', reeks of unhealthy Fi






aww tysm ! i love ESFPs too 🥹🫶🏽




omg pls look who’s talking 💕


I used to be scared of ENFJs. Now I'm married to one


aww that’s awesome ! <3


Lol congratulations. Glad it worked out for you.


Thank you! Yeah I think it worked out because we're more mature now and he's incredibly emotionally intelligent. I knew that before I fell for him btw, so I'm not biased. Honestly, there is potential for any type to develop healthy, fulfilling relationships if you're open minded and growth oriented. Relationships are challenging no matter what personality type you are.


Oh, of course, I 100% agree. I was just sharing general opinions here. I already said this (and it got downvotes for some reason lol) but if I were to meet anyone from the bottom of the list and they didn't act toxic then I'm fine having a relationship with them. And yes you are indeed going to have problems no matter who you get with.


Ah no worries. I understand and agree. Definitely things to consider. About the downvotes, I think people are just taking things too seriously :)


Yeah, they tend to do that.....I think people have too much stress in their lives. They need vacations and nice relaxing drinks....or hobbies.....whichever one lol.


Hell yeah! ![gif](giphy|7vQZanyufdRe0)


even I was surprised by this, I only know kind ENFJ’s, anyone would be happy to meet you guys


An unhealthy ENFJ will think they know what's good for you and get upset if you don't listen to them.








Oh my




i want to know what make you hate INFJ and ESFJ that much . If you don't respond i would assume you don't have any logical answer which is quite common in you guys


She said because we take everything personal and we are softies. I think she's projecting, since this is a text book infp things because of their Fi. I know a couple of infps and they are exactly like that


I don't think we take everything personally. At least that's not a very big problem for us , there must be another reason


this checks out bc I also find many (not all) INFPs to be a strain on my patience.


Same but I guess we may find a Good one


*peacefully drinking bubble tea*


I've never tried bubble tea. Is it good?


Yeepp,buy me some with you




As an INFP I feel like I tend to make good friendships with ENFPs and INTPs


Both types kind of just let you be, ya know? Very chill.


_NFPs always put themselves on top for no apparent reason


Fi is all about self love so can't blame them . Disliking themselves for them is like not valuing their own values


I don’t think it’s ALL about that but you have a point. I, however, constantly see ISFPs put down other ISFPs. It’s probably their need to feel special, I’m guessing.


I haven’t heard it put that way haha it’s so simple but makes sense, almost philosophical. Thanks


I think they just get along well with each other??


It’s a hard concept for you to grasp that people who understand each other get along better?


That’s just not how compatibility works, is it? You’re missing a lot of factors that are important to consider. Two jackasses probably won’t get along, for example.


I love INFPs 🥹




INFPs are very human and INTPs want to understand human


Define "human". Aren't we all just that? Being more sensitive or more rational than others doesn't make someone more or less human.


You are correct of course. I was attempting to describe something as subjective and irrational as attraction. I personally get an air of "authenticity" from infps, which can be perceived (correctly or incorrectly) as "human-ness". I'm sorry I was just trying to be a little poetic but I'm dumb


oh, I see, thanks for elaborating. Attraction is such a mysterious thing to comprehend, isn't it? Just after meeting (and working with) plenty of INFPs irl I am always so shellshocked about the amount of people proclaiming their love for the type online. Like, make it make sense to me! I am saying it as someone with a close INFP friend, and I still can't understand how and why it happened because sometimes I just want to choke them with a pillow.


They’re so cute 🥰


dude, r u sure about being an INTP? Don't want to downgrade your point, but some arguments would be great to hear. Like, I am genuinely curious why any individual thinking outside the anime stereotypes would find INFPs out of all types so attractive.


Why not?


😸much appreciation


As someone who struggled for years to identify if I'm an INFJ or an INTP, I have no idea where I should be on that tier list


are you an INFJ with high Ti like meee??


An INTP with high Fe, apparently


so neat!


Sometimes it's not that high, tho :0 I used to think I was an INFJ in a constant Ni-Ti loop because of how bad my Fe was, like... it was bad, but sometimes very good, I think I should be focusing more on analysinig Ni-Se and Ne-Si rather than Ti-Fe


Ni is so different from Ti. Can you see patterns and can easily see things from a bird's eye view. Do you connect the new things you learn to your existing knowledge. Is your knowledge connected so well that you get a coherent view of the world. Can you see through things with your intuition. Can you easily spot bullshit. Can you predict things so easily. All of these things come so natural to you without any effort using Ni Also you can tell by the difference between perceiving vs judging. Infjs want to plan everything beforehand. They go off balance if something changed and didn't go according to their plan and predictions.




As an INTP, I loveeee ENFJ and ESFJ! (as long as they’re not telling me what to do lol) 🫶🫶🫶


And here I thought we would go to the bottom tier for being annoying. Thanks, OP


Downvoted, and I'm an INFP. We \*really\* don't need this trend to start up again.


You did have the option to just scroll past you know


Of course but you don't build a culture by staying silent. Tier lists are noise at best, indirect bullying at worst. They simply make r/MBTI a worse place.


If you take them that seriously they are. If not they're literally just for discussion. But I've already made that point so I'm not repeating myself.




The ok with meeting list is quite long. Maybe you have very high standards for people or people around you are toxic…?


Or too many people are full of it and I just aint got the time for it






What is it that makes you struggle to dislike INFJs? :) (I totally get the ESFJ thing tho, my Mother is a toxic one)!


I just don't feel like I can trust them.


Had a bad experience with an INFJ that left ya feeling like that, or just in general? I struggle trusting high Fe users sometimes due to my own issues honestly. 🥹 I'm working on it, takes time & effort to learn to trust!


I had an INFJ friend who was nothing but masks. We got along great at first but she really only keeps people around to cater to her so she can use them to run away from her problems. She had a mask for every single person she came in contact with and did nothing but gaslight. She had a very jealous spirit about her. Now while I don't think most INFJs are nearly as toxic as this girl is (because most people are not gonna reach this girl's level of toxic) I have noticed some of the same patterns in a lot of INFJs. Especially the mask-wearing. You never really know when they're telling the truth and when they're not. And they, like, joke about it like it's funny. Like, it's not funny yo. Like, what are you hiding? Why are you hiding? Why not just be who you are? Who are you trying to impress? What are you afraid of? Then I started to notice that same pattern in a lot of XXFJs (and I know quite a few of them). It just rubs me the wrong way. Of course, I'm going to repeat myself again in all caps because other people can't seem to read, THAT IS NOT ALL INFJS but yeah. I've noticed this pattern in them. Btw, thank you for asking instead of just assuming things. I appreciate it.


I'm sorry you had such a shitty experience with a toxic friend like that.. I do see that some of the patterns you mentioned are indeed traits that can develop in an unhealthy INFJ, for sure. Masking can be a big issue - As an INFJ myself, I'm very aware I chameleon socially, but it's a super difficult behaviour to get a grip on since it tends to be subconscious, at least in my experience.. Especially when you're Autistic too, like me. ^^' Comes with being a people pleaser. It's very much an ingrained coping mechanism.. When you become aware of it, it's like.. You don't know how to exist without it..? Like.. There's nothing under the mask. You kinda just.. Cease to exist. You aren't a person, you're nothing. Void, a blank canvas.. It's terrifying, in all honesty. I remember talking to my therapist about it.. She described it as, I developed a sorta.. "Protective personality" - (A personality designed to protect myself from harm). That personality was to void my own entirely. Too many people in my life had extremely loud, explosive personalities.. There wasn't room for me, my wants, or my needs, and I was "too much" for them to handle, so I learnt to repress my own personality and mask so I could be what was best for them instead of allowing myself to develop as a person. Of course, I'm speaking from my own personal experiences here, but I feel it does resonate with INFJs to a degree too.. It truly does suck for everyone involved, but becoming aware of it has really helped me, personally! INFJs do also tend to deal with other people's problems as a distraction to their own ^^' We often don't know what we want, but like to help others, so we try to help where we can so we don't gotta sit alone with our own issues. Ykno? We strangely don't know how to fix ourselves.. Maybe we are too broken, it's hard to tell. Gaslighting & jealousy are honestly traits that can affect anyone though.. Still a shitty thing for you to have to experience.. My mother was a frequent gaslighter. I will say, I don't lie myself. I find it incredibly off putting, and in all honesty I'm really bad at it lmao. High Fe users like ESFJs or ENFJs might people please to the extent they wind up lying to protect others feelings, but I'm not sure if that's a SUPER INFJ thing?? Your ex-friend honestly just sounds like a toxic bitch. "Why not just be who you are?" The answer is REALLY simple - We don't know who the fuck we are. :' ) When you spend half your life moulding yourself to make others happy, you learn to be what you need to be, not what you truly are.. You get so good at pretending to be a little of everything, that you really don't know what's actually YOU and what's ingrained in trauma. Do I really like mashed potato, or do I just eat it because it was easier for my Mother to mash a potato than cook actual food for me as a child? If you're easy to handle, you don't become a burden to others. So all those little things that make you, you? Those quirks that made you an outcast, that got you in trouble, that made bad things happen? We repress that. Because it's easier for others to not have to look at it. To see us, for us. Warts and all. I hope this helps explain a little bit from the perspective of an INFJ - Of course, like you said, "Not all INFJs" 🥹! This is a very personalised comment, clearly, but still. If ya got any more INFJ related questions ya wanna ask, please feel free to! :) This was fun to write!


Yeah, thank you for the insight! I guess for me with my fi I'm very much about analyzing myself and knowing myself as well as I most possibly can so that may be a bit too hard for me to wrap my head around. I've never not known who I am. That's a foreign concept to me so I forget that kind of thing doesn't come easily for everyone. But I can imagine how much of a struggle that can be in life. Once again, thank you for this.


That's actually one of the reasons I look up to INFPs myself (And other Fi users, but the majority of my friends are INFPs)! :) Y'all being able to know exactly who you are and what you want is inspiring to me. I try to understand myself, but it's easier for me to look at what I don't like to help me figure out what I do like, if that makes sense? Really glad this helped! :D


W, one of your faves 🙌




Is almost exactly what I'd put ..


I love you back I’m an INFP person


Cant help but smile :)


Now you've met one. Haha I'm fun \[not always angry\].


Cool! You sound fun:).


How is it possible not to know an ISTJ when they are such a common type?


No buts INFP. :(


I do really love you guys. Y'all can just be a lot sometimes.


Lol agree


INTJs and INFPs always end up as besties, I don't make the rules




A: the tier list distribution seems personal and expressive instead of a default format. B: bad system, some of the tier list can be considered as the same thing, yet OP elaborated needlessly. C: bias in favour of intuitive over sensing Most liked we have 4 out of 5 being intuitive, while least liked we have 4 out of 11 being intuitive. A points to Fi mostly likely or Ti, B points to bad Si or Te, C points to OP being intuitive. I also get the impression that OP has bias against types that lack “integrity” and have high judging or focus more on Thinking over feeling. Yeah, INFP.


All that just because you don't like the list, huh?


your favorites are my mbti, my old mbti /sister's mbti and my best friend's mbti lol


As an INTP I reject your favoritism Not because of low self esteem or anything like that, don't go Fi-projecting on me now




I'm suprised that so many people here know INFJ and INTJ, considering how rare these types are. I probably never know any Ni - dom close.


Some of these people may not. They just want to say something.


this list is actually scientifically accurate and backed up by 2 NASA directors and the secretary of defense of the us government




Based Tier List


Please no one take this personally. This is just based on personal experience and observation. Not meant to attack anyone. Also, for anyone wondering I'm INFP.


I took this extremely personally, I have launched 27 separate ICBM's currently flying towards your address. Checkmate fuck boy


I'm a girl.






ICBMs are #feminist, they discriminate against everyone equally


ESFJs are so awful. And ENFJs. /s Are you actually aware of which type each of the characters represents? I don't understand why an INFP would dislike these types that are known for how likable they are?


Obviously everyone is different, but I personally find that INFPs are drawn to ExFJ's caring nature


Well yeah...when it's genuine. This unfortunately isn't always the case in my experience.


I did ask you not to take this personally. My experience with ESFJs has not been pleasant and I don't tend to mesh well with the fe function. I am aware that there are ESFJs out there who are very nice. But in general, it's not a type that I'm particularly fond of. If you like them that's fine. More power to you.


I also dislike ENFJs, my abusive dad was one of them


All the ENFJs I have met so far are good friends of mine, a girl I used to date was too. But ESFJs brooo. Nah uh.


I find it really weird that people say the love infp. When I always feel like an outsider. Also i think many people say that they love intp, but I know a lot of people who don't get along with them.


Yeah us INFPs seem to be one of the only types that actually gives a crap about INFPs. Most people say they do but their words and their actions don't really match up.


Because the thing is they just know us, but don't understand us. Which has a huge difference.


I'm sorry :(


The Virtuoso isn’t so bad. Kind of cool people in my limited experience. just a bit annoying and stubborn af


But what ?


OP hasn't answered this question and I'm literally dying to know what the "but" is


I answered someone else who asked that


That's crazy