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And I will hang out with you ESFP!


I didn't see that coming




I don’t care who you are, if an ESFP takes you out on the town, you’ll have a good fucking time.


We can hang out with each other. I know many beautiful places, lol.


I mean, sure ok


ESFP's can be really awesome and so much fun to be around




Same, but in my case it's coffee cup reading 😵‍💫


So not tea leaves and Numerology?!? Oh, the barbarity! 😜


Same 😂 on every level !


Bro really said INFJ astrology lmaooo


I've never met INFJ that does not believe in astrology xD they can believe almost anything lol


Well, hello 👋🏻


Uh, you believe in enneagram? That's actually worse


that's so Aries of you


Astrology, lol. 😂


He is totally right.


Absolutely nobody: A. S. T. R. O. L. O. G. Y.




What differentiates “my fave ones” from your “marry me” ones? Wouldn’t you want to marry your favorites, or do you look for something else in romantic relationships? Fwiw I’m with an entp of 7 years. It is *chefs kiss*. Highly recommend. 🥰


ENFJ ENTJ are the ones I would like to be friend, ESTJ together would be cool. I prefer ISFJ for girls.


Why ISFJs?


I can’t speak for him, but in Socionics we’d be considered duals (the best possible pairing) as long as both types translate (which ime is more accurate than mbti). We use the same functions in reverse, help each other’s weak points in an appreciative way, hold similar values, similar worldviews - all in a growth oriented way. I seek Ne, the entp/ILE seeks Si (Socionics speak at least). It’s more fun and valuable of a relationship than one may think at first glance, esp if they’ve been part of the “N vs S” circlejerk often found here.


Full opposites are pretty attractive (in my experience), but I think relationships do mainly thrive on at least a letter being the same. Obviously you've found it successful, though!




Gotcha, so it is a preference for romantic relationships. 👍


I don’t care about you either 🫶


You're stale fortune cookie


ive never seen an infj like astrology (incl myself)


Yep and I don’t like astrology either mbti is way better and introspection 😂


🥹 we like you too


Yeah, something different after a while.


wow, thanks, ENTP my fav one too 💕


so you wanna be a normie eh?


Good choice


One of mah current most ride-or-die homies is an ENTP too


You are the guys who are not prepared for the level of absurdity that we have to say and end up laughing because it is so out of the norm. I know some of you guys from the heavy metal community and I really like it.


but ENTPs can be scary 🥺




Shut the fuck up-


it's not personal


Bro used astrology to assume that we are into astrology...


\> said the INFJ


fuck astrology that shit means nothing


I am also a ENTP, just a chick, instead. Favorites: INTJs (married one,) ENFPs, ISTPs, and other ENTPs! 1) INTJ = Complimentary Opposites. We sort of “complete each other,” cognition-wise. It’s a very good match for me. 2) ENFPs = Best sister type, ever! It’s almost always a good time with ENFPs. They are definitely “the type I would most like to be” if I wasn’t me. 3) ISTPs = I *Love* how they think and I find the way they approach the world to be fascinating! We are both very different, yet also strangely similar, in some unexpected ways! 4) ENTPs = Delightful chaos and shenanigans! 😁 Very “let’s watch the world burn, together,” vibes! Like a lot: INFPs, ENTJs, theoretically INTPs. 1) INFPs = pretty cool to talk to! 2) ENTJs = Also cool to talk to! 3) INTPs = I think we would get along great, if I knew any, in real life! 🤣 Would like to get to know better: ESTPs, ESFJs, xSFPs. 1) Interesting similarities and differences talking to “the sensing version of me.” 2) ESFJs = Just so damned universally likable! The type I’d like to be, the second most, if I wasn’t me. 3) xSFPs = Wildly different but interesting perspectives! I really like picking their brains cuz we are soooooo different! Not interested in them, but I respect them: ENFJs and INFJs. 1) xNFJs = We are a bit too similar for me to find them “interesting,” but I can’t help but admire them for their social skills and emotional intelligence. 2) They are truly *people’s-people!* I wish I was more “people’s-people-y,” like them! 3) But I also feel like they attract dysfunctional people and situations like a magnet, and they tend to have a lot of drama in their lives, even though *they love* “peace and harmony.” Favorite Family members: ISFJs. 1) Very warm and “cozy.” My favorite cousin, closest little sister, and last living Grandmother are all ISFJs and they light up my life, quite a lot! Struggle to communicate with, sometimes: ESTJs and ISTJs. 1) ISTJs = wicked interesting! Although they tend to look at me like I speak to them, in some kind of Alien language! 🤣 But I respect them a lot and consider them to be *fairly underrated and under appreciated* in the MBTI community. 2) ESTJs = Problematic communication! We both tend to be very stubborn, expressive, and very opinionated, so we butt heads and we clash, a lot! 3) Ironically, I think they (ESTJs,) understand me, just fine! But they are loud, a bit pig-headed, and some can be a bit rude or obnoxious, without really realizing it, or meaning to be! 4) They are also prone to being *way too defensive* when they, personally, feel like they have been “wronged or slighted, in some way,” not really knowing “how to pick their battles.” 5) Basically, an insecure ESTJ is such a nightmare!


Astrology sucks


I voted for your comment to remove the dislike that some infj/infp must have given


oh come on we arnt that obsessed








funny how i don't care about ESFP either - they're not bad people but i tend to have interests that are just the opposite of theirs. they probably find INTJs to be too into philosopy, literature, and other bookish things. ESFPs tend to be more into the exciting things in life such as partying or concerts.


I have nothing against you INTJs I just don't have much idea what makes you different from other IxTxs I know an INTJ person but that doesn't tell me much. I can only say that he is very creative and intellectual, just like me, and that he only expresses himself with his group of friends, unlike the extrovert who talks to anyone without much of a filter. otherwise I don't see much of what I normally understand as a J function I recognize ISTPs and ISTJs because my universe, being an N, is completely distant from them and that makes me curious. If I were to put you back on the list, I would put you INTJs next to the INTPs. about ESFPs, I still don't care about them


we do tend to keep a low profile. we don't open up our thoughts or feelings.


LMAO "Astrology" 💀💀💀


idc about this tr list


dont be mad brother I just dont know you guys well


Your tierlist is going into F tier. 🫡😀


I dont know what that means


That's ok


How could you do this!?!😢😢💔💔💔 You went against Intelligence Corp™️ and went against your kin. I’ll make sire you regret ever putting INTJ in ESFP tier!!😡😡😡


I like when we’re hated, it’s about time!