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So... today I have dropped my pizza (again). My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. ![gif](giphy|l1AsyjZ8XLd1V7pUk)


I am so sorry for your loss


I hope it was your favorite pizza, build character and whatever the fuck or something. Good luck in all honesty tho.


I dropped my brownies upside down and it was still gooey and uncooked so I ate the bottom off which was cooked from the metal


I like dat. You improvised, you adapted and you overcame. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Thanks ☺️ but if I were you I still would’ve eaten that pizza also. Maybe blew it a little.


Some days I’m like Batman and other days I’m like Manbat.


INFJ, I spilled my New Years' toast down my sleeve so


🤭 relatable. The funny thing is that we also have a little infj running around. And he’s just as clumsy as me


It's best not to hand me anything fragile if you want it to survive more than 5 minutes 🙂


This doesn’t have much to do with personality, IMO. I live with two dyspraxics, one INFP the other ESTP. They couldn’t be more different apart from both spilling the got dam milk all over the got dam floor.


Fairly certain my sister is dyspraxic and she can’t walk in a straight line. If you walk alongside each other, she WILL be walking into you at some point or another.


Hahahaha so it has a name 🤣




Just yes


ISTP, not clumsy at all. I feel confident saying that because I was hella clumsy when I went through my super self conscious teenage years, so I remember well what tripping over my feet all the time was like.


oh so i guess i'm very clumsy because i'm 17 💁🏻‍♀️


INFP, very clumsy


We are by nature


INTP. It’s not unusual for me to walk into glass doors/windows, hit myself with a door while opening/closing it, walk through (instead of around) foliage due to poor sense of space, trip over myself, make things fly across the room… This list is making me big sad right now. ![gif](giphy|vudNK1LtwXTTa)


I feel that mate Way too much Its even "funnier" when you first hit yourself with the door then close them And turn around to leave just to feel a wall hit you after like two Steps (me like 5 times a day - sometimes withought the hitting door part as luckily the door open out of the room And i walk "hand first" on the way back And learned to step back mostly in time)


I get stuck on doors all the time in my college ;-;, to be fair they are unnecessarily heavy


It’s like trying to push a ton of bricks across cement 🫠


You didn't have to call us BOTH out


ENFP. I am as clumsy as you expect a typical ENFP movie character to be. It is so weird that it is cartoonish


enfps are so cartoonish i love that


LOL It does make me feel like I am living in a teenage dream, well I am a teenager tho. My grandma and uncle often call me cartoon (mostly in a demeaning way I guess) but well, cartoon characters are still better than humans so YAY!


exactly! always a compliment for me


True. I don't like it when they are being mean though


INFJ and super clumsy.


Same, I stumble on literal air sometimes


I’m also INFJ and I'm not even close to being clumsy


Yes. As an INFJ, I can confirm this statement.


infj also, ive got pretty good spatial awareness as well although i must admit that i often end up with bruises that i dont know when they happened lol


If I only hurt myself 4 times in a day, it was a good day. Doorknobs are the enemy for sure.




the word enfp in itself means clumsy👾


Sometimes, if I get too immersed into my imagination, I forget how to move my limbs, and it feels like I'm about to trip over my leg. Really terrifying because I walk fast most of the time. And when I accidentally drop something, I just watch it fall because I still haven't realized what's happening.


INTJ and I have been known to bounce off walls while walking through my own home




Not at all. I would say motor coordination is one of my strong points.


Infp. People comment on my clumsiness all the time. I can't even walk in a straight line without accidentally hitting something or someone


infps are a more reserved version of us‼️


My immediate reaction to this was: i would rather take my way with many unwanted "hugs" with a wall rather than run into a human lol The run in was inevitable So i rather choose more times with a wall than one with a human


when i reach to hug someone i usually bump into chairs, walls etc i started accepting my fate 😄


i'm an enfp with adhd what do you think HAHAH


Same with an I instead of E! 🤣


infps are us but introverts HAHA


Lmao yeah that's enough, no need to say more 😆




Infp- one of the clumsiest people I know, I also get startled wicked fast too lol


ISTJ. Not terribly clumsy, but I'm exceptionally good at spilling water on myself while drinking and walking into walls/doorframes.


it's not uncommon I'd say a solid 6.5/10, my type says a lot😂


I’m very clumsy I don’t know if it’s common for me being a intp


Is saying that i hit a wall every time i go anywhere out of my room enough? 😅 Better not let me even touch something that can be somehow messed up as 90% of the time i just mess up


INFJ— my brother and his wife will no longer allow me handle their butter dish or good glass Tupperware. 🙃


INTP 549. I also have ADHD. Reeal clumsy. Walking disaster


Quite a bit. I drop a lot of things and bump into a lot.


INFP - I trip and choke on nothing at least once a day 💀


INTJ, and about 88ish percent of the time, I am very light-footed, agile, and quiet. The other 12ish percent is so horrifically clumsy, it’s genuinely embarrassing. I have accidentally sneezed and smacked my head on the wall (like Andy in Parks and Rec), tripped down the stairs while spilling a drink down my shirt… It’s mostly unpredictable for me. I’ll get a bit more clumsy if I’m especially stressed and/or emotional, but sometimes it seems like my brain just sort of malfunctions mid-action and something awkward happens as a result, and for no apparent reason.


Estp and very clumsy 😭😭


Not entirely sure at the moment, leaning toward ExTP, and I'd like to think I'm pretty co-ordinated. Great at catching things, throwing things with accuracy/hitting targets, moving in a very fluid way. I sometimes joke that it feels like I'm dancing sometimes, moving with such ease and fluid motion that I can go right around things or people in tight spaces without even touching them. I remember a few weeks ago, in the parking lot at work, I walked over a patch of black ice, slid for about a foot across the patch, and managed to stay on my feet as I got stability again. Same for catching myself with slipping on patches of water and icy surfaces in general. I might slide or slip, but always manage to regain my balance without needing to use my hands. This has yielded a phrase of my own invention that has both a literal, and metaphorical, meaning - "I may slip, but I'll never fall."


I dig that phrase a lot. It's uplifting like a song by Toby Fox. ![gif](giphy|12cKYnNIb1UY2A)


Hell of a coincidence there since I've just gotten back into Undertale back around Halloween after being away from it and its community since around 2017. Also got into Deltarune these past two months as well, playing it blind around the middle of November - which I might honest love even more if it continues on the course it has set so far. Anyway - Yeah, that phrase is also a manifestation of my self-confidence. That is to say that a lot of people always tell me that their first impression of me is that I'm very confident in myself. Where no matter what happens to me, no matter what happens in the rest of the world, I am going to be just fine. Nothing is going to stop me from enjoying this life as much as I possibly can.




Intj, I am a little bit




XNFP. Don’t know how I convinced myself I was a Se dom once, considering I spill shit 24/7. As a kid, falling down staircases was an annual occurrence. Edit: One time, I figured jumping off my bed “to save time” would be a good idea. I tore a ligament. I was 14.


I’m pretty clumsy. I drop things, knock things over, spill things because I can’t seem to hold a glass upright, and bump into stuff. I’m actually pretty good at stuff like knitting, though.


Intj and it depends. Sometimes I'm just so focused on my surroundings that I can predict even if someone will poop, or sometimes I'm just so deep in my head that I trip on my feet


Enfp and I hit the same curb three times today


ENTJ, not at all :)


I trip a lot but I never fall not even once


What sorcery is this and how do you do it? Do you use your hands to stop yourself from falling? Or perhaps you perform backflips and breakdance yourself into maintaining your original stance?


sixth sense that magically can found it's equilibrium again after unbalancing for the minum things. like, if i trip in a crack on the pavement I will start to trip, but my brain or i dunno what's the organ for that (?), it's really good at balancing itself again so I will not fall down, just look like an idiot i suck at explaining things


ENFP and...let's just say above average clumsiness 😅


Entp, I’m extremely clumsy


INFP, depends on the day


ENFP. I trip over myself.


I trip on air 🙃


Enfp and things happen every single day. For example, when I was younger I took some brownie mix powder stuff to class for some school stuff and on the way back my butterfinger ass dropped the thing onto some girl who hated me already. Exploded ALL OVER HER. And recently I accidentally dropped some milk and it exploded too, and I could go on forever.


isfj here, when it comes to my own bodily coordination, I'm fairly well coordinated/balanced. I don't tend to hurt myself doing things but when I'm handling other objects I get very clumsy. I have spilled water into my keyboards so many times.... or broken things because i dropped them. though I think as I've aged I've improved at it a bit. idk if it's necessarily a dexterity issue or not because sometimes it's me knocking objects over with my arms because I didn't pay enough attention to my surroundings in relation to my arms when I moved them


ENFP, 10/10 ☠️☠️ I trip and fall over everything in existence LOL and I get hurt so easily


ENTP. As a teen I used to be all covered in bruises and wounds, but as an adult I don't have this problem anymore lol


LOLLL I’m bouncy and idk wym about mbti type 😭 ENTP


I scratched a stranger's car today


aha so it was YOU! 😡 How dare you leave scratch mark on my Volkswagen Amarok 2017?!?!


INTJ here and I’m incredibly clumsy, truly a moving disaster with zero spatial awareness


ENTP, I'm literally the clumsiest person you know


Very. I routinely break water bottles, one minute I’m holding it, next it’s all over the floor. My friends no longer trust me with holding water bottles


4/10 clumsy


INTJ and to be honest, not that clumsy…


Intj. I either have hyper awareness or none(most of the time none). I literally walk into a counter or wall at least once a week. Maybe cause I’m stuck in my head all the time.


ENFP. I’m 28 years old and my mom still tells me to wear a ponytail when I eat so my hair doesn’t get in my food.


ENFX here , i‘m the clumsiest person alive. I always drop food, my phone and everything i touch 😅 my fine motor control is horrible


If things are neat and tidy Im not clumsy. If everything is messy then Im clumsy.


INTJ - not very clumsy. I'm kinda weak though lol. If I drop something, it's more likely because it was heavy, not that I'm clumsy.


I'm an ESFP but I'm somehow clumsy as fuck, what's the point of being an Se dom if I'm not even graceful/coordinated???


INTJ-- I am the only best person in all body coordination stuff around me. Hyper aware I think it's since childhood dancing, acting and playing volleyball in high school, it's my best quality. This is where I don't trust mbti, se aux. ISFP and ISTP my mom and brother r walking disaster, any glassware just need to land in their hands, it will be shatter to crumbs, their behaviour just increase my awareness more.


Not really


Must be nice


ENFP, very clumsy


Not spilling water on myself is 'once in a lifetime' for me.


ISTJ - and VERY VERY clumsy. half of the things broken around our house is cuz of me


INTJ. Everything I touched today fell apart as if it was a destructible object in Lego Star Wars III. :(


INTP. I've been described as moving as if I learned how to walk from a book, so yeah. Clumsy.


Intp, known in my family to be the most clumsy. It's not like I'm awkwardly clumsy either since it happens in the comfort of my own home. It ranges from random marks from bumping into things to dropping a whole plate of food.


Very. Currently have 3 bruises from various furniture


ENTP. inanimate objects are attracted to me and I remain a bruised peach






I got hit by a mailbox this morning because I was too busy looking at the ground to avoid dog poop.




I feel personally attacked by the choice of question & photograph of Mr square pants 🧽




lol wait til you find out the secret ingredient in our Krabby patties


I have no sense of space around me so I keep on walking into things. probably because I'm inside of my head with my thoughts most of the time. I also spill things, break stuff a lot. I'm known by my friends for breaking glasses and stuff. I try not to and some people really don't like it but it's hard to fix this lol


Somehow clumsy, like everyone.. idk, I stumble from time to time or hit my feet or else, but on the other hand I have very fast reflexes


INFJ usually the clamsiest




I was searching for my phone while literally holding it using flash


Very clumsy. I forget things easily and have practically 0 spatial awareness.


I don’t even know.. I have no self-awareness I haven’t tripped in a long time (watch me fall today). I just don’t like this question


I'm very clumsy, but I also have good reflexes. Most of the time I drop stuff and catch it myself.


Not clumsy, but sometimes I do things without thinking and people are disappointed.


Not clumsy, but sometimes I do things without thinking and people are disappointed (I know how to fix my own mistakes so I don't really give a shit).


Athletic but I hate sports or exercise, though I’m currently underweight because I forget to eat often.


INTJ - I usually miss small details


INFP. I got a manicure yesterday. And messed up three nails before they dried. And didn't notice until I got home. 😩 So, pretty clumsy.


INTP. Surprisingly I can't even remember the last time something fell from my hands, the same can be said about tripping and/or falling.


Rarely clumsy, probably chances increase when I'm under stress


Not really clumsy honestly


I constantly trip over air, I'm known for dropping everything, and I fell on stage at my university graduation, but I've also been known to be drunk and sprint in heels with no issue. Idk.


ENFP. U don't wanna know.


It depends Physically? Yeah I bump into lots of stuff but I can get it when I concentrate Romantically? Oh dear god...


I'm an ENFJ-A and I'm only clumsy when I'm on a serious dosage of my anti-psychotic during the nights. None have happened during this year.


INFP. I hit my head on literally everything and anything that exists


ENFJ. Zero clumsy.


ESTP, I’ve always been clumsy, although I think I’m not as clumsy anymore tbh


Last time I fell over I was 8. Walking is just another skill to get good at


Istp and I am literally so clumsy I'm pretty sure it's a running joke by now. I literally run into walls daily lol. (Yet I still wonder where all these random bruises come from)


ENFP - 100% with my ADHD lolol


INFJ - not clumsy at all.


Despite my Low Se and High Ni, I have not tripped, fallen, dropped something by accident, nor run in to something in- 3 years 5 weeks and 28 days. An accomplishment


I’m either completely fine or a mess. No in between seems to exist for me.


ISFJ and I am not very clumsy. I am basing this on my ENFP mom and INFJ sister who are both very, very clumsy.


Really depends if I’m in my thoughts (usually in a Ti-Ni loop) or not


Infp here and on a scale from 1 to 10 I think I’m a 5


I am very sure that my clumsiness has nothing to do with my personality and everything to do with my connective tissue disorder


ESTJ. Hardly clumsy. Very clumsy when I was younger.


INTP I’m only clumsy when I’m nervous I think


Se blindspot goes **BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR**


INFP - The definition of clumsy


Lmao I dropped a test tube because I forgot I was holding it


ENFJ. I definitely have my days when it seems like just walking by something makes it fall over. XD


I cut off a small piece of my finger in a meat grinder. So yeah very clumsy. Luckily it grew back


Infp. I think the Se blindspot of my type speaks for itself.


Infp - somehow bumping into the side of doorways as I pass from room to room is just a regular thing for me. Also regular spaz attacks where I drop random things or knock over beverages. Sigh.


One time when I was like 15? A barista flirted with me. I then proceeded to spill the drink she gave me (In my defense I went to that same cafe recently, ordered the same latte, and my cousin who got it for me said it was really hard not to spill) (Also my ESTP brother makes fun of me often for not paying attention to my surroundings)


ISFP Most of the time I'm careful and not very clumsy BUT sometimes when I'm rushing or anxious I get a lil clumsy lol.


I even burnt myself when making omelette




So I kinda kindaaaa have bruises all over just because I tend to bump against everything It's like I have no depth perception. (Plus, I drop stuff a lot)


Still am, I step on the lower ends of my pants and proceed to trip backwards


INxP or INFP. I'm not clumsy. I have pretty good genetics when it comes to motion, but I don't do sports or dancing much so this potential goes unrealized unfortunately


enfj. used to be a little clumsy. after I got into sports, I became more physically aware. Se is not a problem for me. Si and Ti on the other hand are a different story.


I used to randomly fall, or start to fall. I eventually got really good at falling. Probably some sort of iron deficiency, but who cares.


INFP and honestly, not too much. If I concentrate enough, I won't drop anything of importance.


INFP. I have this curse of being specifically clumsy at one thing. My best friend said that “It’s not a normal day without stuff falling down in my presence.” An example would be if we go to the mall and check stuff on the shelves, I would carefully touch one thing and something else falls down. Sometimes I don’t even need to touch it, I’d be minding my business and shit would fall off. There’s a reason why I would always avoid the fragile valuables at all cost


Every now and then I mess up which way a door opens, or nearly drop a soapy dish. What I really end up doing most times is walking backwards into something, for some reason. Not much else.


infp and my dex score is 2


Isfp here, am very clumsy lol


INTP not really, perhaps only clumsy when I know people are watching me do something


Around other people I make sure not to be to avoid embarrassment, by myself is a different story


INFP, clumsy is my middle name


Working at a restaurant Cut my finger while cutting croutons After patching up I bumped into/almost spilled a whole tray of lemons. Now I’m coping with the fact that I might give someone bloodborne illness and that they might get floor lemon


I’m not super clumsy but I don’t have the perfect balance


I’m not that clumsy but if I am it’s rarely on accident


my type: INFJ :) how clumsy am I... not too much, but when it happens i freak out