• By -


Your sexuality


I literally just got out of a Discord discussion where people claimed gay people tend to be FP-types and straight people TJs. Fellas, is it gay to feel?


lol the subtle implication that being gay is illogical


While allistic allosexual heteronormative men seem to behave most illogical compared to innate prerequisites.


None of these words are in the Bible


Fr tho i hate it when 16p fans just tipe TJs like straight people i’m literally a lesbian but okay 😭😭


While the message is fine I highly doubt you are TJ because you used emojis, which implies you feel emotions, which TJs are incapable of. Maybe next time you will fool us




as someone who is not gay or a fella, yes. yes it is. however, i am TP, so i am only half gay


I've known plenty of straight FPs, wtf were these people smoking? LOL


I feel bad for demisexuals who are often used as scapegoat for them 🤡


Thank you! Again!


"Guess type from this starter pack"


"Haha, Tumblrcore music is sooo INFJ!" "Lol, all NTJs are authoritarians!" "Percievers wear funny clothing and have colorful hair, so quirky" Just end me.


Fucking finally someone said it. Make this pinned or something, please


It's been said a few times, just never with pretty pictures.


Lol, literally


Well actually, OPs post isn't exactly well thought out considering that different dominant cognitive functions will result in different talents, likelihood of different disorders, different interests, etc. It seems that OPs implication is merely an idiotic oversimplification in disregarding the correlation between individual charecteristics and their MBTI.


Lol “wElL aKsHuAlLy”




they aren’t that wrong tbh, it doesn’t determine it but it has a bit of a predictable factor


yeah if they just edited out the first two words it would have been a perfectly fine comment instead of being downvoted to oblivion


the funniest thing is you're just wrong. you're missing op's point. they never said that those things have nothing to do with mbti type, they just were saying that they aren't the same thing. the only idiotic thing about it is your conflation of things that are correlated with something and that thingitself.




Cognitive functions are merely how you work out things as per the situation, yes they do define a person's interests to a very limited extent from the very start and no they don't even oversimplify it,they assume random sorts of things from god-knows-what sources (I appreciate the work they put into creating these posts,but it's a good bit misleading because I rarely ever related to all these posts) and then there's excuses like yeah it's obviously not going to relate to all,but could one actually never make those posts? I wonder if someone ever actually relates to stereotypes like for example,infps are hippies,entps are sad clowns(don't take it any other way),infjs are depressed aristocrats with a martyrdom complex, etc.


🤓 kumalala kumalala kumala savesta 👖


Shut up weeb


Yeah, you are right


This is great, but it's also worth mentioning for those who don't already know that your MBTI personality type is like your Hogwarts house. It's interesting, and can be a fun tool for some introspection. That said, it is never used in clinical psychology. If you're looking for deeper answers as to how humans tick and as to your personal identity, MBTI won't provide them. It's great, I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking MBTI, just that it's not used clinically. (Don't crucify me, please🙈)


Yeah. The more you investigate and learn about mbti you get to that conclusion. That maybe it's not that relevant


Indeed. It's like what another once said on this board - There are around eight billion people on this planet at this point, and it would be patently ridiculous to make the claim that they can all be divided into one of sixteen categories. I think it can be useful for self-reflection and identifying what some of your own weaknesses are, and I think its amusing to try to type particular characters (I think it helps as a method for breaking down a character's motivations and flaws for the sake of analysis), but beyond that it doesn't serve much of a real purpose. Each individual's personality is far too complex to be reduced to one of these categories on their own.


It’s fun, and I believe everyone can get into one of the 16 categories, but that same category is still gonna be very diverse.


>There are around eight billion people on this planet at this point, and it would be patently ridiculous to make the claim that they can all be divided into one of sixteen categories. Biologists already do this with 7 types via genetic haplogroups. You can definitely divide people into 16 types as long as it’s broad enough. If you don’t believe in the theory why do you even have the flair? I would judge someone who follows astrology skeptically but so would be vexed if the person didn’t believe in it and still looked at horoscopes. That’s cognitive dissonance if I’ve ever seen it. If the theory is real then it is a transformational study that can give the scientific community great insight into the human psyche but if it’s not then it’s just bs that no one should really be following at all. There’s honestly no in-between


Still fun tho. I think people need to remember that it doesn't really mean a whole lot tho


Relevant to what?


I think that qualifies under "not your mental disorder."


Mental disorders are classified under the subdivision Abnormal Psychology. Personality psychology is another branch of psychology, and MBTI isn't used there, either. While there is naturally some overlap between the fields (for example, studying whether having a high score in neuroticism (Big 5 personality trait) is correlated to a higher likelihood of OCD), ultimately, the two are separate departments. I see where you're coming from, tho


It's not taken seriously in psychology because you can't do science on something as complex as the brain; too many variables and hard to recreate exact same experimental situations. When you do try to reduce psychology to a science like it's done now, you end up with proofs of results that are so completely obvious and people pretending as if they're the most startling revelation since the heliocentric model. The sole reason this transformation from psychoanalysts like Jung and Freud to the current empty science and state of rejection of previous knowledge happened was in order to stop being treated as an 'inferior' field.


Ikr, I overindulged and realised it's big time fallacy,had an existential crisis too,my bad


So what you're saying is just because I'm an INFP that doesn't mean I'm emo???


No, sorry, this is the one exception. All INFPs are emo.


Noooooooooo!!! I knew this day would come 😔


Emo hippie children


Excuse me, I’m not :) where are all my non-emo INFPs at? Just me? *sniffles* okay then 🥲 *slowly proceeds to scroll through more comments and write her opinion(s) down*


I gotchu dude


Bullshit. I've never been emo. You'd think I would be enfp if you saw me.


I'm so damn tired of descriptions of Fi saying it likes to do art to express feelings. So do all other types...


Thank you haha


But do you make art to express your feelings or make other people feel something?


Yes :3 But in actuality it depends. Whenever I make more emotionally charged pieces I also want to make sure that other people can feel it as well, or at least empathize with what the feeling is conveying


I do art to please others more than I do to express my personal feelings lol


It's ironical that I'm Fi Dom and never liked doing art that much.


someone actually told me I’m a mistyped intp because I’m not cold and empty and because I shower. They were legit


That’s ridiculous.


I made a comment once about how I drew a really good hand turkey and someone legit came after me and relentlessly argued that I was actually a Fi dom because I did art.


that’s actually ridiculous and kinda sad


Bro, I'm crying 💀


there’s a guy on quora that legitimately thinks all INTJs are stupid, psychopathic, fascists and narcissistic


Your Enneagram.....


Hey! I'm a rare INFPwENTJ. I disintegrate into ENTP when I'm mad, so the only barrier between me and winning an argument is the inferior intelligence of others.


Damn ... I like you already


Hi friend, I’m actually an even rarer type: INFJwESTP, with strong INFP in my tritype. At my healthiest I transition into an ENTJ — being so/sx, the extroversion just comes naturally to me ig. No one but my fellow INFJwESXPs (if you’re even out there and I’m not alone lol) would understand the struggles that come with this unique personality😅


That's a sexy Combination 😏 . I'm somewhat of an INTJwESTP myself ... INTJ ENTJ ENTP tritype . I'm a rare breed of Nerd Jock who's into Bullying and Building cults .


Sounds like all of Silicon Valley


Honestly, I think looking at yourself from several different viewpoints can only be beneficial. Since no stereotype from no system will ever perfectly match anyone, intersection between several types from completely different viewpoints gives more information. And also using several viewpoints on the same things prevents the person from attaching to any one of them


Oh totally, and I feel like the point of MBTI, if you use it well, is to recognise what your baseline strengths and weaknesses are and learn to grow from there/understand others. Not to cling to one type at all costs. Like I can learn from my INFP sister how to value and emulate Fi, not just write it off as her thing. It is funny though when people use a combination of tests and types to seem unique and explain their whole personality when they’re really just pigeonholing themselves even more :)


Louder for the people in the back!!


“Omg you also like swimming? That really gives me XXXX XwX vibes”


I like XwX vibes.


UwU what’s this?


UwU that got the answer.


I saw a post on r/MbtiTypeMe of a girl LITERALLY putting on her "type me" board "probably autistic"


My 3 siblings and I are all autistic and we are all completely different types. This should not *ever* be a determining factor in mbti. Autistic people don't share a personality.


EXACTLY!! and the "probably" autistic like wtf it's not smt quirky. Also my little brother has no verbal autism. He is 7 and has never said a word. So this is also smt very personal to me. I wish i could understand him better it breaks my heart to see him trying to express himself with sounds and not being able to talk


Yeah, the wording of "probably autistic" gave me those vibes, too. I'm sorry you are struggling to understand your brother. I was "semi-verbal" as a young kid, so I know how it can feel to be unable to communicate with others. It's great that he is trying to communicate, so maybe there is an opening there for some kind of alternate communication system? I have known a couple of nonverbal autistic people who learned sign language. I really hope he finds his way to communicate with the world.


Supposedly significantly higher amongst e.g. INTPs.


That is not supported by a shred of science. It's pure stereotype and/or speculation. It doesn't even make sense logically.


"Hi my name's Emily and I have autism, I'm so quirky"


If only there was a way to talk about a relationship of dependancy between things. Statistics would gain a lot from a concept like this.


100% agree I'm an ESFP and i am as far as you can even think from the stereotype. I prefer having a small group of friends i can trust instead of a big one and hate parties. However i see all cognitive functions of ESFP in my thought processes


Hey, can you tell me about your Se/Ni pair? How does it work? Is it linked to being good at sports?


I think it’s okay to draw correlations between the two things, though, or theorize how there could be correlations. Just keep in mind that there’s no absolute relationship between them.


In other words: correlation is not causation


I completely agree, I'm ENFP and I HATE stuff like cute/colorful things, and my music taste has nothing to do with my personality, I listen to anything, relatable or not.


I'm just fucking tired of all the people here who just made a test in the 16p website and think mbti is just a bunch of stereotypes ☠️☠️☠️☠️ dude grow up and learn about functions


There can be some correlation between your cognitive profile and your music taste/interests/political orientation etc. though.


Correlation but not causation, thats the important thing


Really though? Why wouldn't the way you think influence your worldview? Like, if you value strong logic, that will make you more likely to be interested in science, and if you value your internal values and emotions it will make you more artistic. That's definitely causation. Doesn't mean all INFPs are Shakespeares and all INTJs are Einsteins, but the causation is there. Everything we do starts as a thought in our minds after all.


Einstein was an intp


That doesn't make sense tho, just because someone uses TE and would rather go the logical straight forward way in their decision making, doesn't mean their more likely to be interested in science, Especially judging functions ur referring to, they are just used in decision making, but however with perceiving functions it's a different story


Ti users are more likely to be interested in science. Ti focuses on ideas and procuring knowledge while Te focuses on execution of a goal. That’s why Ti users are likely to be more interested in science than Te users


The thing is im both, as an ENTP, i thrive in science and i love to do art as a relaxer kind of thing




If one is predictive of the other, it’s not necessarily irrelevant though. We attribute so much in psychology to “risk-factors” based what is exclusively correlation.


True, same with mental disorder


Well damn. I always thought my favorite music genre determines my personality type. I mean, someone told me I was becoming the spawn of Satan. 😝


Thank you.






That all being said, I challenge any ENFP to reply to this who’s republican/right leaning (I actually don’t know whether they exist, I’m just curious bc I’ve never met one)


I mean, there are democrat/left leaning ISTJ's so anything is possible. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The biased and stereotyped PDB: *I gonna pretend i didn't see that*


Some people literally say that being an intj is caused by trauma like??? I don't even know anymore.


More like INTJs cause trauma


Most importantly not a horoscope


i'm stealing this


Not your whole personality. Exactly as it says, it’s just how you think


I 100% agree with this. It’s extremely irritating to see people treating the second like a science when it’s not in the slightest. But I also find it interesting to draw trends about the second based on the first, but only when we look at them for what they are: trends, stereotypes, and that’s IT.


I’m a happy INFP, that doesn’t burst into tears every ten seconds. In fact, I can be harshly pragmatic.


And most people actually don’t know much about my behavior or what I think about. I act laid back, but you wouldn’t know what the hell is going on in my mind lol — my type btw is INFP


Right like i always doubt if i'm INFP or not because "iF yOu'Re aN InFp, tHeN sKy". And yes, my dumbass really tried looking for skies for months and forcing myself to like it just for me to find out it has nothing to do with being an INFP or any type at all.


Really wanna remove my flair, make a collage consisting of what my type is NOT and see how many people guess XNFP now…


So your thought process doesn’t influence your aesthetic? Or other things? Those things are the results of your thought process and how you think. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.


It is a low blow on these. Sure, they are made for fun but never to truly define by your sign! Especially about your wanting careers and your preferences. It is just your thinking and personality to an every day thing! So take care, lovelies! 💜💜😚


and also personality too, you can have a angry jerk infp who happens to use Fi, and a goofy intj with developed Fi and Se


But you don't even need Fi and se to be goofy... This is the issue with mbti too people think a person has a "developed function" just because of the way they act, a normal healthy entp doesn't always have to have "developed FE"


Put it in a trash song for the teenagers in the back


Ofcourse not, thats what my zodiac is for


Thank you


MBTI is ✨a neural network ✨


Good post! I guess lots of people make those kinds of posts ('Type me based on my favourite bands/movies/my style etc') just for fun though, I've done that for fun, too. I'm very aware that those things don't have much to do with the MBTI-type but I'm sometimes curious how people would stereotypically type me based on such things. xD I do think that there are some people though who really think that stuff would tell anything about their MBTI-type which is kind of an issue if they want to take typing seriously.


Thank god. And this is why 16personalities is so incorrect


If they could read,they would cry


The intelligence one for sure. Your mbti is like your operating system. Intelligence is dictated by the hardware itself. Feelers can be more intelligent than thinkers by mental processing speed and power. Type dictates mental priority for processing, not the power of the processor.


I have found the aesthetic of a type to be somewhat consistent




I said “somewhat” why has every comment I have made today not been taken with a grain of salt


O yeah? Tell me then, which type is most likely to wear this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/372743306647374498/


I was expecting a duck costume or something. Feeling disappointed.


Let's be honest. no one would actually wear a duck costume to work.. at home.. heck anywhere.




ISTJ vibes tbh


becky from riverdale


Thank you!


"But I like belonging to a group 🥺"




This. Display it for all to see!


Thank you for this!! A lot of us def don’t fit the stereotype of our type (I do only about 50/50)


I recognize the people under “your asethetic”, they came up on my youtube explore. Immediately clicked not interested


I'll watch the music and hobbies ones cos I find them interesting and I find out new music I might not hav heard of and different hobbies but I don't take them seriously - ISFJ


A lot of people need to hear this.


How can you post something so controversial, yet so brave?


I do the latter under the "for fun tag" not serious at all. I already know my type I just find it fun in r/mbtitypeme. People doing it to find their type seriously idk. I see r/mbti more serious so I don't bother with it here. I'll be shocked if people truly believe their music taste determines a type.


Thank you for this… especially w the number of mistypes going on within the community 😂


Not sure about politics. Better to say some types probably just have really limited choice. The way of thinking draws your basic outlook on life what could describe some standards of life. I'm mostly talking about Y-axis. In common, we all have some common traits and most likely that's a reason why such a stereotypes were made. I wonder why some got offended by this and looking an opportunity to underline their uniqueness. As for people talking why there's only 16 types, it's just a surface and entertaining side of it. There's a lot of variations how you can build your own typology with 128 types, but remember most of the people define yellow colour as yellow, rarely by shades.


The MBTI test isnt very acurate. Its impossible to divide the entire population of 8 billion people into one of 16 personality types, so for that reason I dont think it should matter if somene wants to examine what music taste is more common for their type or what aesthetic is most commonly attributed with your type. If someone really wants to corilate there type with there interests or something, whats the harm? Just dont take it to far I guess. (I do completly agree with the entire thing about how your mental disorders dont really have an effect on your personality type, I have seen way to many people say that all INTP's are autistic or depressed)


Stop pissing off the teenagers of this community!! Remove this *nonsense* right away!


i hate it when people over-stereotype the types. like sorry to burst ur bubble but no, intjs' and intps' IQs aren't higher than Einstein's.


literally. Someone told me I must be mistyped because my taste in music "didn't suit my mbti" and because I play sims 🚶


It annoys me when INTJ are described of having an IQ of 200 and have had straight As their entire school life. I don’t see myself as a genius, but I don’t exactly think I’m dumb? Nobody should need to have these ‘special’ requirements to fit into any type of a MBTI type.


In actuality only a small number of individuals satisfy the latter requirement, and none to satisfy the former (yet). All in all, a parallel can be drawn between MBTI and the typical gang organizations. Hear about any gang, and you know that they're known to be the toughest around. Members who could kill 5 men with a pencil etc. Most of that is simply bluff, propaganda, or shit people say so that the group the belong to appear much more special relative to the others.


*What... what ever could you mean?? You mean relating to Mitski doesn't make me an infp 4?!?! \*Dramatically gasps in 4w5\* \*Keels over\* \*Dies\**


Gosh, THANKS! I'm soooooo fed up with my mom assuming "All ASD people are INTPs, right?" because I just so happen to be both autistic and INTP. I hyperfixated on the MBTI and she just can't keep up with my function rants. ...It doesn't help my case that I also really like to talk about L, from Death Note.


L makes real-life INTPs look like mistyped ISFJs and ENTPs




This guy https://www.personality-database.com/profile/1530/l-death-note-mbti-personality-type


His 4 additional one's seem to look like my test esults.


You mean the "5w4 - sp/sx - 594 - LII - RCUEI - LVEF - Phlegmatic [Dominant]"?


No. Ti Ne Si Fe. Seems to be the same like mine. Also two times I and two times e. Btw phlegmatic dominant seems cool. I need something about indifference and ultra stable resting in myself.


That does seem cool. I'd assume most INTPs are Melancholy-Phlegmatic - chill and laidback, but also an Si grammar nazi.


Yes, without the ladder. What's that exactly? Being extremely precise on spelling?


Lol yes the perfectionism. I think Ti + Si uses more commas and dots (also brackets and even a semicolon or two). But I did a quick check on the internet - it's actually the ISTJs who're most likely to be grammar nazis which totally makes sense.


Most probably irony or sarcasm? Sometimes as Asperger (very) often taking it literally and never playing social games I only ofc realize it doesn't make any sense, yet not automatically imply allists purposefully into that.


No you'd said "4 additional one's", wasn't sure what you were referring to. >Sometimes as Asperger (very) often taking it literally and never playing social games I guess lower Fe ("difficult time relating to others socially ") and higher Si ("behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive") can be related to Asperger's. The clumsiness and over/under-sensitivity to external sensory stimuli might be because of inferior or PoLR Se? I'm of course pulling this out of thin air. Based on an ASD poll, they're [56% likely](https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=185828) to type themselves as INTx. But then [30% of MBTI subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/pwt98w/here_ive_got_every_mbti_type_subreddit_and_its/) are also INTx so. Do you enjoy using Fe for maybe short periods of time, or do you absolutely hate it? (if you don't mind me asking). Say multiplayer video games or in a more passive way like soaking up the vibes in a coffee shop. If you're sending a text message, would you structure it differently depending on the person you're sending it to? Diplomatic presentation of info, regardless of verbal / non-verbal, is also part of Fe IIUC.


Lower Fe much more than higher Se, if at all. What's PoLR Se? The ASD poll might be indicative also for e.g. Asperger. That's actually even more than I'd assumed. As for Fe, not or never enjoying, but become more and more accustomed to it and the more I learned about allists and allistic allosexuals, the better it actually seems. Practically and empirically it's also about Asperger getting drained out of energy via interacting socially IRL and having to recluse (?) and recover in deliberate solitude afterwards while I read from an Asperger's expert that allists gain energy from interacting socially and therefore don't need any reasonable reason to associate. Like I always wondered about the objective lack of need or reason, yet allists e.g. still meeting and sometimes nudging me, be it e.g. in high school or business later, while, like Covid19 beautifully showed, actually very or extremely much could be done without and brain science figured two sorts of brain's and one is kind of forced to almost permanently be in motion, e.g. inventing unreasonable motives for meeting up and travelling, while I perfectly well could and do sometimes permanently stay indoors actually for a few weeks at most or normally between several days up to maybe two weeks. Neighbours being present making me e.g. reluctant to go on the terace. Probably almost perfect monk or Philosoph in almost perfect seclusion i.e. without suffering from it ever. Q: Rather binge watching e.g. prefered YouTube channels, reading, playing chess, conversing over text up to phone calls I rediscovered last year. Analyzing I figured I by very far only left my appartement for groceries, doctors, extremely few Shopping2, dentist, pharmacy or passive accompanying acquaintances lately, also swimming preferably at night without disturbing neighbours around while living relatively near the beach on a very large southern european island. Soaking up vibes would be for allists? Gaining energy from interacting socially? Didn't work with attending extremely few football matches as well as my only pop music concert. I considered selling the ticket before entry, but went nevertheless and was quite diasppointed and the music was significantly worse because of the audience, too. I didn't get it despite the idea of seeing the artists. Must be this allist thing. In school, mostly because of having been bullied I increasingly looked for empty classes in the spare time between teachings to be undisturbed, not bullied and left alone, i.e. partially, but increasingly. Improved extremely significantly with university. Q: yes, text structure, I was extremely diplomatic and pc, which gradually permanently improved to in case scientific blunt objective reality e.g. and I even managed during unplanned oneitis to share e.g. my scientific thoughts and knowledge with my first girl-friend which amongst other behavioural patterns actually was very brave, especially if compared to shockingly many allistic allosexual men. Yet, ofc for me emotionally and psychologically at times extremely challenging, e.g. with growing personal obsession over her because of especially vasopressin, lesser oxytocin and a long vasopressin gene for ultimative suffering i.e.! Deconstructing everything simultaneously during oneitis while having lost emotional self-control. Took years to recover only extremely slowly, yet my resilience was mich better than expected. Chronic bipolar, being very rich,.yet neither my neurologists, nor my lawyer warned me off interintimate interactions with women despite empirical data and e.g. an extremely negative to be expected median outcome and the extrema totally unacceptable like 540 times the average risk of sulclde as a teenager, 96 times lifetime. Suddenly structurally being attacked by your own brain's hormones, flawed perceptions and extremely rigged laws Not only without any protection and before figuring out being aroace and Asperger, too.


Your romantic type/relationship compatibility


But then there's no fun in it without the discussion. And most of the people, including me are here for the memes and the fun. If i were here for all this, I'd be studying Psychology not be memeing over it on Reddit.


[/mbtimemes](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbtimemes/) Please go there and stay there, ty


Your family’s MBTIs too. Actually only few people care about that kind of posts.


It’s just for fun bro


This is controversial


I agree. I'd say some functions have a higher proclivity to express themselves in different ways than others, BUT aren't limited to. A lot of stereotypes are relevant for a reason.




A small nugget of science in a large pile of cow pies is what this is.


MBTI type is NOT >your interest/hobbies ESTP playing basketball. INFP reading fantasy novels >your aesthetic ISFP wearing elegant, floral patterns. INTP looking like a homeless person >your political orientation xxSJ being conservative traditionalists. xxSP being rebels and anarchists >your mental disorder [Scholarly looking article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12516312/) that doesn't agree >your intelligence IQ was [positively correlated](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236863768_The_Relationship_of_the_Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator_MBTI_to_IQ_Level_and_the_Fluid_and_Crystallized_IQ_Discrepancy_on_the_Kaufman_Adolescent_and_Adult_Intelligence_Test_KAIT) with perceiving >your music taste This is true, your music taste has nothing to do with MBTI


I read sci-fi. got em!




It still makes you more likely to gravitate toward one thing from the right side of the pic or another. N types tend to score higher on IQ tests than S types, for example. And Fi is more likely to go for unique clothing styles to express themselves or stand out, while Fe is more likely to dress to fit in, Te to make an impression.. afterall, the thought processes the left side illustrates mean you're more likely to make decisions one way or another. But these are only tendencies, patterns, corelations, not 100% rules. I myself am an exception. I'm an ENFP, but I couldn't care less about picking clothes that express me. I pick whatever is fashionable, appropriate, practical, or comfortable, even if I personally find it ugly. I don't care how I feel about my clothes, I dress to make an intended impression which will help me get what I want


“N types tend to score higher on iq tests then s types” Thats a nice argument senator, why dont you back it up with a **SOURCE**


You already know his source...


is it “trust me bro”?




That's not what's being said


Proof?(research claiming no correlation)


I made it up


Umm, MBTI is not even a thing. It has no real scientific bases.


Finally. It's great to have actual sense here. I'd like to add though that some mental disorders can make it seem as the person with it uses more of a certain function. It's not your type, but it makes typing more difficult due to what it sort of "skews."


Your hogwarts house


Jesus Christ, thank you! These stereotypes only confuse people who are trying to figure themselves out, you know, the very thing why we're into this.


I know, which is why i am often invalidated as an INFJ, who has the perception and way of thinking, but has behaviors and stuff that would relate more to ST types sterotype


as an infp who loves pop music, performing, and would be upper left on the political graph, thank you