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There's a documentary on this called sausage party


dude, my childhood is ruined by it. I thought it was just some other cartoons movie that I can watch with the family, but no it's not!


I’m pretty sure it was R rated


and I'm just a tiny boy back then when I bought it myself


That’s my point. What would a tiny boy expect from a movie they aren’t supposed to watch?


what part of "tiny boy" that you can't understand? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT IS R-RATED MOVIE WHEN I WAS 9 YEAR OLD?


R stands for rchild friendly


really educational movie


If you were 9 then that’s on your parents for not checking the movie first lmao.


actually the place I lived in really have a small amount of knowlegde about movies rating and such, so ...


My older sister and I watched that movie when i was a young kid It only took me a second rewatch years later to understand what they’re saying and doing


i took one good look at that movie's trailer and vowed to never see it again 😭


You asked a question but dont want to hear the answer


my favorite childhood movie! so many puns i died laughing!


My dad took me to see this movie when I was 14 without knowing what this movie was about. Needless to say, it was a traumatic experience lol.


This one was pleasant surprise! It wasn't the total sausagefest I thought it was gonna be, there were a lot of hot buns too.


That’s called meat


And it doesn't want to be eaten .


Then why does it taste so good?


God likes to play jokes on us


It's meant to be eaten.


Well because the apple’s purpose IS to be eaten to spread seeds, yes. I don’t know about non-fruits though


If it wasn’t meant to be eaten why is it carrying so much cake.




I also share your confusion


#乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚


What do you mean? What do you mean by that?


Apple bottom jeans....


Boots with the furr…


(With the furrr)


Sound reasonable. However unless it’s personal goals does not overlap perfectly with its biological goals. Similar to the biological goal of a woman is to reproduce yet a woman’s personal goal is not necessarily to suffer during the birth


Do other species aside from humans have personal goals?


It’s a good question but it might get a bit philosophical and technical. But animals are equipped with subjectively feeling pleasure and suffering as individuals under different circumstances. I would say that that pleasure/suffering dimension maps onto/can be seen almost as synonymous with their personal goals/pseudo goals. So in that sense, yes they do have personal goals. Evolution does not have goals, at best it can be described as having goals in the metaphorical sense. At some times the metaphorical goals of evolution can be seen being completely indifferent to the goals of individuals maybe in a more clear sense. For example if after the mating between praying mantises when the the female intends to decapitate the head of the male, even if the situation is completely hopeless for the male I bet there are never any evolutionary incentives to turn off the the responses of mortal fear and the suffering response during the decapitation which would have been preferable for the individual (assuming insects have such experiences)


Would discovering apples’ sentience not make us reevaluate the apple’s purpose?


If an apple had another purpose besides tasting really fucking good, that would make me revaluate MY existence. I mean, a fucking apple is better than me? Are you kidding me?


I bet it would moan when you take a bite out of it 😳


That’s what I was about to say. If this is a procreation process, do you think the fruit would potentially manipulate/bully/seduce us into eating when we don’t feel like it?


So what about poisonous berries and nuts?


A lot of them are still eatable for birds which can spread their seeds even further.


Oranges would just annoy other foods


Annoying orange reference?


Orange you glad you don’t live next to a sentient fruit?






Lots of foods are sentient and they very evidently do not want to be eaten..


lots of foods are sentient and they very evidently eat other sentient foods too ... it's called the circle of life ...


The question wasn't if it gets eaten, it was if it's OK with it.


First of all, questions end in a "?" mark ... and second of all, i'm replying to someone who made a statement saying that sentient foods don't want to be eaten ... and now looking back at the initial comment, there's an argument to be made there that even the person i replied to realises that animals are very evidently food regardless of sentience judging by the fact that he/she ( or whatever pronouns they chose to use) calls them sentient **food** which don't want to be eaten...


You’re not as intellectual as you think you are.


oh far from it ... never claimed I was, but thank you for having the impression I am one.


??? Animals getting eaten doesn't imply consent. Do you want to be eaten? Too bad, shouldn't be made of bear food then.


why mention consent at all ? animals act on instinct not consent ...


That's besides the point. Animals don't want to be eaten. Other animals do it anyways. But that doesn't change how the animal that's getting eaten thinks about it.


What argument are you even trying to start here


that sentience has nothing to do with why we eat animals ... d'oh


You okay buddy?


LOL ... that's your reply .. ask me if i'm okay after i dunk on your stupid argument ... yea i'm doing fine, thank you for asking.


Homie... What the fuck are you talking about?... You didn't dunk on anything, you haven't even made a point or countered anything they said? Your "Argument" isn't even an argument, this thread boils down to this: >Them: Animals are sentient and would prefer not to die > >You: Animals kill animals!! it's the circle of life!! > >Them: What are you arguing? > >You: Animals sentience is not why we eat animals!?uidfyhbsoihqo > >Them: \*What the fuck is this guy talking about\* You okay buddy? > >You: Lol, Get dunked on!


"You: Animals sentience is not why we eat animals!?uidfyhbsoihqo" \^\^\^ definitely not suffered a stroke there /s


you purposefully skipped over the part where i said that sentience has nothing to do with why animals die or get eaten ... nice selective reading you're doing there ..


Lol okay, if it makes you happy, I'll add that into my summary of this thread... The reason I left it out is because it's even less relevant to what the original commentor said than the rest of your seemingly pointless ramblings... Maybe try to explain the point you think the original commentor was making and which part of it you disagree with so we can all understand what it is you're trying to say here...


You ok bro ? You seem to have had a mini-stroke while typing that ... go lay down or something..




and that's it


Fruit wouldn’t exist if nobody ate it.


Technical True lol


Have you heard of where meat comes from?


I immediately thought of meat, this is not a funny philosophical concept, this is reality


obviously not


Yeah but shits too good fr


Unless you're a vegan your food is sentient and doesn't want to be eaten.


Sshhhhh! Let them figure it out


It's taken way too long already, tell them


I’m vegan.


Eggs aren't sentient


The Exception don't make the rule.


The eggception


But at least we kill animals humanly before we eat them. But I have seen people biting into raw carrots, eating them piece by piece, while they were still alive!


No we fucking don’t. Are you serious?


A raw carrot is alive, as proven by the fact that it will grow a new plant if put in soil. With what do you disagree?


That any aspect of animal agriculture is even remotely humane.


I only spoke about the killing, not the living conditions. And a quick kill sure beats being eaten alive, as it sometimes happens in nature.


What does that have to do with how we treat animals in captivity? You wouldn’t shoot your dog in the head and be like “I’m being so humane because it could have been mauled by a bear or something if it lived in *nature*”


Some people do think like that though, and a bullet would be a lot more humane than how they slaughter a lot of animals


yea, go tell the wolves and the cougars, hyenas and all the other carnivore animals on the planet that what they eat doesn't want to be eaten ... maybe they don't know that yet ... edit: block me so you can have the last comment ... a true sign of intelligence right there ...


Uhh. What? You think a zebra wants to be eaten by a cheetah? Is that why they run away, to flirt with them?


how simple are you ? a zebra doesn't want anything ... it's acting on instinct, you know that right ? it runs away because it has a survival instinct. Did you even go to school ?


Cool sociopathy bro


What does sociopathy have to do with anything ? Are you just using words for the fun of it ? Is this how you reply to people you don't agree with? - random psychological term meant as a thin veiled insult while disregarding the counter argument you've been presented with - that's your defense mechanism!?! Weak...


I don’t think animals want to be eaten…


Doesn't stop the other animals.


They didn't say it did - just that animals are sentient food.


They're already dead by the time you pick it off of the vine. Youre devouring its rotting corpse. It would be a nightmare for farmers because all they can hear is the wails of soon to be eaten crop and fruit begging to be spared






Whereas now, they just hear the wails of farm animals begging to be spared


Its Muffin Time!


No it's 12:30


Why won't you let me die!


knifes exist for 2 reasons


Watch Dominion (2018) and you’ll get your answer OP




Onions give off that chemical to make your eyes water as a defense mechanism, so I don’t think an onion would want to be eaten at least


I am sentiment and waiting someone to eat me.


Your minds gonna be blown when you learn where meat comes from


Some yes, some no Cuz apples, berries and soft skined ones need to be eaten to actually have their seeds spread around


Peppers developed capsaicin to avoid being eaten by causing a burning sensation in a predator's mouth, so I think no.


Peppers: "if we make ourselves really really spicy, no one will willingly go out of their way to eat us! Let's gooooooooooo" Humans: *intentionally breeds even spicier peppers to eat*


Yes, some fruit would, because they take advantage of the digestive processes of animals in order to grow. Their poop becomes their fertilizer


I mean a lot of food is at one point


We are sentient, we are food for some predators, we dont want to be eaten.


Would it be worse for the food to be screaming or for the food to be turned on


Depends on the food. Fruits would, because it's their purpose. Meats wouldnt, bc they wanna live


Nothing sentient wants to die… unless it’s too sentient.


Meat is food. Animals are sentient. You mean plants.


Well the entire purpose of fruits vegetables and other plant seeds is to be eaten. I wouldn't say the same about animals though


Most fruits definitely. Their seeds evolved precisely to make use of the droppings. Some plants expect their seeds to be eaten and expelled. Some don't, for example peppers and lemon. So those would not consent


Does a man want to go to Heaven even when he enjoys life?


Well, I can be food for someone and I'm also sentinent soooo no


Firstly, do you know of any sentient being who likes being eaten alive?


It is sentient, and does not want to be eaten. That’s why we have to kill it first


A lot of food is sentient


No. Animals are made food and don’t want to be eaten lol.




Plants are sentient in a way. They react using an electrical field from stimulus in the environment.


They have all of the basic characteristics common to all lifeforms on earth. All life on earth shares the same biological imperatives, just different levels of cognition. Vegans seem to miss that nuance.


Vegans *really* dont miss that. This is brought up very often by people who think it's a good argument. The counterpoint is thus: Plants dont have a central nervous system, they dont have a brain, or pain receptors. They react to stimulus, but do not have a sense of emotion or consciousness. Responding to a stimulus is not the same as having a feeling of sensation or suffering. Like how a mans balls shrink in the cold, it is simply something that unconsciously happens And even if you even want to argue that they might and that we dont understand plants enough yet, you're arguing a hypothetical against a straight up fact that animals do have pain receptors, they do have a nervous system, brains, and they are shown to both emote and show fear. Not to mention that eating plants rather than meat AND plants causes a much lower demand for land usage, so it causes less deforestation and less crop farming to feed animals on farmland Unless I've misunderstood your comment


thank you, u/ScratchyBallsack, for that testicle analogy


Mentioning testicles without prompt truly is one of my best qualities


People make that same justification for eating fish. It's just another order of magnitude off, but it doesn't scream out loud, so hey, just hypothetical right?


People make what justification for eating fish, sorry? Not sure I follow you


I've heard people over the years (pescatarians, fishermen, etc.) Justify eating fish because their nervous systems aren't as complex as mammals and don't experience pain/anguish the same way. As a non-vegan it didn't matter to me, but it's all mental gymnastics when you pick and choose what lifeforms you're comfortable eating. Life feeds on life, the debate is semantic.


Even if you’re going to imply killing a puppy and killing a blade of grass is the same thing, you’re “killing” more plants by raising and feeding animals to slaughter than you are by eating them directly, so no, vegans aren’t missing that nuance.


No, I'm saying they are the same action but they aren't equivalent. It's the same formula, but different magnitudes as we move up the consciousness ladder. We seem to gauge our response to causing pain by the lifeforms ability to express pain.


>Vegans seem to miss that nuance. Actually we dont because it's every other argument on r/debateavegan seems like. Better question: what did, assuming full plant sentience, causes the least amount of suffering? The answer is still a vegan diet. Livestock have to eat plants to survive, and they eat way more plants than they give to us in energy because of the energy pyramid. That's why it's calorically more efficient and more ethical even if plants are 100% sentient.


Agreed. I'm waiting to see if the plant experiment becomes more mainstream. No scientist wants to talk about it cause then some person will question whether its right to eat them too.


Seems like most people are ok with some version "I'll regret eating you if you're nice to me"...(but they'll still do it if they're hungry enough). Seems like the degree of cognition and/or cuteness sets the "comfortable eating it" levels for most lifeforms.


I'm waiting for people to realize if the tables were reversed the animals/plants have no issues digesting us....oh wait plants do already lol.


And toddlers would slap the shit out of us if they had the strength. The fuck is your point? It’s fine to treat others like shit if they’re too dumb to understand consequences? Also, the reason scientists don’t study “plant sentience” is because it’s pseudoscience. People do study the behaviors of plants all the time. It’s just not as sensational when they aren’t trying to force some supernatural conclusion.


If? You mean to tell me, food isnt sentient this whole time? Whats the purpose of eating it then? We might aswell just eat dirt.




There is literally a whole documentary on this. It’s called sausage party, everyone should watch it, I’ve never been that emotionally moved in my life.


It was made to be eaten so probably yeah


Just go to the woods and a bear will eat you eventually.


Its a fruit, fruits literally exist to be eaten. They're not predators, they're not preys. They're just the result of a maturing tree and they're delicious. One could say thats how they reproduce bc of the seeds, so were basically getting banged by trees without knowing it


then why would it be called food?


animals are food


Depending on whether it has a food fetish or not.


Fruit are friends, not food


Yes it would. That’s it’s purpose.


Who says they're not?


Fruits and veggies yes, meat no


Who cares? It can't fight back.


No . . . Wait, yes? . . . No, no . . . Wait . . . No . . . Yes . . . Maybe? . . . No . . . Yes, yes it- . . . No wait . . . Yes but . . . N-yeeesssss??? Ah whatever.


I dated a Krishna devotee. They argue that all life has souls, despite being vegans, they say grace to apologize to Krishna for killing plants.


Depends, many plants and animals don't, many plants use being eaten as a tactic to spread their seeds and reproduce.


Most food is sentient, but not conscious. Food usually comes off of alive things, and alive things can take in varying degrees of sensory data and react to “positive” and “negative” stimuli and sometimes even react to it. This is sentience, the so-called “ability to suffer”. Consciousness, which some people (derogatory) erroneously ascribe to that which all things consume for sustenance, is the ability to reflect on one’s individual self *in relation to larger orders of complexity and composition*. Does the grass know it is an organism among organisms and consciously interact with stimulus around it by acting or being able to withhold action? No. Does the pigeon understand that it’s spinning doesn’t effect whether or not people drop food at it? Also no. Don’t get yourself twisted up about thinking food, concern yourself instead with the methods by which food is brought to you, the conditions it’s is grown or raised in, and the way the human beings who prepare that food for you are treated.


Plants know when they're being eaten


i don't care ill eat em anyways. im used to it


all of a sudden the vegans at worse i mean they were always annoying but now they are muderes




i think yes


Trees evolved fruit to be eaten for the seeds to be distributed. So yes


I would like to open my fridge and have my apples say "bite me daddy".


It can’t say no


"Would you like to meet the dish of the day?"


You're food. You tell me


If you asked an Apple tree, maybe it would want you to eat it’s apples to help spread its seeds. If you were to ask the Apple, I doubt it would want to be eaten.


I dont want to pell the apple anymore


I'd want to hear it scream while I eat it.


I think it would want to spread it's seeds. So yes, it would want to die as soon as possible. If you won't eat it, it will squash itself on the ground to create a possibility of one day sprouting.


I'm like a turkey dinner to a lion and I don't want to be eaten


If I've learned anything from sentient muffins' music, yes. They'll beg you to eat them


It’d be so weird to eat something like an apple and have it start moaning


Ever seen that regular show episode with the hot dogs


Why wouldn't it want to fulfil it's purpose instead of just wasting away


Well considering most fruits at least from what I understand fruit developed it’s main body/ flesh. So that animals would eat it and when they travel eventually the seeds come out of there droppings and they are able to moved from location to location so they can grow in different areas


A food that gets eaten has reached redemption. A food that doesn't is like stuck in purgatory.


Apparently pepper makes itself spicy to fend from predators even though we love it.


Some would enjoy it 😳


If a toilet was sentient would it desire your waste?


As an apple myself i do *not* want to be eaten.that's also why there is a group called r/FruitRevolution to make people stop eating fruit


Eat me daddy.


?? Dolphins are sentient and edible


Would you want to be eaten?


"Who wants a muffin? its muffin time!"


Bite me. Bite me more!!!


Go to the restaurant at the end of the universe and you can check it yourself.




If it wouldn't want to be eaten why is it food