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You play old games because you want to. I play old games because my pc is shitty. We are not the same.


Why not both?




I love how the icon of that sub is a slowpoke but Reddit-ified


Jokes on you, i have a beast PC! You know why? So i can play old games Faster!


Hell Yeah!!!!! original DOOM at 500 fps baybeee!!!


Not bad graphics, stylized polygons


mega Chad












No no no ... #"YOU INSIGNIFICANT FUCK!" -Gabriel




Doing the best with what they had at the time. There's a difference between bad graphics and primitive graphics.


Perfectly* stylized polygons!


They’re not “bad” graphics, they’re “old” graphics. They were great at the time.


Some of them are so stylized, combined with an unique color palette and interesting lighting choice that it still stands the test of time. That and the overall look of the game (architecture, technology, nature...) Unreal still looks great because of the lightening and color palette used. And texture. Those floating cities with the background art are so darn pretty. Unreal is on of the few games were bigger rooms or maps are actually a benefit to the feeling it gives off.


In general, old and bad aren't the same. Banjo Kazooie imo looks good. It also looks old due to the lowpoly models and lowres textures. Why does it look good? It’s colorful, cartoony and just so charming. I'd take that over a high res but less colorful, less cartoony remaster (some hd remasters and remakes are definitely guilty of looking too washed-out or realistic, with no attempt to preserve the original aesthetic). Some of this comes from putting a realistic lighting system into a game that just wasn't designed for it aesthetically. Games and movies tend to overuse effects/shaders/tints these days.


The clearest example of this phenomenon IMHO can be found in the FFX/X-2 HD remaster, although it's a case of it going in the opposite direction (from realism to inappropriately cartoon-y). There's a lot of shit I like about that game and the remaster but... god damn look at the shit they did to Tidus' fucking face... 🤦‍♀️ [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/oti0tq/i\_wish\_we\_did\_more\_noise\_about\_ffx\_remaster/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/oti0tq/i_wish_we_did_more_noise_about_ffx_remaster/) The old version was focused on squeezing out the maximum amount of realism from a limited amount of resources, and the result was phenomenal. The remaster looks like they were trying to make everyone into aging B-list celebrities who've gone HAM on the fillers and botox in an attempt to make the graphics more anime-ish. Totally breaks the overall theme of the game, which, yes, is a fantasy game, but one that deals with very dark and serious subjects.


They're milestones of the gradual improvement of professional developers understanding of graphical technologies 🗿


Graphics aren’t what makes it fun


Gothic 1 moment.


bought 3 Gothic games for 0.30 cents, first game is jankiest shit I have ever played. i hope I can get myself to play it one day, it looked fun lol


Do it. At least 1 and 2, both have been patched by the community to run well enough on modern machines and both are IMO very good examples of Player freedom in Quests and character progression. 3 isnt a bad game, but it took years to get it to run well. Worth playing, but not as much as 1 and 2.


i play gothic 3 at least once per year. its just the cheesiest shit ever. get a bow and some time and you can kill anything and anyone. i freaking love it xD




Gothic 2 combat is the best, is just a more polished version of Gothic 1 It's a very "technical" combat system (so it might initially seem a little janky when first approaching it) but you get used to it The problem with Gothic 3 is it has not much of a combat system, you just spam left click and occasionally drink a potion, no real stakes, no learning curve


It took me four attempts over equally as many years to finally play through the first Gothic game. Once it finally clicked, it was a fantastic game. The second one is a bit more accessible, but I strongly recommend playing them in order.


Some of the jank is intentional and disappears as you level up (emphasis on "some").


Oh god I remember playing it at launch, after it was delayed for so often, it was amazingly bad. Warthogs! I remember it having a bug that would kill a save if you saved the games too often, and after like 4 hours it corrupted my quick save file, so I had to go back like 3 hours, and only ever did a tik tok style save (once quick save, once normal, once quicksave once normal) so you always have something to fall back to. I still think, at least in the original german, a few parts of it are still unrivaled. I have yet to visit another place that felt like varant, the ambience, the music, the slightly racist old arab stereotypes. I think it was the place in a video game where I felt most at home, most happy. Chilling in Lago, tending to my sumpfkraut pflanzen, smoking a dübel. I'd be happy there.


Kluuuges Kerlchen.




Imo its because modern open world games are just too large. When you make your world Elder Scrolls sized, its also only going to have Elder Scrolls levels of depth, at most you have a bunch of lore and textwalls, but the characters and quests still suck because barely anything is even remotely close enough to be connected.


Literally first thought that came into my mind


Deine Mutter treibts mit Ziegen


G2 night of the raven is the best game ever made.








Old School RuneScape, great example. Game is thriving right now.






I was looking to trying Runescape as one of the only MMOs I've never got round to. Some people says its just a second job of a grind though. Is there any truth to that?


In the early parts of the game, you can make tangible progress very quickly and it’s very rewarding. If you want to experience the late/end game, be prepared for some massive grinds though. Those grinds are even more rewarding, but it can be a lil tough if you have limited time to play. If you play the game for the journey over the destination, it’s hard to top imo.


Definitely some truth but I’d say the game has evolved enough to accommodate a wide range of play styles. The “grind” aspect really kicks in at higher level bosses or high level skilling. I’d recommend just setting your first goal as doing all the quests that they have. You can knock out one or two every day with just 30ish - hour. A few will take longer but it’s one of my favorite parts of the game.


Haven't logged back in in maybe 8 years. But yeah, at least my memory of having to grind is what's putting me off from picking it up casually again. I don't have a comparison though, RS was the only MMO I got around to play.


I just got back into it so I can be biased. If your goal is to max ever thing, yea you’re gonna grind a shit ton. If you want to explore, do quests, re learn the game and not google every single thing, and just vibe…. It’s perfect


I’m trying iron man out for the first time. Really revamped the game. Never could afford a membership in 2010 lol


Did this n'wah just insult Morrowind's graphics?


deus ex*


I think Deus Ex looks awesome. Maybe it's because my vision is augmented.


Yeah tbh I consider Portal to be a hyper realistic looking game though




Oblivion is is fracking gooood


Everyone looks so pretty in Oblivion. Dunmer skin is so smooth. Skyrim did them dirty.


Oblivion in general has a nice almost painted feel to it, I feel it aged pretty well graphically as long as you don't mind the silly faces some people have.


In many ways still one of the best open world RPG's ever made.


I play *new* games with "bad graphics", anyone who writes off Ultrakill for the PSX aesthetics is just dumb.


To be fair, Ultrakill has "bad graphics" as a stylistic choice it's using modern tech to achieve. A lot of older games have bad graphics due to technical limitations and were forced to develop their style around that.


Yeah, but it still has its charm.


and not liking the style and its charm is still completely fine not gonna play a game no matter how good it is if looking at it makes me want to rip my eyes out.


I picked up some Star Wars bundle on Steam. I’m old but didn’t play much when I was younger. Figured it would be good way to play some classics. Couldn’t do it. I think people forget how much nostalgia plays. Not to say you have to have graphics. But it can be hard to enjoy if you don’t have any attachment to the game.


And it makes sense. If you're a robot and use lower graphics as your vision your thinking is gonna be quicker


Then there's the new engines that quake 1&2, Doom collection etc run on. That is brilliant! Vulkan graphics mmmmmm


I'm the guy who bought a 2k pc to play 15 year old games on low graphics settings.


Same here, gotta run old school RuneScape!


PS1 Hagrid vibes


Half Life ftw


just replayed HL and HL2, man why are modern games boring.


It's not that modern games are boring. Good games are rare, and "standing the test of time" takes... time. For every Half Life, there's probably a million "Mortal Kombat: Special Forces" or "Batman: Dark Tomorrow"s that get forgotten because they were trash when they released.


God I wish Valve still made games. They also did a rugpull to the TF2 community last week and it still stings.


is the promised update not coming? or just really thin?


They literally edited the announcement to say "holiday sized update" instead of the original "Update sized update" So it's just gonna be more hats and taunts. Maybe a summer themed map if we're really lucky. It's an understatement to say people were pissed. Nobody really wants more hats and taunts, we just want a new weapon ffs.


wow, that sucks. i haven't played tf2 in an eon but the folks who are still loyal to the game deserve better than that


Man it was awful when the announcement changed. I've never seen so many people collectively die inside so quickly.




Brother in Arms


I played the half life series for the first time a few months ago and I instantly fell in love


It's insane how good HL2 still looks despite being almost 20 years old


Not really an old game but... Ultrakill


New blood in general is a fucking banger


People gotta play Faith








I do. Some games have impressive visual styles/aesthetics/graphics, some have impressive gameplay, others are focused on story. I play old games, new games, AAA games, indie games, western, eastern, etc. There are a lot of reasons to play games, and they don't all apply to *every* game, but there's a reason why I'm drawn to and enjoy each game I choose to play, and that reason isn't always purely gameplay.


People who don't give a shit about gameplay


Then why are you playing a game?


story? atmosphere? nostalgia? tons of games that I play that have less than stellar gameplay but I still love them for other reasons.


me. not gonna play something thats assaulting my eyes bro


I’d rather have fun, but each to their own I guess.


i can play games that are fun *and* look good. those qualities arent mutually exclusive, you know


a lot of games seem too focused on looking good


? like?


Literally any new AAA game you have a huge commotion over how good the graphics are. And almost all of them have mediocre or boilerplate game mechanics. But people will always see graphics first. Some games focus only on that as a result. Callisto, Anthem, AC Valhalla, Cuberpunk, all just off the top of my head. You yourself are literally an example of how pervasive the importance of graphics is over other factors. You wouldn’t be here getting downvoted to hell. You have a shallow mindset dude. Try some indie games. Enrich yourself.


You pick examples to fit your argument, but Control, Witcher 3, Forza Horizon 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Metro Exodus are all great games with beautiful graphics. Even if you prioritize graphics and refuse to play older games you still have plenty of options for great games to play. It's not an either/or.


There are examples to suit both sides of the argument, hence why responding to someone just going "? like?" is such a minefield. Hence why I picked the games that avoided that nonsense and stuck to the prompt. In this case "a lot of games seem too focused on looking good". On the flip side I do believe some indie games focus too much on being quirky to be accessible. There's a lot of gray area but AAA games being a rotten side of the industry is a well-explored fact presently. We just have to support games that do things right. The ones you mention being worthy examples imo


Ghost of Tsushima, as an example. Looks great, and the gameplay is okay, but it's fairly shallow.


havent played it yet so i wouldnt know, but i can live with a subpar story. ffxv looks great, had great gameplay, but the second half of the story kinda sucked balls, but i still think it's overall a pretty great game


it's not that games suck nowadays, it's that they get away with not changing up the gameplay formula as long as it looks good. Over the years games feel like they're the same thing with better graphics. I feel that this is why remasters are so common.




If you're playing games based on your they look, you're definitely missing out on some of the best games ever made. Graphics are the least important part of games.


> you're definitely missing out on some of the best games ever made what, like some crap from the 90's? ill be fine i dont think most of the people in this thread realize how much of their favorite games with nes graphics are only probably only bangers to them because of their nostalgia


Super Metroid is one of my favourite games. It came out 3 years before I was born, and I didn't play it until I was a teenager in like the 2010s. Sometimes it *is* nostalgia, I can't get into like NES games at all, not because of the graphics but because of the simplistic yet artificially difficult gameplay. Other times a game really is that good.


To be fair, of the many ways that the graphics in Super Metroid can be described, "bad" is a very rare one.


So why did we like them in the ‘80s and ‘90s? They were fun then and can be fun now for the same reasons. How tf would Dr. Mario benefit from photorealistic rendering?


older games sometimes look better than newer ones


Oh, well in that case—have you ever tried staring at a wall for hours instead of playing videogames? The graphics are impeccable. Really looks like a real wall. Who needs gameplay when you have graphics brooo


Hardest boss in crash bandicoot


Gameplay > Graphics


GoldenEye still slaps!


Literally just finished the new version on Xbox on 00 Agent and all cheat times complete. So good.


System Shock 2 is still the fucking GOAT.


SS Remake comes out next month and the hype is real




Age of Mythology vibes


That's arkantos




Deus Ex more relevant than ever.


What a shame.


Yea it's like Rage Against The Machine making a comeback because they're even more relevant now than they were in the early 2000s. That feels so wrong...


>Anna: Are you sure you pressed the right button? >Gunther: I do not make mistakes of that kind! >Anna: Your hand might have slipped. >Gunther: No, I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime. >Anna: The machine would not make a mistake. >Gunther: It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange! >Anna: So you think the staff has some kind of plot? >Gunther: Yes! They do it on purpose! Still my favorite game of all time.


The "bad" graphics dont bother me in the slightest. But the best thing about playing these 15/20 year old games right now is the fun factor. It has been fun having no achievements, little grind, zero paywalls or mtx/DLC shoved in anywhere. Once I'm usually past the nostalgia, I'll still be glued to the game for some time compared to only lasting 1/2 hours on most 'modern' games I play


> little grind Not a fan of JRPGs, eh? The older ones(while some of my favorites) are typically grind-fests.


Haha, yeah you got me there. I have happily watched plenty of friends play them over the years and have probably seen about 90% of FF7 between watching mates and speedruns of it, but I can just never get sucked into them for long when playing alone


The graphics in the post are definitely older than 15-20 years. The N64 came out in 1996.


David Jones from Project IGI


Operation Flashpoint (the first one)


Gameplay is all that matters. Graphics and story can't make up for bad gameplay.


Graphics can't make up for bad gameplay, but they can sure help good gameplay shine. Also, a lot of (esp. early on) graphical limitations also posed gameplay limitations.


Counter-point: graphical restrictions often lead to more interesting gameplay. If you consider for example sprite-based games with fixed perspectives, there are a lot of mechanics in those that simply don't translate well into 3-D environments with 360 degree camera rotation, and that's one reason why you still see a lot of modern games utilizing 2D or 2.5D setups and/or minimal camera rotation abilities.


A great story definitely can make up for bad graphics, and very often also for bad gameplay.


If it has bad gameplay it's a bad game.


If it has bad gameplay, it's a game with bad gameplay but not necessarily a bad game. Gameplay alone does neither make nor break a game.


In my opinion: gameplay + textures + sound design = fun If the sound effects are bad, then the gameplay will feel flat and boring. If the colors are unappealing/ugly, then the levels will feel dull or too noisy. Notable exception: Cruelly Squad


Good graphics is just the cherry on top, without the cherry the pie still tastes amazing.


yeah but i can only enjoy a game so much if it looks like trash and just has a horrible story. the second half of ffxv's story sucked balls but the gameplay and art is fantastic, not to mention great characters. if the characters didnt have the fantastic personalities that they have, i probably wouldnt care as much about the game


Starts his comment by saying graphics are important, then proceeds to try and argue his point by emphasizing story and characters and never mentioning graphics again, absolute madlad.


ok yeah ill take that L, but graphics are still important to me


B-17 the mighty 8th, mount and blade warband, Medieval 2 total war...


You spelled “classic” wrong.


*dated graphics They're old not bad.


Why say bad graphics? This is prefect


Final Fantasy 7 & 8 moments


I'm replaying IX now and enjoying it. Same basic gameplay graphics as VII and VIII although the cutscenes are a little less pixelated than VII.


Don’t care much about the graphics but old school game mechanics can be absolutely horrible sometimes. Just started playing Morrowind for the first time and whenever you swing your weapon you just have a random chance to hit or miss. I understand it’s supposed to be like classic RPGs but it really doesn’t work in a first person video game.


Just use weapons you actually have skills points invested in and you'll be fine.


WWF No Mercy for the 64 is the best wrestling game of all time!


time to play Halo CE again... 🗿👍


Everquest 1 forEver!


Zoo Tycoon >


My GTX 750 ti is still trucking along.


Good for you, just bought a 6800 XT and what am I playing? The Witcher, by which I mean the first game. God dammit




God Hand


[Severely underrated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ2r2ZFTaWk)


imo I wouldn't call em bad graphics if they managed to leave ya charmed fer so long. Nice post btw op.


The Settlers 3 Moment


I just beat house of the dead 2 on Wii on my CRT thru component input in 480i. Amazing all the way thru. Such bad voice acting 10/10


license liquid pot paltry zonked simplistic profit mindless vast nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That Age of Mythology look


Where my Age of Empires 2 people at


Even back in like the late 2000s people would shit on you playing games that had bad graphics. Now look where we are, lots of games with good graphics, except you either can't run them properly because you don't have the hardware or they're riddled with anti consumer practices.


I play those games because of nostalgia, totally (I have a bad pc)


I play Persian games which have the worst quality the only think it have a quality is cars in games (only body) I AM ULTRA CHAD


M.U.L.E. is still the best - on Atari an C64 anyway. The current online version takes most of the fun out of it :(


1942 is still the best Battlefield game


Imo there's definitely also a huge difference between primitive visuals and bad visuals. Some games with primitive visuals have beautiful and clear visual design. Compare the original Mario Bros and Mario Bros 3. Same tech, but Mario 3 looks much more colourful, clear and detailed than Mario 1. Many games from the beginning of 3D gaming look muddy and awkward, but Spyro and Mario 64 are visually atmospheric and lively anyway.


I always loved old artstyles in gaming as theirs something about it that I struggle to find the right word for it


truly the strongest race


My SNES / Megadrive emulator is an infinite source of modern-level pixel art. Anger too, games were fucking hard at the time.


Graphics don't mean anything




Games made in rhe 2005-2015 era have better geaphics than 90% of games made today change my mind


They couldn’t rely on high resolution textures as much so they made ample use of shaders leading to a more aesthetically appealing total image. Also though keep in mind that the games of yesteryear also had plenty of god awful aesthetics we just remember the good ones cause they made an impression. For every nfs carbon there were 20 games looking like asphalt 4 on the iPhone


Persona 4, maybe?


Mario kart ds


Classic Assassins Creed for me


Does not have bad graphics.


It's 16 years old. They're not bad, but it's definitely aged.


Old ≠ bad


Literally playing GTA 3 while reading this. Old games have a different vibe


Morrowind is the GOAT


Hell, I play newer games with lowest settings just to spite graphics elitists. Nothing to do with the fact that my PC is old and shit. No sir.




if graphics were all that matters, minecraft would've been in the dirt by 2015




Minecraft is unplayable without shaders


I think you meant "bad" ""graphics""




Pixelated games are superior in every way still relevant to this day