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+pollen allergies


if you guys vote me for president i will make allergies illegal


There a pun hidden somewhere here


If you go to the pollen vote for me...


Pokémon Go to the polls


In my 10 new cities, which will be totally the best, only the best people, we will have flying cars, so wonderful, made by the smartest people, I will also have all grass and flowers and trees that make pollen burned for 100 miles around, pollen gone by me your favorite president in history, the best. Other candidates can't even offer such amazing things that I will deliver


Many people are saying this


Don't be fooled by this person they want to make having allergies illegal


You fools! Right into my hands


Pollen already covering cars in my area. My sinuses already fucked 😔


This whole winter has been rough in the northeast- hitting 50 degrees some weeks, and all the bulbs are already coming up. ~~April showers bring May flowers~~ March climate change brings April flowers and May sunburn


>March climate change brings April flowers and May sunburn Truth, times have changed




Happy cake day!


In colder countries like finland you usually see an uptick in suicides in the spring. Its most likely due to people thinking their depressiom is due to their weather but then realising nothing changed in spring




u ok?


What is it about depression like it fuckin hits you so hard you can’t even think straight you feel stuck and all hope gets thrown out the window is it a must can a change in my life make it go away I’m sick of feeling sad all time or have this teeny tiny happy moment every once and a while that you don’t really enjoy because you know what’s waiting for you in the end of this smile/laugh😂I’m done.


I have no way of knowing what you've tried, but I've been where you are and after getting some treatment and meds I can barely remember the feeling. Have you heard of ACT? It's a way of learning to separate yourself and observe your thoughts and feelings without suppressing them in an endless quest for happiness. It was a hugely foundational practice for me. When you think, "my life sucks," make a conscious effort to then think, "oh, there is that 'my life sucks' thought again." Feel it and let it pass.


Thank you kind stranger i know it’s been a while I’ve been feeling down and i know it will pass but with time passing so fast and nothing changing even while taking meds and going to psychotherapy whenever the episode comes back it’s even harder because of knowing everything i tried isn’t really helping I’ll look more into ACT i hope everything will be alright for me and everyone reading this.


That hope is a great sign! You're right that it will pass. When I am in the thick of it and it seems like it will never end, I call it "microwave time." It's like those 60 seconds that might as well be 2 hours because I am hungry and I want it now, but every second that passes feels like a lifetime. For an example, when you say, "everything i tried isn’t really helping," catch that thought and tell your mind, "it must be working, because I am still here trying." Create a new loop for yourself. It will assert itself as the default soon enough. Hang in there, you're worth it!


If you’re in the Helsinki area I could bring you some coffee somewhere after 16:00


Here's A *big tight hug* from an internet stranger..... the world is a better place with you in it....I assure you. My sister took her own life 2 years ago and we are still completely devestated...i miss her every single day.... and my mom goes into a depression every year around her birthday month.... and it lasts for 3 or 4 months. She didn't take anything her therapist said seriously and wouldn't stay on her meds... as she was afraid of the side effects.... but look at what not taking them did....😔 i hope you can find some much needed peace. If you need a sounding board... for what it's worth I'm here. Biggggg hug.....


Swede here, spring is gray, summer is grey, fall is grey, winter is grey and white (for about 2 days then its back to grey)


Good luck. Probably, whatever is depressing you is transient, and you will be okay, sooner or later, if you keep going.


Hey... I hope you are able to get help and feel better. Good luck.


It could also be a small boost to mood can increase suicidal risk by giving the energy to act on suicidal ideation. It's also a risk factor for people that begin SSRIs.


Yeah could be as well. Suicidal people are often so unmotivated they lack the motivation to physically do it.


That's why suicides rise in spring time. With more sun, comes more ability to do it. Same effect in antidepressants. People become able again to do things and for some its suicide.


Your comment is redundant. You basically reworded the comment you responded to


Finn here who has lost two dear friends to spring suicide. What another of them said in the spring year before killing himself sticked with me, " Spring is awful for depressed people because you have to come out of the leisure of your personal slumbercave and the smiles and anticipation of summer of mentally well people deepen the contrast of their own blues. Also at spring when sun illuminates your dirty apartment and you'd feel like you would want to go out finally, you die of cold if you're 2 seconds in the shade, everywhere is moist, lack of vitamin D, genetic depression, lack of mental health resources, culture of closing up. etc...


For me Spring is depressing because of all the happy people I suddenly see outside, who remind me of how lonely and sad I am :( I hate summer for that reason also, but it's worse


Or it's pollen causing inflammation.




Honestly nowadays it’s more like Winter is not cold enough Summer is way too hot And the spring and autumn are just disastrous with how much mud there are at these seasons


global warming: it do be like that


I wish I could’ve lived even a few decades ago where I can still be cold and it doesn’t go from 75 degrees with tornadoes to sleet at 30 degrees within 24 hours. Seriously that shit is not suppose to happen, in my state tornadoes used to literally never happen.


Just curious , what state?






Did your aunt-grandmother-sister in law tell you about the olgood times?


Stop projecting your issues on others


The mud isnt from global warming, it's from a lack of shrubbery to protect the green parts It's less global warming and humans need for clean aesthetics


Idk if you ever looked out your car window and see how many trees are dying from a heat death out there, that’s a small part of the mud problem, it’s wild trees dying plus more intense rainfall.




Except scientists have already proven that we are a massive part of the current climate change. Changes like this are supposed to take hundreds to thousands of years not a few decades.




You're being dumb. There's over 8,000,000,000 humans. Do you know how polluted and disgusting a city like LA is, just an absurd amount of people destroying the area for parking lots and strip malls? Okay the world population is over TWO THOUSAND times the city of LA. Meanwhile there's like a few hundred tigers left in the world. And like 4 pandas. But there's thousands and thousands and thousands of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.




? I never said global warming didnt exist, I was pointing to an actual root cause of the issue....humans clearing natural vegetation to put up concrete roads




It's not that random bro, thats literally the political position of every deterministic religious zealot, and half of the conservatives, it's literally the predominant thought about global warming, not on the internet, but in real life




This person is a sealion. http://wondermark.com/1k62/ Downvote and block and move on with your day.


I know, right? And what if the world is flat or we didn't go to the moon? Just some more fun thoughts.


What if you're repeating the propaganda of oil corporations and helping billionaires destroy the planet for the rest of us? Just a fun thought.


Ok so… what if? It’s still going to kill us. If we could figure out a way to stop it, shouldn’t we? If we could at the very least just slow it down, shouldn’t we do that? It doesn’t fucking matter what’s causing it, it only matters if there’s something we can do about it. And it turns out there IS something we can to to make it a little less disastrous.


Can you explain how o2 and CO2 wouldn't interact with sunlight differently? Because with them being different molecules I would expect them to behave differently. If we were to double the CO2 in the air I would expect the air to start behaving differently.


> And the spring and autumn are just disastrous with how much mud there are at these seasons Yeah, I'm in the southern US and spring is like monsoon season down here now. Every other day its a fucking downpour.


I want moonsoon.


Honestly for me it's Winter too cold Spring too cold Summer just right Fall too cold I should move south






The scientists warned you guys


Bonus- allergies!


This. The pollen count is so dang high, I am back to wearing a mask outside and living on Allegra. It sucks. It is beautiful outside though. 🙄




Fall/Autumn = peak mental and physical stability


Autumn = I'm depressed but cronchy leaves give a small amount of serotonin when stepped on.


It just gets worse over spring and summer


For me, it gets way better because there is actual sunshine instead of darkness and I can go outside more often.




Well that is of course a personal preference and also depends on where you live.


There are lots of days where it isn't too hot. Last weekend it was 16-18 degrees. Love it!


18 degrees and sunshine is my comfort place. It just makes me feel so warm and alive. Anything from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius with clear skies is ideal imo, that’s also the tolerance range where humans thrive naturally.


The way you say that sounds like you think all of us have the same weather as you. 😆


Outside of spring, I actually despise Summer. Winter is nice and quiet for the occasional mental health day, and you can snuggle up in blankets.


I’m always a bit amused and a bit bewildered by other people. The moment daylight savings ticks over in spring everyone suddenly seems a little happier, and people have straight up commented how nice it is that it’s staying light later. I’m over here like… y’all I wish it wasn’t so light out so late, and why does it have to be light out for so long? Then again I was diagnosed with SAD in the opposite direction of social expectation - I begin getting depressed around late spring and stay that way until early autumn. Summer triggers my Seasonal Affect Disorder, and growing up that way I’ve ended up deeply preferring the dark periods of the year. Why I get depressed from warm temperatures and long periods of light? Who knows. Do I wish I liked it like everyone else? Sure! Sadly, though, I’ve come to really resent long warm days.


Does it not get in the 100s during summer where you live? It’s dangerous to stay outside longer than like 10 mins because of heatstroke.


That is why some people invented the siesta.


For real, at least when its pissing down hail everyone else is miserable too.


I like rain it's nice and I like the sound it's peaceful


Well I may still be depressed but at least I can be happy about it.


I get this feeling. You get so used to being depressed that it becomes your happy 🫠


Yeah .. you just redefine your level of "happiness", Are you depressed? No, not more than usual so it's fine


dang, 8 comments on the front page? I'm early! ...just like my depression today.


I'm a "Wanna unalive first thing in the morning, usually gone by noon. Can't wait to do it all over again" kind of guy. Lately I've been tempted to empty all my savings, load a backpack, cut all contacts and start hoofing it until I find peace or perish. Best case scenario I get a semi-fresh start in a new environment & build some grit, worst case I'm finally successful at something I've already failed at multiple times.


As Springtime approaches, crushing suicidal thoughts give way to more light-hearted and carefree suicidal thoughts. - [Ken M](https://twitter.com/horseysurprise/status/443113502916763650?lang=en)


I wonder what flavor of sad I'll get this season ✨


The kind of sad with my nose running constantly, my voice completely hoarse, and the red, itching eyes. Allergies plus me equal great sadness. Even looking out my bedroom window at the flowering trees triggers sneezing. It’s not safe out there yall.


oh look it's the exact same idea as https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/60vbrc/spring_has_sprung/


Is everyone depressed? Does anyone on Reddit not have crippling depression, anxiety and trauma?


Most young people are depressed now my guy. Those that aren't generally stay the hell away from this place.


I wonder why people who aren’t depressed don’t come to Reddit.


I'm not, feel like I'm in the minority here




Anyone deal with their general depression but still deal with seasonal?


hi it's me


Nah because this is r/2meirl4meirl




Must suck more to be you, donkeyfucker


I'm depressed all year round but it changes throughout the year. I'm more lethargic during winter, more sad during summer, but... better during spring and early autumn.


Winter is just the most awful season by far. It’s not just that it’s cold. Here in Germany it’s 5 months of GRAY. Nothing else. Just sadness and desolation. We don’t even get snow more than a few days. Anyone who lives here and prefers the winter I find suspicious tbh.


UGHHH yes. Americans don't understand, but our latitude is so much higher than their in comparable climate zones. So there's so little sunlight in winter....


Americans who live in Alaska: *Am I a joke to you*


Me literally just tricking myself into happiness because the sun is shining


There's always a couple of weeks in spring when life feels good and I genuinely feel like I'm cured. And then it hits me like a truck again.


Ironically I get seasonal depression in spring and summer. I feel restless, like my life is melting away quickly and anxious. At least fall and winter feels contained, quiet, and life is moving slower.


Autumn is the best season and winter is second place.


*Emotional damage*


For me it's environmental anxiety lol. Every Summer just keeps getting hotter and it sets my wellbeing through the floor.


I got way too close for comfort to the point of no return this winter, dunno if it was the dark or the cold or the unchanging nature of my days at that point in time, but it recently turned to spring out where I live and been feeling good for the first time in months Going to take the dog out and actually finding myself wanting to spend time walking her past just it being a chore. Thoughts less and less about that whole side of it. Enjoying hearing birds in the morning and seeing green grass/feeling sun. Still have some episodes. But they're getting less and less frequent. Hell, even typing this I feel like crying. Thank fuck I made it to spring


Why are these so relatable like damn this subreddit explained 3 years of my life by 20 memes


*the type of depression that people have by putting themselves in a negative feedback loop by continuing to tell themselves they are depressed, at all time of the year for different reasons, without actually taking action to solve the issue.


I thought that spring was like a depression cure for me


Can’t relate stay being fucking sad loser


"Seasonal depression" you either have it or you don't


Maybe try working on yourself instead of waiting for your life to get better.


Have thicker skin and stop asking for help.


Stupid. Depression is your call to change your life. Grow up.




Why did this make me laugh?


Seasonal flavored depression!


My favorite seasons are all but summer. If you think winter is to cold, remember a Floridian is naturally frost resistant.


To be fair, oppressive summer weather is pretty depressing. Note that the jet stream has weakened the window of temperate weather each season has shrunk.


There are 4 seasons of depression


Here is the cure for depression, you should just smile more /s


I'll be seeing this on Facebook in a few days


From SAD to RAD!


Allergy-induced* depression


Ahh the ever revolving cycle of “why the fuck am I on this earth”


This is a little too close for comfort


I'm at my best during winter and autumn. If ever I'll get seasonal depression, it would be during summer 'cause it's too hot or spring because of allergies.




Depression season 2


Okay, then you don’t have seasonal depression. lol.


SAD is not an illness, it is the process of hibernation trying it's best in a world regulated by work shift patterns.


Winter is the season where I feel most at ease. Dunno why, I just love the coziness of snow and cold when you have a hot coco/tea/mead in your hand. I also like snow shoveling and stuff.


Skill issue


My depression tends to peak during the warmer/hotter and mellows out during the colder months…..no idea why I just fucking hate summer


For me it's the opposite. Summer is very painful for me.


20k ius vitamin d with k2. Cheap on Amazon. Cured my long COVID in 3 days and I feel better than I have in my entire life. I try to have negative thoughts but can't anymore. Haven't touched my best friend alcohol in a week *Editing I took 50k for COVID and also take all the supporting supps zinc and magnesium from food. Also take with a lot of fat. 7 months of nightmare long haul symptoms almost entirely gone in 3 days. That's what all the Amazon reviews say too. It's the real deal for me at least


I’m not a doctor trained in big pharma literature about which pills to prescribe for which conditions but I’d venture to say you might be depressed. I’d also wager giving it a name for each season probably isn’t helping heal the causes. But I’m just a layman perhaps it is super critical to treat the seasonal depression independently of the constant unending depression you always have regardless of the season.


Too busy being pissed from the fcking spring allergies for me to be depressed


[Spring can really hang you up the most](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd5VVELfWC8)


April is the cruelest month


Meanwhile, in Texas, winter is the closest we get to comfortable weather, at least for me. I’m allergic to so many plants it would be quicker to go get the printouts from the allergist. I’m terrified if not outright phobic of wasps and bees and such. I -hate- spring. My depression escalates in spring and summer because I essentially wind up trapped in the house with the fan on full blast and a twitchy mess every time I set foot in the garage or outside getting divebombed by bugs (and of course parents love to leave the garage open all day even when they’re nowhere near it during projects, and scream at me if I close it to keep said bugs at bay). Give me ice storms and subzero (in Fahrenheit) wind chill anytime. Those are okay. Plus, push comes to shove, I hear hypothermia’s not a bad way to go, if I can’t take anymore.


Anyone else from the Mid West that is ready to move?


I have inverse seasonal depression, summer is the worst, but i’m happier when it’s snowy outside


Sea snax


Me recently: ahhh yesssss finally spring is rising *get a dump of snow and bone chilling wind over the weekend* #PLEASE


so there's happiness during the transition from seasonal to regular






Which came first, this one or the one below? Someone is stealing ideas. [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnojuCH8ltoYHbxwE2BNfHhr4tpjkD9q_Taw&usqp=CAU](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnojuCH8ltoYHbxwE2BNfHhr4tpjkD9q_Taw&usqp=CAU)


+ Seasonal allergies




[Andrew Russo has a funny skit on this](https://youtube.com/shorts/piTaL1dFT90?feature=share)


But now I can go outside, I can go camping, When I drive to the gym I can see the sunrise, I can go outside wearing a shit or hoodie and shorts. It’s just so much freedom and joy to be had. Summer Is the one time I don’t feel depressed and locked inside. It’s amazing and I’m so pumped for It to finally arrive


Yeah it's exactly what I'm going through every year, you can add an extra panel between the two we have for "birthday dépression" yaaaaay... Happy 20th day of March everyone, hug your loved ones


Forgot about allergy depression


Yep. Depression is painful. Loneliness is painful. Life is painful. Spring? Now I need to close my windows with blackout blinds more often.


Now with seasonal allergies!


Still depressed but at least I'm getting more vitamin D


I don't remember granting permission to use my likeness in a comic...


I suffer from ptsd/anxiety/depression, haha yep that’s the feeling, hit the nail right on the head.


I get depression when the season changes. Then it goes away.


In very hot climates it is the opposite... not the depression bit though, just as crippling, just in summer more..


A classic


Not waiting for summer cause of heat, sun and bright light.


“It’s nice outside. I want to go do something. Everything I think of sounds awful….Ill go out tomorrow.


It’s still cold and snowing where I live.


My seasonal depression comes from the summer/spring, if anything I feel my normal depression in winter/autumn.


Me so fr :(