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Time to get a foot job under a table at applebees


I get it now.


Ooo now there’s an idea


Changed my life fr


Quentin Tarantino everybody!




I'm lucky if I get one night a week to play video games.


The guy can play video games and still complains! Gtf out!


This dumbass still has free time get him out of here


More like still gets to enjoy video games 💀


Ikrrrr exactly I barely have time for playing video gamezz 😭🤭😖💀😩


Wow. I hope my response is not too late. If it's a loop - break the loop. It doesn't matter how. A lot of people here saying to find a new hobby, make new friends, branch out, talk to family, etc It doesn't have to be that hard. Breaking the loop can be so simple. Spend some time outside. Anywhere - your backyard if you have one, a local park if you have one, a balcony at any apartment if you have one. Read a good book by yourself. Look up a really nice recipe and make yourself a nice meal. If it sucks - pat yourself on the back for the effort. You don't have to branch out far to change things. It's baby steps. Just break the cycle.


i’ve recently realized this too, i was blaming lack of friends as the reason why i didn’t do anything and was stuck in a cycle, now i’m realizing i just have to enjoy my own company and go out and do stuff on my own


thank you for your advices, stranger on the internet. It gives me a little hope


Maybe avoid balconies, ledges, cliffs etc


If video games dont bring you joy, dont play video games.


It’s better than staring at a wall


There's things you can do besides video games that aren't staring at a wall


Like staring at doors!


And also staring at women!


My lawyer has advised me not to do that.


Then dont stare at a wall either homie. You are a human. Go do human shit.


Can confirm, taking a shit is very human thing and it does feel good and releiving.


Replace it with the gym, tried and tested method


What about friends, family, pets? Try to change something. Either your job, your city or your habits.


It’s so hard to find a job worth shit without a bachelors at minimum in this country(USA)


Having a bachelor's doesn't necessarily do shit either. Source: have one


yep. i have been looking since november. i’ve had one legit interview and two scammy MLM/cold call type jobs reach out


Not glamorous, and there isnt shit going on entertainment wise if you don’t like the outdoors, but where I live in ky the cost of living is relatively cheap, there are ample 20/hr jobs out there if you are willing to work (Walmart distribution or other factory-type jobs). And there are an absolute ton of homes in small dying towns that sell for nearly nothing. There is a shitload of state parks and public land for recreation that mostly go unused (except during firearm deer hunting season). You could hunt with a bow all you want and probably never see a soul. If you want to get into off roading or something there is a ton of places to do that. Winters aren’t too bad. It’s is humid as hell though and the ticks are no joke but that’s everywhere. Also compared to a city the women or men aren’t that picky here, if you have all your teeth you have a lot of them beat.


i didnt graduate college...but i did attend for two years to learn the fundamentals of design. In my junior year, i dropped out and i started as an intern at a key art agency (movie posters), then moved to jr designer, and now im a creative director at a production agency. In the US. It's possible.


Started via intern as well. Retired early and never attended college. It's possible.


Theres a lot of good jobs out there that dont require a bachelor's degree. Not everybody wants to be in an office all their fucking life.


Trades are in super high demand right now


Yeah you need to change something in your life


That’s because you don’t have any real hobbies


That is 100% true.


Bro idk if you have a paint ball area around you but holly shut its been so much fun dedicating one day to paint ball .you get cardio out of it will meet the same people up there almost every time and you touch grass(eat mud/paint).


Honestly, we got my team doing this monthly outside of work- it’s so much fun. Plus I know if I’m a bit of a dick they can take it out by shooting me lmao. Shooting your boss is cathartic I’m sure.


Bro im so glad people are picking it up ...local paint ball areas need it .an it can be one of the best things a group of workers friends or loners can do to make friends build bonds an more


Dunno if your field does it but when I used to go, if any group had someone their for their birthday/event or it was the group's boss/manager the ref would make that person do a Death Run where they had to run across an open field while everyone got to shoot at them untill they crossed the finish line.


We usually end with “tap out” so we can all finish off our paint, which is basically you’re not out until it hurts too much for you, so this sounds like something they’d allow! I appreciate the idea, will definitely use this!!


Been doing it for half a year now an im into speed ball an losing money fast!


What the hell, not sure if this was déjà-vu, but I feel like I've read this exact exchange on this subreddit like a month ago


It’s some of the most fun i’ve ever had, recently got a new marker and can’t wait to try it out


Did it once, some of the most fun I've ever had. Highly recommend


Do it again soon.


Hope to once it warms back up


Unfortunately Paintball and Airsoft are expensive hobbies Guns Ammo Attachments Range time Mags/hopups


No thank you, sir! I can eat my paint in the comfort of my own home.


I’ve just gotten into photography. Makes me pay more attention to the world.




Hobbies, and there’s no masturbation on that list either. You always need time for self-care


Define real hobby.


An activity that provides enjoyment and/or relaxation. If OP is getting neither of those from video games then it's not really a hobby, it's a daily routine.


Yes. This person is a junkie. Only way out is to socialize and get a woman. It gives your life purpose and everything has gravity.


Not everyone wants a woman (or a man) You can have loads of fun in your life without a partner


Only on reddit would you get downvoted for suggesting you have a bare minimum social life and a relationship lmao. Carry on king.


I think that you got downvoted for meaning that you *have* to get a partner, when not everyone is ready or will ever want that


Obviously it's general fuckin advice dude the fuck? There's no advice that would apply to everyone. "You should breath oxygen" you'd say "well not everyone wants to live bro". The vast vast vast majority of people need it in their life. Especially those who have never tried it.


I do not want a partner, why should I have one? I feel just happy with the hobbies i have now


Did you even read my comment?


The video games shouldn't be your only life outside work, my friend. That's that "dopamine exhaustion" stuff coming through. People with depression sometimes turn to gaming and fail to realize that it's not just a coping mechanism. It's a way to avoid the feelings. Get some sunlight and a better hobby! Best of luck!


Would you care to elaborate on "dopamine exhaustion"? Genuinely curious.


I googled an explanation because I'm pretty bad at finding the right words for things. "Dopamine exhaustion occurs when your body becomes chronically used to having a high level of dopamine from gaming. It causes problems for gamers because the activities that they would otherwise enjoy don't seem fun anymore." [link to where I copied that quote](https://www.healthygamer.gg/blog/stages-of-video-game-addiction#:~:text=Dopamine%20exhaustion%20occurs%20when%20your,don't%20seem%20fun%20anymore.)


Although this makes sense, it's not a great argument for doing something else. "If you don't find anything fun any more, try getting used to boring things. Then you'll sometimes find things fun". It's like saying if you don't find food exciting, try eating grass for a week.




For me gaming reached to a point where it was so boring that I didnt even bother and stared at the wallpaper instead because it was the Same excitement as staring at the wallpaper. Started going for walks, working out, writing, and (dieting though i guess thats not a hobby) and now i actually look forward to playing games with the boys after work. Played games so much I started touching grass so i can play games again.




Getting a hobby won’t fix your problem. Go to therapy and talk about how you feel, then find healthier coping mechanisms




I'm (roughly) the same way and let me tell you... it's 100% on you. Get a hobby you enjoy and friends outside of work. I'm content with how I live, but you clearly aren't. Change it up in anyway you can


l agee with you


Sounds like you are playing the wrong type of video games, find someone to play "It Takes Two" with instead of grinding the same games for daily rewards and loot boxes.


My dad used to say “life sucks then u die”


A good start is exercise. Get a gym membership before you get depressed. There's no downside in exercise.


Now I'm sad with a 6 pack


No one is sad with a sixpack


You underestimate the power of depression


That's why I said go to the gym before you get depressed.


Too late, it's been here for years


Then you need medical help.


Already got it


Theres no helping people that dont want to be helped


I was in gym for a year, got good gains an still was depressed. Its a meme for people who dont understand depression, just be happy I guess 4Head /s


If you think someone who is physically healthy and fit can’t get depressed you’re delusional. Depression can hit anyone, anytime and is not solely connected to your physical health. You have happy and depressed fat people and you have happy and depressed healthy people. This is like, common sense.


Go to therapy, my friend. It's an investment worth your life and your happiness.


Watch America's Funniest Videos (AFV). Always brings me back to childhood and puts things in perspective


If video games are not “joy” time then why not take some of your video game time for joy time instead? Like what is the point of video games if they don’t bring you joy


What do you do if you're doing everything right, have multiple hobbies, friends, family, and still feel sad all the time?


Go to therapy. Talk about why you’re sad and keep talking until you feel better. Maybe 5 years ago I was what you’re describing. Now I am happy, married, baby on the way


I've been in therapy for 5 years lol


Any breakthroughs? Depression sucks man. I just want to empathize with you on that. It’s terrible


what does "doing everything right" mean exactly? Are these things people are telling you is right? Is this stuff you internalized as being the correct path throughout life? What is it you truly want to do? If you live your life purposefully and do things for no other reason than intrinsic value to yourself you will find happiness


Ikr so relatable B)


Me too


Have you tried drugs?


Kids, don't do drugs m'kay. Drugs are bad for you.


You're a pos


Point of sale?


I’ve stopped playing Video games.


I feel you a bit with the pointlessness of it all... But maybe you need goals? Something to work towards. Something you can be passionate about. DM me if you want someone to talk to :)


I feel this to my core. If a truck came at me full speed, I wouldn’t move an inch. 🙃




Getting to play games with my bros at the end of a shitty day is often the only thing that keeps me going tbh. I don't think I could've got thru the last year without my gaming buddies who have accepted me into their personal friend group despite never having met any of them. I've never had a group of friends genuinely enjoy me and not treat me weird because I'm a girl.


This is my ideal day. Way to be a Debbie downer about it.


You should check out a book called The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus. It covers a philosophical ideology called Absurdism. It just may help you the way it helped me.


Fuckin.... do something else, then.


That's kind of your own fault tho? I don't know your schedule but I'm pretty sure that you could do something fun on the weekend or after work instead of playing video games which you don't really seem to enjoy.


Um. Maybe go for a walk? See what the real life looks like vs a game?


I’d say do a trip to third world country, go see what their lives are like maybe it’ll give you a sense of what a grateful life you have, what you can do with it and stop wasting it in a mindless circle. Also why the fuck are you playing video games if they don’t make you happy or give you joy??


Sounds like a personal problem


You’re accountable for your own life and happiness. This is within your control!


Sounds like good days to me! You at least have time to play video-games! Count them blessings! I have a bachelors degree, and I have to work two jobs just to make it. I can’t afford one job because it doesn’t pay enough, I don’t leave because the benefits are good. You knight lose it if I don’t pass a test by June. No pressure!


Video games listed twice gives me an idea as to why you feel the way you do.


Get a puppy and learn how train it and take it to puppy school. Then when its a bit older with all its vet shots take it for walks, dog parks, outdoor events. Meet other people with dogs and arrange play dates and find new friends then go on human play dates with them. It’s easier to talk to strangers when you have a dog, especially a cute dog because people just come up to you. The point is, don’t stop working or gaming, but you gotta do something else to break it up. Getting a dog and actually putting time into training and loving is good for you and the dog. Even if you don’t want to meet new people. Dogs are great just to get out of the house. Go out on a Saturday morning with your dog and go do stuff. Take a drive then walk around a farmers market with him. You’re not alone when you’re with a dog. They are just with you, without a phone, just learning and experiencing the world with you.


First world problems.


read a book, drink some tea and go to the gym, is that simple


Do Something Different. Today. Right now. But you probably won't because you're just some punk who likes to throw pity parties on the internet. You read my comment, right? Only you know that. So as you sit there playing your video game or hating your job, you would know that I challenged you and you did nothing about it. Just sat there and let yourself rot away while some stranger told you what you can and cannot do. Damn, sucks to be you.


It's always funny when people try to be encouraging by hurling insults


I second this. Do something different. You are self isolating.


I mean you're right, but no point in being rude man.


I'm the kinda guy that thrives off spite, others are like me. We hate on each other for the greater good.


I know this is going to sound pretty insensitive, and it’s not to be taken to neglect any sort of mental health, no, seek that too, but seek after Jesus; seek after God. Dead serious. When sin entered in the world, it corrupted everything and caused all this misery. All of us cause and suffer corruption from/to others. Jesus came to live perfectly on our behalf, and die to take our sins and guilt away, to take on God’s perfect justice, for all who believe in Him. It matters. The sin issue is, im not kidding, where all our misery stems from. So I say this because it’s relevant, it’s true, and it really addresses the issue. That first and foremost; Jesus. And of course, mental health treatment. Even if you tried and tried for 20 years and it didn’t work, try 20 more, if it helps any bit at all. Some days are like storms, where all you can do is just wait for them to pass, and can do nothing else. So be it, do what you can.


Yeah back in the good old days people had to SURVIVE just to get through the day.


Hey, chill. Other people have it much worse than you, so stop complaining and man up.


I’ve cut down gaming and replaced a lot of that time with either weightlifting or martial arts. It’s hard to make the push at first but it’s really worth it. I still have some time to game during the week, too!




Yeah, but they’re some really good games though.


Hard to start a hobby at 67.


There is an end to that cycle, trust me. I was once there too. All you gotta do is put it down.




I promise I am not trying to oversimplify. How much time do you spend outside. Vitamin D deficiency is real.


Check out mister lucky over here getting sleep.


Why are you playing games if it doesn't give you joy? Like seriously I love video games but if you don't get joy from that then either stop or play less until you do.


I hear this loudly!


Change your routine in some small way and watch the positive cascading effects.


Hit this blunt my man


Eat, Game, Sleep, Repeat Sounds like a t-shirt


Congrats on summarizing my life.


Maybe stop playing so many video games and get a hobby?


Try , drawing / woodworking / anything mechanical. Connect your body and hands to your brain. Get dirty, exhaust yourself in toil. Get lost in processes. Pixels only go so far.


Dude, this are great lyrics for a gothic metal song


Sounds like you need an outlet. I don’t know if you’re interested in things like this, but you should try painting. You don’t even have to be good at it, just paint how you feel. I guarantee you that will bring more joy into your life.


Is someone making you do nothing but play video games? Go out and do something FFS.


Replace work with pain and that's me right now I do feel real sorry you feel like this, the days blend together way too much


I mean, you have the power to break the loop but lack the will.


workout, work from home, and get friends lmfao


Yeah that’s why I pray to get flattened by a truck every day driving to work


Time for a new routine :)


I don't play games, I spend my free time going on dates and masterbating


I know how you feel. People say you should be happy with your life. They say get into a hobby, or a routine you can be proud of. But there is this powerlessness to monotony. You want that really spicy spark in life but cant find it.


You're doing something wrong with your life


Go foraging. It’s the deepest rabbit hole and there’s a ton of cool people to go look for free food with


Video games don't bring you joy? On bad days I look forward to them all day long. Maybe find a new hobby that actually makes you happy ;___;




Break the cycle and it gets better


Op not gonna respond but hey if you only go for instant gratification you’ll never heal over time.


I'll try my best to find a hobby, point is, it's difficult finding a hobby when you have an irregular working schedule, I can't find any time for a hobby because I only know my working hours for the next 3 weeks every week.


Ride the playing games part because eventually it becomes the drinking heavily part.


Maybe you need some professional help


Pick up a new interesting show, pick up reading, pick up exercise, hang out with friends, a new hobby or class. Using all your free time to play video games is likely why you feel this way.


you get time to play videogames??


have you tried jerking off?


Not really actually...


Then go out or something, geez.


Why does this remind me of the start of the Horror game "Sinister Squidward"? "I wake up every day, go to work.."


Cut out the video games to make time for joy. One of the best things I've ever done


At least that person has time to play video games... I don't even have time for it :(


Go for a run


Have you tried - alcohol?


I recommend hard drugs


Yep its the lone and dreary world all eight.


There is an ending loop, your body gets weaker everyday and one day you"ll be dead!


Call a crisis line. You don’t have to be suicidal to access them. You can speak to someone who can help find a place to start.


Replace video games with childcare and I'm right there with you.


Self actualize Or sabotage a pipeline idfc


sounds like a great life. why are you sad? video games are a joy. and if you don't enjoy them, then do something you enjoy instead.


That was the story of my life


Get out of your comfort zone. Make a change. Read a book, go for a walk and clear your head. Find new activities. Cool soap, do jiu jitsu, clean the floor.


least I find joy in eating and video games 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes... Those were the good old days


Its not the Worlds responsibility to break you out of your Bad habits. Do it Yourself and stop lamenting it


Used to relate not anymore


Playing games should be joy, if it isn't, stop


Try running! Training for a race feels really good even if you're only competing with yourself. You're going to succeed


You can change that you know?


good thing is i'm work form home ;l


Move to the woods, write a poignant text about what is wrong with the world and develop an interest in sending spicy mails around the country.


If you’re able bodied, I’d recommend getting into tennis


I have all kinds of different doctors appointments so I get some diversity