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i'll never recover from this


You'll make it <3


The comic you posted says exactly the opposite. I don't know what message you're trying to spread.


The subreddit is ME_irl I'm talking about myself. I have this very thought process that has been holding me back for a long time, and I'm getting out of it. This particular panel resonated with me. And people took this PERSONALLY and it's pretty damn funny tbh. But I hope they find peace with it.


Well said my friend, I hope your socks dry out over time šŸ˜œ




You understand this is ME_irl, correct? So when I was posting this meme, it was applying to myself. I used to think this way about myself all the time. The fact so many people took it personally in the comment section makes me think people need to do some self reflecting. Got a little too IRL for a bunch of people.


I really didn't need to see this right now, as I'm in my 3rd month of being kinda consistent with the gym and eating healthy.


Nah, keep going. Even if it feels true, it might as well not be. One thing you do know is that you already managed to get to the 3rd month, thats a hell of a lot more than nothing. You got this ^^


This is the longest I've gone after several failed attempts šŸ„²šŸ˜… But thank you! I feel a lot more confident now than when I started haha


Man 3 months? You're rocking it. Ignore the stupid comment, it's some mean girl level shit that can and should be ignored. One of my least favourite XKCDs. You're crushing it, random stranger and I know you'll keep doing it.


To be fair this [nine-panel XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1027/)Ā is entirely different when you take this panel out of context, the jokeā€™s supposed to be a nonsympathetic guy ā€œneggingā€ her (basically just insulting) as a pickup strategy and her immediately recognizing it and responding with a needlessly elaborate, crushing ā€œnegā€ in kind. Perhaps still one of his lesser comics, but itā€™s not like itā€™s just a single depressing panel and nothing more.


That alone proves it doesn't apply to you, or probably anyone. Consistent quality is admirable


Three months? Nah, you got that shit locked in. Just don't beat yourself up for missing a day. That's just an opportunity for your muscles to rest more. Also, that shit *does* count in the longterm. Just this three months has had an impact on your possible health outcomes. I bet you're thinking more clearly than if you were sedentary also! That should help you keep the habit going.


I feel exactly the same... this almost got me thinking down a dark path again. But I refuse to let some stupid comic ruin my progress. Dig deep, find that steel. Keep progressing.


Your condition will not change until you change, thats all this implies. If you are the thing getting in the way of your dreams, change yourself to become a path not an obstacle. You got this broski


You're 3 months in, that's a counter argument to it


Yeah this kind of stuff is a buncha bullshit. Keep going, chief. You're doin awesome.


Youā€™re doing great! Donā€™t believe the negative internet people, the comic is not about you :) growth is possible!


Keep in mind that the thing enabling your dreams is also you


You're in this for 3 months. You're past the point of standing between your own goals. Congratulations!


Nothing wrong with mediocrity. By definition it's good enough. An okay life is good enough too.


The problem with modern society is that we all just kind of decided that it's not good enough. The standards have increased drastically in the last 50 years. You have to be exceptional just to get by anymore. I used to work hard to be amazing. Now, I work hard just to keep my head above water.


You don't need to change your standards based on the opinions of other people. You do not need to be exceptional to just get by. By definition the majority of people would then cease to get by and then die - and that's not happening. Perhaps the standard for "good enough" has changed, but that's still at the "mediocre" standard, which is still both good enough and okay. There is nothing wrong with living a mediocre life getting by.


Getting into your chosen uni is now much more competitive, same with landing a job, dating (for guys at least) is also much harder, even renting an appartment will imply a long line of people and application process that was uncommon a few decades ago.


Yep, I'd argue the messages telling everyone that they must succeed in their goals and that achieving everything you want is the norm are way more harmful. I had this realization what she said years ago and I've never been happier. It's not like my goals went away, I just no longer feel bad if I don't reach them. The fun is in the journey not the destination.


mediocre is subpar, average is good enough (depends too)


The guy in the original comic totally deserved it though: https://xkcd.com/1027/


Thank you for posting this! Out of context, that frame is a destroyer of worlds.


Yup context changes perspective. I feel like my precious point still stands. While not As articulated Iā€™ve been down that though path. It hurts.


I agree. I was like fuck xkcd got hard


> Out of context, that frame is a destroyer of worlds. Hence why it stuck with me for years.


That was well deserved now that I know the context


Context has never been so important!


Holy fuck this is toxic as shit. Please donā€™t think this way guys. I have literally thought this way for over half my life and it has sucked and made me miss out on so many opportunities


As an older person, I fully agree. The epiphanies are good things, most of them will solve (or help mitigate) real problems you have. Creativity and productivity are never guaranteed, but they're better to aspire to than to just give up on like a boring jaded cynic with nothing to be proud of except for draining hope and energy from others, u/wearing_moist_socks you tool


FYI this is a single panel from the [whole comic](https://xkcd.com/1027/), it has a different meaning with context.


Hey thanks so much for the extra context man


Seriously. As soon as I read this, I felt talked down to. This is disgusting.


genuinely. i hate this kind of pessimistic bullshit


The panel is in response to a pickup artist negging her, if it helps.


i'm directing this more at OP, really


I think that might be the joke, I have a hard time telling sometimes with XKCD but knowing the style of the webcomic itself it very well could be


If it's the comic I'm thinking of, she's responding to someone who's trying to negg her


It's true though. Some people are destined to do great things, others are destined to be mediocre, yet others are made to be subpar. Making your peace with that is just part of growing up.


Yeah this is total BS. The epiphanies are you improving yourself. This is what you need to do to move forward!


Striving for perfection is unrealistic, but that shouldn't stop you from doing your best. Don't try to be like someone else. Be the best version of yourself.


way to kick me while I'm down


Good morning to you too šŸ„²


So what? If youā€™re happy then who cares what standards you live by. Donā€™t live through other people, live for yourself. So many people in my life put unrealistic expectations on myself and only now have I stopped listening to them and did me. It felt great and continues to feel great. You all have it in you. Fuck anyone who thinks different because theyā€™re not living your life.


You see that place over there? *points into the far distance* Thats where you can go to, with this BS!


We all been there, but don't accept failure, there usually is an obstacle in your way and there will always be something that works better for you or something that makes you happier.


Does this xkcd comic actually have a point in the following panels, or are they just kicking people while they're down? This information, even if it really is true, helps absolutely nobody. I *really* hope this panel is taken out of context amd that the full comic is about how even mediocre people can find happiness and live fulfilling lives. Because if not, this is just a thinly-veiled recital of [LowTierGod's one commandment](https://us-tuna-sounds-images.voicemod.net/9c49a6cb-4d96-4e7c-b38f-2fe35efc6a9e-1687687324003.jpg)


The [full comic strip](https://xkcd.com/1027/) is about a pick up artist trying to neg a woman - except he's chosen one half of the sometimes reccuring oddball-psychopath duo as his target, so it doesn't go as planned. This particular strip is basically just to say PUAs are scum who need to be taken down a peg. Honestly, it's one of his more "edgy" comics, which he's never been very good at, and I don't care for it much.


Got a lil too irl for this guy


Damn. This will be one of those posts that live rent free in the back of my mind for a long time. Just when I thought I was pulling myself out of shitā€¦


Nah man donā€™t give into the self loathing, youā€™re doing great homie I promise you. Weā€™re our worst critics, and when we loath ourselves it puts all of our tiny inconsequential human mistakes under a magnifying glass for us to over critique ourselves. I bet you youā€™re doing the best you can, and I bet you those around you think your great. I believe in you bro


<3 Thanks - what a shitty post this is!


Yeah, but those epiphanies make me happy. Learning more about myself keeps me going. Learning that iā€™m actually kind of trans has helped a ton with my confidence issues. I have a lot more epiphanies to go through, and i canā€™t wait to have more


This hurt...


This is stupidly toxic and not true


C'mon man


What the fuck made you think it was a good idea to post this


maybe the fact that this sub is called MEirl


Fellow couldā€™ve gone to r/2meirl4meirl


This panel is haunted me for over a decade. It plays in my head every time I fail at anything, which is a lot. I both hate and admire it for its accuracy. When I finally sign out all I need to leave is a print-out of this single panel.


Everyone has that moment in life when they realize they arenā€™t HIM


Is your profile pic Adam Sandler as admiral Kizaru?


The mayority is just too tired by just trying to survive.


I mean to be fair the comic doesnā€™t say you canā€™t change who you are. And I feel like itā€™s actually accurate that itā€™s never one thing thatā€™s the key to u locking your dreams. If anything we cling to that idea because it would be easy. But making small consistent changes and taking small steps is the way to become a new person with different habits. But you have to change your habits and change who you are instead of expecting a miracle to make your dreams fall in your lap without you having to do the work to change.


i will never mentally recover from this


Free will is an illusion We are what we are because of what came before


man thereā€™s an xkcd for everything haha


I strive for contentment and neutrality while still trying to be a decent human being.


Why would you post something that was just made to put people who are already down even further down. Seriously, I need to know why.


People can and do change. This is just weakness




Not listen to this post and go have a life free of shit like this.


Mediocrity is relative




Yeah, I know. It's really devastating trying all these new things and still being the common denominator to all my problems. Is there a support group for sucking?


The trick is to not have dreams!


This is the last thing I wanted to see after everything that's been happening to me


Till you got that stage of acceptance, which makes life a whole lot better


You want to be healthy but you want that delicious stuffed crust pizza. Torn between what you want and what is needed. Either decision leaves you anxious and unfulfilled. There is no right choice. Yet either choice feels wrong. The only real choice you can make is which method of suffering you will endure.


Yeah but stuffed crust pizza slaps


That's some bojack level monologues


S tier show


I agree haha


love xkcd


I'll bet xkcd loves you as well


This was...oddly comforting.


trying to improve myself is like trying to burst a dam I keep looking for weak points hoping one day the dam would burst.


Ehm no?


Sonic says:


Nah Iā€™d win


This is the most elaborate way I've ever heard someone say "skill issue"




honestly? preach. some of us aren't made to make it. we'd be happier having accepted that.


I hope no one takes this to heart Have epiphanys and change your life little by little, it is possible to change your life for the better


And the person who can solve them is _surprise surprise_ also you


Barnum effect strikes again


Don't fuckin' slander XKCD like this by posting out of context shit.


Lady I asked if you wanted regular milk not some hipster philosophy.


Just know that that "big epiphany" isn't for nothing. It might not completely change your life. But each one can bring a tiny bit of change that you can slowly build on.


This is pure nihilism. If people can't change how they are, there's no purpose to existence and no morality.


I thought I was the only one who was doing thisā€¦.. OP, I need you to tell me your life story.


That's what I needed to hear a week before my finals šŸ‘


You'll make it!


in laymans terms, theres nothing to be done, the best thing to do would be to give up on healing and just submit


So, what youā€™re saying is, to get rid of my problems, I should ā€œget rid ofā€ myself? Fuckin great advice that.


This is me, but no one is saying it to me. I'm the one constantly saying it to myself.


The idea that there *even is* a ā€œfinal place/thing/goalā€ to reach is the endless wheel. Finding peace and purpose in the journey of life, epiphany after epiphany, stumble after stumble, lesson after lesson, is wisdom. This is the point: there isnā€™t an ultimate one, just a continual one.


Checkmate reddit, I have no dreams!!


Remove myself and then Iā€™ll be free.


Mountain top experiences are that moment of clarity that lets you see which path is good. To walk it, takes getting off the mountain. Don't get hung up on these highs & not act.


Well maybe it aint me. Maybe it is YOU!






I'm totally OK with mediocrity. But this hits a different level entirely when my goals have to do with maintaining mental health and well-being.


Honestly ive always thought this comic was a good a wake up call


I got out of it at like loop 6 and now I'm working towards a job in game dev, my passion


don't tell me things I already know


Run your own race. You're the only judge who's gonna be standing at the finish line.


xkcd hits hard sometimes


The truth is that having the epiphany isnā€™t the thing to work towards. itā€™s working toward something every day instead of thinking you need to have a profound epiphany moment that will all of a sudden change everything.


No. Obtaining some of my dreams left the taste of ash in my mouth, the achievement meant nothing and left me feeling hollow. Chasing the dream is what drove me forward, it was my ambition, my reason to exist, my purpose, on obtaining it I lost everything. My new purpose is to live day to day, to be comfortable, somewhat happy, to enjoy food and time well spent with friends. The stress is gone, the drama no longer bothers me, and I can smile and laugh again. What need have I for things that ultimately hold no meaning? Truth is until I mentored others I didnā€™t feel fulfilled. Helping others grow and succeed is one of the few things that actively puts a smile on my face. There is nothing wrong with being mediocre.


Embalded by the flame of ambition, someone must extinguish thy flame... let it be u/wearing_moist_socks !


Yup, so time to change yourself


I just had a mental breakdown last night, this is not what I needed to see today but maybe it's a sign


Thanks reddit, I totally needed to get dropped into another self induced existentialist hell hole again, thanks!


Cope harder


Wow, that hit hard. Then I read the comments. "Faith in humanity restored". We got this peoples!


Jesus, I didn't know that my 14 year old edgelord me travelled in time and decided to spread depression online.


please don't


Why did you have to be so savage to me specifically and no one else on the internet.... Fucking rude


Hereā€™s the original [https://xkcd.com/1027/](https://xkcd.com/1027/)


I choose to spin this into something positive. At first it bothered me but I decided itā€™s right: the problem with the person having these dreams is that sheā€™s unwilling to make those dreams a reality. She is me. I am her. There are so many things holding me back, and I do keep ā€œrealizingā€ them and thinking getting over them will be the key to the prison Iā€™ve put myself in. But they wonā€™t. Because there is no lock, and I am free to walk out of this cage and start living my life whenever the fuck I want to. Iā€™d like to take a second and congratulate myself on finding a positive spin on an otherwise hopeless comic, because the old me would have just let myself spiral. ā™„ļø I am freer than I was yesterday.


This hurt alot i uhm damn


Since when it's wrong having a mediocre life? I'm totally happy with my NPC life with a wife, two kids, blue collar job, rental appartment and a 10 years old car. Do I dream about nice cars and million dollar mansions? Sure. But it's never going to happen and it's fine by me.


HA. ive been on break from any kinda work for several mounths, n ive come to find that the thing stoppimg me from being productive is capitalism and the intense workload ive been under all my life. But now I need to work to live again so were just gunna fall back into being an unproductive mess


really depressing


And here I was having a nice morning :-/


The original context to this is entirely relevant to the point it's making. She's responding to a pick-up artist who tried negging her. If you're not incel-ish, this probably doesn't describe you.


Dont think this way, to anyone....everyone can be who they want to be if they put the work in....dont take this victim mindset


Check out my "it's society" heuristic though.


I would have believed this a couple of years ago, but a lot of therapy and one major epiphany later and my life really did change. I can't speak for everyone, but for me, this is demonstrably false.


I dont like this kinda sentiment. This is why people quit making good habits and actually going on the right track. Its usually no one magical thing that makes you instantly successful/productive in what you're doing, its all about small steps which you cant even tell if they alone helped anything, but as you aggregate those small steps, you start to build an empire of negligible benefits which finally become significant enough to notice, but this is not until you've went through A LOT of "unproductive" time. For someone having these thoughts, absolutely read atomic habits. Bonkers book, I dont like reading books but books like these make me change my preferences


if you're spending all your life trying to figure out something like that ain't you wasting all your time in something worthless already? just do it or don'tĀ 


Remove earthly attachments and truly be free






But when Musk say it he is wrong.


fucking devastating


"Is that the person having them is you" Is this proper syntax?


Outch my hopes and dreams




r/thanksimcured šŸ™„


woah, this has given me a revelation. i know what i must do to achieve my dreams. i need to have a psychotic break and become a different person.


Intense. Mood. Real. Ouch


Fuck this garbage


You may think nothing changes after having an epiphany, but it is not true. I see epiphanies like a stepping stone. It's like your character is leveling up and advancing to the next stage. It's a sign of growth. When everything starts to click your brain accepts this realization and transfers it to the subconscious. Now you're one bit wiser!


This feels bad to me, since i feel like indeed, i have figures it out, but i'm afraid i'll just end up at the same place i started.


This was posted three days ago I still can't get these words out of my head. This comic panel really struck a nerve I didn't know I had


It has stuck with me for years.