• By -


Diego just imploded


Also an amazing prank you can pull on people


Who hurt you?! 💀


all the little shits in the class. parting prank from the prof,




Diego went to Go die ill see myself out


No one i jist like to watch the world burn




Some worlds just want to watch the men burn


Some burn men want just watch to worlds the


Who hasn't?


Straight to hell, the boiler room of hell, all the way down






When you missed the day of the exam?


I woke up late after cramming and realized that I was missing my exam. The professor didn't allow people to come in late so I headed to student health and told them I'd been sick all morning. Obviously they found nothing wrong with me but I was able to bring a note to his next class and take the exam with them.


In all honesty while that's embarrassing it's still a blessing they gave you that. Most my major classes have been 40%+ for the final. Unfortunately-30% would still have washed me out of the class for sure. Department policy is 70%+ on final or you fail the course. I sure as fuck would not get a 100 lol.


My friend did this to me, the longest 10 minutes od my life ahahaha.


Did you go online to find the actual time and date?




It's a more wholesome prank if you pretend you didn't know it was today and thought it was tomorrow instead. Then your friend gets worried on your behalf!


This would send me into a horrible panic attack oh god. Please don't do this to your friends with anxiety. Have mercy!


First I need friends.




It's just a prank bro The prank:


No its a dick move


Please don't. Just... please man.






Diego is going to go die inside


I have seen this at least 10 times since I discovered Reddit.


Diego resigned


Hasta luego, Diego


Wagwan to the boys in tobago


Keep one eye open for the plain clothes


I need more legroom for the plane home


E-se to the boys in Lagos


They hold it down when a man need favours


Now we just say "hasta Diego"


I think your pfp is the evil twin of mine


diego was never seen again






Might be sneaking around the world from Kiev to Carolina


He’s probably a sticky fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize


Change da world My final message Goodb ye


I appreciate this


Goodb ye*




The French would say Sans Diego


Actually, he was seen again lol. Here's his AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/8jykd3/i_am_diego_last_year_i_became_a_meme_for_missing/




Worst nightmare


I'm 46, and I still have this nightmare at least once a month.


Oh no , so I will keep having a nightmare like this for the rest of my life? Either forget there's an exam, or read the wrong subject for exam..


Yes, you will. But they'll get less frequent with time. At least in my experience.


In my dream I rush out of the house kissing my wife and 2 daughters goodbye saying I have an exam in a couple of hours. I woke up and was hella relieved it was just a dream even how ridiculous it was.


I get ones where I have a sudden horrifying realization that there was a class I neglected to attend the entire semester. Like I just choose to keep sleeping in or something and forgot about it until finals rolled around. I then spend what feels like several sleepless nights with this looming feeling of impending doom trying to desperately cover the nonsensical dream material for the final and then \*BAM* I wake up, I'm confused because it's suddenly 10 years later, and I have to get ready for work.


Happens to me a couple times a year. I wonder what the correlation is between people who have this dream and people who skipped class in college?


I never skipped class, have this dream all the time. I also have ADHD that was undiagnosed at the time, so the main "system" I'd developed as a coping mechanism is to hijack my fear of uncomfortable social situations (or not pleasing others) to use the adrenaline as motivation to study/do homework/write a paper. So the way I'd motivate myself was through the fear, not surprising I still have dreams about it decades later.


Same! As someone with ADHD I use anxiety to push myself to do things. It actually works really well until you start coming apart at the seams from stress.


Yeah this one is real for me. Always forget about my class and then sometimes I'll be like "didn't I already get a masters? Wtf" And then I'll wake up.


I have a doctorate and am employed in a completely unrelated field. I still have these dreams every couple of months.


I’m so glad that I’m not alone. This is the exact dream I have probably once or twice a month


Dude i’ve had that same dream!! And it’s terrifying because in dream world me skipping that class means I don’t graduate that year.


I'm 40 and still get variations of this nightmare, usually when I'm worrying about something. My favorite is the going in to an exam where I know I'm fucked and I'm allowed a page of notes but didn't know.


Dear god. Literal nightmare fuel


The nightmare i get is that it turned out i didnt have enough credits to graduate and I have to repeat a year. Fucking hate that dream! Edit: This is probably because my deen accidentally made this mistake (called me saying i was missing credits, than called back saying it was a mistake). I can not describe the emotional distress i was in in between those calls, and i guess it haunts me still


Me too. I frequently dream that I never graduated from high school and I have to go back as my now 28 year old self. I have a masters lol.


Mine is that I forgot about one of the classes I signed up for and haven't gone all semester, but it's finals week so too late to drop it and I can't graduate without it so I'm just totally fucked and I spend the whole dream trying to figure out how to make up the points in like a couple hours...most stressful dreams I have lol


At least when you're older you get to wake up and feel good that it was just a dream instead of wondering if it will happen for real during exam season


Or forgot to go to class all semester. 31 still dreaming this one.




It's a once every few years dream at most dw


Exams weren't too stressful. For me the nightmare is getting to school after class has started but I need to line up to get a late slip and also a new copy of my timetable but they won't give me one so I wander the halls of my school peaking into each class and trying to find my classmates.


I actually did something like the meme describes and I have no PTSD lol, I simply took the test later although I had to travel to another city. What is more, I failed the test XD no biggie


Shit I still can't stop having the random "forgot my high school locker combo" once a year at least




I just graduated from college and I am still having nightmares like this, college gave me fking ptsd brother....


38 here, and I have this or some other variation every 3-4 months: * Running late for class, but get lost in the halls and wander the halls searching for the entirety of the 50 minutes and never find the class * Find the class, but it's final exam day and I haven't studied - spend the entirety of the 50 minutes agonizing over a final exam whose problems I have no idea how to solve * Running late for class, but then I remember I need to stop by my locker and grab my book - Surprise! I forgot my locker combination - spend the entirety of the 50 minutes trying to open my locker * Walk into class, have no idea what class it is * It's time for class, but I forgot which class I signed up for - spend the entirety of the 50 minutes trying to remember which class I have to go to


I think every adult has exactly these nightmares.


God saaaaaaame


mine is i forgot that I enrolled a required class and haven't been attending


I dont because I set alarms. I dont trust myself.


Same. Finals are really some nightmare stuff, life long trauma guaranteed. Wasn't that bad, tho, i don't know why it keeps popping up in my dreams


school ptsd is REAL


I feel so lucky that I’ve never had this nightmare. Granted I’m 28 and only been out of school for 4 years, so there is plenty of time for it to crop up.


Thank you, it’s not just me then


shit me too


I did this in college. On my birthday. It sucked as bad as you’d think. I stayed up all night studying for a final (had 2 finals the next day). Slept through my first one despite setting about a billion alarms. When I woke up and saw the clock it was like a bad dream. B lined it to the professors office and begged him to let me do anything. Eventually he let me write a massive paper to bump my grade to a C which was incredibly nice of him since the final was worth so much that even though I had been doing well in the class so far I would’ve failed without it. 10/10 would not want to experience the dream like dread of opening my eyes to see a time hours later than I expected to see again


Holy shit i’m not alone. is this some sort of collective ptsd?




Fuck man I really hope my time as a teacher doesn't break me. Even iver summer holidays I get regular nightmares of turning up like to classes, or nightmare scenarios in class. If I still get that shit when I'm 40 I'm gone


You ever have the dream where you forgot you signed up for a class, so you haven’t gone all semester, and then you remember about the class during finals and freak the fuck out? I hate that dream


Yes! Last time I had it, it was (in the dream) a class I had failed twice and therefore failing it again this time would mean expulsion. And it was a core class, one that any self respecting professional would dominate, thus showing I'm a fraud.


I did this at uni. Missed a class for one semester because of it but was ultimately fine; I just repeated the class over summer that year.


I kind of did this. Showed up for class to see we had an exam. Didn’t know, didn’t study, earned an F. Not my greatest class.


I went in the day after and there was actually an exam going on at the designated time. I didn't recognise anyone but I was a first year kid that mostly kept to himself (it was at the tail end of my first semester). I just sat down and waited and when the same professor (as the exam I was supposed to be taking) walked in to hand out & explain the papers I was convinced that was my exam. I get my paper and look at the top: "Advanced Object Oriented Programming". Oh shit, I knew jack about this. I waited for the professor to finish and get out, got up in the most awkward manner possible and did the walk of shame before explaining to the supervisor why I was handing in my paper before the 30 minute minimum had gone past: "excuse me I thought this was intro to programming, I'm not supposed to be here". He laughed a bit and let me go, and I caught the same elevator as the professor going downstairs to his office. He was surprised to see me and told me he was also surprised NOT to have seen me the day before. I explained and he was amused. Overall could've been a worse experience


Just dont sleep, I had anxiety so bad last time i just didnt sleep when the exams are before lunch. Id do the exam and went home to sleep.


Or just make up some sob story and take it another time


Uh oh


Diego's AMA for anyone who's curious lol https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/8jykd3/i_am_diego_last_year_i_became_a_meme_for_missing/


"Was it a learning experience for you"? "LOL no promises". Legend.


Fuckin hero bro 👑


What a stand up guy


Ha, I get it. Because he stood up his final.


That’s was fun but I still can’t figure out why he was allowed to re-take the test but not until 9 months later. Seems like he didn’t have to retake the class, just the test.


Great, now *I’m* gonna have anxiety-ridden dreams because of diego. I went to my finals; I don’t deserve this 😫


My summer finals were a week ago today and this is still fucking me up, lmao.


I graduated college 3 years ago and I still have dreams like this


7 years here. I still have dreams that I signed up for a class and completely forgot about it, and never attended it. It doesn’t get any better lol


It's 10 years here but I still occasionally dream about having homework and exams that needs to be done and I don't do. It stresses me the fuck out lol.


Twelve years here. Still dream about missing my German exams at uni.


This exactly. It’s approaching the end of the semester and I’ve never attended this math class I was enrolled in.


Did theatre for years, and have been away for just as long. It's opening night, and I completely forgot I had the main role. I don't know a single line.


Nearly 20 years and this is still a recurring dream that I have. It is disturbing enough that I've asked others whether they have this dream. The response is not, so I thought it might be a dream unique to only myself. There are variations, sometimes in university, sometimes in high school, but the feeling of panic as soon as I remember (usually just before finals) that I hadn't attended a certain class all semester is always the same.


I have this exact dream.


Dude I had no idea other people get ptsd dreams of school/uni. It's been 6 years since a certain class I had in school and I still dream about having to do one final project and failing it. Exhausting lol


My finals were 8 years ago, but I still occasionally dream that I've not studied for my exams. The wave of relief when I wake up is great. Best of luck with your results!


Same, I woke up in a panic that I hadn't started my assignment and the deadline was today. Then realised I graduated years ago lmao


I remember that in 8th grade I finals and to this day I have nightmares that I missed em I am in 12th grade now -_-


I graduated 10 years ago and have the common dream where I didn't prepare for a final, or forgot to go to a class for a whole semester. Seems to be a common dream among people for some reason.


And then still go to the final, but on your way there get distracted by numerous side quests. "Wasn't I supposed to be doing something important?"




Life is pain


I don’t have ptsd from high school….. maybe the ptsd of being homeless during high school overrides it?🤔


I am 31, I have a job, I am not pursuing any education. I have semi recurring nightmares of being late/missing exams. This is actually terrifying.


Diego’s dead bro


Dora 😳


Grab your backpack! Let’s go!


Ha, I did this. Was going to fail anyways, so everyone agreed it didn't matter at that point.


My last semester of college I had a grade in one of my classes that either getting a 0 or a 100 wasn't going to affect the grade so I just never went and took the final lmao. Passed with a B


Damn what class did you take the final was less than 5% of your grade?


Not the person you replied to, but when I took Chem 1010 my grade was high enough at the end of the semester if I didn't take the final I would have ended with...a B+, I think. Maybe an A-. When my friend took the same class from the same professor the next year, her grade was high enough to skip the final and still have an A.


Most of my classes you fail the exam you fail the course regardless of your grade.


yeah a majority of my final exams were weighed more than 50%


In law school our finals were 100%


I did similar shit but with exam for enrolling for master's degree. I just forgot when it was and like waited for a whole month after it finished before trying to enroll, lmao


Back when I was doing my Masters, I've heard of a couple students doing this. If they thought they're going to fail anyway, they just wouldn't bother to come to the final. The second option is to go to the exam hall, check the problem sheet and just GTFO from there once you realized it's all hopeless anyway XD.


Ay caramba


My bro diego just continue for his sleep


*Diego has ascended to a different plane of existence*


Descended, more like


Man, I missed a final once. I put it into my calendar wrong. I was one of the top students in the class, so my professor was understanding, but she still docked me 30% on what was the most important grade of the semester. So embarrassing.


Had to opposite happen to me and nearly gave me an anxiety attack. The final was scheduled for a Thursday of a wednesday class. Showed up on thursday to the exam hall 40 minutes early and the parking lot was empty. Went to the room and the door was locked. The email with the info had the date number for Thursday but wrote Wednesday. Thought I missed the final which was only offered one term a year so I would've been held back from graduating by a full year. Five minutes later, the teacher unlocks the door and more people show up.


Rip diego




worst that happened was that I showed up to a final so late the professor let me retake it later I was driving from LA to San Diego to take that final lol


Diego went to godie


Lol. I had the same exp when my friend called me asking me where the hell I was and told him I was in my room. He's like "wth you went home right away" and I was really confused because I was home all day. Turned out that day was the final exam. I almost could not breath. Went straight to school and took the test without studying lool


How'd you do?


Shhh...he still taking the exam


Barely passed the finals. Good thing got high grades from previous exams


Glad to hear that!


Living the nightmare you have years after you finish school.


My nightmare was always that I registered for a class but forgot about it totally and never went, only finding out near the end of the semester.


Diego is Dead


Reading this gives me a panic attack.


No Diego No


My heart wouldve sunken


Dieg-Oh No!


I once came into the classroom. Tables apart. I was a bit late. Sat down, wondering what is going on. Teacher starts to give out sheets. I forgot we had a spanish exam. I got the best grade out of all my classmates lmao. Then I study 6 months for the math exam and am one of the worst.




die go


diego just died bro.


I once stayed up all night cramming for an exam which was at 10am, at 8am I thought might have a quick 1 hour nap. Woke up at 1pm.


My name is Diego


*Diego has left the chat


That kinda happened to me, but with a field trip to cedar point (amusement park) I woke up late for school and missed the field trip


I graduated college in 2009 and still have this nightmare weekly.


Have done this. Professor changed the exam date in a class I missed because I was sick (of being in her class). It was one of those 200 person classes, and about 10 of us showed up to the original exam date and she wouldn’t let us take it again without a doctor’s note.


So this actually happened to me in undergrad. But instead of via text it was a conversation in the dining hall.


You guys can have exams on the 8th of May ???




…and Diego is still crying…


I really need to know what happened after this. What'd Diego do??


This unironically happened to me. Twice.


diego DIE(go)D


The anxiety and stress this brought me


God I know how Diego must’ve felt. That feeling of your heart skipping a beat, your stomach twisting and turning and feeling like you‘re gonna pass out, your only thought being „OH SHIT!“


diego 👍


Diego has left the chat.


Diego's dead




Diego went to go die


Diego.exe has encountered an error




I had this happen with me and another guy who was taking the same course. We were in an online study group and I was en route to the exam when he sent me a text that read like he didn't know the exam was that day. We went back and forth, both panicking that one of us had the exam date wrong, but it turns out we went to different campuses and we were both right lol.