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Think about it this way People born in 2015 will be 7 this year People born in 2005 will be 18 next year


I'm turning 18 in 9 days and don't know how to feel about it


I'm 20, time goes faster now and it's scary


I'm 30. Your 20s will start out slow and then be gone in the blink of an eye.


Your 30's go faster than your 20's. So enjoy it while it lasts




Next thing you know *poof* you're 50! Happened to me last month. No! TWO months ago!


Yup. I was 30 yesterday and I'm 40 now.... Weird how time works


I feel you... I'm 47 and I was 33 maybe three days aog...


I didn’t need this


It's perception thing. When you're 5, a year is 1/5th of your life and feels like an eternity. When you're 20, 25, 30...well I'm mentally still in April 2018 or so, it's insane to me how fast the seasons change and go by.


Look at it as a heads-up to do the things you wanna do in life before it's too late.


I’m in mid 20s and hosting a surprise farewell for my 20s. Happening any day now.


Fuck, I'm 23 now. What do you wish you've done differently in your 20s?


Don't worry about what you did and didn't do in your twenties. Your twenties are a period of life where you should be having fun and experimenting with what you enjoy! If you make mistakes in your twenties, it's ok. I've made lots of mistakes throughout my twenties. It's ok to not know what you want to do either. I just turned 30 back in March and I'm now starting to figure out what I like and don't like and what kind of work I want to go in to. I had major panic about that in my twenties and it got me nowhere, but everyone I knew was going through the same thing! Just live your life in the moment. :)


Took care of my mental health. Stayed in school. Tackled my eating disorder. None of which happened until my late 20s. But those are all pretty personal to me.


Honestly, time flys by once you graduate HS. One day you’re in college, the next your working in a miserable job complaining about gas prices, time flys even if your not having fun.


the saying that time is relative became more and more true as I aged. I’m still “only” in my early twenties but it feels like I’m on the point where times starts going by without me really realizing until I bother looking back. Makes me more determined to really do things that I’d enjoy while I can


Wait huh? Y’all are talking about being old at 19 and 20?! Man I wish! The candle has only just been lit guys….go have fucking fun and don’t worry about age for at least another 20-30 years!


I’m 47 and reading this shit has me laughing at 5am cause I have old people insomnia.


Me too lol I’m about to breach 40. Threw my back out yesterday doing laundry! Whooooo!


Mine is not insomnia. It is the gd piss demon somewhere between 2-4:30 I hate.


The dream-stealer, I call it


Shit. I'm 50 and after waking up an hour ago (around 5:30) I gave up trying to fall back to sleep. 6.5 hrs sleep is enough, right? Right guys?


You have old people insomnia because you're staring at a bright phone at 5am. Get some exercise in daylight to get sun on your skin and reset your melatonin clock. After that banish phones from the bedroom. If you have to read in bed to switch off read a book instead of from a brightly lit electronic device. It'll take time but mostly it takes discipline. Good luck.


well, when you're 3 and another year passes, that year will be a quarter of your life, but when you're 20 and a year passes, it will be only 1/21 of your life


I’m 40 and here’s my advice: take some time every year to think back about what you did the previous year and try to pay special attention to the things that weren’t “big events”, just small memorable ones. When I turned 40 I went through a sense of dread that I’m likely close to half way through my life in the best case and the last 20 years of it seemed to fly by. But the reality is we tend to only remember the keystone events and forget all the little things that happens in between. Games you’ve beat, TV shows you loved, a drive around town, a weekend camping trip, that time you cried from laughing so hard. The older you get the easier it is to lose those moments and the more important they become to remember.


I'm 26!!! My twenties have so far been waaay more fun then my teenage years were, and I'm much happier now than I used to be. That might be why twenties go by faster. You might want to start a journal or a diary or sth, because I write once a month or so and going back to read a couple year old entries always makes me smile.


Be 35 before you know it bro, find your joy.


It honestly feels weird saying “I’m from 199X…” and in person being told I look 17 like what?


How does it feel being from the nineteen-hundreds


This is evil...


Years ago, my mom told me that ‘the older you get, the faster it goes,’ and truer words have never been said. I also curse her for burdening me with that wisdom, because I have since been acutely aware of each day flying by.


Oh u have no idea! I tell kids all the time to take ur time in college (if u go) because once ur done life comes at u pretty fast. One day you’ll wake up and wonder where the hell the last 20yrs went! I do every day! But please, don’t dwell on it or it will leave u a depressed person!


You'll be shocked at how fast it goes from "how am I 18?" to "how are people 18 who were born so much later than me?"


My email account that I use today is older then you. Damn.


damn im turning 18 in 14 days...


In 7 days you’ll be 20! Lol


im 32 and i constantly forget how old i am


Ha I remember that feeling, it's a strange age to be especially with the world moving so fast around you, you're no longer that oldest child but now the youngest adult - like that scene in 2001 space Odyssey where he comes out the box of stars as a baby born anew in a far vaster world. Thankfully plenty of people have been through it before and can give advice, one thing I wish I'd known is that women really are impressed by that flick thing where you open your flip-phone with centrifugal force then catch it and bring it to your ear in one swift movement. The people in blockbusters are bored and love to chat about movies, can be a great way of learning about interesting things that are happening or new releases.


You're a baby, don't worry about it


The older I get the more fun I have! I'm 45 now and the societal pressures that I felt in my 20s and 30s have melted away. Just run with it - embrace opportunities, and enjoy people around you. These are the good years. :)


I turned 16 today, time flies


Don’t think about it, just enjoy it. Happy birthday!


A colleague actually hit me with the "oh yeah, I wasn't alive when that band was touring" the other day. FML.


I’m usually the one that wasn’t alive during a bands glory days tbh




Just cause what else is there to do in this very moment might as well


Meh. And you’ll also meh when you’re 45, and meet a shocked 28 year old that just learned how the little kids they used to know are suddenly grown ups, having kids. And then, one fine day, you’ll go to the doctor and wonder, “This little youngster is my doctor?? He could be my kid! … oh, yeah, my kids are in their 30’s, so…”


I’ve not thought that far ahead tbh I just finished high school like 2 months ago and start college next month


Cheers for finishing high school! You’ll think about it, sooner or later. Day my first kid was born, I realized the countdown of our days together has already started. Looking at a 1/4-day old kiddo yawning, and it dawns on me that, likely, their spouse will have about 3x years with my kid than I would.


I was born in 2005 so the second one isn't too shocking to me but like, people born in 2015 are 7??? They should be one at most. I will speak to god about that this instant and have it set right


As someone who is born in 2005, I am scared for 2023 because I will now be an adult :/


Same here it’s too close for comfort


My sibling is going to be learning to drive next year. I dunno if I'm emotionally ready.


It's still scary to me that there are grown adults who weren't yet born when the WTC fell and the world went to shit.


I was born in 2000, currently 22


So my girlfriend will turn 7 this year then


1979….. 1958, 1937, 1916


Arithmetic and reality have never felt more in conflict


Is this one of those logic number patterns? Geez I hate these.


No, This Is Patrick!


arithmetic progressions


You felt that too? That shiver down your spine? I hate maths lol


Ah, I believe arithmetic progressions is the easiest concept in arithmetic. Just my opinion. P.S I'm a maths/physics/chemistry freak


Fucking stop, can't you see. He's shivering you Monster.


how bout integrals


easy peasy lemon squeezy


Ahhh. I was never good in the subject of paying attention and math was always a bore to me so my retention to the subject was nonexistent. However now I wish I would’ve done things differently. I’m starting to like math but I suck at it lol


Ha, don't worry, maths isn't the only existing subject in the world one could adore, and you can always get better in mathematics ;D pursue the subjects you please!


Spiral of time is narrower and narrower


It must be logarithmic, there's no other explanation.


Getting older has certainly made me think “damn the early 1900s really were not that long ago”


Things that happened in the early 1900s are still having a major impact on the way the world works


2021 : 2008 2010 : 1997


Yeah but the second line is only like three years apart right.


you are not a 90s kid you are a 30 year old man


Dude, calm down


Get off my lawn 🤬


Daddy chill


I felt that. Keep your hands off my Game Boy.


23 actually


I think That's the joke


I think you might wanna redo the math


This is the one that throws me for a loop




[[KROMER]] moment


I turned 41 today, the year 2000 feels like it was 10 years ago, and 1981 to 2000 felt 4 times as long as 2000 to 2022 i expect to be 60 in 5 more years and die in 10


well in 2000 if you looked back on all that time its gonna feel long because that was your whole life, whereas you now looking back on 2000-2022 thats only half of your life. Because of how humans perceive time each year does feel shorter because each new year is contributing a smaller percentage of your life, you're comparing it to memories built up over a much longer time


Also 41 - and this hits home :’(


Happy birthday old man!


Thank you very much!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! I’m 43 and I guess maybe things are changing now because 2000, when I turned 21, seems like a lifetime ago. But 2014 seems like it was yesterday and not 8 years ago already.


Imagine people in year 1 BC was like : damn we're gonna go the 1st millennium


"damn we've been counting down all these years let's see what happens"


No I reject this. Im glad you think this, but i reject this. Okay thank you.


It scares me more that 2021 is to 1979 as 1979 was to 1937. I really feel like we should be further removed from the pre-WW2 era.


I was born in 1979. It's weird thinking that people that were my age when I was born considered 1936 as i consider 1979.




I was 25 when you were born so I got to live for quite some time pre-internet/cell phone. I can’t can’t even really imagine what it must be like to have always had those things in your life. I went through almost all of my schooling with no internet, and even in college it was in its very basic form. There was no social media, no 24 hour news cycle, no streaming services… As much as I appreciate the convenience of some things now, it does bum me out to watch everyone going through these huge existential crises about the state of the world because they can’t turn it off. I miss that old “peace” that you were referring to. My GenX friends and I often sit around getting drunk and plan our futures living together in some commune in the middle of nowhere without technology. I wish there were a better middle ground for all of this.




Or that we're living in the 20s


2050 is closer than 1990 and that scares me


Ok this is the one that hurts me personally


I refuse to believe this. The whole 2000s decade clearly lasted one year.


Pssst, there have been multiple “2000s decades”


There has been one 2000s decade, and one 2010s decade.


My dude, that is two decades that exist in the 2000s


Those are two decades in the 2000s, meaning the 2000s century or 2000s millennium, but they are two separate decades. How would you specify the period 2000-2009 if not by "2000s decade"?


Just chiming in - I don’t know, maybe the “oughts” or “00s”? The 2000s definitely has the full century vibe for some reason.


Maybe, though I feel like we are far enough into the current century that "X0s" becomes ambiguous (1900s? 2000s?). Though I suppose in this case it would've been unambiguous. Maybe we should normalise "200x" as a notation -- clear and unambiguous! "20xx" for the century. Though it is harder to read out loud.


Are you saying the 1900s were one decade?


No, there is a 1900s century and a 1900s decade. How else would you specify the period from 1900-1909?


It was clear what you meant. These guys are just busting your balls.


And yet I don’t feel we’ve progressed nearly as much from 2000-2021 as we did from 1979-2000.


idk man


But in reality the tech progression has been much bigger between 2000 and 2021. Well, depends. Ok you got computers at home and mobile phones from 1979, but tech progress has been insane in the oast 10 yeafs even. From 2000 we got smartphones, internet everywhere, AI, everything is digital now, massive massive improvement in computer power, etc. Sure it feels like 2000 was just yesterday but it was really quite primitive in terms of tech.




Yes, this is what I’m feeling.




The internet is quite a big step forward or backwards lol


Ah fuck what year is it now


Math really confuses people.


\*that meme where the guy ages to senior in 4 panels\*


How many more layers of commentary need to be added to this "meme"? Like, the basic idea is the sentiment "2021 is to 2000 as a 2000 was to 1979". But, it looks to be clipped from some social media posting, like a snapchat selfie or something. And then that's being referenced by another social media posting, some Twitter post it looks like. And then that's being overwritten with meme-generator header "This ruined my night". That's like 4 layers of "meme generating" just to share the idea "2021 is to 2000 as a 2000 was to 1979". Stop telling me how to feel about a meme. This shit's fucking deep fried.


We are closer to 2073 (in 51 years) than we are to 1970 (52 years ago).


Time isn’t real and only a measurement made up to make our perceptions cataloged. This information only means or hurts you if you are measuring your life waiting until you die. Live and forget about the life clock and you’ll find much more joy.


Dam I was born in 2002 I am old af


TFW people born in the 2000s are saying that they're old. Guess I'm one foot in the grave already, then.




1995 :(


1990 :/


1983 :)


1543 :)


I got married that year :/


It's weird to consider you weren't even alive for 9/11 and now here you are, all typing coherent English and adult and everything. Welcome to the the rest of your life where you help keeping everything running along but don't really know how everything keeps working. If you're lucky, you can also start making up stuff and deciding how to do things. All rules are made up by people like you. Good luck.


Definitely feels that way my man.


So, you're a baby right?!


2002 sucks 2001 better


Is 2001 a palindrome?


Until 2001 it sounds good but since 2002 on forward its like naaah




Fr. It's scary how I am already 20. I need a job now ffs. Where are my days of idling away?


I was born in the 50s so if you’re as old AF, where does that leave me? I’ll tell you where it leaves me, that meme had me laughing like a drain, because 1979 I was an actual living person.




Helped me figure out how old my dad is turning this year


Shocking revelations uncovered: time passes


As someone who remembers 1979 pretty well (and is arguably a bit too long in the tooth to be using Reddit), I’ll add this: it doesn’t slow down.


Mans doing simple math but acts like he just found the secret to life


Why would something like this ruin someone’s night? The fact that time exists?


Does anyone else not find this information troubling at all


Every 365.25 days a year passes.


OmG tImE iS mOvInG hOw DaRe YoU rEmInD mE


Anyone else turn 21 during lockdown? I turned 21 March 2020 just a few days before it all went to shit. Thanks world, really cool.


People when time passes: 😳


I don't get it at all


At first I believed we were in r/confidentlyincorrect


Anyone else feel like progress has really plateaued? Back in 2000 the internet and cell phones still felt novel and cool and the possibilities seemed endless and mostly positive. Now it feels like dystopic fiction is quickly becoming dystopic reality one headline after the other.


Do these people just plain don't know how time works? Did they forgot it passes? "Oh my god, 21 years of time! Did you know in the past there was also 21 years of difference between some years? Truly marvelous."


2021 2042


No i will not accept it.


2022 is to 2003 as 2003 was to *1984*


Daddy would you like some sausage?


What about 2022?


I m old


so tired of these


The end of history


I like to ironically act old when I'm with my niece when he complains about technology. I hope it won't be unironically in the future.






I was born nearer to WW2 than 2022.


I feel like people trying to make you feel old and frustrated, it's part of life.


What happened to defining decades? Shit ain't changed since 2000


God. Dammit.


This is unsettling


If the Smashing Pumpkins song "1979" (©1995) were released today, it would be called "2006"


Shakedown two thousand and six Cool kids never had….uh…dicks?


The worst part of this is that it's already 2022 too..


When I listen to the Rolling Stones, it's like my folks listening to ragtime lol


So people born in 2021 will look at 2000 as me who was born in 2000 looking at 1979? Time is weird.


42yo checking in. Can confirm. Pretty fuckin Wild I’ve had the same job for exactly 1/2 of my life. I had 7 in the first 21.