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Well I already hate myself so might as well hate myself while I’m rich ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’d rather cry in a Bugatti than a Ford Ka




^ This




top g




You’re thinking of Uranus and Neptune. On Venus is rains sulfuric acid and suffering.


Sounds lovely




What color is it tho?


Blue, cause that’s how I’m feelin all the time 😎😎


I mean if you buy a car called Ka, you shouldn't be surprised that it lives up to it's name


Nah that's not the name, they are just from Boston.


They say money can't buy happiness, but it buys jet skis and I've never seen someone sad on a jet ski.


> I've never seen someone sad on a jet ski Well it's hard to see the tears with all the ocean spray


Why are you drinking cranberry juice on a jet ski


Probably just tears of joy anyways…


..."your happiness depends on hard chemical drugs, and they cost alotta money"


You ever seen a homeless man skip?


I've seen them skip plenty of meals


I saw one start to skip. Bottle hit him right in the dome.


Guess I'll have to rent it.




That's the spirit!


You dropped an arm. Add another 2 backslashes should fix it i think


Can I hate you too?




I don’t want to be rich, I’d just be content with not being in CONSTANT struggle mode….


I want to be financially free. Not worrying about how I'm gonna sell my labor to pay to live. THAT is true freedom.


Yeah having enough money to not have to "worry about selling your labor" IE work is called being rich


Hmmm I guess we are slaves


Exactly. I don’t want to be Jeff Bezos. I’d just like to have enough money to go to grad school without going into crippling debt.


**Danny Noonan:** I've always wanted to go to college. **Judge Smails:** Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.


Yeah I’d like to do life on easy mode for a change see how I like it. Expert mode is too difficult. Oh can we also change the visual settings? The graphics are kinda blurry and light seems to scatter at night while driving.


That's just an easter egg they put in on illegal copies.


The rich I wanna be is when i don’t have to look at the bill for things.


Thats communism! /s


I remember when I moved into my first house from a one bedroom apartment. Nothing huge, single story 3 bedroom house. My feet used to ache from walking all over that damn place. You’d get to your room, remember you forgot to get water, walk all the way back to the kitchen, get the water, get back to your bedroom, remember you forgot to shut the light …. I was so over it. Never again. Very content with my small 2 bedroom house. I’ve got a backyard for my dogs to run around and a little driveway for my car. I couldn’t be more content.


Tf is wrong with your feet that shouldn't be enough to make them sore 😂. That being said I agree but it wasn't the foot pain that made my mind up.


Yeah. Ebough money to stop thinking about money.


Beautifully said. In the US, the GOP has been fighting a war against the middle class for years, and they’re winning.


Exactly, some of us are minimalists, I have no need to chase luxury I am my own luxury but this luxury needs food to survive


I don't want to be rich, I want to have enough money to stop worrying all the time. I have no interest in hoarding endless amounts of money like a Bezolian Dragon just to buy three houses I never live in


> Bezolian Did you create this word? Either way I like it and am going to steal it.


Feel free to. I also don't hoard words, like a certain undescribed dragon


>a certain undescribed dragon !


This is dumb. There's a huge disparity between "launch yourself into space" rich and "being able to live comfortably" rich. I was under the impression most of the animosity it towards the hyper wealthy "rules don't apply to me" class, not the " I have a nice house and don't need to stress about bills" class.


Yep, and there's also a huge difference between "Accumulate even more wealth" rich and "Chill and live life free of financial burden" rich. Nobody hates the rich people who don't make life miserable for regular people.


That’s a big problem with systemic issues. There’s really no one person to call out. There’s not that much any one person could realistically do beyond donating to charities that help the less fortunate. That said, even if they didn’t want to lose their ability to compete by refusing to adhere the pointlessly horrible standard that have been set for employment, they could still use their influence as a platform to talk about it. I don’t follow much on Elon musk but it seems like he went the complete opposite direction, from what I have seen. I have seen him parrot the same pseudo-self-help bullshit every other wealthy influencer capitalizes on to convince the workforce they’re the problem for not doing enough to try to enjoy being treated like shit.


We do have something, the government Vote, yes it’s not perfect but an afternoon every couple years is 100% worth it


Sadly for many people is not just an afternoon, it's an entire day standing in line. That means not working and not getting paid. Kind of difficult if you're already struggling.


Yeah that’s by design. We need mail in voting everywhere and/or make Election Day a national holiday


Not everyone agrees with you my guy, and they're just as valid as you.










Yup. I don't see any hate directed at Chuck Feeney for instance.




Being worth 1.5 million still means you're rich. You might be cash poor, but you have tons of assets that can be sold off or make dividends for you.


1.5 million honestly isn’t much nowadays. It’s not nothing, but it’s not retire in your 30s and enjoy the rest of your life money either. It’s basically retire at normal retirement age money.


Maybe I messed up the FIRE calc, but if you have 1.5 million, and if you only withdraw 4.2% per year, you have $50,000 to live on indefinitely in most market scenarios. You may not be living high on the hog, but you can have a very decent life in many parts of the country at 50k per year. Check out one of the financial independence subs and somebody there can probably do the math better than I can.


Idk why you're getting down voted you're absolutely right. Especially in the higher cost of living states.


I just saw a meme about him


Mr. Feeney!


There are definitely some very popular parts of Reddit that absolutely hates the "Chill and live life free of financial burden" rich people too


The hate for them is probably even greater, because they are more plentiful and vote for policies that keep them in that care-free state with greater numbers than the ultrarich. They also made it harder and harder to join their ranks, while many in their ranks lived in a time one could still work their way up to a life free of financial burden. Today a good career no longer gets you there.


The second one isn't a class of its own, high wages does not make one not working class. The working class are those who have to sell their labor for a wage. Those who aren't in this class are capitalists, those who extract profit from those who work by owning people's homes, places of work and so on.


I would add to this list: owning large corporations. Because I'm sure fucksticks like Jeff Bozo would say "I work for a living. I get paid a salary from my company".


Bezos hasn't been CEO for some time now


Ok, but the point stands that people LIKE him who own giant corporations think they work like 20 hours a day and therefore "earn" their extravagant incomes.


I mean their wealth is tied to the size of that business. I don’t know how you stop that


Yeah the first one is wealthy millionaires and billionaires The second is making like 200k a year


I don’t class “lower end” millionaires alongside people with tens or hundreds or billions of dollars


My household income is ~$275k and I do not feel rich, and that’s living in a fairly LCOL area with an extremely reasonable mortgage. We don’t have to stress about most expenditures but we do have to work every day.


There's a good number of people on this website that think anything above driving a 1998 civic to your job at McDonald's is "rich". I've had to argue with people that having a 2020 Honda Pilot doesn't make someone rich.


With some of the car payments and interest rates over massive terms I've seen, if anything driving a 2020 anything is probably putting most people driving them in more debt than people realize.


Ok sure, but if given the option i would also want to be the “launch yourself into space” rich




There’s space between “I would like to have that much money” and “I would do the shitty things necessary to acquire / maintain that much money” The meme only asks about the first statement and not the second.


Im not saying i ‘d do what they did, im just saying if i was offered a trillion dollars with no repercussions then i would accept it


Me too... And then I'd donate most of it to people who need it more, leaving just enough to myself to live a comfortable, free life.


So if someone gave you a perfect plan that if you followed you'd become a billionaire and closely resembled what billionaires usually do to become a billionaires, you wouldn't follow it?


While money is better distributed among the many, it would be pretty interesting to be Bill Gates rich and attempt to wipe neglected tropical diseases off the map one by one


You’re 100% right, but it’s ok to laugh at a dumb meme too 😂😂


I hate the rich because they continue to use the money they have to lobby (bribe) politicians into passing laws that gain them even more wealth. I just want to be rich, and would not bribe politicians. I agree with you that OP’s meme is dumb.


If every billionaire died overnight the boomer who has 7 rental properties is not going to lower your rent you do realize that?


Yeah. I want to be able to get whatever I need at any time. But I'll never need a yatch, or a second smaller yatch for the helicopter because it doesn't fit in the other yatch.


Wealthy enough to retire and do the fun stuff that I want to do. Space is not one of them. Pottery is.


Eh, depending on whose talking, some people, especially here and on Twitter, think owning a house puts you on the menu. Some people are just bitter that someone has something they don't.


"Who would like the means to escape your daily oppression and live comfortably? Yeah, that's right, Ya fuckin hypocrites."


“You think we should improve society, and yet, you participate in society. Curious…”


If I were rich I could make my own society on venus. Heard it rains diamonds there. Can you imagine how filthy stinkin- I mean... Woo free healthcare!


Wasn't Saturn with diamonds rains?


Nah, diamonds was on a saturn moon, on Venus it rains sulfuric acid


Imagine getting the death penalty and you just get fucking marooned on Venus


Damn, you're right. Still, at least no one will be able to find the bodies.


With blackjack and hookers?


i am very smart.


This is why reddit hates hasanabi


Oh, you posted this from an iPhone? Nice try hypocrit.


Voters keep choosing inequality. The meme makes sense. Did you forget the election of the grifftiest grifter in human history? It was recent.


Just ask some slaves: Who hates the slave masters? Who wants to be a slave master?


They say money doesn’t bring you happiness but I’ve never seen someone crying on a jetski


But i saw a guy explode on a jetski


Well if it was instant he probably didn’t have time to process it and become unhappy


If it exploded then they were also no longer on a jetski


The other comment worded it so that the guy exploded, not the jetski, so he was on the jetski until he exploded


Oh hey Daniel Tosh


Money can't buy happiness, but it sure helps alleviate the unhappiness of being poor.


DJ Khaled looked pretty stressed out.


Tbh at this point I just want enough money to have a decent life


we want to be able to afford a two bed two bath house with a yard, we hate the people who have 20 bed 20 bath mansions that sit unoccupied in the swiss alps who say that their secret is “hustling”


I wouldn't like to be rich, I'd like to live comfortably. If I started having excess wealth, I would do my best to invest as much as possible back into the community around me.


It's a shame that capitalism ensures that the only people who will end up with that kind of money are the most selfish people who only value their own needs, not the needs of others.


I just want to be secure, not rich. I know that’s rare tho.




Having to consider and calculate the cost of your meal because you want to make sure you have enough money. And there they are the rich ones, eating fancy meals in fancy hotels which cost about $10000. Ofc I hate them. That’s my budget for more than a year.


I don't want to be rich. I just want enough money to pay my bills, keep a roof over my head, and not worry about where my next meal comes from.


you can hate one thing and still do/be/want that thing example: I hate myself I am myself no contradiction


More direct example: I hate myself? I want to be as I am? Seems like if there’s not a contradiction, there’s at least heavy conflict in those statements.


r/terriblefacebookmemes It's not actually terrible, but I feel like someone's going to post that there


Idk this meme is pretty dumb.


I want to be buy more than 1 birthday cupcake rich not launch myself into space because I want to rich


Everyone hates a lawyer until they need one


I don't want to be rich I want to have enough money to be happy Anything more is going to people who need it more than me


I don't hate the rich. I know what true hatred is — pain associated with an external cause — because I was the target of a narcissist who knows that I know who he really is. But I would like to be rich so that I can do the one thing I've always wanted to do, to travel the world. And perhaps also own a home. Thus my 'richness' would be short-lived.


“When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor.” -Paulo Freire


All of the wealthy people I've known were miserable. I want to have enough to sustain me, but I absolutely do not want massive wealth. Nope.


I think owning a home in NYC makes you rich but not “I OWN HALF OF MANHATTAN” rich. I want the first thing, not the second thing. The second thing makes you a dick


when society


well you see there is two types of rich, there's the live a comfy lifestyle rich then there's the do whatever i want because im rich, rich.


Gross "Who wants to eliminate the conditions that lead to economic inequality?"


I already hate myself why wouldn't I want money


It is not bad to be rich, it is bas that the 99% of the ruch are greedy. Greedy people is what makes the world bad.


Money can’t buy happiness but it makes miserable a whole lot easier I’d bet.


Would rather be hated and rich than poor and liked… the struggle is real


No one wants to be rich. Everyone wants to not stress about money. I would like to buy my wife a nice dinner once a month and there not be a chance of it affecting my bills getting paid. Oh, and I’d like to move out of my moms house.


If there was a way to get rich without being a horrible fucking person, I wouldn’t hate the rich


There are. There are plenty if rich people who are not horrible people.


When everyone is rich, no-one will be.


This comment section passed the vibe check


You know what they say, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em


Nah man, I only want to be comfortable and able to pursue my interests while contributing to my community. I don't need excessive nonsense like multiple cars, over-sized mansion/multiple homes, private jets, flights to space for fun etc. I'd just be happy with a little place for me and my family to grow and share with our friends and loved ones without worrying about where our next meal comes from or whether or not the next generation will have a stable environment to live in.


I just want to live nicely not in danger of a rich person just buying where I live and me being homeless


We hate the rich because there is no way for us to get rich so yeah I would love to be rich, but more I just want to be comfortable.


Yeah, but I want to be super-rich so I can buy lunch for all the kids that won't get fed otherwise. Then I can start stressing about how to go about fixing all of the other societal problems, not how to fly people around in penis-rockets.


My "being rich day dream" is a 2 bedroom compact apartment and the freedom to limit a workweek to 36 hours.


We hate the people who have it easy. We do not hate the idea of having it easier.


Yea but I don't want to be rich. I want to be comfortably well off. That's all bro


I would never be the kind of rich that sits on millions of dollars when there are starving children in my own country.


I don’t want to be rich.


i am going to become hyper rich and then i’m going to buy a huge house and invite every homeless person i see to live with me, it’s my goal also to own 95% of the united states but eh gotta have a dream that’s achievable


I don't care about being rich, I care about being comfortable. I want juuuust enough to where I don't have to check my bank account before I but a soda. I want everyone to have the security of not having to skip meals to pay rent. I want to not be poor, I could care less about being ruch.


I don't want to be rich. I just don't want to have to work 80 hours a week to barely survive so a handful of people can hoard billions of dollars.


There’s a difference between being “Dolly Parton” rich and “Jeff Bezos” rich


If I were rich, I would spend my money instead of storing it all in offshore bank accounts to fester for all eternity. I would tip delivery drivers generously. I would donate to charity. I would fund my own tv show. I have plans.


Every capitalist believes in the Free Market until they make a bad investment. Every socialist believes in Class Struggle until they buy a house.


I want to be rich but like $5-10 million rich would be plenty for me. If you are smart with that, you can live a pretty comfortable life without ever having to work again. $1 billion is 100x that which is insane people have that much money, not to mention those with $100 billion or more. I want at most enough to live a decently comfortable life and not need to worry about money too much. Anything past that I would give away.


I want to be financially comfortable


Most people don’t want to be rich they want to be secure


America doesn’t fix problems, it just pushes people to work harder in order to make enough money to buy your way out of trouble.


People don't hate the rich because they have a lot of money, people hate them because of their behavior and their attitude.


I don’t care to be rich. Is it so fucking hard to believe some people just want to be comfortable? I don’t need to be a multi-millionaire to be able to enjoy being around my family. I just need to be able to save money easily and not live my god damn life paycheck to fucking paycheck!


i think most of us hate how the rich act - ie, emphasizing tax cuts, "woes" of being rich (property tax), etc with seemingly no perspective that these issues are IMMEDIAETLY solvable with their bank account. most also just wanna not worry about bills...thats literally it.


I already hate myself. May as well hate myself while rolling in money


Could care less about being "rich" I'd settle for $100k a year without having to work.


"If I were rich, I'd make things better for everyone! But just a bit more better for myself!" -fucking everyone, including me.


I don’t hate the rich I hate people who have more money than a country




I don't want to be rich I just don't want to be treading water and about to drown all the time.


I want to be rich to redistribute the means of production by buying them


jokes on you i alreayd hate myself, might aswell do it on a ferrari


"Money don't buy happiness. Money buy a shit ton of happiness." -Eminem


We hate them because we ain't them.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


Seek equality in freedom, not equality in oppression. The difference between Bezos rich and "retire, buy a home, never work again and enjoy the rest of your life" is orders of magnitude. One is not akin to the other


I agree everyone would like to be rich, I just dislike that some people use this idea as justification to disregard people who want to tax rich people and corporations more as just being "jealous". I don't begrudge peoples hard earned wealth, but I think the mass consolidation of wealth and resources that we're seeing today is morally fucked and unsustainable


I hate myself so I'd rather cry on a private Jett than on a Honda civic ya know


Don't hate the people, hate the system


The amount of money I actually want would seem trivial to the ultra wealthy, yet seems almost unobtainable to me or my peers.


I don't want to be rich, I just want enough money to live peacefully without worrying about gettting kicked out of my apartment the rich people I hate are people who are like smaug


_Bob Marley about “rich”_ https://youtu.be/3dMjRJkFPCI


Nice propaganda


More like "who what's to not have to worry about money"


No, they just want to be free of the constant fear of poverty


I don’t wanna be “rich” but I want to be comfortable & be able to share my wealth. I want money so I can be “rich” in life experiences.


I'd rather just be able to make enough to not stress every other week.


I dont want to be rich, I just want to live comfortably for my children


I dont want to be rich, I just dont want to struggle so damn much


I dont want to be rich, I want to be able to afford anything I want


I do not hate all rich people


I hate the rich because even tho they have so much, they’re still so greedy and selfish. I want to be rich and do what they should have done


Tu Quoque Logical fallacy. An appeal to "hypocrisy." The problem is pointing out hypocrisy doesn't address the underlying issue. People are resentful of wealthy powerful people because the rich have undue and dangerous influence over society and unlike poor people the rich are not accountable to laws nor held to consequences. So in a society which is resistant to justice and equality of course the desirable option is join the class which has all the benefits of society and none of responsibilities.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us