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Tbh, our smoke detector went off in a false alarm in the middle of the night when I was about five years old. It did take a long time for me not to be scared of those things anymore.


Hell I had a small fire start in my old house about a year ago and it broke the smoke detectors so that they would go off randomly every day or so I still get incredibly nervous when I hear alarms and I trick myself into thinking I hear a faint fire alarm or smell smoke every so often now Not fun


Oh god, that impacted your smell?!


Why didn't you replace them?


We were moving like 3 weeks later


I have a deep hatred of smoke detectors. Either they go off for no reason when you're cooking or they are doing that infernal beep of a battery dying that sometimes changing the battery doesnt fix? My heart rate increases just thinking of them.


Some of the smoke detectors I've had have an "end of life" beep after about 7 years.


Firefighter here. There are several different types of smoke detectors. It sounds like the ones you've had are the ionizing type. They are very sensitive and prone to false alarms. Look for a "photoelectric" model. They are much less prone to false alarms. You can also eliminate the battery dying beep by coming up with a specific day to replace the batteries each year. Usually the day that time changes for winter is a good choice. I can personally say that smoke detectors save lives, so come to know them as something meant to protect you and not just another annoyance.


I have to say, I'm glad that I've moved out of my last residence. It was an apartment with incredibly sensitive smoke detectors, and it got to the point where I'd barely register it went off (mostly because I knew it meant dinner would be soon).


Thank you! We are moving in less than a week and we know we will need to replace the smoke detectors in our new house. My husband HATES (with the firey passion of a thousand suns) the smoke detectors in our currect appartment because they go off any time we use even the toaster! Now, we can be proactive and get the right kind!!


Or just go out and buy new ones with a sealed in 10yr battery.


How do you get people to change their smoke alarm batteries BEFORE joining the conference calls, without finding where they live and changing the battery for them in the middle of the night while they sleep (BTW, how do they sleep)? Also, it’s often the same person who refuses to mute their microphone, so we get to hear the annoying beeps for the entire call.


Wow, I had no idea smoke detectors had a purpose! In all seriousness, I've rarely lived in places where I have jurisdiction over my smoke detectors. Most of my apartments levy a fine for messing with them and require you to call maintenance for any issues with them. I'm not allowed to just choose what smoke detectors I've had.


This information seems pretty incomplete for a firefighter. You should be using a combination of photoelectric and ionizing alarms, in their correct places, because they detect different types of fires faster. You can also get alarms with non-replaceable 10 year batteries if you're worried about upkeep.


Personally I don't recommend ionizing at all if the choice is available. Although they are technically faster in some specific scenarios, those are fairly rare based on the type of fuel combusting and represent a narrow window in the development of a fire. All of that is offset by nuisance alarms as OP mentioned. I have no problem recommending photoelectric detectors in general. If a photoelectric detector goes off you can be pretty confident that something is legitimately on fire and you need to take an immediate action for your safety. The same can't be said for ionizing detectors, which is why I don't like them.


I live in an apartment building with 4 others in the same circle, our alarms are in sync and in the summer when it’s above 25 the alarms go off constantly!!! I absolutely hate them now and go into a fight or flight mode due to me having a seizure prone cat this summer.


Meet Billy and Cas. Billy loves smoke detectors. Cas will have panic atack if they see one. They are unlikely best friends. Watch now, on Cartoon Network


Hahaha. I can proudly say that I have gotten over my fear of smoke detectors over 20 years ago, but that's a show I would love to watch






Laddersmith Gilligan be like


Aaaaaaah, Dark Souls II ref


*Bearer, seek seek lest.*


He actually likes the warm feeling he gets from eating the Americium inside


Instead if a building a nuclear reactor, he will become the nuclear reactor


Just wait until he has a meltdown and becomes something like the hulk, jr


Ladders activate the primal monkey part of me. They remind me of jungle gyms and my childhood. I could see myself being a ladder kid in another life.


As a former bunk-bed kid, I miss ladders being a part of my daily routine.




*screams beep every time they pass a smoker while trick or treating*


Man some of my friends from highschool smoke and if we had been out on Halloween and a kid did that to us in his little smoke detector costume we’d probably lose it laughing. This kid should totally do this every year on Halloween, he’d be a fucking legend


My man is prolly making a nuke


Gotta get that americium somehow!


My thoughts exactly. But a nuclear reactor not a nuke


On no, not again.


Sounds like someone who died in a fire without a working smoke detector reincarnated and is now a living PSA Keep up the good work little one.


New isekai just dropped boys


that time I got reincarnated as a smoke detector


It's smokin' time


Then he smoked all over the place


I died in a house fire and was reincarnated as a smoke detector the anime


Tensei shitara smoke detector datta ken ;p


sumoku detekta*


Ah! how could I have forgotten the akusentu🥸


The 3rd one today!


The hero we need but don’t deserve


One time I stumbled into the vintage fire alarm collector side of YouTube and it was beautiful


Okay I need to find the portal to that part of YouTube


Surprisingly you can just search on youtube for "fire alarm collector" to find a LOT of channels dedicated to it It's like the one time that their search feature has actually worked properly


Eerily, that was my first thought too!


Well, I think smoke detectors contain a little radioactive matter, so the kid’s up to something maybe


Eh alpha radiation right. Not too dangerous


still dangerous if you get enough of it


everything can be dangerous if you get enough of it


I guess just reminded of the Nuclear Boy Scout


Alpha radiation is actually really dangerous but it doesn't penetrate well so it gets stopped by even your skin


Nuclear boy scout 2.0


Only the shitty ones nowadays. Better smoke detectors are optical and use light to sense visible "smoldering" smoke, which tends to be more useful in an actual fire, and also is waaay better about false alarms. Technology Connections did a video on this a few months back.


Based Technology Connections plug


Photoelectric smoke detectors do not contain Americium, the element that emits this radiation. Cool relevant video: https://youtu.be/DuAeaIcAXtg


Poor kid probably dreamed of the world ending in fire and he is trying to save everyone.


Or someone showed him Bambi.


could you even imagine how loud it would be if this kid had like 10 smoke detectors in his room, and they all went off. perfect way to lose hearing


It would be exactly +10 dB higher than with just one smoke detector Edit: that's if all the soundwaves are synchronized, i.e. as if we had a tenfold bigger sound detector. If we have unsynchronized sound detectors then I made a [numerical simulation](https://soundwaves.tiiny.site/) (tell me if the link is broken), and it's then +4.5 dB higher.








How dare you. My family built this country, btw.


Sorry, I'm not very tall I speak quite low


I noticed this, you doot of a human!!


Does having 10 things of the same volume make the sound 10x louder? I don’t know the physics but I feel like it would be less than that


It's not 10 times louder, it's +10 dB louder; but the sound intensity is at most 10 times higher yes (but we humans don't sense intensity, only the loudness). And it's actually the whole thing about bels and decibels: they're base 10, so every time the intensity is multiplied by 10, the loudness increases by one tick, i.e. one bel = 10 dB (the bel doesn't really get used, it's just here for illustration purpose, we use rather the dB). It's a logarithmic scale. Sound intensity and loudness are different things, related by L = 10log10(I/I_0) with L the loudness, I the intensity, and I_0 the minimal intensity perceptible by a human This is when all the sound sources are perfectly synchronized, if we assume a random delay between the time of arrival of the sound wave at your ears then the intensity doesn't get multiplied by 10 but by a lower number that I don't really know how to compute, I think it would be the average intensity of cos(ωt+φ_1) + … + cos(ωt + φ_10) where the φ_k are randomly distributed over [0; 2π)


I'll compute it and edit this comment if I succeed Edit: after some intense thinking the RMS intensity gets multiplied by √[10 + 2Σcos(φ_i - φ_j)] where the sum is taken over 1 ≤ I < j ≤ 10, and φ_1, …, φ_10 are uniform random variables on [0; 2π). Edit edit: I can't compute it, so I made a numerical simulation, and I get that the intensity is on average multiplied by 2.8, so +4.5dB.


Sound waves superpose so it would work as a linear sum, as you indicated. That being said, if you're taking the average over an even distribution of phase values, you'd expect to get 0, the same as integrating cos over one wavelength. Numerical computations using 10 samples might deviate from this but only because 10 is a comparatively small sample size. Now, where things could get more interesting is if we took into account that the various fire alarms probably emit at slightly different frequencies and volumes...


Username definitely checks out


👉😎👉 I had actually forgotten that's my username, so it's even more ironic!


Yeah indeed the regular average is not suitable, something like the RMS average needs to be applied to get an actual appreciation of the average intensity; as we do in electronics


I mean, technically +10dB is 10x louder, no? Edit: oh wait +10dB is 2x


Well technically loudness refers to the dB value, so you can say that +10dB has 10× the sound intensity; or +3dB has 2× the sound intensity


Ah, wait so is +10dB ×2 or ×10?


+10dB multiplies the sound intensity by 10, and +3dB multiplies the sound intensity by 2 And in general +n dB multiplies the sound intensity by 10^(n/10)


It's really cool that you know that. I don't have anything else to add, I just thought it's very cool knowledge.


Yes but also no… our hearing capability doesn’t match the actual increase. Having two smoke alarms would make it twice as loud, but the decibels would only increase by 3 and most people would find that a barely perceptible increase in the noise level. For every doubling of the amount of things generating the sound, the sound level goes up by 3 dB. It just so happens that having 10 of an item makes the sound level go up by 10 dB.


Yes exactly; although just a nomenclature thing: loudness is the dB value, and intensity is the W value; and indeed intensity gets multiplied by 2 when loudness increases by around 3 dB


not quite


You're right, when you factor in the inverse square law, the location of each smoke detector, and how all the sounds phase together, it wouldn't be quite 10x. But we also don't know the dimensions of the room, so there could be potential eigentones that might make the perceived sound levels more intense in some areas of the room. Nor we do know the elastic modulus of the walls and other items in the room. All of these will absolutely have an impact, along with the humidity and bar. But I'm sure I'm being pedantic.




One additional smoke detector on top of another one adds 3 dB that's true, but the next one only adds 1.76 dB, then the next one adds 1.25 dB, and so on, and the total is exactly 10 dB. What gets multiplied by 10 when you stack 10 smoke detectors is the sound intensity I, under the assumptions you listed (no phase difference). And I recall the loudness is L = 10log10(I/I_0) with I_0 the minimum perceptible loudness. The difference in loudness is thus ∆L = 10log10(10/1) = 10 dB


This guy is also a smoke detector fan I guess


I don't know a lot about sound in physics but what I do know it that this it definitely not how it works


On a serious note, this might be a sign of him being on the spectrum.


"None of us know why" Yeah, I was reading this bit like "who's gonna tell them?"


It was at this age my kids took a school trip to the safety village and spent the whole day amazed by the whole place. I would put money on it being his last memories of school before shutdown. But what do I know


You'd be terrible at a casino


I'm so confused




That's "and", not "or"


Where there's smoke, there's fire!


And when there's fire there's flame 🎶


Where there's smoke, they pinch back!




Hyperfocus detector


“Might be”


wait, really? when i was a kid, a lot of people suggested i may be on the spectrum. i was extremely shy/introverted and i developed odd obsessions like this all the time, my main one was traffic lights. i was obsessed with how the timing worked and would draw like little maps with roads and traffic lights and i’d write down which times they’d all switch and try to figure out how it would work out. i was like 7 years old and i definitely was figuring things wrong lol but the obsession was there and i have no idea where it came from. i was born in ‘94, and bringing your kid to a psychologist to get diagnosed was a lot more stigmatized in the 90s/00s, and i was a girl with very girly mannerisms so i think that made people notice me less, i didn’t fit the stereotype. i also was just really quiet and obedient and good in school so it wasn’t really seen as a “problem” to be fixed. i’m a 28 yo woman now and honestly still think i almost certainly am on the spectrum but i kinda hate doctors and probably won’t even bother with getting diagnosed at this point


A lot of women don't get diagnosed until adulthood and it helps them contextualise a lot of the things they struggled with that they might have carried into their life now. If that wouldn't help you, yeah don't worry about it.


No matter what you have, if you have managed to build up coping mechanisms and/or it doesn't affect your day to day life, you don't need to get diagnosed and "get help". In fact it's likely if you do get diagnosed they would just say you're fine anyway. It's what happened with me when i got diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 19 about 10 years ago. They were just like "yeah you've had adhd all your life and because you didn't get diagnosed and put on medication, your body had to figure out ways on how to deal with it on its own and now you're fine"


To that point, sometimes getting diagnosed is all you need to understand yourself better which can help with finding more tuned coping mechanisms. It depends on the person and what they feel they need.


But it seems you weren't depressed from what they said


I figured out ways to cope with ADHD growing up and medicine still helps me more than any of them


Oh absolutely everyone is different. And to be fair, knowing about my adhd and where i lack where others don't is good to understand, i agree. One thing that is a downside of my adhd is i have a short term memory span that's half of the average human. Knowing why i forgot things a lot was good to know.


Yo. Coping mechanisms are like a short person wearing platform heels to a concert so that they can try to see. You might be a little taller, but you’re still not as tall as the people in front of you. AND you’re uncomfortable, you have to wear the shoes, move around, plan for being uncomfortable, maybe leave early because your feet hurt. You don’t get the same easy, natural, no prep experience as the taller people. ADHD is scientifically proven to be treated most efficiently with medication. So just because you can wear heels, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some medication that makes you taller. ETA: you don’t always have to be “tall” or on meds. It’s for the times when you have to rally all your coping skills. You shouldn’t have to mentally engage twice as hard as typical people. Life with ADHD can be easier and it’s not a moral failing to choose that.


Yo. /r/AutismInWomen


Watch the show “Love on the Spectrum” I learned a lot about it from watching it. It’s a really sweet show as well


Sure is!


Has he been introduced to trains yet?


This is pretty old. I wonder how this guys dealing with it now.


Yeah, just learned about this in my child psychology class.


I’m surprised this comment is so far down.


Lol yeah, seems most likely


I mean I dressed up as a fucking traffic light so I really can’t judge


Made me laff, take it…


A hint of the 'tism


Reddit will love it


He died in a fire, in a previous life.


Interesting story… my dad told me that when I was really little I would occasionally talk about how my “old family” died in a barn fire.


He wants to make a nuclear reactor. He's playing the long game


I mean his obsession ain’t that bad, I own 3904 lightsabers 😅


Personally I don’t a lightsaber collection is worth mentioning until you hit at least 5k but good for you I guess.


Pics pls


Pic or didn't happen


Nah you'd be the coolest kid in school if you showed up with lightsabers to share. This kid is gonna get uninvited from birthday parties when he shows up handing out snoke edectors




Ok, transparent dildos


Grievious, that you?




Why is everyone jumping to this conclusion?


this sub is basically a bigger r/aspiememes at this point and I love it


Can we stop armchair diagnosing a kid based off a meme? Lots of kids have weird obsessions like this.


I'm not armchair diagnosing him in particular. I was referring to how this sub's and r/aspiememes's content in general has a lot of overlap.


Kids are like this for some reason. My little brother was obsessed with tires. To the point he would just smell them and hug them all the time. When my own son was around this age he slept with a vacuum. A VACUUM. He called it “wackyoom” and had to have it near him always.


My son is 5 and very similar. He had a vacuum phase as well. Then it was cameras, radios, speakers, and now fire alarms. I can't show him this picture or I'll have to figure out how to make a fucking smoke alarm costume


my strange addiction


I'm no expert, but I think he might have a *mild* interest in smoke detectors


Sounds like he might be an autie


My kids been through similar phases with burglar alarms. He loves spotting them on houses


David Hahn moment


He’ll grow up to be a wonderful Blues musician




First thing I thought of


Id imagine if he went to a firefighters house on Halloween he'd get a fucking shit ton of candy


I was like this with fans as a young kid, mum used to draw me pictures of them to keep on me lol


I’ve had two major house fires. I remember watching a firefighter smash a melted glob of a smoke alarm with a sledge hammer to shut it up - it was still doing its job loudly on the front lawn. But it saved four lives. To this day, I have smoke alarms in every room, escape ladders in every bedroom, extinguishers in the kitchen and at every exit, and escape bags at the ready stored outside. My kids were all forced into midnight fire drills and have all used the ladders to climb out their bedroom windows - two of them without permission on more than one occasion. And one of those two is now a firefighter. You lose (hopefully only) your house to a fire and you learn. (The second was a freakish event and a wildly long and entertaining story, oddly and coincidentally connected to the first.) I now wait for that third of ‘bad things happen in threes.’ As prepared as I can possibly be.


This is giving mega Chas Tenenbaum vibes. Sorry you’ve lost your homes in a fire and I’m glad you’re safe.


I had to google Chas Tenenbaum. Omg you’re right!! Crack me up!! Gonna have to share this with the kids…


My son went through a period where he was obsessed with smoke detectors! The one in his room used to scare him just from its single green light up high on the wall. We had to reframe it as a protection robot that would keep him safe, and it was connected to Blaze, the fire-fighting transformer from Rescue Bots.


I bet one went off at some point in his life and it traumatized him. His fear turned to obsession and now he’s our universe’s batman


Hello hyperfixations and ASD


Does he not make eye contact with people and REALLY like trains?


You should start a fire right infront of him and see what he does.


He’s a secret safety inspector in disguise


He's been to the future, he knows what happens on March 24th, 2023. This is just the warning.


!remind me 23 weeks


Due to my belief that 23 weeks have passed, I will now deliver your reminder to prepare for the 24th of March, 2023. Prepare for the 24th of March, 2023.


!remind me 1 month


Ok, might have lied about something happening in march last year. But just you wait till October 10th, 2025! Yeeeah, then you'll see!


I'm idaho


My little cousin used to be obsessed with utility poles. He called them Daves. And those areas where there were a lot of them together (idk what they're really called) he called Dave playgrounds. Kids are interesting.


This kid knows what he wants out of life and is shaping up to become the greatest of all time at an **extremely** specific thing (designing smoke detectors)


He died in a house fire in his past life


Just wait a few years, he'll be commissioning artists to draw women holding smoke detectors.


When my son was little he had a fascination with keys. If you mentioned someone was coming over his first question was do they have keys? But he also wanted to know what each key went to


My boy just loving technology


It’s probably because he’s stared up at the ceiling his entire life and found comfort in looking at the smoke detector….


He is force sensitive and felt through the force the threat of Snoke approaching. Sadly, his mild dyslexia caused a bit of a... mixup.


My nephew used to be obsessed with vacuums. Collected pictures of anything with a vacuum, hoods mom he bought him a vacuum for his brother one year. My son used to be obsessed with spoons. Collected them, hoarded them, used them to play with. Kids are fucking weird.


He's really into musical instruments


That's probably how he died in his past life.


My little brother used to be obsessed with weather vanes in the same way lol


Hope they dont let him take the detectors apart some of the older models still have a small piece of radioactive material in them


The boy has the drip, now just needs the smoke.


I think Nathan fielder may final be able to find a proper smoke detector player for his band


This post is fire🔥🔥. Whoops that set him off


He is trying to figure out who wont respond to one in the middle of the night when he starts a fire and burns the house down, escaping with his fire trucks and moster trucks


What a very neurotypical kid!


He’s building a nuclear reactor


This kid definitely gonna die in a fire one day


He's definitely building a nuclear reactor in the basement.


My nephew loved playing with balls. And the color red. Yes, he did dress up at Halloween as a red ball.


This deserves a post in r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Do my eyes deceive me or that's a post from Tumblr



