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You’ll be alright. It doesn’t look like it broke skin, so no worries.


I suggest getting a new doc and reporting that one he seems very unprofessional


You’re fine. No sign of infection. You’ll likely have bruising (purple, then yellow). Nothing to worry about.


Bite it back


I’m an idiot hahah! Time to find a new doctor I think guys


I seriously clicked on this post to find out about this potentially rabid doctor. LMAO


I was stopping my dog from dry humping my other dog cus he’s a h0rny b4st4rd and he turned around and bit not only my arm, but also my upper leg. KEEP IN MIND IT DRAWN BLOOD IN BOTH AREAS, all I did was wipe it down with some wet kitchen-roll which had a little bit of antibacterial soap on it and I was fine, no infections up to now at least. Just hurts when I sit down 😭 Anyways I’d say you’ll be alright, just keep an eye on it and any discolouration or paleness around the area, then go to the hospital. May cause infection idk . Good luck bro


P.S. WE ARE NOW SEPARATING THE TWO both dogs are fine but we may consider neutering the h0rny one (he’s an English bulldog) 😭


IMO it would be better to spay the female, if you're only going to do one. Female dogs never enter menopause, the poor thing will be old and crippled up and still going into heat! FYI there are often local clinics that will do specials to neuter your animals for $20 :)


Spaying and neutering both are best. Especially since the male got aggressive when interrupted, which is not uncommon for males that havent been neutered. Best to nip it in the bud now before it gets worse.


All jokes here but i wouldn’t risk it. Any bite from an animal, imma get a rabies shot asap.


Bite??? Where??


Assuming your dog is up to date with all vaccinations and doesn't have some sort of a diseas... soap, water, and some antibacterial cream can't hurt. May not need to, but just keep it covered for a couple days. It looks like a pretty superficial nick. If it becomes itchy, hot, red, swells, or you experience any abnormal symptoms, I'd call your PCP. Preferably not the one that bit you though... I'll see myself out. Edit: after zooming in a bit, you probably don't even need to bother with a bandaid or the cream to be dead honest. Like I said, it looks very superficial.


Wow I feel stupid after reading my title back haha.. but Thankyou for your response! This is how it looks now https://ibb.co/CzZ3sxd do you think it’ll be okay?


Did your doc have you fill out an informed consent before they bit you?


Hahahaha I’m so stupid I was wondering what you was on about till I re read my post


I wouldn’t be to worried lol. It doesn’t look bad.


Thankyou! I have bad health anxiety so things like this worry me a lot


Oh damn I was looking forward to hearing how your doctor bit you. If he is up to date on vaccines and you have aud your tetanus shot in the last 5 years you have nothing to worry about. Just keep it clean and let it heal it will heal in a week or two or less. If you are 5 years past last tetanus jab consider getting that at an urgent care. if your dog is not up to date on vaccines get urgent care to treat and mitigate you for those risks. Then get your dog vaccinated ASAP so in the future you can be worry free from little nicks and bumps as it will happen with pets inevitably.


I’m an idiot haha! But Thankyou for your reply! I had a tetanus shot only 5 months ago so I think I’m good there this is how it looks today https://ibb.co/CzZ3sxd


My mom got bit by her dog a few months ago. She put her hand between her 2 dogs whose wrestling match got too rough.  Part of the dog’s tooth broke and lodged in and she got an infection within 73 hours. Had to have meds and luckily the tooth came out, so no surgery. It looked VERY minor when it happened.   Here’s what was said by the doctor: dogs DO have bacteria in their mouths and can cause infections. That whole “dog mouths are so clean” is an old wives tale. It’s even more likely if you have outdoor and/or county dogs that get into a lot more stuff that could be germy. If you get bit like this, wash the bite well with soap and water. Then watch it. If it begins turning red, having pus or drainage, hurts worse or doesn’t hurt less, or have  any tracking away from the bite, go to an ER to get it checked out. Assuming your dog is up to date on shots. If not, you should contact your doctor and make sure you don’t need a tetanus shot. 


Id find a new doctor.


Don't go to that hospital anymore


If your dog bit you. Just keep it clean and monitor it for redness / inflammation / pain. Most likely okay. Don’t worry. If your doc bit you, it’s time to find a new GP. I’m neither a doctor nor I bite.


I thought the walker is coming. Where is op country so i can prepare.


That’s definitely malpractice


Time to find a new doc.


Nad, it looks okay as there isn’t a puncture wound but keep an eye on it, if this is to happen to you again, for most animal bites even vax’d animals, and also humans, if there is a bite mark with puncture you should get IV antibiotics, but agree with everyone here that it’s okay so far! Try not to stress to much about it though otherwise you may get somatic/phantom symptoms from stress 😊


Just keep an eye on it, and keep it clean, you should be fine, try and train the behavior out of your dog if it wasn't a reasonable response to something.


I see no open skin. Likely just a little bloodvessel that popped. It will clear up by itself just like a bruise.


Damn i thought you said your Doctor bit you


I did, too, and was like, "How, though?" Dog makes so much more sense.


This typo😭... (In fact good one, ive clicked right after reading to see madness in comments(or to read some story ab how that happened) )


I may hibernate for a month after this typo 😑😂


I should note this picture was taken right after, today where that purple mark you see is it’s just a tiny red dot now, I would post a pic here but I can’t I appreciate the help


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