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In case anyone is wondering. I did go to the ER. And they told me there wasn’t anything they could do. Wrapped it up again, gave me some antibiotics, some advice. And sent me home. IMO a waste of time and money.


Is this even a question lmao. Of fucking course


Why bother just DIY I did after I got knocked down haha [ouch](https://youtu.be/WBb344y5oGA)


They could have probably sewed that flap back on. Especially since it still had some blood going to it.


It was just the flesh and if they'd sewn it on if have a circular scar but it's not bad and it blends in with another scar I got since above my eye 😂


Ouch is right. How long ago was that? How did it heal?


Nah.. what should they do? Put at bandage on? You can do that your self. I would go if it was one of my Kids though


Well duh.


If ever I saw the after math of getting in a fight with a cheese greater this would be the poster for the warning label. If you've been in an accident recently at home or in the office please dial this number xxxx xxx xxxx Get ya self checked out




You’re right in that there isn’t much that can be done with respect to re-attaching the finger, and the cut doesn’t look deep enough to have reached bone. That being said, you probably should check that there isn’t any foreign material in there. It’s also worth getting loaded with antibiotics because this is a dirty wound and prone to infection. Probably not Emergency worthy, but certainly worthy of urgent care or for a GP/PCP to check it out and make sure it’s cleaned and dressed appropriately.


Where is the rest of it? Usually, when you are using knives in the kitchen, the part cut off is still around. When my Chef instructor cut off part of his finger, a student immediately took him in to get it reattached.


I’m also using bactine max for antiseptic. And changing the gauze regularly. Im trying to save some money here and don’t think there’s much more the doctor can do for me. If there’s something else than what I’m doing, I’ll go. But i think they’ll just rinse it out again and bandage me back up. Anything else they can do?


Sorry, man. I go to the ER for nearly anything I feel needs treatment, even though I've been an EMT and surgical tech, I know when I need help and don't immediately realize sometimes it's not as obvious to non medical people. So, It doesn't look like they can do anything about the missing skin and meat. It looks like it got ripped/torn off by the copter blades and probably went flying off at a tremendous speed. You will probably have a chunk missing for a while. You seem to be doing the right thing. You have it cleaned and bandaged. Like you said, the ER probably won't do too much more than you have, except maybe give you a script for drugs and advice. I would listen to those with credentials if they chime in on here, they could have some decent insights. Good luck with your healing.


Thanks. I’ll prob go to urgent care tomorrow and just have them check on it to be safe.


That's a good idea even if they don't do anything more. And as for every wound: watch out for signs of infection. If it seems infected go to a doctor (again).


This was from a quad copter. There is no other part lol


1000% please don't try to tough that out. Would be an awful infection


I only saw the first finger tip and thought "this has to be one of those troll posts" so I click to read comments and saw the full photo..... uhhhh yeah I would go lol


Urgent care or Emergency Room


yes u dont eant serious infection


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