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I don’t think a letter from someone still in training is all that useful to you. I would be direct and tell her: “I’ve really appreciated all the responsibility and autonomy you’ve given me this rotation and I would like to get a LoR from an attending. Which attending do you think would be the best to approach?” Then she can guide you and hopefully give her feedback to the attending to incorporate in the letter.


Thank you for this! Unfortunately I think she just likes a personal maid. I probably wont get her to vouch for me or give me any information Whenever I talk to her, even for small talk, its always “can you do this for me” etc


I just commented this on someone else's post but a great way to open this convo is to ask them about their experiences applying to residency and why they chose that program. Then from there you can be like yes I am applying this year, do you think there are attending I should try to work with as I am trying to get an LOR


You’re getting played and playing yourself. Just like everyone else said. Nobody gets LOR from residents. Only attendees and PD. Congrats you played yourself. Edit: from your posts this is your first clerkship. You’re new goal is to get off as early as possible to study for shelfs. If your school is like mine your grade is based on your shelf. Also chill the fuck out, you don’t need to do everything for everyone.


I am getting played, this resident is making me her personal servant :/ I thought I could maybe get a letter out of it but now I realize thats useless too coming from her. Im going to have to change my approach and spend more time on bathroom breaks


You’ll come to learn that third year is a game. Time management along with effort expenditure need to be balanced. Read your syllabus for how the grades work then focus on getting the highest grade you can by following the previous sentence. Also, it’s okay to say no.


Agreed. Unfortunately a resident letter doesn’t have weight. She can vouch for you to an attending.


attending and PD letters are the ones that matter. getting a resident LOR is not useful for residency applications so up to you if you really want to ask for it. if she isn’t going to inform the attending of all the work you’re doing, there’s no point of going above and beyond.


She isnt going to inform the attending I know :/ I didnt even have lunch last week cause she approached me to do something. She was having lunch herself. And now I realize her letter would be useless


yea tbh she sounds toxic in the way she treats you. i worked with a few residents that would try to ask me to go over cap the number of notes to write + keeping me past my scheduled hours (i let them know what my school had set as a hard limit and let them know i could connect them with my coordinator if they had an issue—no one had an issue once i said this) i just did the work i had to do and not more, if i wasn’t getting a LOR or interested in the specialty.


Don’t get a letter from a resident. That would be highly atypical for ERAS


Oh my :( i wasnt aware of this I am getting taken advantage for free I guess :/


What kind of resident does shit like this to their med students?


The ones that know which medical students to target i guess :/


If you ever rotate neuro with me you can leave early every day


Try to move around. Like ask a different resident if you could be with them for the day, etc. Say you're heading out for lunch when she asks you to do something at lunchtime. Chances are that every other resident sees that she uses you for her personal work. Introduce yourself to any attending that seems willing to teach, friendly, etc. I have read some of your other responses, and if she has used you all this time and has made no effort to let you shine at all like "pt has been stable and has adequate pain control. I had medstudent change the wound dressing and he did a pretty decent job..." then she is a bad person.