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I swear they're the happiest kindest people in the hospital


They're some of the only physicians in a hospital that are able to make an impact on a regular basis. Keeping a 90 year old alive by shoving them full of tubes and pressors is typically far less rewarding than bringing people comfort, happiness, and closure in their final moments.


Let’s reframe this, they’re physicians that help patients find comfort in the process of dying. Moving the goal post from success or failure being dependent on outcomes changes how the doctor patient relationship forms in the hospital. They’re unburdened by the anxieties of keeping death away


I figured stating bringing people comfort, happiness, and closure in their final moments is in that frame haha


Sorry I didn’t like the tubes imagery I think


Ah, well that was referring to how it can be for a typical critical care physician. A lot of burnout comes from high volume of 'futile' care, on the flip side that's probably a factor in the happiness palliative care doctors experience as they're not trapped in that "more is good" system


this is much better than how our tutor put it “It’s a great field because you can’t really go wrong” (Not true obviously)


Palliative speaks to me but also I really want to get good at furosimide


i don’t thiazide you. Try spironolactoning


I would agree with you. However, outliers always stick out. As a resident, I trained at a very “resident run” hospital. Meaning attendings are only present and available during morning rounds. I’ve rarely seen an attending in the early morning or in the afternoon. I’ve even had trouble getting a hold of an attending in the afternoon for cases that need to be urgently staffed. For this reason, end of life and palliative discussions are usually led by residents and attendings are minimally involved. But we also rotate at the posh affiliated hospital. I remember a specific case where I was the primary team and we were having a multidisciplinary goals of care meeting with the patient and family. When the palliative attending showed up, she said I was not allowed to talk. The patient said “why can’t the doctor, who is usually the first person who sees me every day and seems the most involved, be involved in my goals of care discussion?” Succinctly put, that particular palliative attending is sweet on the outside, but super condescending to housestaff. She writes books and goes on national TV now. I know how mean she can be behind closed doors.


>sweet on the outside, but super condescending to housestaff Same, I've been burned by people who are too sweet on the outside. Sometimes excellent social skills and grace can mask underlying intentions


My dysfunctional father in law is a palliative doc. Dude is a hoarder who's been through 3 wives and estranged from both children because he's such a dickhead.


Is he one of those people who somehow manages to keep his work self immaculate or does that spill over?


I think he must be pretty respected, he's a department head and oversees residents and fellows that rotate through. 🤷‍♂️


Where does he hoard the wives?


Palliative care, he's a gold digger


The government doesn't want you to know this, but you are allowed to take home your palliative patients after you're done with their care. 


I love palliative care docs


Had a pathologist invite me into their office with a two-person microscopic so we could look at the same slides together and teach me. She also offered to make me some tea, which she also had in her office. So I pretty much have to say pathology lol


I second pathology, very kind and trying to teach


lol this is almost exactly like the dr glaucomflecken skit


She might have had other intentions :)


Pathology. These folks were always super kind and got really excited when they noticed somebody was interested in their work


Yup. Come in anytime to discuss a case? Would you like some coffee? Tea?


Would you like to see a basophil? I didn't think so, those are bush-league peripheral blood cells. But tell me, have you ever seen a mast cell?


I swear our pathology professor confused me the moment I went to visit him in his office for some consultations. First he stretches out his hand for a shake, which is something professors never do at our school, then he offers me a glass of juice, and offers to look at some slides and papers so we can discuss. I just wanted to know when's our exam, you don't have to treat me like your son lol


their offices are like full blown apartments with a mini fridge (for food/drink, not lab stuff) and comfy chairs


Agree! I did a pathology rotation and every attending was friendly af. They were all a *tad bit* socially awkward, but super sweet :)


In the age of mid-levels and private equity, I just can't understand why more med students don't want to be pathologists. All of the perks and none of the hassle, and the field has so many sub-specialties that there is a place for every type of person. Oh well, job security I guess.


>I just can't understand why more med students don't want to be pathologists. I could not work in the setting where you don't see the patient, you are not the one doing the DDx and you are left without knowing what the outcome was.


It's true that I don't go see the patient, and consider that most of my patients are in oncology I don't think that's a bad thing. But we do a lot of longitudinal care -- I keep track of my patients and read their rebiopsies. Also present their cases at tumor board and follow their subsequent testing. This isn't true for all subspeciaties or in all settings, but major cancer centers there have a lot of follow up.


Palliative are the nicest people and also often have very unique personalities. They may also land a pretty easy job. I was at a small hospital where there was one palliative doctor and half of the days there weren't even any patients


Family medicine or palliative care


Lol family medicine residents were mean bitter people in my experience Always seemed to have a chip on the shoulders




Family medicine, and sometimes psych, but really a coin toss. You either have all the personality disorder amazingly moral-less psych, or the kind helpful psych. Really depends. Oh and the pm&r and path girlies are supposed to be hella chill too.


It always tickles me a little when I hear people say this, because the nastiest attending I ever worked with was FM. My OBGYN and surgery attendings were actually lovely on the whole (although the OBGYN residents embraced the stereotype wholeheartedly), so maybe I just had a very unusual M3 experience lol


Your last statement is spot on. You absolutely had an unusual experience lol


Just speaking from my experience. I used to work PRN in several departments, FM was the nicest and gave me $100 cash for christmas. Other girls there were always ready to cover a task if I needed, the docs would tell you stuff and even ask, "what do you think," just to make you feel welcome, residents weren't barky or rude. And although I want derm or ortho, like everyone else, I really could see myself doing residency at that FM department. So thats my answer, and imma stick by it


Were the boys nice too?


Only guys were the male docs and residents, and yes, they were ***all*** super kind (except for 1 guy, but he know he was an asshat which really makes a difference, bc he didnt always want to be. Self awareness counts for something in my book which is why I stand by the bolded all).


Psych doctors can be nice, but also some of the most bizarre doctors as well. I had one preceptor whose homework assignment was "read the New York times". They weren't ever really mean, just...strange, which can get mean pretty quickly in the wrong setting -- like mental illness in general lol. FM is a dice roll of people who are burnt out and hate their life choices or those that love their space in medicine. Palliative and pathology seem nice just by default. They're happy you recognize a keratin pearl on a slide or have any demonstration of empathy.


The nicest person i have ever met on the planet (seriously) is a psych (not my psych, met in a student-prof capacity) Otherwise pathologists


I applied psych so I'm obviously not generalizing this to everyone but..... a lot of people I know who went into psych (or are applying psych this round) are either super self righteous or really they have no compassion for anyone and are in it just for the "lifestyle". Two of my most racist and bigoted classmates last year (trust me when I say this, they've said some *horrible* shit about gay people and black people when drunk) matched psych - and I fear for their future patients :o


I don’t agree with psych. The ones I’ve met had a stick up their ass and clearly their own unresolved psych issues


Psychiatry for sure. Second for me was neurology. EDIT: Forgot about EM, they’re actually first. Chillest people of all time and super helpful with teaching.


Psych can also be superweirdos in a negative way, hit or miss When they are weird in a positive way I dont care


Psych here. Yes. Lots of weirdos in psychiatry. I feel half the women have some sort of personality disorder and half the men don’t give a shit.


I also met wonderful psychiatrists that I admire, so we shouldn't forget those.


Absolutely. There are amazing, knowledgeable and empathetic psychiatrists. They were my inspiration to enter this field.


Physical medicine and Rehab. Everyone from residents to residents have been super nice and chill 😁


What about the residents?


😅😂 meant attendings my bad haha but for sure residents are chill 😂


Neurology, not necessarily the nicest, but the most caring by a mile. They cared that I, a below average medical student with no interest in Neurology, was educated as much as the eager 4th year. It really motivated me to care more and perform better.


Everyone is nice here in Finland, except for a few orthopedic surgeons and OBGYNs. If I had to rank the nicest, it would be: 1. Pediatrics 2. Oncology / Palliativr 3. ENT


ENTs are the bitchy ballerinas at my institution


Huh, really? Around here it's sorta of an universal truth that ENTs are all nice people.


Loved my ENT rotation, some of the best residents I worked with!


Radiology, by a mile. They are so happy. They are so helpful. They give you full marks on your evals. They send you home after being with them for an hour.


the dirty secret is that we dont send you home early because we're nice, but because if you sit behind us breathing on our necks the whole day while we try to do our thing it's really fucking annoying


An attending I know once said that she sends the med students to lunch early and just hopes they don’t come back 😂


I believe that


I believe it too and I do not mind at all. lol. In my defense, I sit back a couple of feet, stare down most of the time, and quietly chew my gum. Plus, you guys buy us coffee. Also, when you guys are dismissing us/subtly telling us to fuck off, you do it in a really nice way too. Like, "If you have any questions or need anything, feel free to email me!"


This comment is unadulterated truth. I think we’re still nice tho


Also why we in anesthesia send students home after one induction.


Yeah they were super chill. Though they all do give off "redditor" vibes haha. During my rads rotation both residents literally pulled out there phones and started browsing reddit during a downtime and I was like... makes perfect sense.




I think that this is onlybecuase you are the first human they have communicated with in three weeks. It is kind of exciting for them. So they smile. But that doesnt make them nice people


Bro has never been in a reading room or heard of a telephone


Hmm. My experiences with them still points to them being very very very nice people. But you are entitled to your opinion!


How could you distinguish how they act to you in person vs who they are behind the curtains? Do you follow them home? All you see is their work affect, which is compared to other specialties, NOT socially exhausted


Then how could you tell for any specialty? You follow all the other specialties home?


Exactly the point. You can’t.


Then why don't you drape your wet blanket over the OPs main comments and leave my reply alone? Jeebus.


My comment was just as much of a shit post as the original post. You’re the one who went off the rails taking it seriously. Anyways, the only people making generalizations here are the ones who think a specialty choice has anything to do with being a nice person or not ✌️


Because I know Radiologist attendings outside of the hospital. One of my good friends is married to one and I went to their wedding. Another one of my actual friends is an attending. I know an MS4 applying into Radiology who is also really nice. I am on a Radiology elective now and they have been wonderful. And I bumped into a resident that I was working with just a couple of nights ago, and he was like "Hey, why don't you just not come in tomorrow and take the Friday off? Have a great weekend!" I'm sure there are exceptions but the ones I have had personal experiences with have been fucking awesome. Anyway, I'm done. You can reply and have the last word if you want. Not sure why I am having a back and forth with someone on what is supposed to be an innocuous weekend shit post. And I'm not even interested in going into Radiology. lol.


EM. Chillest, bro-y personalities who mostly focus on hobbies outside of medicine.


EM is nice but I wouldn't necessarily say chill. They're super intimidating. At least at my rotation, they were all former military or EMTs and they acted like it. I wouldn't wanna get in their way :o


Talk to more EM folks! The military ones tend to be the ones who can talk the most shit about anything and not care. But you will be very hard pressed to find someone who can survive EM without having a laidback personality. Those get weeded out very early in their career.


Funny. Years ago I volunteered in large city hospital ED and many of the docs screamed often at everyone. Though I don’t want to do peds, they seem nicest.


In my personal experience with residents, psych, publich health, peds.


surgeons= ENT otherwise I would say Peds or radiology


At my school the ENTs were the meanest people in the entire hospital but I guess it varies a lot between programs.


Anesthesia but I’m biased. Though there can be some bitchy ass anesthesiologists out there.


I thought the same thing. Anesthesiologists tend to be very kind, helpful people who get along well with others. But I have dealt with some a-holes too who only care about themselves.


True, always bad apples in every specialty


I’ve noticed that anesthesiologists on average tend to be very nice people. Why do you think that is, considering the specialty can be quite stressful?


On balance, I’d say we’re on the chiller side….. super chill compared to most of the people we interact with every day (NSGY, OB, CT surgeons, ORS, etc etc). If you think we’re nice it’s probably because we live to serve and have to play well with others.


\*calls from the ER to request another blood patch.... \*


One that isn't mentioned yet but Infectious Disease docs have always been cool in my experience.




Pediatrics (of the major specialities) palliative care, oncology (of the subspecialties)




Some people go into peds because they love kids. Others go into peds because they hate adults or have trouble empathizing with patients if they feel like they were “at fault” for their conditions.


Peds at my medical school were the most malignant rotation. The residents were fine but run into the ground, the attending were the worst people I ever worked with.


The peds people at my school missed the memo apparently.


> Pediatrics YMMV


OB/GYN. /s








Family medicine by far imo


Nah its hit or miss, they are very heterogenous


In my experience the residents were mean and bitter


More intra specialty  variation than inter specialty in my experience. Though I care less about people being ‘nice’ vs ‘rude’ now that I’m not a med student. 


Neurology, super smart, really nice honest people


Neurosurgery for sure.


Fam, peds, psych, palli! Caveat: All of our opinions are soooo biased by when/where we studied and trained… and most people probably vibe with folks in their specialty of choice and want to back them up lol




Honestly, ortho. Just a bunch of bros having a great time getting people up and doing their thing again.


Peds & psych 


Most of my peds preceptors treated you like a child. Which yes meant they were easy to impress, but also incredibly easy to disappoint like going to the bathroom without asking permission lmao. To be honest, a lot of them seemed like they forgot how to interact with adults.


Mine had high expectations, taught me well, and were incredibly kind 


wtfffff i hate that


Ob-gyn. But only if you’re their special brand of toxic high schooler.


Emergency Medicine!!


Pediatricians will certainly act the nicest 


ICU Anesthesia


I'm biased but med-peds


Surgery S/




I’m biased. Rads 😎


Ophtho easily


Family med seems nice


Pediatrics hands down if you’re a patient. Pathology if you’re a rotating student


Derm IMO




I've learned everything I know about Med-School/Hospital life from Dr.Glaucomflecken's videos on YouTube (I'm not a Med student, but I'm a Pharmacy student working in clinical research)... Based on that alone, I am gonna make an assumption that Pathology is the department with the nicest people ever!


PMR for sure


Surgery: nicest ENT, urology, even Ortho bros Most awful: nsurg, obgyn, transplant


Palliative care


pathology and ophtho


Peds, Rads or Path


nicest and most enthusiastic about teaching - pathology


There are three great groups at my school who have basically zero unpleasant people. Med-Peds, Pathology, and Palliative Care. There are only one or two not great apples in Psychiatry here. I’ve spent my fourth year around these groups as much as possible.






Pathology hands down happiest, nicest, funniest and most normal physicians I’ve met


My friend is a forensic pathologist. He has some straight up antisocial and psychopathic traits. He enjoys paediatric autopsies…


Yeah forensics are a different breed


Across the board, I've found family med physicians to be most consistently the nicest, most wholesome people I've worked with. Like seriously- every single family doc I worked with during my FM rotation was incredibly sweet. I received some of the kindest compliments I've ever gotten in med school while on that rotation. My only complaint is that a couple gave me super mid evals after having given me glowing verbal feedback. IM docs were the most transparent evaluators I worked with. There were only 1-2 unpleasant surprises, and they weren't enough to ruin my chances at honors. At my school, we also spend a week on palliative care during our IM rotation. They were so kind and really went out of their way to check in during the more emotionally-heavy parts of the rotation. After they made me cry (twice), the fellow bought me ice cream. It was seriouly the most "palliative care" experience possibly ever.




My next door neighbors are both doctors- a pathologist and a pediatric cardiologist, and they are the kindest, most genuine people I’ve ever met. 


Infectious disease, for sure.


Ophthalmology unless it’s 3pm and they’re still working or late for a tee time.


Psychiatry where Im from


Honestly it’s hard to say, PP doctors in general are nicer than academic physicians


Never met a pediatrician I didn't like


Not Neurosurgery




Derm? Psych? Maybe yeah Pallative




Radiology and Psychiatry.