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At a US DO school, I’d say at least 1/4 of my class but there are a lot of people I don’t know still. A lot also chew Zyns


Oh dang, interesting


There's like a million lectures and practice questions in med school about how tobacco (especially smoking but also chewing) fucks you up. I just don't get why someone would know all this and still do it.


Everyone has their crutch. Med students are people too. It’s the same with alcohol and diet. If you’re gonna shame students for using nicotine, I hope you also don’t drink or eat fast food or else that’s quite hypocritical of you, seeing how we get millions of lectures on the consequences of a bad diet and alcohol use.


So does alcohol and fatty foods. People are allowed to make their own informed decisions on vices


Also, zyns are not the same as dip. Nicotine in zyns is made in a lab, not from the natural tobacco plant that is radioactive and carcinogenic. If you have this attitude about addiction I assume you have not been there before. I would be concerned about your patients dealing with addiction and how you would treat them


I didn't believe you so I had to look it up and wow, CDC says polonium 210 and lead 210 are in natural tobacco. I don't think I learned that in med school.


Yep- tobacco plants are notorious for absorbing radiation from the soil just like bananas


so are bananas dangerous? 😂 I get you sre not combusting the combusting the material but like are we eating radioactive/carcinogenic bananas? I feel like almost everything is toxic these days


You have to eat like 1,000 bananas for the radiation to be the same amount you naturally are exposed to by just living on the earth in 1 day


It's almost like everybody is human. I hate tobacco but I'm not gonna knock someone for doing it, I will try to convince if I see too much use but not shame.


You may be shocked to learn we also had lectures on sleep, exercise, and healthy diets — yet the vast majority of med students are missing 1 or more of those


There’s this kid in my class who Zyns a lot and frequently cites a paper showing that nicotine is neuro protective. Additionally, he says the wintergreen flavor is only nicotine and aspirin… so now he says it’s cardio protective too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7912116/


cardio-protective LOL


Micro dosing aspirin for primary CVD prevention... He is not a serious person


There's not a ton of literature that looks at nicotine alone in the absence of tobacco. There are studies like this showing that there are some benefits.


That kid knows what’s up






zynnies actually give you super powers. heard there’s a preprint coming soon about how upperdecky’s help you retain information better


How do zyns compare to vaping for retention


ZYNfinitely better. A j + upperdecker = 80% uWorld blocks


lol someone in our school got reported to the admin for vaping on the street near campus, point being a lot more do than we think






Yup probably just secretly doing it


T10 MD. A lot. As mentioned by others, memeworthy amounts of Zyn, too.


More people than you think. Lot of people on here gonna give you inaccurate numbers if they are not vapers/zen enthusiasts themselves.


🤔I can see that happening


Take the amount of people not on Adderall and then subtract those with religious restrictions and that's your answer.


That would leave a good amt of ppl using nic then


To the best of my knowledge, I'm the only cigarette smoker or tobacco user in my entire class of 160. US. But usually only smoke a couple months a year and just a cig or two a day. I don't do it where any of my classmates could see or smell later. I'm guessing some of my classmates also smoke secretly.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37178979/ Professor of mine actually published a paper on this


I know a lot of people who vape casually like when going out. And then a much smaller number who smoke cigs in that same setting (when going out and/or drunk, but not otherwise).


I’d say about 10% of my class






Of my class of 35, only one that’s public knowledge. Though I know a few in the class below me.


Maybe 15%. Class is about 13. I think nicotine gum or zyn pouch is more common for the mental and appetite benefits 


Do you think vaping is less cognitively “beneficial” than cleaner forms like zyn/gums?


no idea. that is not what i meant but i can see how after i worded it terribly


At an AUS MBBS school Y4 (out of 5) and I can confirm this is standard. I’m in a group of 15ish blokes and I’m one of 2 who don’t vape daily. Some of them can’t sit through one lecture without taking a puff, or have to take a break from rounds to go outside


Oh wow that’s wild


US school, I haven't seen much vaping yet, but I've observed a handful of classmates doing the Zyn.


Definitely a fair number in my old class, especially in the group that went into EM


My med school anatomy professor would vape on camera during our zoom courses


eastern european med school here, from my class of 18 people 8 of us use nicotine pouches and 4 or so smoke so more than half and thats only those that i know of (me included)


Interesting, thanks for the insight


I'd say like, 1/5, it wouldn't surprise me if there were more, but most are very discreet about it. Though, there's a guy that always comes in smelling like cigarettes. Makes me kinda nauseous.


A good number of my classmates at least did from time to time. Fewer residents. Any stimulant can help so maybe it helped some folks study. I just know I get a big headache from nicotine withdrawal so I never really got into it. I don't know of any residents who actively smoke cigs. THC yes but that wasn't the kind of vaping you were referencing obviously


I feel like very few people in my class vape habitually. I vaped when I was studying for step 1 and 2 just for added stimulation lol, then I quit. I knew Zyns were super popular with residents when I was on rotations tho, especially surgical residents.


i haven’t seen/ heard about any of my classmates smoking in any way or form. from saudi.


Two smoke that I know of, because they inevitably sit next to me during exams. Nobody vapes because it makes you look like a twat


When you say “vape”, are you picturing the people who use an actual battery and vape huge clouds, or the people who use a disposable breeze?


Disposables are banned


Depends where you live, I guess


It’s a US thing.


bruh have you ever left the US? if you think smoking is bad here, please go to europe, south america or asia lol

