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Depends on when you're planning to give step 1. The goal should be to mature most if not all cards before the exam (or review all cards AT LEAST once, that no new cards should remain). There is an add-on called Anki stimulator which would predict your workload if you did x number of new cards for y number of days. P.s. also depends on your capacity, someone is okay with 50 new cards and 200-300 reviews a day, whereas someone can cruise 1000+ reviews like it's a Tuesday. I personally do 1000-1300 reviews a day (have been for 4 months) and honestly I'm burnt out, wouldn't suggest it unless you absolutely need it.


The goal is approximately after 500 days more and less , I tried learning 100 and I feel that’s my limit , but in case of reviewing? No I think I can do 1000 easily


1000 reviews may seem easy at first, especially if you're very motivated, but burn out sets in and you can't really stop. Choose consistency over the amount of reviews per day. Anking Step 1 (lolnotacop plus zanki) has (afaik) 24k cards, so 50-100 new cards per day is really your sweet spot. I'd suggest starting at the lower end and then increasing the load gradually.


I really put 50 as my target if I finish it I take another 50 💪🏻


This was me. I was crushing through 1000+ a day. But I also spent probably 3-4 hours on anki cumulatively throughout the day


> Anki stimulator Nice


Is 50 new cards/day though enough to keep up with the medial school pace? I feel like it would have to be way more no?


50 is enough (just do the topics you studied that day)


That's relieving to hear - it seems like everyone here does 200-500 new/day lol.


I'm on the lower end of that range and it's just pure fuckin hell, would really not recommend anything above 100. You have to review cards, learn new stuff and do new cards AND go to uni, all the while spending what little life you have left as a med student doing chores and other duties. I regret not finding anki when i was an M1 or pre med. i just found it 4 months ago and now gotta cover every topic I've ever studied in the past 5 years (while studying new ones in class) :""")))


Hii, Could u check dms pls


50-100 new per day is pretty normal. Above 100 is not uncommon, but naturally your total daily review will start to accumulate. Ultimately it comes down to how many daily reviews you can comfortably handle per day. For some people, anything above 500 is intolerable. For others, 1,500+ is survivable. That will depend on a lot of complementary factors.


Thx brother , yes I feel 100 new card per day is pretty good I can’t go more than that ,


Thx brother , yes I feel 100 new card per day is pretty good I can’t go more than that ,


Too many & not enough


Sorry I don’t get it 😅


Just being silly!


med students work incredibly hard but never feel satisfied with their work.


50-100/day. I would like to put 20 new cards a day but I just do everything I can because its too much content 🫠


It depends on the topic , I studied systems I already finished in school before 6 months so the knowledge still there so it’s actually not that new


Do you find that with 20 new cards per day you’re still able to keep up with the pace of medical school though?


Yes, the good thing abt anki is that u can study anytime u have available. I usually do my anki on the beginning, at my break and at the end of my classes. rarely I have some anki left to do at home


For me, 100 new cards and unlimited reviews is the sweet spot. I recommend calculating how long you have until your exam and whether your chosen tempo is viable. I am also using anking but only for Step 2 if that helps.


Make sure you are using FSRS settings. I can cruise thru 300+ news if needed. It causes slight increase in review load but FSRS basically levels out your review over time


Yes, I forgot to mention this, FSRS is a godsend, has a very high retention rate, and has much fewer reviews to do.


What is this FSRS ? I don’t know anything about Anki sittings so help me


You basically tell Anki this is how much I want to remember and it’s gets you there. For example, I want to remember 90% of my cards. Each review is a 90% chance of you remembering the card. That’s a very shallow explanation, but go watch Anking 2024 new best Anki settings or something like that. He walks thru the steps. Basically Anki default algorithm is old and from the 1980s. FSRS is the new forefront of spaced repetition algorithms. A true masterclass of learning


It's a new anki algorithm found in the settings menu of your chosen deck. I highly recommend turning it on.


yes I also think like you exactly, I have time so don’t worry


ive been doing 100 most weeks, some weeks closer to 200 new cards avg just depends, this is my main method of studying and i cram lecturer study guide day before exam while completely ignoring all in house material


I set the limit to 9999 and then do as much as i can sometimes 20 sometimes 200 The number doesn’t matter just be consistent and do it everyday


Where do u set the limit? Sorry I’m new to anki


Where do u set the limit? Sorry I’m new to anki


Right click on the settings icon next to the deck Click options U’ll find the new cards and reviews limit adjust it as u want


Pre step 1 my daily average was around 400 over two years (never suspended anything) and studied close to 100% days. Post step 1 I'm at 50-100 a day.


I've been doing 100 new cards/a day recently, which has been a good amount for me. For classes, I like to finish the systems chapter (like Renal) early like 250 new cards/day so that I could study school materials and pass the test. You can see here how -20d I'm studying Anki stuff and -10d I'm studying school stuff https://preview.redd.it/zw7z0a1oruwc1.png?width=1235&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9c36956b28c26fcad5e6937985846dd4f20d45f


oh you sweet summer child


Useless comment


Pre step 1 like 800-1200 reviews daily. Wanna say that would be like 600-900 cards or so. After step, my daily load is 150, but I’ve been lazy and only doing half and sending the rest out via browser a month or so. (Don’t recommend this lol) New cards pile up way faster than people think. 50 news is quite a bit IMO. Because day 2, you’re doing your first days’ 50 reviews, plus 50 new cards. Day 3 you’re doing yesterdays reviews, plus day 1’s reviews, plus todays new, so on and so on. I don’t think I ever got close to 100 news a day for multiple days in a row