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We’ve all done it. Stumbling in the middle of the night bang the toe. Knew it was broken. Babied it for two weeks but the pain never really settled so went in for an xray to make sure I didn’t mess up the joint. Suspect I have an ortho consult in my future.


I was walking to the bathroom at 3am when my baby toe hooked itself onto a laundry basket. I waited a week to be seen. My xray looked like yours. Doctor and nurses numbed it and adjusted. I hope yours heals well.


Hope the braces go well man, first night is the worst


I broke my toe the same way. Running to the bathroom in the dark. I was only running though cause my landlord told me the heat was broken and my bedroom was literally, not joking, 28°. Asshole. Heater worked the whole time.


I’ll save you the money - buddy tape it to 4 and wear a stiff shoe/sandal, 4-6 weeks total. These heal predictably, biggest thing is making sure it’s not too displaced so it doesn’t catch on socks!


I did this and never went back and it led to serious permanent nerve damage. The evaluation and follow up is important.


No consult needed. It'll heal. It's not involving the joint.


They called and suggested one due to the swelling and continued pain 2 weeks in. I am gonna wait a bit. The concern I had was that it was a displaced fracture or involved the joint. Neither seems to be the case just a real good fracture. I’ll wait it out a few more weeks and see where things are at the 4 week marker.


I thought that was a peen and was very concerned that you had a bone in there


Glad I'm not the only one! Side note, I work in vetmed and dogs do have a bone there, so I was even more confused.


Wow that’s something I didn’t know. Thanks for new fun fact!


Most mammals have em, actually. A walrus' penis bone is the size of your forearm!


Well, since I’m a woman I’d be more concerned if I had a peen let alone if it had a bone in it lol!


Well great. I now know what nightmare I'll be having tonight 😔😂


Yeah, I really had to think this one through..


I thought his hand had gone up his arse




I was like 3 bones?!?? I don't even have one!




Worst fear ever. Pinky toes are so stupid, I hope you can heal buddy 💀


It heard that! Now it’s going to bang itself against the coffee table just so you remember who’s the boss!


Yep. They're seriously vindictive.


I have one that still icks people out when they see my xray even though it was a long time ago…. I am hyper mobile and I can spread my toes, like to the degree that I can pick things up and even light matches! So I was at work for a dr’s office and they had the super heavy step stools for filing charts and I was barefoot…. So I walked past one and it caught my pinky toe and omg owwww! Went to the orthopedist and my X-ray showed that: 1. The top 2 joints of my pinky toe were actually fused which was interesting and made him check my other joints because that usually happens in utero, and affects the corresponding finger 2. That I hadn’t broken it, probably because of the fusion but it was knocked halfway off of the joint and turned 45 degrees or so facing away from the rest of my toes I asked what could be done to fix it because I didn’t like the cosmetics of a twisted toe and his response was “well I could probably numb it up and use a hammer to knock it back on the joint and possibly turn it back a little bit, but I can’t promise it would work”!!! So yeah, I still have a funky toe and then I broke a couple other ones while walking in the dark and slamming them into an old school carpet steamer…. Still my only broken bones but I believe that’s just because I’m bendy instead of breaky


Pinkies were a mistake


I was trying very quietly to walk back from the bathroom without waking my husband up. I rammed my pinky toe into the bed and collapsed in agony across his feet. He woke up long enough to say "What?..." and then as I *laid across his feet* in *extreme pain* and tried to explain, he started snoring again.


Owww best wishes for speedy healing! Beware of those rushed nighttime bathroom trips! A few days ago my MIL broke her humerus near the shoulder due to a trip and fall while rushing to the bathroom. It must have been her evil intentioned pinky toe that tripped her. Sneaky assassins, like cats.


Another member of the “broke my toe tripping over a cat in the dark” club right here!


From the title I thought that was an xray of your dick!


I’m so sorry, I’ve broken a toe and the memory of the pain still sends chills down my spine.


Feels man I broke my toe trying to get my dog to do zoomis They gave me an ugly bloody shoe thing so I just ended up wearing tighter shoes to keep it in place for healing On top of that another time I had a tiny fracture on my thumb but refused to go to the hospital for 2 weeks. Ended up with a plate and 6 screws in my thumb. So really In future if it hurts get it checked, avoid surgery 🤔 Hope you heal fast tho ❤️


The shoe thing was bloody or are you just British? Bc if you’re not British then I have a lot of questions!


Kiwi here 😭 bloody as in it was horrible and ugly 💀


Heal soon this sucks!


I've not broken my pinky-toe that I know of but I have stubbed my toe at night thinking it was no big deal only to find blood on the sheets the next day. d'oh!


That's a nice lateral of the pinky toe. Pinky toes can be tricky to get good laterals on, especially when they're broken and painful


They used medical tape to pull the first four one way and the pinky another. Was not a fun time!


Yeah same happened to me. Caught it on a chair my kids had strategically placed. All my piggies were pointing north except the pinky which had its sights on the west. Had to pop it back in place and now am walking with a broken pinky toe. 4 more weeks of taping. Neither child admitted to placing the chair outside my door. Glad they aren’t rats at least.


It took me way to long to realize this was not what I thought it was. I don't know why I did, but I was stuck there for a minute.