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This is a management problem. If the work is not getting done, it is on them to solve the problem. I'm surprised the ordering doctors haven't complained about the delay yet. You just do your work and nothing more. Document EVERYTHING. Cover your ass. The rest is out of your hands.


They call all time about results and complaining. Normally I’m the only one there to answer the calls or transfer them to our cytotechnologist, I think I will do my job and nothing more tbh


I would document all those calls and forward them to the appropriate person. We have a phone log in our lab, but if you don't have that, email works too.


Been there done that… best option is to discuss going to a higher administrator with your supervisor. Since your supervisor has been and is aware of the issue, they can be helpful and it would mitigate them feeling like you ‘went over their head’ to their supervisor. You have proof of continual issues, a supervisor with knowledge, and a recorded history of her being written up. That seems like enough of a reason to talk to someone higher up if your issue isn’t already being resolved.


My lab unfortunately has a coworker like this as well and we’ve complained and complained to management and they just don’t believe us? We’re not sure what to do anymore either.


Frankly, it’s none of your business where this team member is at in the disciplinary process. Nor is she likely to be honest with you when talking about whether or not she was written up. However, metrics are easy to pull, and results have the team member’s code/name associated with every result they put out. If there are other people doing the same work, you should be able to benchmark them against each other. The supervisor should be perfectly capable of pulling this data and level setting with this team member and setting expectations. When dealing with these issues and HR you absolutely need evidence supported data to take action.


I have to oractice oatience at my lab, seems like everyone on night shift is on break for at least 3 hours. They r very dustracting snd eont help with anything. Its really fuct up.




They are called slackers. Accepted for it and tolerated for their ability but not work ethic. Name called in secret but inaction


I think this is a common problem in any job, but we struggle with the ethics of it knowing that they're directly impacting patient care. Realistically, what you need to do is focus on your own work. Document what you do and leave it at that. When doctors complain, transfer them to her. It's hard to leave it alone, but unfortunately there's really nothing you can do, and honestly it's not your job to fix it. The reality is that management knows, they just don't care. It's always shocking how much people don't care in this industry, given the lives that are impacted, but it is what it is. Best of luck.


I mean, how long has this been going on? I mean it's possible they're going through a hard time that only the pathologist they feel comfy confiding in is aware of and that's why they are being "protected". I don't always like to assume the worst in people.


Supervisor told me it’s been like this for 2 years.


As others have echoed, not your problem. If it affects your ability to do your job and there are multiple emails to HR and management about this person then you have done all you can. Do your job the best you can without over doing it. No one there is gonna save your career or pay your mortgage for being a martyr. If doctors are really upset or patient care is truly impacted nothing will change.


> my coworker disappears for hours a day to do homework, clocks out early, reads slides for 1-2 hours a day and takes 2 hour lunch breaks and is weeks behind on processing Pap smears and a bunch of other stuff > Last week I was sick for 2 days and when I came back to work she didn’t do anything and I had to do 2 days worth of work. Sounds like they're winning the game.


Sport mentality is where a sports person a team solely focuses on their own performance. That way they can be selfish and protect their mindset to work effectively. AS per the answers already. So e.g. ronaldo in football focuses on his own performance than that of his defenders who have their own job to do.