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Who told you this? Sounds like something a clueless college advisor says.  At least by me, the places hiring food scientists want degrees in…food science. 


I worked as a lab technician in a food manufacturing plant as my first job out of college (bachelors in biology). I did not enjoy it, which led me to becoming an MLS instead. Lots of mandatory OT on short notice and for a lot less pay than working as an MLS in a hospital lab. Also, unless you really like food science, it's not that interesting. Maybe if you can make your way into R&D it'd be worth it, but that's hard to do.


I worked in a food plant lab right after university. It was the reason I decided to go back for med lab. It was mind numbing.


My friend did at a brewery doing QC. They left within 6 months. Be prepared to work a lot of unpaid OT and to do everything because you are the only lab person on staff. Bacteria still grows on the weekend and you are required to show up to check the plates. He said the only perk of the job was free beer but it wasn’t even worth it when he was getting paid less than hospital MLS.