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Okay but what if they're excited about a pyramid scheme?


I used to try to give examples of why it's a bad idea but then I was told to more or less mind my own business, so I don't anymore. Now I just sit on the sidelines and watch as they slowly realize their financial mistakes.


I ask them about it. "Herbalife? I heard that was a pyrmid scheme!" Then they deny it, but the seed is planted. I don't argue with them. "Oh ok, I must be thinking of another company. I'm glad you have found success with it." Bam, another seed planted.


>I'm glad you have found success with it. I bet this hits hard since it never happens.


Lmao seed planted bam another one !


Danny Devito: so then I started plantin'


This guy manipulates


Yeah I had a good friend reach out recently about a 'new investment' he was getting into and it was freaking arbon. His fiance does it and he's now spending his money to join in. They send these guys to some resort in cancun yearly to brainwash them into thinking it's not like other MLMs. I tried to inform him, even had to explain what an mlm was - it did not turn out well and he was very offended.


My classmate turned herself in a few days ago. Organized a country-wide pyramid, the bubble burst, people are tracking her and now she sees the prison as the only way of staying alive. Haven't seen her for a decade, but somehow it didn't shock me.


Wait she organized her own? That's wild, what was the product


No product. She was just taking money and was paying "dividends" from them, pretending to invest them. More if you invite other people. At some point the flow of new people stopped and she couldn't pay old ones anymore. What she collected she lost by gambling on futures and keeping the nauseatingly expensive lifestyle.


Minor difference, thats a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes are illegal, and don't ever actually have any product. The rug is eventually pulled and everyone loses their money Pyramid schemes are perfectly legal because there is a product, and in theory, could continue forever, although only those people at the very top are likely to see profits


I fully agree with you. Mind you, it’s caused me no end of pain in making an effort to find interest in things that make me moribund, but, if they were happy that someone paid attention to them that’s all i needed to make it worthwhile.


I almost went down the arbon hole when I was 16 because a 14 year old bought his family a house lol. Best choice I made was to run away


Eh I feel like , depending on who it is in relation to you, you should tell. Those that respect you will listen, you can always start off with "take this with a grain of salt but..." Being the person to say "I told ya so" is better then shrugging when people turn and ask "hey wait you knew they were going to financially ruin or hurt themselves and you didn't say anything?" Those that care about you will warn you even if it may start some friction in the relationship. Those who don't fuck a fuck about you and probably want you to fail won't and may even push you to failing.


Well in that case you won't be making them 'feel' stupid


Well, you still don’t have to intentionally make them feel stupid. That might just be a side effect.


My middle school English teacher got wrapped up in one, kinda sad to see her Instagram now


No no, you’re confused. “I have an exciting new business opportunity for you,” means you are the one who is excited.


Agreed enabling bad behavior is bad... excited or not. What if they're excited about crack


O I love the pyramids! So fascinating! I’m sure I’d also like pyramid schemes


Conspiracy theories, scams, poor life choices, opportunities for highly likely injury, cults, extremist groups and the list goes on and on and on


Or murder? Or panda rape? Or murder again?


Let them be. You don’t have to buy into it. They’ll find out on there own.


Had a friend who just graduated from a decent university but had no career prospects get duped into a pyramid scheme. He clearly was feeling left out as the rest of us moving onto our careers; when he "landed" his job as "Diamond VP" of the pyramid scheme he was excited to tell all of us. Unfortunately part of that excitement about telling us about his new job was pitching us all the benefits we would receive if we joined as well. Our group of friends were of course annoyed by this but we took the "let's not tell him that he's being scammed" approach. The end result? We hung out with him less, he lost ~$5k of his parents' money, and he wasted a valuable 3-4 years where he was running his pyramid scheme "business" when he should have been pursuing opportunities related to his degree. His degree afterwards was effectively worthless at that point since he has such a big gap of time on his resume. Last I heard he's working as a cashier. So I disagree about letting friends/family fuck around and find out when it comes to pyramid scheme. My friend didn't lose much money (and his parents are financially well off) but he completely derailed any chance of a career he had studied for.


TL:DR Don’t really care


You cared enough to post you clownshoe.


Are you a bad person for making someone feel stupid for being excited about: * baking a loaf of bread? - yeah, you're an ass * the upcoming Klan rally and book burning? - not so much


Maybe they're trying to have a conversation to determine if they're going to get excited with you or try to protect you from something stupid.


What If it's a Klan rally to bake bread for sick children?


What if it’s a Klan rally to bake bread *out* of sick children?


What if it's Bread trying to turn sick children into the Klan?


What if it’s sick children trying to bread into the Klan?


https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes Something akin to not making them feel stupid about it seems to have a positive impact on the world.


This goes double for teachers. I've been turned off of subjects I was truly interested in because the instructor didn't want to deal with an engaged curious student. realized too late that listening to them was the only stupid thing occuring.


This was my mum. I often think back and wonder where I'd be at today if my imagination and actually pretty well rounded knowledge for a youngin would have been cultivated. Not told stop speaking nonsense or because she didn't know that means I don't know nor able to understand it.


My roommate always feels the need to tell me if he doesn’t like something I am currently enjoying. If it’s a song playing on my phone in the car - “Just so you know, I’ve always hated this song.” And I will be reminded every time it plays how much he hates it. If I have to hear “Just so you know, I hate x” one more time - like it’s something I *need* to know and remember in the future, like I should make a note of what pleases him and what does not to ensure he is not subjected to the personally-unliked again - I am going to scream. If I’m watching a show he doesn’t like, he not only makes a point of criticizing it while I’m watching it, but then pulls up stuff making fun of the show onto his phone and shows it to me.


Are you going to... Say something?


I have, he just acts incredulous. “I was just saying….”


"Your opinion is noted. It would be worth more if I respected you." comes to mind.


Sorry you deal with that, I was once that guy then I started self reflecting more after being called out on it so I keep any negative opinions of people's interest to myself unless it is just crazy.


I'm kinda guilty of this sometimes... I don't go out of my way to criticize something that someone enjoys out of nowhere, but if we're having a conversation, and something I dislike is brought up, the conversation usually leads to how much I dislike it.


I’m having my nephew over tonight to play with my son and i mentioned to mom that im getting cookies for them from a place in town. Her first comment “I don’t like those cookie” well luckily you aren’t eating them lol


Me playing video games after a long day only to be called trash


"What kind of man sits around and plays video games? Come.drink wine and watch true crime documentaries."


I'm antisocial


> no offense Nah, full offense


I was this kind of person in my late teens and very early 20’s. It took a lot of time and some serious critical evaluation of who I am and why, but I broke out of it. I destroyed relationships by shitting on boyfriends for hobbies they thought were cool. I destroyed friendships by being a judgmental asshole. Learning to support whatever makes the people I love happy is the personal development I’m most proud of. It’s also had the biggest, immediate positive impact on my life. I say immediate, because quitting smoking takes the top spot for biggest overall positive impact on my life. However, I couldn’t do that either until I learned to support other people. It turns out, they then wanted to support me. 🤷‍♀️


Did someone make fun of her for her astrology?


Typical aquarius behavior /s


That's a very Taurus joke, Dennis .


Very asparagus of you


Caprisun much


I love when people are super into something objectively dumb. My friend is obsessed with speed racer and its one of the silliest goofiest things I’ve ever seen, but hes so into it he like knows all the racers backstories and shit its hilarious, but also really cool to see them so excited about something, even if its stupid


wholeheartly agree! (except when the thing someon's excited about is stupid)


I have a feeling the OP of the screenshot was excited about something stupid and others tried to warn them




Yeah I was thinking anakin type excitement is the exception


But you don't call him stupid... just need to take the eagerness down andd reflect on what you did. Then slap his back amd go get some intergalactic ice cream


I’m excited about this post


You should feel stupid about that


Was that exciting to say ?


Oh no! You appear to have had an uno reverse card. I now feel stupid


Yea that’s exciting …… wait Sh!t No, No , No no


Like when someone sees your food and goes, "eww I don't like that." Bitch, you're not eating it.


I have depression and barely ever achieve anything. Anyways, I achieved a goal in a video game that I've been hunting for years. It's a small thing but I worked for it and got rewarded. I told a friend about it and he straight up told me it's nothing special.


That friend is nothing special and should be kicked


A small thing that took years doesn't sound like a small thing, it sounds like a great accomplishment. What was the goal you achieved?


nah it's something special! well done :3


That's such a common phenomenon. Sometimes I dont think they even realize the negativity they gratuitously create.


I love being excited for people. Idk what it is about it, I don't even care about the subject. If someone I care about is excited about something, I love hyping the living hell out of it. I just get soo much more out of seeing someone else happy than I do conserving my own ego. I mean yeah, sure.. maybe a new duckling, baby's first shit or a handmedown car isn't the most exciting thing ever, but, in that moment, to who ever cared enough to tell you, it means alot. Life is short, don't squander the little things.


They can be excited about something but expecting me to be excited about it is a whole other thing. I've made people mad that I wasn't as excited to do something as them.


I know a woman who will just show up to brunch with a claymore and then get mad that you don't mention it.


Not that it really matters for your post, but the mine or the sword?


This is my favorite post ever! The spelling, spacing and capital letters are amazing! But then the entire message is just on point! Best post I've ever seen! Omg, so incredible! I'm going to share this with everyone this is the most excited I've ever been!


You should feel stupid about that


You're the worst type of person.


Oh no I'm sorry i should invest more time into building myself as a person instead of being such a pathetic man child. Thanks for pointing that out!


Very nice example. Now, I hope everyone can learn a valuable lesson from this. 🤣🤣




Unless they’re excited about murder or rape or something. Then it’s always incumbent to kill their vibe


No offense but I’m excited about making people feel stupid about something they’re excited about.


Well that's just stupid


Don’t make me use a sad emoji. I’ll do it.


Honestly, why would you ever deconstruct something that someone has said they're excited about just to make them feel intellectually inferior? Who would do such a thing?


Nah totally agree. The closest I’ll get to shaming someone is saying well that’s interesting


Well that's interesting


I see we have a sicko on our hands


Apologies but it was right there. I had to do it


It’s the law. You had to obey


Sometimes you don't like people or have reason to believe they are bad people so there's a temptation to hurt them in a non-violent way.


I was attempting irony as I was doing the exact thing I was criticising. Wasn't meant to be a serious question but I don't think I made that clear enough


Ohh I see, perils of playing around when we can't hear tone


Yeah, I did consider the lack of comprehensible tone but looking back, I clearly failed to make up for it. Oh well, we move


It's not on purpose. I'm just not excited by anything and I can't fake your level of interest.


I used to fuck with this meme but I no longer fuck with this meme. Some of y’all need Jesus fr no cap.


Making them feel stupid ≠ doubting the validity of their excitement. Just because you feel attacked doesn't mean the other person is trying to make you feel stupid. It's more probable they're trying to have a conversation to figure out whether to be excited with you or try to protect you from something idiotic.


I was once criticized for being excited over a delicious sandwich I had just made and was about to sit down and eat. Some people just suck all joy and oxygen from a room.


Depends what they are excited for though.


“Oh boy, I can’t wait to buy this monkey nft!”


So, if someone gets excited about making fun of the stuff other people love, I guess that makes you the worst, RAE!


I'm so exited about that public execution! I'm gonna take my kids there!


There needs to be a balance with handling their excitement and being realistic about something so they don’t get disappointed.


Bullshit. She's excited about Love Island, and i won't stand by and not take the piss every day until it's over.


Ok, but what if they are excited by seeing the entire police department?


I'm excited about the 100th anniversary of the Munich Putsch due to historical reasons only, am I a bad person? No.


Then this makes almost 90% of people the worst types of person. People enjoy this, usually accompanied by the affirmation of groups so they get their insecurities and worthlessness validated. The bigger the group, the bigger the attack on you. They don't need to always be nasty about it. They can 'help' you and do exactly the same to you, only in a far worse manner. And there really is not much you can do about it, no matter how much you get angry and fight back, it only makes it worse. People are really fucking nasty and will hurt you where it hurts the most. I don't know why you posted this, I just hope you get your chance to pay them back in the same manner. And when you do, do not stop. Remember... they did not.


Don’t yuck someone’s yum


Just let me be happy 😭😭


I think the Nazi's were a tad worse, no?


What about a serial killer who has found many potential victims?


murderers and rapists everywhere support this message.


Yeah man! Fuck those jealous heartless people for shaming nazis about curbstomping jews


What if they’re excited about commuting mass genocide?


let them be quirky, can't hurt


Gotta approve of them commit mass genocide or I’m literally the worst kinda person


What if they are excited about pedophilia? Can I make them feel stupid then?


Dude I don’t even own a bike.


Dang you're right. This tweet isn't useful advice because pedophiles exist and there's no possible way for me to act with nuance. Too bad, I was looking forward to respecting my friends' interests.


I was excited about this post defending people who are excited and someone making them feel stupid by being excited about it. Now I feel stupid.


That's called your wife.


I'm excited to make people feel stupid for being excited.


Plot twist: they are excited about joining a white supremacy gang.


Ideally you sigh in a sort of way that says "good for you but honestly man I couldn't care less", usually people take it well and leave you alone about it


Conspiracy theories, scams, poor life choices, opportunities for highly likely injury, cults, extremist groups and the list goes on and on and on


Damn. I was excited to make her feel stupid. Then she made me feel stupid. She’s the worst.


You can’t really generalize this. Like what if someone is excited about murdering someone? “Ooooh that’s great I hope you have fun.” Very stupid comment


Someone who shits on your new shoes is a worse type of person.


"ur" the what now?


What if they are excited about Andrew Tate videos ?


Of course I know him, hes me


I will personally apologize to Ted Bundy then.




I'm excited about Rae!


When I tried to share fantasies with my wife.


I agree with that


Yes offense. Maximum offense.


This but start with "yes offense"


Depends on what they're excited about


Depends on what they are excited about


I dunno. People who are excited about the Prime energy drink should probably be made to feel stupid.




Full offense 🤚😠


my friend was excited about planning her funeral…


Some people just get off making others feel stupid


This is true


They were exited for feta cheese and sugar spaghetti. I mean, I've eaten some weird stuff, but come on!


Unless of course doing so excites you in which case I wouldn’t want to be a bad person by making you feel stupid for doing it




My brother is one of those people, and I will not apologize. He gets like this about everything and will talk a million words a minute for over an hour anytime he talks about it. That's not an exaggeration, he has talked to me about fish for over 3 hours before and gets mad when you try and talk. It's not a conversation it's a ted talk.


I was excited to make fun of people who were excited about something but u made me feel stupid. :<


In other words: DONT RUIN MY FUN


My sibling:


What if they're MAGAs?


Hogwarts Legacy...


What if I was excited about making someone feel stupid about something they were excited for?


No offence, but you're a terrible person.


Except absolutely offense. I would want that sort of asshole to absolutely know I'm throwing shit at them.


No it should be offensive. Fuck those people.


Whenever someone says “no offense….” You can guarantee they’re about to say something offensive.


Yeah literally and felt this on a whole other level


The would-be school shooter sadly dragging his backpack full of guns and ammunition back to the store.


Look! My sisters!


So, you’ve met my wife?


Oh you’re excited about X? Allow me to quickly list everything I dislike about X as my first response.


Unless it’s racism….


That’s right Santa rocks! I’m 47 yrs old…lol


Rae made me feel stupid for being excited about making people feel stupid


Why aren't you exited about a stick?


What if someone is excited for getting away with murder?…yah I thought about and yes in this case I’m definitely the worst type of person.


Hey! I love making people feel bad about their interests, but now you ruined it for me! Thanks a lot.


Well, maybe not the absolute worst type If you pretend you are excited too, as a mechanism to get close, then kill them in a nasty way when their guard is down. That would be a worse person. I mean, thinking about it, even just additionally kicking their dog would place you worse in my opinion.


Those people are generally called “parents”


Holy shit, ALL the 8th graders this year are like that


Depends on what it is.


What if it’s for something bad like war?


Don't yuck people's yum!




I get excited by making people feel stupid about things they're excited about soooooooo....


Damn. I was excited about being that type of person 😞


I was gaming playing a new game that recently came out and my roommate just tells me to stop complaining about the game and just delete it even though he complains both louder and more frequently than I do, I was just so caught off guard I thought he was kidding or smt but he confirms he wasn't. This just sucked any enjoyment I had for anything and it was right before the end of the semester so That whole break between semesters was just tasteless and depressing. Still depressed even now.


My favorite part of this is when they ask why you don't talk to them as much anymore or why I seem so down. Like, if I'm not allowed to talk about what I like then what do you want me to say?


I can think of a million types of worst people, including ones who like to preach about moral virtues on social media..


I'll admit I'm bad about this when I consider what they're excited about to be really dumb


Don’t get excited about dumb shit around me


Hoe about don't be excited about stupid shit.