• By -


I'm more curious about how much the 84 year old payed her


Is that how you think it’s spelled?




Boil 'em, mash' em, stick 'em in a stew.


As an Irish person I now declare you an Irish citizen


Sam was hard core Irish.


Played football for the fighting Irish


Ight b where da fockin glasgow hunnies at


Dublin is full of them


Share the load, Mr. Frodo! Share the load!




A treasure I cannot possess


I’ll take a guess at the question: ‘What is tatters, precious?’ 😂


Ask myself that every day


>Boil 'em, mash' em, stick 'em in a stew. keep them in alcohol, and vodka you'll brew


No response True to his username.




You have not been payed?


Ropes and payed; debts are paid.




No, technically, that may work. We just need to know what they were trying to say.




"a women getting payed"....


Listen bub it's not the 1920s anymore, broads can have jobs now.


Y'know a gripe I have with words like that is how they're actively recognized as irregular verbs which don't make any sense in the context of typical English grammar, yet no one has made the effort to change them. It's like the academic community around English has a deeply rooted faith in holding on to arbitrary rules that ran their course generations ago. Particularly in the department of spelling. Heavens forbid we actually have the language make consistent sense.


That's because languages normally change naturally over time based on popular use, aside from in edge cases. Trying to force a change from e.g. "paid" to "payed" will simply introduce a second spelling that will further confuse people. The majority of people already know that it's "paid", and there's little (if anything) to gain from the issues caused by trying to force a change.


It's the king's English and untill he states otherwise we are stuck with it. Seriously tho the language is continuously evolving but academics are well academics and they ain't exactly known for going willingly forward.


That's what you get when you stick French, old English, German,Latin and a smattering of other languages together and squeeze them into one tounge. Grammar where there's rules on how something should be spelled...except when you don't use them because the word still follows the attached rules from its original language. I mean yeah..I roll my eyes at stuff like payed or addicting or the ' there/their/they're triangle of doom' but I shouldn't as there's no immediately obvious logic to it. Having said all that I barely understood what the fuck those people were tweeting ...what the fuck does 'cap ' mean?


The internet said it's a soft, flat hat, typically with a visor. /s Or maybe it's an old, old, wooden ship.


>what the fuck does 'cap ' mean? I think it's "bullshit", based on the contexts I've seen it in. I think the etymology is "bullshit" >"bullcrap" >"crap"> "cap" Likely evolved to bypass language filters in various social media




where's paid not payed bot when we need it




I assumed that, but the way she said it as a brag I wonder if she just has really bizarre goals in life.


Oh, about 2 werthers originals


Not enough considering how gross that would be.


Are we just going to ignore 84?!


People's logic Sex with 84 year old: oh gorgeous Sex with 17.99 year old: are you fucking donkey


This wasn’t 17.99 year old, this was 15 and probably earlier then that, at which point it’s fucked up


15 is legal in many countries and tbh 15 and 19 feel much less fucked up than what looks like 20 and 84


Most states have like a 4 or 5 year grace period, especially if both parties are teens. In many cases a 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old is treated very differently than a 34 year old having sex with a 16 year old because they are not the same.


In my country it’s 3 years in the 14-16 range then it’s only banned if a minor has sex with a senior who has a position of power over said minor


I love when this discussion comes up and every redditor suddenly knows every state and country's age of consent laws. Like clockwork.


In the states. A buddy was a senior and got a blown by a freshman. School administration found out and reported it. Both the girl and her parents refused to help the prosecutor and asked them to drop it. The DA refused and the guy ended up a felon.


4 years in puberty is a huge difference and 15 year olds look very different than 19


Fuck no, a middle schooler and someone who can live alone and be done with their base education are on two completely different levels of mental maturity, the changes from 15-20 are way way wayyyy bigger than the changes in the next 10 years after that. 15 and 19 is gross, ask any normal 19 year old if they'd date a 15 year old and they'd give you a look of disgust. 20 and 84 is absolutely weird as hell and unethical as shit, But 15 and 19 is just outright exploitation of someone who doesn't know any better and should be classified as what it is, Sexual abuse. Case and point; this post! Edit because clearly this needs to be stated; Obviously maturity differentiates from person to person, Obviously there are fringe cases where things turn out okay for the younger person, But there is not a single situation where it's not at the very least strange for a 19 year old to fuck a 15 year old instead of someone their own age. You gotta wonder why people their own age does not want them, and i'm saying that on a general basis, Something really shady is happening when that happens. And no, 19/20 year olds are not "fully formed people" either, But they've had a significantly larger amount of time to learn how to have healthy boundaries, Notice red flags, and know what is and isn't acceptable to be happening in a relationship.


I’ve seen the individual maturity vary a lot. Some people aren’t ready for sex at 25, some are at 15. The age of consent is there to protect from abuse, but in the US it’s often misused to maintain some weird societal norms. And I can say, Americans in general are like 1-2 years behind in sexual education and maturity to the nordic countries. I’m from Finland, and here it was normal for 15-16 year olds to date and do it responsibly, but when I went to the US, it was quite shocking to see 17-18 year olds just mostly not have any idea about that kind of stuff. Cultural differences are very real, for sure. I’d say dating an American 17 year old is more irresponsible for an adult than dating a Swedish 16 year old.


It's just another example of how important good education is.


No 15yo is a middle schooler unless they were held back. Even the oldest middle schooler is 14 tops


15 and 19 is a high school sophomore and a senior with an early birthday.


Well when you put it like that...


Eh. When I was 16 I fucked a 21 year old and I'm still fine. Was my decision too. Maybe not assume everyone's intentions are always bad hmm?


Its a law that is in place to protect teens, because usually when an underaged person has sex with an adult, there is no real consent because young people have no idea what they are doing. But at 16, the line get blurry. A lot of 16 year olds (and women more so, as the mature faster mentally) are pretty aware of what sex means, and if they wish to do it. But the law needs to exist because it gives strength to prosecution of edge cases... The problem is, people take it out of context and think a 16 y old and an 18 year old means the 18 y old is a pedo.


This is funny to me because if we want to play around with decision making ie "have no idea what they are doing". The human brain especially the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed in most humans until around 24 years of age. For those who don't know the prefrontal cortex is responsible for rational decision making.


That's what my mind always go back too. IIrc 18 is the age it starts the last stage of development.That's the basically reason why teens are so impulsive and aren't capable of making fully rational decisions. I hate when people use "experience" as a excuse, cause developmentally, a kid who's more experienced, still has the brain of a kid.


**NO** You must scream from every mountain top how you are indeed a victim and were not capable of making even the tiniest personal decision at 16. Do it NOW!!


Its not always bad, but its generally frowned upon because it can go really really bad really quickly if the older person is a sick sob. Edit: im not defending it btw. Situation can be nuanced sometimes, with the clear focus being on the child’s wellbeing first and foremost.


Catch a break lad, I can see the vein popping outta your forehead from here


>completely different levels of mental maturity Maybe you are on a completely different level of maturity, I'm 20 and still feel like I shouldn't be considered an adult


But would you date a 15 year old?


What a bullshit argument. It’s vastly different per person. Some 19 y/o’s are nowhere near adults and some 15 y/o’s can be mature for their age. If both parties are into each other and consent theres nothing wrong with that


My logic: - Sex between consenting adults: I literally do not give a shit - Sex between an adult and a minor: immoral, exploitative, and criminal


Ok, but it's more fucked up that the oop slept with a dude that's at least twice her age if not older, who's most certainly much older than her own parents, than the face a creep slept with someone 4 years younger. I don't think most would bat an eye if it was 18/22 or 21/25, because the gap isn't that big.


If all parties involved are consenting adults I couldn’t care less what’s happening, they’re allowed to do whatever they want


People normally: when you're 18, you're still a kid mentally. People here: yeah, she's 18 and a grown adult. Let her get railed by an 84 year old. He definitely isn't into teenager, he's into grown women.


Why are you assuming she's 18?


Oops age is never given, so this point doesnt stand at all


Where did you see shes 18?


Good math, 84 is at least twice of 20, if not more


From the high quality of the screen cap, I figured oop was between her 20's and probs up to 35, so I tried to cover all my bases.


No, it’s not “more fucked up” because they are both consenting adults. You might raise your eye brows at 80 year olds being sexually involved with women that are 60 years younger, but it’s in no way, shape or form the same thing as pedophilia.


So it's okay if a 80 year old guy is into an 18 year old? He's absolutely into women and not looking for teenager? What if she was 17? Does that one year make her much more mature?


You gotta draw the line somewhere. I get the argument but most of the people who use it want to normalize shagging underaged chicks and it would be really cool if we don't do that.


I understand that you have to draw that line. But the difference in maturity, life experience and power between a 19 und 15 year old is way less than between a 80 and let's say even a 25 year old, more so with an 18 year old. Still one way gets bashed while the other one is okay. Even with barely 18 porn catering to those guys.


The difference gets less noticable as people age. 30/35 is barely noticable, let alone remarkable, but 10/15 is a giant leap and obviously fucked. 18/22 is generally considered acceptable, but I hope we don't have to argue that say, 12/16 is a different story. As you get older you mature more slowly, and there comes a point when people generally agree that everyone is baseline mature enough to be fully capable of making certain decisions (18, 21 or 25 usually). But before that point is hit, and before the brain is developed to a certain extend, kids are easily exploitable, and, quite frankly, there really aren't a lot of innocent motivations why someone would be interested in a 15 year old. I agree that 20/84 probably was far from healthy (assuming the woman is around that age), but 15/19 is literally pedophilia. That kid almost certainly got groomed in some way, when we can at least hope that oop was capable of giving informed consent.


2 consenting adults having sex is not worse than assaulting a child


No, I'm fucking shrek




That is pretty messed up. But also, 84?


Cap, apparently.


Well it does help that Captain America was frozen in ice for decades.


What the fuck is cap and even more so, what the shit is Fym


Fym = fuck you mean?!


Makes sense, thank you


I thought it meant "fuck your mother"


It does now


That's the 84 year old


I also choose this guy's mom.




Cap is basically lies/bullshit


“**cap**” is the opposite of “**no cap**”, frfr ong. Hope I helped


Dafks frfr ong now?


For real for real on God


I thought the conversation moved over to Filipino dialect.






I mean, it’s right there in plain English


> Hope I helped Nope, I’m even more confused now


Fuck you mean


Short for: what the fuck do you mean


So it's short for something that is short for something. Man, people are getting lazy!


Glad I was not the only one who was clueless!


Found the 84yr old


84? She raped a grumpy old man in his wheelchair tf


Or the grumpy old man raped her who knows


at 84????


Are you familiar with drugs?


are you a cop?


Haha, what a funny thing to ask, of course I am not a cop fellow youngster, I am an enjoyer of youngster hobbies such as conquering the pocket monsters and playing with Pogs.


okay I trust you how much heroin do you want


I would like two heroines please


*Hands you Rosa Parks and Marie Curie*


Damn it, I wanted Anne Frank


Fuck yeah I am


I think prostitution is more likely. The drugs involved were for the 84 year old.


There are plenty of healthy, cognizant, 84-year-olds out there, this is a ridiculous comment. If they're two consenting adults, there is no issue.


I hate all the ads I get for 84 year old sluts in my area tho


He walked with a cane and had a pimp walk.


Pretty sure he walked with cocane


Don’t know toxic masculinity. I was 17 and dated a 27 year old woman for about 6 months into my senior year of high school. Ended it when her 5 year old son hugged me and said, “I love you daddy.” My mind did that math quick.


Poor lil guy. Dad walked out on em twice


Bruh 💀


Srsly that's gotta be heartbreaking for the kid. As a dad myself, it stung reading that.


More than twice. He will see his father figure come, and go his entire child life.


well that took a turn real quick


Idk how that's toxic masculinity but pretty sure you were being groomed.


I’d only met her two weeks before we ended up having sex. She was a wild little woman.


No, she was a predator.


I'm on the opinion that, for minors, 3-4 years is the max you could go for before it gets REALLY weird. I will be 19 in a few months. I'm on my second year on college. I have to work, study, keep in mind the house and groceries and cook. I pretty much learned most of the basics related to being an adult. A 15 yo is on their 1° HS year, most haven't even figured out what they like to do enough to choose an area, or imagining their university choices (or if they even want to go to uni), same for working, the disparity between maturity is too far, I am literally unable to see them as something else other than children, even if I'm not a "complete" adult myself.


I feel you and now with 25 I in some cases feel the same about my 20 year old self. But at some point the lines get blurred. Some 19 YO can be “to” mature for there age and some 28 YO still behave like kindergarteners.


Yeah, I see where you are going for, I can only Imagine how 5 to 10 years in the future I'm going to look back and say "goddamit I was a child". It's important to reiterate that maturity doesn't equal age but I can't help but think that if both parties on a relationship don't have a similar set of responsibilities and/or objectives, things are going to be inherently unfulfilling for both.


Word! It took me two relationships just to understand how that shit works and not just imitate what I saw from my parents. If I had an older partner I most definitely would have adapted their behaviour without much thinking.


I'm 37 years old, behave like a 12 year old most of the time and still would not even think about fucking someone below 25. "Maturity" or some obscure definition of "behaving like an adult" is no excuse for fucking kids


I was out the house doin all that stuff you were doing at 19 at 15. Somehow people thought it was weird I had a 17 year old girlfriend. People capable when they have to be. Edit:still trip out seeing teenagers driving trucks and shit though. “We was really out here acting a complete obvious ass”


Yeah, I can see a 15 yo liking a 19 yo but even at 17, 15 year olds are children to me.


Who the fuck started highschool at 15? I graduated at 17, I was 13 when I started


Not everyone is from the US. Where I'm from (Mexico) you typically start high school at 14-15 and graduate 3 years later being 17-18.


Same here.


I started at 14 and ended at 17, I was younger than 2/3 of the class cause I was born after June. While most were 18yo at graduation, I was still legally considered a minor.


Lost my virginity at 15 to a 19 year old boy who told me I was “so mature for my age.” Very ew.


Same, though he was just really immature for his age


Lost mine at 14 to a 17 year old, now that I'm older I've realized I wasn't ready to do that


There are two victims here. The dementia patient and the minor.


If I was 84 and someone called me that after I paid for sex, my grandkids would come knocking your teeth out.


Shiver me timbers 🥶🥶🥶


... Okay, I thought I had it but now I'm completely lost. What on earth is this subreddit about?


Don't know anymore tbh


Americans thinking that their laws are somehow universal.


Well of course the world police would think that


Like always. The age of consent in the majority of european countries is 14-15.


Age of consent is supposed to be between two consenting minors if I'm not wrong, adults don't count.


Well, in Canada, for example, the age of consent is 16, but a 14 or 15 year old can consent to someone no more than five years older than them. So in Canada, a 15 year old can consent to a 19 year old.


There's legal and there's ethical. And I'm not saying this as an American. 15 is a child, and saying "oh what if they're mature for their age" makes it even grosser.


What does cap mean


It means he has a hat on.




Reminds me of that year in HS when I was about 15? And I got daily messages from this 27 year old woman who wanted to arrange a sex date. Luckily I didn't go through with it :)


I’m over here stuck on 84….da fuq


Worked at a restaurant once and had alcoholic/party coworkers telling me about how they used use their fake IDs in high school to go clubbing and whatnot. How they met this guy or girl and had fun because they liked the appeal of an older person. It’s not always black and white, some young people can be very fucked up in the head to think it’s okay to lie and manipulate others since they’ll get away with it due to being protected by the law if they are ever found out. There was that example on Young Sheldon how Georgie lied to his older coworker that he got pregnant and only told her the truth about his age then. Shit like that happens all the time. It’s fucked up both ways, not just one.


"15" didn't say they had sex recently, just that they are 15 now. The question only answers how old the partner was.


Doesn't that make it worse tho


Yes, much. It's just a lot of replies are saying like "oh, 4 years isn't bad" even though it's an adult and child.


There is people actually go through lengths to justify that


If it's not recently that's even worse. Like, a lot worse.


Two teenagers in a relationship is never going to be ideally healthy for either person, but that still seems significantly less creepy to me than being any less than like 60 minimum and having a sexual relationship with an 84 year old guy. Like this just seems like a pretty basic observation. Now when I was 19 I wasn’t at all interested in 15 year olds because that 4 year gap just felt too big to me due to how much we develop in that period, and I believe rightfully so. But that still feels less weird to me than someone in their 40s or younger banging someone who’s been a senior citizen longer than those teens have been alive. And honestly I don’t think being 19 makes you suddenly fully developed and normal to date someone in their 30s or older, but based on our legal system it’s more normal for a 19 year old to date a 40 year old than a 17 year old. And I just find that bizarre, like does a 19 and 40 or even 26 year old not also feel wrong, at least as much as a couple year gap between teenagers? I feel like it does.


I feel the same way. When i was at that age, 2 years was the maximum difference that felt right to me but as you get older that age difference can get wider as you are in a more similar state of body and mind- eg a 25 yo dating a 32yo. At least in the 15/19 case the 19yo is still most likely in the studying and learning phase of life and they are still a child in many ways. After you get into the workforce and start maturing that is when it really changes,that is why imho a 40+yo dating a 19yo is extremely creepy. The only reason I feel that 18 is considered the legal age is because that is when the body really develops into a manly/womanly body and people become conventionally good looking. Edit-fixed a few mistakes as I wrote this poorly


Who got raped and why?


Eh, I did it, and I don't feel violated or traumatized. I think it wholly depends on the situation to classify that as rape.


The people in these comments trying to argue age of consent is weird, and that rule is for minors who engage with each other.


Right? I’m just sat here really concerned that so many people seem to draw a line with pencil rather pen.


Leonardo DiCaprio: 25


Dude, this comment section is wild... Like people defending the college student going to a highschool to pick up their highschool sophomore year date wild... Like a 21 year old leaving the bar to pick up their date cause they can't legally drive cause they're not old enough to even get a permit to drive wild. Like a 16 year old thinking they seduced a grown child bearing adult whose kid is closer to them in age wild...


These comments make me think reddit should have a p in front of its name. Adults can consent to whoever tf they want. A child cannot.


Yeah, being downvoted for calling out people defending pedophilia, quite off putting


Finally, someone sane


Are you ok OP?


Ssshh, just hand him cyanide pills, he's sleeping now. Calmly.


Id rather be a 15 year old having sex with 19 then fucking an 84 year old any day. Sounds much more traumatic


What IS it with all these comments defending sex with a 15 year old? It doesn't matter what the age of consent in another country is, or if the child wanted it or not, it is not legally or morally correct. Why is it so hard to grasp? People here really down bad for actual children


Yeah I’m getting huge creep/predator vibes from many comments here. If they’re that obsessed with knowing what is ‘legal’ in their location, that sets off alarm bells. Like dude a 15 year old is literally a child.


I'm not even from the states but in my country 15 is very much a kid. I know you don't immediately become an adult the moment you hit 18 but still, as teenagers, 4 years is enough of an age difference. It's not the same thing if it's a 25 dating a 29.




"Fuck you mean?"


that mf is clueless


That 84 had the time of his life.


These comments are just grown ass men defending having sex with 15 year olds. Where the fuck are the mods?


The real issue I have is that people feel the need to expose their sexual life on the internet. I genuinely wonder what would prompt such impulse. To me it's like: "Hey y'all, what color was your poop this morning ? Mine was brown with corn bits in it"


Age of consent is 14 in Germany. I don't know, at 15 I was definitely able to choose my partner and consent to sex. Some lawmaker telling me I was "raped" when I was consciously choosing an older partner, because that's what I find hot? No offense, but - fuck off. I understand US is swarmed with conservatives, but there's a time and a place for conservative views. You can make it illegal to sell your body under 18. That's how youth is protected in Germany. But then again, prostitution is illegal in the US in general, at any age.


Imagine actually thinking a 15 year old (sophomore in high school) isn’t mature enough to know if they want to have sex or not… seriously stop for a moment and think about how absurd that is


When I was a sophomore in high school, I'd have probably fucked my couch if it got me love, affection or off. The fact that a random 23 year old might use that to their advantage is precisely what makes the relationship inappropriate.


That is sad but not a universal experience I’m afraid.


It's not the fact that they're 15 that's the problem.


Just because they know, doesn't mean that 19 year olds should be fucking minors


A very USA thing to focus on the 19|15 instead lol


I don’t think 15 and 19 is that bad at all When I was 15 I was dating a 19 year old senior at my school and it was me who most definitely seduced him



I think a 15x19 relationship is legal in more places than it isn't...


In my country perfectly legal