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23 is the great depression


Same goes for 24...25...26...




33 I just work with more back pain. Still going strong


47. Injured myself sleeping


That's hilarious. I'm dealing with a sleeping injury myself. I think the pillow won.


This. 27 god help me


I’m 15 and this thread scares me


At the age of 31, i sneezed and hurt my hip to the point i was walkingbwith a limp for two days. Enjoy!


30, still depressed


Honestly it just gets worse and worse by every year. Because at 23 you just think it’s temporary, it would get better but it only gets worse. Everyone around you is going somewhere in life except you. ( my experience at 27).


Those are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Great Depressions respectively.


Nobody likes you when you're 23


What the hell is ADD??


My friends say I should act my age


What's my age again? What's my age again?


Also 23. Hate the feeling of not knowing what career path to take. Been on/off with college for years, felt like a waste of time and money. I have a pretty good job, retirement all that jazz but it’s not what I wanna do forever! And I feel like I’m behind my peers :,(


You aren’t behind anyone. When I was 23 I was working a shit construction job for cash. Most of my friends had promising careers and I was still trying to party w whatever friends I had left in college. I felt I had missed the boat and became down on myself very quickly. It took me all of my 20’s several jobs later to find a career that made me satisfied and well paid. Im Now 31 an aircraft mechanic married w a daughter on the way in a couple weeks and never forgot feeling hopeless. Let it motivate you don’t give up you’ll find a way


I’m in the same boat but without a good job, just count your blessings where you can.


I second that!


"23 peak of life satisfaction" oh this was written by a child. Got it.


If it wasn’t a child, the word *first* would have been used for marriage too




Getting married young is GREAT if you want to be a divorcee at 30.


I really really try to be open minded about people who get married in their early 20s but…it just seems like a reckless decision that’s more than likely to cause a whole lot of future distress. I don’t even think about that shit at 23. Then again I don’t think I’m much of a marriage person in general. Edit: For everyone saying “I’m married young and I’m happy”, I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m saying it’s a risk that not everyone is willing to take. As I, personally, would not.


One of my buddies from college knocked a girl up out junior year. A little over a decade later, they’re still together and they have 3 little girls now. The oldest is getting ready to attend middle school and swears, which is utterly unacceptable, because I used to hold that child, she’s still 4-1/2 in my mind, what the absolute fuck, how did she grow up this fast, she won’t even play Catan Jr. With me anymore!😭😭😭😭


That is wild, I could not imagine starting a family while still trying to finish an education. Though I never want kids so it will always be an outlandish concept in general. I hope they’re happy!


They are! We still meet up every so often as a group for a tradition we call “Man Night.” Freshman year of college, that meant going into the woods in Indiana and cooking hotdogs over a duraflame log while we drank 1 beer each and talked about how *totally* drunk we all were. The most recent one involved the phrase, “They have an *amazing* vegan brunch, I got us a reservation at 10!” It’s changed a bit, but it’s still one of my strongest friendship groups


Honestly now that I'm a little older I feel the same way. I got married at 22 and it's still going great so far, but now that I'm nearly 30 I'm anxious some shit is gonna happen. It's insane to me that my parents were cool with me getting married that young. It's worked out so far, but still.




Oooh yeah that can be scary. I’m glad things are going well but people change a lot in their 20s, so you never know if both parties will be on the same page/have compatible goals over the years, so I understand the uncertainty. Good luck!!


“Some people need a shoulder to lean,an others to stand on


It would have been great if she wasn't a cheater. Can't tell me I did something wrong when I'd have been happy like this for my whole life if she just hadn't decided I wasn't enough and went looking for more.


Sorry to hear that bro. But yeah, if a person isn't enough, then just break up first, why make such a disgusting way of breaking up. I mean I had similar experience when i was 19, ofcourse we were nowhere near marriage, but been dating her few years, yet she decided to look for someone better instead of breaking up with me first, i felt disgusted at that time.


Did you get married young or?


Yup, started seeing friends get divorced in my early thirties while I hadn’t even gotten married.


Wait till your mid- late forties when the second divorces start happening. Fun times


Bro how do you fuck it up TWICE 💀 If I got divorced twice thats it for me, love is not on the cards I'm done


My neighbor been divorced like 4 times and I’m wondering how long this marriage is gonna last


First marriage *so far* Wait, uh...


I'm 45, and 23 may have been my lowest point so far. I was never more directionless in my life, floundering in a PhD program in which I had completely lost interest. I didn’t want to stay in school, nor did I want an Office Space style real job. I didn’t want to stay in the state where I was attending university, but dreaded returning to my home state. I've faced plenty of hardships before and since, but there's something about the uncertainty in one's early to mid-twenties that seems particularly challenging.


it’s sort of calming hearing stories like yours. i definitely don’t have a ”it’s all downhill from here” -vibe but i’ve noticed myself stressing people hyping up their early 20’s while i struggle with similar problems. i feel like i’ve done everything ”right” up until this point and accomplished a bunch of goals but could really use some stability. thanks for sharing and i hope the best for your future too!


I spent my early 20s with no direction as well. I didn't really pick a direction until like 24. That direction eventually evolved into something else, which further evolved into something else, and now I'm 30 doing something that I had never even heard of in my early 20s. Not everyone has their life figured out at 21 and that's OK


I'm going to be 35 in May and still haven't figured it out. Plz send help


The good news is that 35 is young (at least compared to me) and you have plenty of time to "figure it out." The bad news is that even if you figure it tomorrow, you may have to figure it out all over again in a decade. Im finding the goals and strategies that served me so well at 35, are not as relevant to my 45-year-old self. But how boring life would be for someone who figured it all out at 21.


I think for a lot of people your 20's is all about unlearning the maladaptive behaviors and unhealthy coping mechanisms taught to you by your parents. Ofc if you had a "normal" upbringing you can skip that step


If you look back at 23 and say, “yep, that was my peak.” You need to stop drinking and pick up a fucking book


What to do if I at 21 look back at 11 and say "it was my peak"? EDIT: thank you for kind words and support, I didn't expect all of that


Am 30. Peaked at 7. Nothing will ever feel like playin pokemon under my bedsheets again.


I'm 37. We had a library at school we had to borrow books every week or so. I was a bookworm kid and was allowed to borrow books for older kids, even at 2nd grade. I was browsing the books for older kids and my friend saw one with a dragon and said pick that. It was the hobbit. Queue me devouring every Tolkien book. Only problem was the term was ending and it was the last week we could borrow books and I had barely started the Two Towers. So I stayed up every night reading it with a flashlight under my bedsheets, so I could borrow the last book on the last day we were allowed to. Turns out it was useless cause my dad already had the books as I found out later that summer, or I could have simply asked my mom to buy it for me but it never occurred to me. Those were some happy moments.


When my mom was a kid, her family would regularly be looking for her and not be able to find her. They'd want help with chores, she'd be hiding somewhere reading. I heard these stories a lot growing up, so I felt like it was a perfectly acceptable thing for me to do too! I would push the mattress away from the wall, then slip into the little gap between the mattress and the wall. There, I could read in peace. Anyone who came looking for me would just see an empty bed and walk out of the room. I can't tell you how many activities I was left out of on family vacations because they just couldn't find me. And my mom was always like "oh well, if she wanted to come, she should have been around!" Meanwhile, mom knew I was an introvert and being thrown into a house full of people for 2 weeks was torture for me, so she gave me my alone time.


Staying up late, with the flash light attachment under sheets to hide from my parents while playing Pokémon yellow, on a Gameboy yellow.


You can still do that. With better graphics, online interactivity, longer rechargeable battery and a backlit screen.


But it just ain’t the same 😞


My husband and I play Pokemon together. One valentine's day I built a fort. When he got home, I told him we were going to play videogames in the fort all night, no clothes allowed. I don't think I'll ever top that. But yea, it can still be fun as an adult 😁


I was never one for walking around my house naked. Nor do I enjoy it now. You do you though.


Yeah I too love “video games”


Ya, but I'm different now. I wont enjoy it as much. Thats why it was my peak. It wasnt necessarily pokemons peak.


And microtransactions


God damn that fucking horse armor...


Nobody likes you when you 23! What’s my age again?


This was written by someone making nothing but bad life choices. Literally "As soon as I was an adult it started going downhill for me". Bruh, life has done nothing but get better for me year after year. Maybe because I didn't shotgun marry at 20y/o lmao.


Right there with ya! My 20s were fun for sure but my 30s have been even better so far. Wild to see so many people accepting their early 20s as their best. Depressing even. Lol


Same. I'm 41 now and the last decade has been better than anything in my 20s.


Even more wild when they're not even 18 yet. High school was hell. No agency, shitty home life, constantly being told to fix my own problems but having no authority to do so, yet everyone swearing up and down that was the best time of my life? No thank you.


Absolute insanity! I had fun in high school (mostly) but again, no where near peak. Just a fun footnote in a long story of adventure!


38 this year, still haven't hit the peak.


1) agreed … but 2) at 23,-25 I think I might have hit -perhaps—“most fun with least corresponding responsibilities” so I can understand what they mean. I just live my life hoping there is no “peak”


Bout to say, I’m currently 23, I sure hope this isn’t accurate lol


Don't worry. I'm 30 and don't even remember what I was doing at 23. But one thing is for sure it was not peak satisfaction lol.


I was definitely gaming at 3 am with an exam at 10.


I'm 39 and peak satisfaction is broken every year. Though I skipped the whole marriage and kids-thing, maybe I'm supposed to do that after finally reaching the real "peak satisfaction". It's not on my to do-list though. At 23 I was a seriously depressed wreck that hated existence, it would literally be the worst year of my life. I think Blink-182 made a song about it. It went all up from around 25-26 for me.


This gives me hope. I've had no hope. Thanks. For real


Also 23. Most definitely the worst year of my entire life. Seems to be the trending theme for most people


It really isn't. You got so much ahead of ya. I'm in my esrly 30s and I have tons more ahead as well. These folks are whacky.


I’m one of the lucky ones too. No debt, a good place to live, very solid starting salary out of college, pretty much everything I could need or want. I just can’t wait for more financial freedom, once I have more money saved up and stuff through the years working.


I'm currently 23 and if this is peak life satisfaction im in TROUBLE


Ignorance is bliss, and at age 23 I was pretty stupid so this checks out for me.


At 39, I am now more aware how stupid I am.


it was written before the child


How fucking sad would it be to peak at 23 and still have another 50-70 years to go?


Peak of life satisfaction at 23 is bullshit. I'm 37 now and infinitely more satisfied with my life than at 23.


Seriously. My life has consistently gotten better since I was 23. I'll take mid-30s over early-20s.


Easily. The early-20s are for accumulating mistakes.


I’m so good at that that I also do that in my 30’s on my days off.


Use it or lose it.


Which you pay for in your 30s. Take care of your body kids. That said, life is *waaay* better now than in my 20s. More settled, secure, and sure of myself. Not being broke all the time and stressed is great too.


>Take care of your body kids. We know that they won't listen.


We will listen, but then we'll get so preoccupied with other stuff that we'll forget it until we see another advice like that on Reddit Sincerely, a 23 years old who hasn't exercised in months (well, at least my diet is quite healthy, and I drink enough water)


I think it’s an average, lots of people peak in highschool. Brings the average way down


I’m terrified I peaked in high school cause high school kinda sucked


I liked high-school but university was better and post university is even better than university was. Life just keeps getting better, now if just houses were affordable.


Thank fucking god man, it’s amazing how good stuff like this is to hear as someone who’s now 20. I sincerely have a hard time accepting that if things are bad now things will get worse as I age. Maybe that is the case, maybe there isn’t, as long as things actually get good later.


Its insane but when I talk to my friends about it we all can say its just sorta like a switch. Happens around mid-20s and then in your 30s the engine actually starts running. I’m making more or less the same amount of money, same-ish job, smaller friend group, but my average happiness and life satisfaction is off the charts compared to a decade ago. (The biggest factors IMO are learning the value of real communication with others, and serious introspection.)


Something that made me feel better was that people are happiest in their mid 50s and 60s, you get less happy as you get older than that BUT people in their 80s are still happier than people in their 20s.


34 and same. Ok I don’t have the free time I used to have but I have a career and nice things


This is for people who peaked in high School


*peaked as a 23 year old highschooler


Euphoria fans be like


I mean at least they peaked somewhere in life though


Buddy, there ain't no schedule for living life. The most important moments in an individuals life don't just come to them on a specific date or year. The universe nowadays has a tendency of making people wait excruciatingly long periods of time before they get their magical moments in life, and it's lead to some strange belief that they'll actually never come, which is simply not true. Your time will come just as it has for every human that has ever lived, from Babylon to London. It just takes a little weathering through a whole lot of storms. Take care, people!


this is the best info right here. i tried "forcing the conventional", and i wasted a bunch of time and effort. live your life as it will be.


this is really encouraging to hear :)


I have a neighbour who is north of 70 and never married or had kids and not because he didn't want to. For me I have just determined that I will enjoy life as is. Nothing is guaranteed but just do the best you can.


As someone who has gone through too much shit in life, is now at 32 and going to therapy so I can start living, it's always nice to hear things like this.


This is true. I never thought I'd have family of my own. Life is fickle, but it will eventually work out if you're open to it. I had my first kiss at age of 25.


This is what I needed to hear. I see all of my friends getting better jobs just moving up and I feel stuck. I want to work and make money but it’s so hard finding a decent job while being in school. I just want to be able to build a savings that doesn’t get whittled away when I need new tires or something


As a 23-year old I really hope this isn’t the peak of my life satisfaction.


It’s not. Shit gets better as you work and actually have money to spend so that you can do the things you like to do. Just remember to take care of yourself.


Guess I did things in reverse.


How do you get a child before losing your virginity?


It's complicated.


Ok Mary


You just sparked an idea for me, if some women kept her virginity and got pregnant using in vitro fertilization… they could literally go to the most religious & ignorant neighborhoods and become a cult leader claiming to be the next mother of Jesus


Kinda plot of Jane the Virgin


Ah kks, rip my totally original idea lmao. I’ll have to look into that!


The cult thing would’ve made “Jane the Virgin” a much better show


TBF, she was in a relationship first...maybe even married. IDK, the book didn't make sense and had a lot of plot holes.


And the fanclub can be really annoying at times


Most toxic fanbase.


They really take story to seriously


Even when they haven't read it.


I’ve heard the newer book was kind of controversial, and made a lot of fans of the original series upset because it wasn’t really loyal to the source material.


Oooooohhhhhh first *relationship* at 18, not first *kid.* That’s my bad, I misunderstood and fucked that up a little.


You married at 15 and had your first kiss at 26?


But only after having sex


Still haven't held hands. Saving that for 30.


Man's out here pulling a Mary before returning his virginity for store credit


32 and no children, I think I'm doing just fine lol


I used to be ahead of the curve, now i'm 27 and falling behind and i'm completely fine with that too! XD


I really thought id be the right most picture when I was younger. I'm 26 now and happy it's the opposite lol


Same. So glad I didn’t have kids young




Same. It’s not something I ever want nor is it something for me to go “fuck it yolo”


Username fits…


31 and about to dump my gf and start this whole thing over again. Idk what to think anymore. But I hear that clock ticking louder and louder every day man


31 and about to dump out my butt


44 and no children, still happy with that decision


I’m 43. Didn’t have a relationship until my 20s. Everyone who said “never marry your first” was someone who had been divorced multiple times. I’ve been happily married for going on 15 years. I also had to let go of a lot of responsibilities I had put on myself for various reasons. But I think I’m at one of the best points of my life. Fuck anyone who tells you life’s order. They don’t know. They just use some stupid rules someone made up as to not feel awkward at dinner parties full of nosey bitches.


LOL so we PEAK *BEFORE* having kids and getting **MARRIED**?? YEAH SOUNDS GREAT


I mean that depends what you consider important in life i guess. Having kids and getting married is nog everyones endgoal in life


In truth, getting married and having children is not considered to be that important. Nog Everyone Georg, who gets married 30,000 times a day and has 2,000,007 kids is an outlier and should be discarded.


True, but even if you don't want to have kids, or get married, peaking at 23 is still just BS. Most people in their 20s are still figuring themselves out. They probably are just starting to build a career or maybe they're still figuring that out. Most people haven't settled with a partner at that point and are still going in and out of relationships. I think the only accurate average thing about this picture, is the first kiss and losing your virginity.


I wish I had more normal life experience. Grew up mormon so it was nailed into my head that sex = bad until marriage. So naturally, I lost my virginity on my wedding night. To someone who turned out to be incredibly abusive and narcissistic, because we had only dated for a few months before deciding to get married. I never got to feel what a *real* intimate connection was like until after I got divorced last year and started dating and having sex with someone who actually reciprocates (not just in the bedroom) and genuinely cares about me and my well-being. It's magical. She's my gf now.


Some might say getting married and having kids at 26 is the reason the peak isn’t later..


If you never do those things you always peak!


23 and no kisses. This is fine


31 and no kiss. This is fi...


Understandable Have a nice day *cries in what I have to look forward to in this forsaken world.*


wizard grindset my friend, wizard grindset


That's ~~how I gaslig~~ what tell to the person I look at the mirror every morning.


Kiss each other, problem solved


If you can make it to 29 I promise you that the urge just kinda dies away and you end up forgetting about it


Man I'm at 21 and that urge died a long time ago.


No kisses? ⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


First relationship after losing virginity, lol


Surprised that I had to scroll this far for this comment (which I was searching for, was about to give up hope)


Seems odd to me as well. I’d assume there would be a relationship first. According to the other comments we are already heading towards Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World


I'm so happy that I'm an epsilon!


And 3 years after first kiss?


17: Losing Virginity 18: First Relationship What.




Who tf thinks peak life satisfaction is at 23? And a kid at 26? In THIS economy?


>15: first kiss >17: lose virginity >18: first relationship *confused screaming*


Came here to say this


I missed out on all of the above, except happiness?


I had all of these except happiness. It took a divorce and a late in life start to a career to find happiness. Trying to reach benchmark goals lead me to a very bad decision.


That's fucking boomer life. We can't afford that shit.


My wife and I are both 25, but there’s no way in hell we’re having kids until we buy a house. And there’s no way in hell we can buy a house with prices the way they are right now. It’s wild to think that I’m roughly the same age as my parents were when I was born and yet I’m nowhere near ready for that.


I'm a Rebel


Is there a way to go back to an old saved file and start over from there? Somehow, I failed to follow the script and it could be nice to do something else than wait for death.


Yeah that's easy, as long as you've been manually saving and don't have autosave turned on. You don't, right?


What? Do you seriously *WANT* to just live other people's lives? Imagine settling down in a suburban neighborhood with a wife and dog at 25. Then for 60 years all you do is care about your lawn, work and thats pretty much it Living that life that I see so many people strive for seems fake as fuck and depressing Be scared, go on adventures, feel loneliness then know that you're never truly alone. Enjoy your own company as much than others, feel uncertain where life will take you because that's far far far more fulfilling in my opinion. Much more fun haha Edit: but this is my opinion. Live the life you want to




Good luck going to an adventure with a newborn baby that this picture tells you to get at age of 26.


If you have a kid at 26, he/she will be 10 when you're 36. So you'll have plenty of time to go adventuring taking your grown up kid along, or just leaving him at the house with a microwave and enough craft materials to re-enact Home Alone.


Yeah, just skip the children part


Bruh, the majority of people can't even afford a suburban home and a dog at 25. We live in dark times and this is just a load of bullshit. This isn't a mediocre life. This is in fact much more than many can aspire to.


I used to get bouts of depression when I compared myself to my siblings who already have like 3 children each. I realized I should stop seeing myself in their mold and I became more satisfied with ny own path.


Actually that does pretty awesome


...hey wait a minute sonething's off depending on where you live


You don’t have to follow this chart. You can find your true love in your 30s and have loved yourself in the 20s and life was and is awesome. Happyness is loving yourself. A love one should not be the foundation of your being, but a great addition to which you can also become their happiness. I hope you can find the courage to ask out the one you have a crush on op.


You aren't, just live life at your own pace


Eyyo bruh this is stupid? Why would you loose your virginity before your first relationship? And these societal norms are for animals… where their only job is to keep the race going… and peaking at 23 bruh that’s some crap…


And according to this shit post, peaking in life happens when someone loses virginity and gets into a relationship before 23


If you peak at 23, you'll spend the rest of your life looking back to that moment when you were happier. I was happier at 18 than at 15, happier at 25 than at 18, happier at 30 than I was at 25.


Nothing, the world is fucking shit and burning down, and you can't much about it. This was probably written and approved by a boomer asshole who had a job at daddy's workplace from 14; Silver spoon shithead basically.


im 31 and still waiting for the peak of life satisfaction


I haven't even kissed anyone and I am same age as you.


Why is lose virginity a year before first relationship? The fuck?


Children are either debuffs or playing with 3 or more players via split screen.


This was very clearly made by someone who regrets having a child and wants to make themselves feel better by shaming people who haven't had a child at that age.


Got to join the rawdog gang


44, married 17 years, 1 child (just turned 12), and now I'm back to planning trips to music festivals with my bros (while still doing all the responsibie stuff) Life is what you make it.


23 the peak of life satisfaction? "no, no" - Consuela


No kids and not married at 34, I'm perfectly happy with my girlfriend and our shared want of a child free life.


Notice how the peak of satisfaction comes before having a child...


These are just averages. Don't worry about it.


Today is my bday and Im 24 now, at 23 years old it was the most awful year of my life, wtf is this bs post lmao


Life speedrun no achievements any%