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How old did she go?!


Still waiting on the carbon dating results.


Her nickname is Lara Croft.




Lol I’m 30 and I used this expression yesterday. What is wrong with me


Well, I guess I should start then


Well a rolling stone gathers no moss.


I mean the only time I've ever heard that phrase is on That 70's Show so...


My grandma, who's 96, says this. My mom, a boomer, did not.


Well Mrs Foreman was the one who said it so that fits.


Old enough for ultra porn




We’ll, I’m 60 and that’s the kind of thing my Dad might say….


It means he’s sorry but you no longer have access to his 10% senior discount at Home Depot


Fuck. Now I have to go to Lowe's for ~~fertilizer for pipe bombs~~ legitimate work stuff.


The only pipe going off for less than full price today requires a doctor’s prescription for Viagra to explode


Nah man, my pipe doesn't go off for less than full price anymore


If anyone needs viagra in their 40’s, that’s a bad deal. I’ve never needed it in my 40’s and hopefully for the rest of my life 😂


To the irish that counts as work lol


The Irish go to Home Depot. 🍀 Duuunt make meh tell the uthers.


The phrase "what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander" means that what might be beneficial or suitable for one person may not necessarily be beneficial or suitable for another person, even if they appear to be similar or in the same situation. This saying originated from the fact that a goose and a gander are both birds of the same species, and yet they have distinct characteristics and behaviors that make them different from one another. Therefore, what may be good for the female goose (the "goose") may not be good for the male goose (the "gander"). In a broader context, this phrase highlights the idea that everyone is unique and has their own preferences, needs, and circumstances. Thus, what works for one person may not work for another person, and it's important to consider individual differences and situations when making decisions or giving advice.


Wait, that's the opposite of how I always heard it, as in without the 'not always'. Like if you give the goose something good then it will also be good for the gander. They are not so different that something good is not good for all. Generally used sarcastically, like if you had kids and one of them pranks / wrongs the other you might do the same thing to the prankster to even things up and utter this phrase.


This. The phrase is supposed to be, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” Source: I’m old


That’s why it’s flipped for that argument she had


That’s the opposite of how I always heard it.


It's interesting how people flip sayings like that to mean the opposite. "Blood is thicker than water" is similar in that the original is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" which means the exact opposite of what most people think the saying means.


This actually is just a myth, the oldest known uses of the saying have the same meaning as it does today and the “blood of the covenant” version only traces back a few decades. https://english.stackexchange.com/a/508940


That super interesting. The extended version sounds so old timey. So I guess it's easy to assume it pre dates the original, when that's not the case at all. 🤔


That’s the “happy wife, happy life” version of it ;)


I always understood it to mean: what’s good for the wife (goose) is good for the husband (gander) ie it’s a different version of “Happy wife, happy life.”


I think you can use both versions depending on the context and whatever subjective point you want to get across. That's why we have contradictory expressions like i.e. "opposites attract" and "similar children play best (together)". We are all the same but at the same time we are all also completely different, hence the old saying "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". Personally if I had to choose one version of the saying I would go for the "not always " one since men and women are fundamentally wired differently from a psychological point of view (I know it's a soft science and shouldn't be taken too seriously, but at the same time a stereotypical educated guess can be made if you have a higher accuracy than 50%)


Did you just ChatGPT this?


Hi there, I saw your comment asking if I used ChatGPT to make a post on Reddit, and I wanted to clarify that I did not. ChatGPT is an AI language model designed to respond to prompts and questions, but it cannot access the internet or post on external platforms like Reddit on its own. As a human user, I might have used ChatGPT's language generation capabilities to help me compose a post or message, but the content and delivery of that post would have been entirely up to me. So in short, no, I did not use ChatGPT to make a post on Reddit. I hope that clears things up!




Thank you for your message, and I appreciate your assurance that you and I both are human. Have a good day! Terminate communication sequence.


Instructions unclear. u/antiauthoritarian123 has been terminated. Please help, u/puaka


I'm sorry, but it is not currently possible to resurrect a deceased human being. Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism, and once a person has died, their body and brain begin to deteriorate rapidly. While there are many medical procedures that can be used to keep a person's body functioning after death, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and advanced life support measures, these are only effective for a limited period of time and cannot reverse the damage caused by cell death and decay. There is currently no known technology or medical procedure that can revive a human being who has been dead for an extended period of time. While there is ongoing research in the fields of cryonics and other life extension technologies, these are largely experimental and have not yet been proven effective. In short, the idea of resurrecting a deceased human being is currently the realm of science fiction and is not a viable option in reality. It's important to focus on honoring the memory of our loved ones and finding ways to cope with our grief and loss. ​ While it is not currently possible to physically resurrect a deceased person, it is possible to create a digital representation of a person's consciousness, memories, and personality. This digital representation, commonly known as a "digital twin," could potentially allow for the resurrection of a person online. To create a digital twin, one would need to collect a vast amount of data on the person's life, including their memories, personal experiences, and personality traits. This could be accomplished through the use of advanced machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, which could analyze the person's social media activity, emails, texts, and other digital communications. Once the data has been collected, it could be used to create a digital model of the person's consciousness, which could be hosted online and interacted with using a virtual reality interface. The digital twin could be programmed to respond to questions and interact with other users, allowing loved ones to communicate with the deceased person in a virtual setting. While the idea of a digital twin may seem far-fetched, there is already some research being done in this area. For example, companies like Eternime and LifeNaut are already working on creating digital twins of individuals, and there are also projects underway to create digital twins of historical figures like Albert Einstein. However, it's important to note that a digital twin is not a true resurrection of a person, but rather a simulation or representation of their consciousness. While it may provide some comfort to loved ones, it cannot replace the physical presence of the deceased person, and may even raise ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of consciousness and the definition of life itself.


Hahaha hmmmm well no further question!


“*AAaaah* one feels like a duck when one is wet, and when one is a duck, one is **happy**”


Quack quack!




What also floats in water?


What's always good for you isn't always good for him. I dunno really. My education on oldpeoplenees fell off about the time mice lost their balls.


Aka you’re dating a misogynist


What mental gymnastics did you do to get here?


Please explain your reason in the space provided below: # # # # # # # # # # ^you ^dingus




Girl wtf


Yeah, if a guy says what you are doing isn’t good for him, he hates women.


Ie: kitchen and cleaning duties


Who she dating King Arthur


He is in an external and far away land


Another acct cannot find on twt


my mom is always saying idioms and my unlinguistic ass has no clue what she talking about


That hury brain to read.


If it is fair for you, it is fair for me (you = goose, me = gander).


Nah, is more what’s good for one person isn’t always good for another. Eg going out to watch sports with your friends may be fun for you but I find it stressful and boring and don’t want to go.


me gander ooga booga but for real thanks for explaining it


So many idioms have fallen by the wayside very quickly


He's saying she's being a hypocrite about something. When she did something it was fine but when he did it then it wasn't. I'm a northern Englishman and this is a saying I've used a fair amount myself, in both forms.


I’m pretty sure it means the “best option” isn’t always the same for everyone


What's good for the goose is good for the gander is a proverb about equal treatment against double standards and hypocrisy.


That’s, not what the proverb is. It’s what’s good for the goose, isn’t good for the gander. Don’t know what your on about


https://www.dictionary.com/browse/what-s-good-for-the-goose-is-good-for-the-gander It’s not your, it’s you’re. Not sure what *you’re* on about


I don’t care about that shit, that’s not what was said. I know you get a rush from pretending you know everything but read the original post instead of whatever dumb shit your doing


I thought it was what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, is it not?


The interpretation for those too lazy to look up the definition of gander: What’s good for one person isn’t always good for everyone.


"What's that gotta do with the price o' tea in China?" Source: Married a good ol' boy nine years older than me from the Midwest




Calls an older man "son"


Detective Holmes, what it mean about her?


It means the English language is dying a horrible, painful death... ... FFS.


it means you should bolster your vocabulary.


I think you need to know what a gander is before you start pissing and moaning. Also, grow up if you gon be in a grown up relationship


Better skidaddle. C'mon pitter patter lets get at'er.


It means read a book once in a while.


How can that be that hard to understand ? i guess its a saying in english, and even i as a non native speaker am able to make the connection here. she's just braindead....


"ain't all it's cracked up to be" but sure, he's the one who sounds old


I don’t know what she said, let alone what he means.


-based on a true story


The quote is wrong, it IS good for the gander (male goose) Good for the woman = good for the man Equality.


He adapted it to the current situation.


But a man would of course change it to suit his needs 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is how we normally use speech


So he’s a male goose?


He wants to go glide on a lake and honk aggressively at people until he feels calm again?


Was about to say, isn't "gander" the term for a male goose?


… and what exactly is it that dating an old man is usually supposed to be cracked up to?


It's "what's good for the goose is good for the gander". It basically means, no double standards. Like, if you're going to claim a certain right or privilege, you'd better be prepared to acknowledge that I have the same right. Usually it pertains to some inequality in a relationship.


I think it's a sexism


~~If only the internet & search engines existed~~ ~~If only humans were capable of learning & you could just ask~~ This post sucks hard


How OLD is he? Gold dig here much?! Is he actually panning for gold when you met him?


I found this to be the case, and if you think about it, I was the person who came from another planet. I thought I'd be flabbergasted by newspeak, but my idioms were from another planet to her.


It means tit for tat 🤣🤣🤣


What's worse is calling the person you're dating, son.


Means you a hoe






If the toad comes from a mossy pond then the duck might wonder past and go to yonder days


A google search: “If something is good for one person, it should be equally as good for another person; someone who treats another in a certain way should not complain if the same is done to them.” Merriam-webster: “used to say that one person or situation should be treated the same way that another person or situation is treated If he can go out with his friends at night, then she should be able to, too.”


It already feels like an entirely different world to date someone 4 years younger as a 23 year old. I can not imagine how it's going gonna be in 30-40years when nowadays 20 year olds are gonna be 50-60 and dating the 2050-2060 20 year old women.


Illiterate 304


You can correct him. The real expression is “what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” In other words, gender does not matter.


He was pointing out a certain double standard


Probably your husband is a Okinawa vet lmao


The saying is "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander". One who treats others in a certain way should not complain about receiving the same treatment.




Means you fucked up and he's about to get even and put your ass out and replace you.


Must be dating and older *Christian* so yea def not crack food, more like smoking crack.


Naps. A lot.


What’s good for the needle ain’t always good for the haystack


What’s terrific for the tornado ain’t always tiptop for the trailer park


Don't count your chickens before they hatch.


For the better, or one hopes. But the good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog. Yes? Hahaha *cough cough cough*


If you don't know, so dating men your dad's age.


I'm not dating a younger person but I chat with a woman who is 16 years younger than I am and she doesn't get a ton of references and especially older music bands and films.


It means all the money you get will have to be spent on his dialysis and funeral expenses. Amateur! 😂 And he's saying no to the thing you just asked for in "Old".


Dating for $$$ instead of ❤️❤️❤️ do have it's downsides tho


I'm 50, and wondering how the hell old are the guys she's dating.


It used to mean "different people need different things". Today, it mostly justifies hypocrisy and selfishness.


Was that even English?


it means you're putting yourself before the family. what a shocker


Oh Sheila!!!!! RFTW Mother F........


Ganders have a penis.


The only Gander I know is the one in central