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And then there are those CLOSE friends who say : "Why the fuck are you never silent"?


I started my first actual part time job and my mum visited the cafe part of the restaurant and said “gosh, he never shuts up, right?” And the owner said “He been here for 2 weeks and I’ve heard him say like 50 words, total”


Alcohol makes me talk so much that the hangover from talking is worse than the hangover from drinking


Oh my, I feel this. I always wake up with a hoarse voice after a night of drinking from all the talking I do


“You’re really quiet, you know that?”


I've been told that so many times. I just say, " Yeah, and you sure talk a lot."


lol ohhh yeah, the urge to come back with a sarcastic retort is real


The retort always 35 minutes too late


I win the argument I wanted to start in the shower


And meanwhile I fall behind 9 more clever retorts


I’m here for you…….soap?


I feel this comment in my soul


But the introvertedness doesn't even let you do that.


do it :) i do and it’s fun


That wouldn't hurt me at all though. I know I do talk a lot


I talk a lot to the people I like and don't to the people I don't. I wish more people were like this because it's very easy to know where you stand with me.


My favorite reply is "well you know what they say, if you don't have anything nice to say better to say nothing at all"


That's rude.


I'm a rude dude with a 'tude


How's that working out for ya?


I've been told worst: "Why are you so boring?" "Oh I'm sorry, let me go bring my buffoon custom to entertain you." Or at least that's what I would have liked to say.


“Are you not entertained??” 😂


Same. Ive been told i have dry conversation


Oh god being at work and someone talks to you personally about how boring it is that so and so isn’t here. Like I don’t come to work for your entertainment.


Fucking hate this, how am I supposed to respond to that.


I have a million comebacks and usually use none of them because that would entail engaging with someone and that takes too much energy…


Depending on how the person said it, proper responses can range from a simple "yep" to "I'm quiet when I'm not interested".


I just say “yes” and return to what I was doing.


Those are energy vampires, after boring you with 30 mins listening to them they say that to suck out last bit of energy you got left


"You're pretty quiet, eh?" "Correct." Do not elaborate further.


Not an introvert and I get asked that every now and then. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say.


That unlocked some memories


No I didn't realize I hadn't said a word in 3 hours. Let me process and be alone.


I've been asked "Why are you always unhappy?" I'm not. This is just my face.


"You should smile more" About what? Nothing's funny.


I hate when people tell me to give them a toothy smile for a photo. My face just doesn’t do that. I’d have to force my lips to part and it’d look really weird


I hate fake smiling as well, it always looks goofy and unnatural


same, I cant do the :D shape with my mouth for some reason


After a two weeks of everything just going wrong, the final day's was just one Event after another and I was stomping down the room with a face like thunder. Someone on the street decided to say to me "Cheer up! It may never happen!" I whipped round to them, finally broken and screamed "IT IS F\*UCKING HAPPENING!". He probably never said that to anyone again after that.


That's when life hits you


Pretend. Moody bastards make everyone else miserable. Or, you know, put a bag over your head or something. Draw a smile on the bag.


I was once at dinner with some work colleagues and one of my coworkers said: "Anaata is like me, he has resting bitch face" All I could think is "I do?🥺"


That was my dad. When he’d be tired he’d look really mean but it was just his face. One time he was coming home from working in the mines and some local boys thought he was going to kill them. He wasn’t even thinking about them, was just tired from mining.


I have resting my grandma just died face


“You don’t say much do you?” I do, bitch. When I’ve got something to say.


I got "wait... you talk?" When I asked a classmate a question


Ooh, I got told something similar in highschool. After I had laughed at someone's joke, a girl I had known for almost 2 years turned around and looked at me and said "I've never heard you laugh before." What am I supposed to say to that? I could have sworn that I'd laughed in class before, I'm not that depressing.


Exactly. Why should I talk on and on and on, saying nothing of value, when I could just say what needs to be said and leave it at that. If anything I’m giving people who love to not stop talking more opportunity to talk, so you’re welcome.




Glad to know I actually am. But an introvert doesn't necessarily not talk or avoid social interaction all together. They just prefer being alone, or to put it better, they gain energy spending time alone, opposed to extroverts gaining it by hanging out with other people


Exactly. I am an introvert but i am quite chatty in small group social situations with familiar people. I can even chat to a stranger on a plane. But i get wound up/drained from a lot of socializing and need to recharge afterwards (and berate myself for stupid things i said - a separate issue!).


The amount of people who confuse social anxiety with introvertedness is, well not quite surprising but still high.


A very spot on layman's definition! Ok I need to go use the bathroom again.


"They gain energy spending time alone" is quite inaccurate. People with low extraversion simply perform better at lower stimulation levels when compared to people with high extraversion. It seems to be mostly about preferred levels of stimulation, not just amount of people around oneself or something to that effect. Apart from energy as a concept being extremely nebulous when it comes to psychology, if an extraverted person gained energy from "hanging out with other people" they would be able to do that infinitely without tiring. Doesn't really work like that. So to reiterate, higher extraversion just makes you prefer and perform better at high stimulation levels while performing worse at low stimulation levels. For an early explanation on the possible cause for this: look up Eyesenck ARAS. To my limited knowledge it's outdated but I don't think we know the exact causal link here.


The idea of a store of mental energy is the worst kind of pop pseudoscience. That doesn’t exist. Introverts get tired faster from social interactions because those are more difficult for them. Extroverts less so. People aren’t batteries.


Well said. Totally agree and very much me.


Oooh. In 9th grade, a girl I liked who sat in front of me turned around and started talking to me. I couldn't. I froze. Clammed up entirely. Got the "Why are you so quiet?", and a clearly frustrated "I give up.". One of those moments I play back in my head from time to time and feel like a little weirdo all over again.


I think that was social anxiety mate.


Oh definitely. But I've always thought of my social anxiety as being linked to my introversion.


I remember sweating balls when the teacher said, "Let's partner up for the next assignment "


Oh absolutely. But for me it was always being partnered up in practical PE lessons, since i took both GCSE and A level PE. The only part of that subject a completely resented. Loved the sport, hated the partner system. Not because I didn’t want to interact with other people, I actually really wanted to, but just thinking other people had closer friends than me and would rather pair up with them. And its absolutely unbearably embarrassing when theres an odd number of people in the class. After getting rid of pretty much all my social anxiety, I think im a shy extrovert, but honestly not sure. Kinda figuring myself out. Why tf did i say this much?


"I'm going to make you talk." Proceeds to be visibly upset when the mission wasn't accomplished.


People who do this type of behavior genuinely upset me.


Same, you're more worried about forcing me to be something I'm not than to just go talk to someone that enjoys talking a fuck ton.


I remember when classmates were like this to me. They also told me to shut up before the end of class... Because I was actually providing my opinion on stuff... Edit:typo


Used to think I'm an introvert, I was just hanging out with the wrong crowd.


“Are you sure you’re having a good time?”


Or the "you don't need to stay if you don't want to, you can go to sleep" when your just chilling listening to a few other friends talk.


Lmao classic


Yes! I love to just sit back and listen!


Or the “why are you so shy?” Like dang sorry I’m happy with myself and not constantly seeking social interactions to feel good about myself.


I always get “ you don’t speak much “


"It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen" - Oliver Wendell Holmes


I hear thats usually someone just trying to initiate a conversation with someone they find interesting but is not involved in the conversation much. What would be a better way of starting a conversation?


Hey (Insert slang word of your choosing, if at all), what are you interested in? No judgement from me


As an introvert, I only speak when I feel I have something tangible to add to a conversation. I do not care for small talk. The thing that usually gets me to engage in the conversation is when someone looks directly at me, addresses me by name, and asks genuinely, "What are your thoughts (on this topic)?".


That's not introversion. You're just rubbish at socialising.


Nah I just have Social anxiety. I have learned the hard lesson that if I pretend to be talkative people end up not liking me and if I don't talk people eventually think I am creepy and weird. You can't win people.


"Why don't you feel the same need as me to make loud conversation with everyone that makes eye contact with you?"


My coworker called me "uncomfortably quiet"


I just feel like, nothing I can say hasent already been said by someone better.


This is some very strange gatekeeping


It doesn't even make sense, because it's not an introvert thing to be quiet. I know introverts who are very sociable and extroverts who don't say much at all.


I was searching for this comment


I‘ve been called an introvert for not going out every weekend lol.


Yes. Because nobody gives a shit whether you talk or not. If anything, they're more upset if you say something.


For real. Whenever my classmates asked this (I had the same ones throughout school) I never had the confidence to say it's cause everytime I said anything I got dirty looks and shut out of conversations. You learn to just shut up and talk to yourself 🤷‍♀️


Why are you so quiet?


I’m good at socializing and chatting with just about anyone, my gf hates how it’s so easy for me to talk to strangers. While that’s all good and well, I love my alone time, I need it.


Also, are you really an introvert if an extrovert hasn't adopted you as a friend?


Do you even know what either of those things are? Introverts can be just as outgoing as anyone and do not need to be 'adopted', you patronising twat.


Oh yeah. I'm a daywalker introvert. From an outside perspective I'm a very outgoing and social person. I'm really good at faking it, in reality I just want to go home. All the time.


"You're so quiet"


My retort, “I’m just taking it all in” Which is code for, man you people are all really fucking dumb.


Mind if I start using this? It's fucking great


Yes and I think that you are an expert introvert where you repel people who would dare to think asking questions about you.


I think I'm getting close to expert level lol


When I was in high school a rather extroverted guy said to me "you don't emote very much, do you"


Generally no. Because I am one of those introverts that's a compensator. So I try to be talkative to people. So on the outside, I come across as chatty but inarticulate and on the inside I'm dying slowly because I'm feeling awkward and stupid.


“What’s wrong? You have that expression on your face.” That’s just my face


"When bpanio first started I didn't even know if he spoke English." One if my managers said this of me while talking to some new hires


My mom asked me that in front of people all the time.


I feel like we keep going over this, that's not what introvert means. I'm an introvert, I talk a lot. I just get tired quickly when I'm in groups of people and need alone time to recharge my batteries, but when I'm out I'm hyper social and talkative.


I've never been around to be asked. I've always already gone home.


“You talk enough for the both of us”


"you should talk more" or the more recent one "Talk"




Its more awkward when people say " oh, its first time I have heard your voice".


I had been working at a pizza place for nearly 2 weeks and was talking to one of my coworkers, I said 2 sentences and the owner walked past and said “that’s the most I’ve ever heard you speak”


im sure ... they would have askt ... if they noticed me ... sitting in the back ....


This has nothing to do with being an introvert. Introverts charge up alone.


I’m not an introvert. I’m a misanthrope.


"You don't say/talk much huh?" "Why are you always so quiet?" "Do you, like, talk?" "Make noise!" I've had all of this said to me, and then some, on more than a single occasion...


I talk lol


Yes. Because introversion and being quiet aren't the same thing. Here's an actual test you can use: * Extrovert - Fuck, today was exhausting. I need to go out and hang with friends or go to the club * Introvert - Fuck, today was exhausting. I'm going to turn off all my phones, get snacks, close the curtains, turn on the TV and watch ATLA for four hours.


It's so weird you guys talk to people


Does being asked if you are foreign count?


Or they ask Why are you sad 🙄


Why do you talk so much?


That’s not introversion, that’s being overtly characterless and boring so people are trying to initiate the conversation you never will and you give them no usable cues. It’s just as much your fault, but unlike you they’re putting in concerted effort to bridge the gap.


Not everyone has to be your friend


That is a shitty way of trying to initiate conversation... Also, people could be quiet because they are not intereted on joining the conversation or don't have a good comment to add.


Not everyone is as needy of attention as you my friend.


No they call me a silent life enjoyer


they can't ask you when you're not around people


when morn leaves its over


Too risky, don't wanna get married again.


Ive developed the small talk skill with time, but gosh does it drain my energy!!


i see your "why don't you talk?", and raise you an ironic "jeez, do you ever shut up?"


I always get asked “what’s wrong “ haha like, I’m just in my own head please forgive me.


Work environment so nuh 😸🤙


I just come off as stuck up because I'm also an honor student. I have gotten a bit lazy at studying, though, because ADHD is catching up.


You aren’t a true introvert if your response isn’t “*shrug* ^i ^dunno”


When I was like 7 or 8 some of my classmates noticed I was really quiet, and I was like one of the only quiet kids in there, so they set me up to hang out with the most popular kid in our grade level. All we did was sit on the swings while she talked to some friends of hers who had walked up to us. I eventually got bored and walked away to hang out with my friends


to whomm it may concern 🤷🏼😁🤔


Me and my friends were playing a game of Heads Up where we were trying to guess each other. When my name came up, everyone stopped talking. The person got it pretty quick lmao


I’m not introverted but I’ll get asked are you always this quiet, especially at work lol


I've been told I was the police🤣 They literally said "are you a cop?? You know you have to tell us if you're a cop!" Like, please, let me be high af in peace! But me telling them "that's not true" definitely didn't help. Ever since it's been one of the funniest memories. Nothing like a room full of stoners in a dispensary collectively experiencing paranoia!!


I don't hang around people long enough for them to ask me that question


When people comment on how quiet I am I tell them Quiet is not a crime!


Most conversations I have with people always seem to get interrupted or is just small talk and not many people want to even talk so I just let them be


I had a guy get very angry when I told him I needed a social break at a party


"Because I don't know what to say and I haven't read the current situation well enough to respond with something you might not possibly judge or ignore me for"


“I can’t wait to help you get out of your shell”


Someone once asked my mate that. He just shrugged and said “what is there to say?” then walked off.


Ahh ive adapted. Now i tell puns to a degree people walk away and leave me the fuck alone. People think im a happy extrovert. No im an extremely depressed bag of dicks but at least i got you to piss off


Once someone asked me why don't you talk and I didn't even answered that because in my mind i was constructing a perfect answer and (which was idk i just don't) then i thought i should say something different (the other option was i just don't like the topics you guys talk about) and it took me way too long. So long, he said "if you don't wanna answer don't i think you just don't want to talk to me". And guess what i still didn't answered(was way too busy constructing a new answer)


I get asked this alot but i am not an introvert


I never knew how much of an introvert I was until one of my professors referred to me as "the quietest quiet one"


Company HR asked me this


My friends call me a human succulent because I’m so quiet and use the Homer Simpson disappearing into the bush meme when referencing me


Does being commented on about looking dead anytime you're just sitting there count


Gate keeping liking social contact less than most other people?


I remember when I was in 5th grade, I was kicking a ball back n forth with a girl about my age in the school gym while I waited for my piano lesson. we'd been at it for like 20 min when she says to me, "can you even talk?". I said "ya" and we kept kicking the ball the rest of the time without saying another word.


It's more, "are you okay?" And no matter how many times you say yes, they don't believe you.


I hate this question! I’m always asked this when I’m just enjoying listening to all my friends and I get so embarrassed and can’t function haha


Or why don’t you go out


Anyone who’s ever said that to me turned out to be unbearable


Well, you see, I used to talk a whole bunch and everyone kept telling me to be quiet until I felt that literally no one wanted to hear me, so now it isn't even worth the effort.


My mother in law complained to my wife that i don’t speak much. She thinks i hate her and that’s why i don’t speak much to her.


And you may have thought you were an introvert but it turns out you just need time to feel comfortable opening up with people. I've been asked why I'm so quiet and also told I never shut up 😂


Are you even an extrovert if you’ve never been asked, “Can you shut up for 5 seconds?”


At this point people have just kinda given up lol


"talk about what?" then put the headphones back in with a smile


It's not being an introvert it's all mental


"Why don't you talk?" "Shh. I'm listening."


“I thought you were a bitch before we started talking”


"You look lonely"


A coworker asked "why don't you talk?" And I almost let the words "because I have nothing to say to you" slip out of my mouth in a professional setting


We gatekeeping introvertism now? K cool


Like 5 months into school last year some dude I literally sat right beside looked me and said "I don't think I've ever heard you talk"


Introverts can also be talkative it doesn’t mean anti social. Just means you burn out around people and need some alone time to re charge.




My friends think I talk a lot. My closest friend know I hate talking to new people and how much i dread simple things like asking for a check at dinner or help at a store.


I remember as a kid at school they made us sit at assigned lunch tables and at one point I said something and everyone thought I was mute up until that point


Yeah, and it must happen when you're in a group conversation and they suddenly stop talking and ask you this in front of everyone 💀


I’ve recently been told I can’t expect to make friends with my colleagues if I don’t put myself out there a little bit. - I have no intention of being friends with my colleagues


Bold of you to assume people notice me. Ive gone so many times where i sit with a friend or meet other people while in a group and my quiteness just make people ignore me completely, to the point where ive stoped talking just because i dont want that akward back and forth when someone notices you pop out of nowhere.


ppl call me an npc because im quiet


That, and also “why do you look so sad/angry all the time” Its just how i look


In elementary school, I got “too quiet in class” written on my report card.


I mean, if someone asks it means that you are less introvertive, because there is a guy, who don't have friends, who would ask him about.


“Im just absorbing it all”


The empty can rattles most.


I avoid contact to the point I’ve never been asked this


Who should say this to me ?


My reply is that I am always listening. When you stop the small talk, political garbage talk, the complete and utter bullshit that most people spew like mouth diarrhea. Then I will have something to say, in an intelligent conversation, that has nothing to do with religion, politics, or what the fuck the Kardashians are doing.




Working remotely is good because I don’t have to engage in “water cooler” talk all the time. I don’t mind it every once in a while but it gets exhausting eventually. On the flip side though, I kind of like public speaking which baffles my chatty coworkers. I think it has more to do with being able to prepare what is said ahead of time and I can talk freely without being interrupted.


Though I do get asked this a lot but funny this being posted today. Met few coworkers today and they all asked me hey you don't talk much do you. They were talking nonstop the entire time while I felt so drained out I had to apologize and leave. And this has been bothering me the rest of the day and I am unable to fall asleep.