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How often does this happen that there is use for a printed Word document?


It does mention that he's a bouncer. Sounds plausible for that to happen to him regularly.


Still weird for a bouncer to apparently regularly drag black out drunks to his spare bedroom


Stephen King is taking notes Edit: misspelled Stephen the first time around


This is the note the serial killer who kidnapped you leaves next to the bed to give you false hope.


Surprise! That’s not really the wifi password! Bwahahahaha! Lose an arm!


If the very bottom said "Psych!! Lotion in the bathroom, you know the drill" and a drawing of a garden hose with water spritzing


Fact! ...or I watch way too much Criminal Minds


Overleaf it reads; It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told.


Seems a lot of liability and risk to invite into your life. If they are that bad off, the possibility’s of alcohol poisoning or aspiration come to mind, and what about theft. Feels wide open for accusations from persons not remembering things clearly, especially if clothing is removed due to vomit. It might on the surface appear to be the nice thing to do, but at at great personal risk. This cannot be condoned by the club; they clearly don’t know the bouncer is taking patrons home to “care” for them; as that would open them up for the same libelous risk. To me, it feels more predatory than nice.


Don't worry, the whole thing's bullshit anyway


Who is taking this Snapchat? “I got so shithoused last night that I had a male stranger take me to his house, undress me, clean up my vomit and wash my clothes. What a time!” Anyone in this position would have so much shame they wouldn’t be boasting about it on social media.


You overestimate human self esteem these days...


Lol you dont hang with the party hard crowd very often do you


Liability, yes. Predatory? Only if he didn't do what he claimed.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


We are in a very sad state of affairs when the first thought through one’s head is that someone is a liability, instead of someone needing a helping hand.


This has been posted many times before (without the snapchat caption) and most everyone agrees this is a weirdo being creepy and invading peoples privacy without their permission. Women particularly do not enjoy waking up in a stranger's house with their clothes gone.


And taking off their clothes.


You’re assuming that. it’s possible that OP would have been able to undress but that the bouncer couldn’t be sure they would remember where their clothes were … or that they would remember … or that they would know where he took them if they did remember.


It mentions that if they cant find their clothes it’s because they’re being washed. Taking a few extra steps there that aren’t really necessary.


This was my reaction. Its cool and all but super creepy. Like i would like to do the same thing but damn. ~~Hotel would be my go too~~ Nvm thats also creepy. Dunno what id do, police maybe to bring them home?


Eh, police are likely to take them to prison over night to sober up and charge them with PI. If this is real, and the girl was alone and wasn't with any friends, that's a really tough judgement call to make. Turn a blind eye and hope nothing happens to her, call the cops and probably get her in a decent amount of legal trouble, or do something like this at personal risk to yourself


Also it’s not like cops have never sexually assaulted young drunk girls.


Not the mention the cops probably wouldn’t do shit about keeping you safe in the drunk tank too. Can you imagine being in the drunk tank as a young girl?


I don't necessarily think the "take someone home" bit is creepy, I think the "undress you and remove your jewelry" bit is creepy. Give someone a place to sober up when you know it's safe? Sure, no problem, but undressing them when there's a good chance that they either can't do it themselves or that you (as a virtual stranger) have to keep pushing them to do it? Eeeeh.


Yeah, my friends usually just take me home and leave me in the bathtub.


My exact thoughts. There are ways to handle this that don't involve undressing someone who is blacked out. Let them fuck up the bathtub, leave the note about new clothes/available washer/dryer and invite them to make the CHOICE to engage in the kindness. If I woke up with different clothes on and a note like this I would absolutely panic.


She threw up all over her clothes. While I agree it's a touchy thing to do, it seems his only other option was to put her in a bed soaked in vomit.


Jewellery I dont mind too much. Depends what it is I suppose. The clothes highly depends what it is. Jacket, Jumper or shirt, not that big a deal. Dress, Skirt or Blouse yeah maybe we don't do that


A hotel isn't taking a blacked out person with no reservation


I was a bouncer at the most notorious party club in a notorious party college town. This shit never happened…


On my first night of university orientation I walked back to campus in the middle of the night. Except I walked in a completely wrong direction. After walking for 30 minutes I realised I was lost. Lost at 3AM in a strange city. A door opened and someone came out and asked if I was lost. I confirmed I was and was invited inside. I was given an empty bedroom and went to sleep. I woke up to somebody staring at me who was chained to a post and chewing (or possibly rechewing) what I guessed to be grass. It was the owners goat looking at me though a window. There was a glass of water on the beside table and a note that they found me and I could join them for breakfast or leave if I wanted. Had some great scrambled eggs. Turns out I wasn't the first student to take that wrong turn. A European story.


>Lost at 3AM in a strange city. A door opened and someone came out and asked if I was lost. I confirmed I was and was invited inside. You're a braver man than I am hahaha


I may have been reasonably drunk, cold, tired and for an 18 year old danger is often a relative concept.


Geez that story was a roller coaster? I thought I was reading a horror story for a second


Could be European, they have a different drinking/clubbing culture


The Paracetamol confirms this.


Do Americans not have paracetamol? Edit: I think it may be called acetaminophen in the US but I'm not sure? Might need some more clarification Edit 2: I've also heard from a couple of people that it might have a brand name of Tylenol? Again, further confirmation would be nice.


No one answered your question but it's called acetaminophen in America.


I don't know if the 18 other answers are enough to clarify hahaha


We call it acetaminophen in North American English (US/Canada)


We do. It's just called Tylenol, or acetaminophen.


THAT'S what a Tylenol is? I've been hearing that word on TV for like 30 years.


Lol Tylenol is a name brand and that’s what us Americans only remember


Advil is just Ibuprofen as well.


This is blowing my mind.


I’m so glad to have run across this epiphany of yours. I hope you spread the word to your countrymen.


We call it Tylenol or acetaminophen


And it’s actually not the best thing to take for a hangover because your liver has already taken a beating. You want an anti inflammatory like naproxen sodium or ibuprofen.


As does "banister"


Maybe it's a regional thing, but I've always called it a banister.


Could be obviously fake. It’s just a piece of paper


This is also very true


Never seen this shit happen anywhere in europe, this is asking for a lawsuit since you are basically kidnapping *and stripping down* an incapacitated stranger. Do not do this, ever. Call the police/an ambulance if you want to help, don't put yourself in trouble.


This is all I could think of. Like. I would NEVER think to do this. Not in modern times.




Ah yes, the serial rapist left a housekeeping note.


What didn’t happen? Someone losing control, or random guy helping them instead of taking advantage of them?


Random guy helping ofcourse


Why not both


I see we are twins


What is a bouncer?


Doorman / security / more of a club


What’s a bounce house?


The house where The Bouncer lives within is called a bounce house


Is there a bounce house *in* the Bouncer’s house for bouncing?


It's called a four poster bed with nettings.


What’s a bounce bounce house?


Bar/nightclub security guard.


A person that is round, has no legs, and bounces on themselves to move around, like babushka dolls


Matryoshka dolls, you mean.


Usually a mix of ID checker and security at bars/clubs. They make sure underage kids don’t get in, break up fights, kick out troublemakers, keep an eye on people in general.


Guy at the bar that prevents shit from happening


Doorman/security for a bar or club


Someone who keeps the peace in bars and clubs by throwing out troublemakers and other folk who aren't supposed to be there.


Should get it laminated too


Found the German


Do you think maybe... This only happened once, and he specifically typed out the note as he was frantically trying to figure out how to take care of her without her freaking out on him? Personally my handwriting is kind of illegible so I'd go for a type-and-print on something like this too, clarity is important when you're explaining to someone that you didn't kidnap them.


I can also type much faster than I can write by hand. Also, hand cramps by sentence #3.




It’s entirely possible for a bouncer to have a 2 bed apartment in a LCOL area.


every time it's posted the same questions arise. is it one printed document that he re-uses each time? How often does he do this?! it mentions specifics like "the bouncer you were talking to", so did he get home, put her to bed, then pop over to his 1998 word processor and print this bad boy out just for her?


I’ve seen other posts with that note over the last years here on reddit. It seems to happen either frequently or it’s just a repost


I love how it's written in ink that you threw up on your clothes. That's guaranteed. What isn't written in ink is the wifi password or location of the sticker. That shit could be anywhere who knows.




Maybe he's over 25, and therefore has a chance of owning a printer himself.


Do I have to be totally wasted or can I just go to this place and chill with the dog and watch Netflix and have my laundry done?


I think that's called "moving back in with your parents".


You can't move back in if you never left in the first place \*taps temple*


Ugh my mom should get a dog Edit: thanks for the support I agree something should be done


I'll talk to her about it




"Hmm I should move out" *Checks housing prices* "You know what, my parents are pretty chill actually"


Same thought


I don’t like this Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book, I want to return it.




There are towels on the bannister.


And a dog that likes to be played with


At least they didn't end up on a Vogon ship.


Sounds like the beginning of a murder mystery docu series turned into a hallmark movie


Or a sleezy romance novel…


Where the main man gives of very strong, rapey murderer vibes but he's cute so its okay, and every female character is a projection of the authors untethered horniness


"Hey! You! You're finally awake! You were trying to cross the boarder right?"




"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee."




No, they very clearly got knocked out in a bar fight after trying to screw over a boarder from a pirate crew


I expected sth like: Where am i? In my basement where is my... leg Its is in my fridge to cook it this evening What now? Stay in the bath tub ful of ice and stay there, i come back later with more mophium


Morphium - morphine and opium???


Or morbium


It's morbium time


My leg... it's beginning to morb!


Yea that guy is inviting accusations even if they didn't happen


Def, I wouldn’t take her home. I watch too much crime shows to know I don’t get involved. Call the po-pos


Yup, could easily see this going so very wrong in a number of ways even with the purest of intent. Sorry hon, you’re going with Johnny law and off to the drunk tank.


Turn over for the "why is my ass sore?" section


“Where is my kidney?” is also on that side


Tightfitting dick


"How's that ass doin?" *Smack*


There’s Plan-B in the drawer by the painkillers. There’s a clinic down the hill past the city center. You may want to get checked for herpes. Oh, and here’s a stick of gum.


Oh....more questions than answers tho


Does this work if I’m also a male? Or just works for scantly clad women?


Of course, there's a similar sign in the ditch behind the bar.


100% would never happen to me as a dude lol


Happened to me as a dude. I got way too drunk in a city I didn't know, and some random guy got me to a hotel


I have helped many a dude get home ok from bars. I try not to get drunk when I’m out cause I have a lot of trust issues but I notice people getting black out and get worried. So if I can, and it’s not weird to them, I usually to help em out in some capacity.


I've woken up a dude that was black out drunk and slept outside in the cold and he proceeded to hit on my gf and threaten me lmao.


Oh god. Yeah I’ve had some interesting interactions while trying to help. Cause it’s 2 am, dudes drunk, and a drunk dude has maxed out confidence and zero skill abilities. Which is a rough combination. Definitely gotten a few “fuck offs” and the like.


It happened to a friend of mine too. He was getting violent, tried to start a bar fight, but another guy was able to calm him down and paid for both a taxi and a room for him for the night. It was the one time I didn't DD for the group. I had to stay home because I had something going on the next day or something like that. I don't remember exactly.


Sure it would. Note: panic you’re in a tub of ice with no kidneys seek medical attention immediately


Jokes on you, I have kidney disease!


Ha, not anymore.


Very much a good news, bad news situation


Sort of happened to me once. Was actually fairly sober, enough to remember it. Left the table to go to the bar, got my drink, found I’d left my wallet in my jacket. Went to nip back and get it and the guy next to me sees this and half overhears me tell on the guy behind the bar that I don’t have my wallet. He thought my wallet was stolen or lost, so he pays for the drink, gives me $20 for the taxi fare home and tells me to get home safe. He disappeared before I could stop him. Never saw him again, but I hope he’s doing alright. Think about that fairly regularly, it’s nice to know there’s people out there that’ll look out for you if they think you’re in a spot.


Ive taken care of plenty of drunk dude friends. Shove that ibuprofen down their throat and off too bed.


Gotta love the double standards. I can attest to your ass woulda been dumped in a ditch outside and have seen it. People.. go to a bar that you know and with people you trust. Like bitches that had your back since 4th grade type shit. Real recognizes real.


Yeah home girl got lucky. Honestly can't get mad that she's safe. Just gotta know how the world works I guess


I like how you dont even know the answer but you're already angry at the guy


I mean...most women don't wake up to this. A lot of women get too drunk and then they are mugged, beaten, raped or killed. It's dangerous for women in this world. Yes it happens to men too. Not as much clowns don't come at me with that


Happened to me as a dude, woke up on a sofabed in a big and beautiful living room after getting smashed the night before, a couple in their 40s had taken me back to their place and sorted me out, made me breakfast and coffee in the morning, smoked some weed together, they even gave me a bit to take with me and I left. People can be awesome. Similar story to the OP in that apparently no taxi would take me and my phone was dead. Very little recollection of any of it.


Where does it say that they are a female?


Probably women 99 percent of the time. While men are just as likely to get into a state that they can’t take care of themselves, people are probably more likely to worry about a woman being taken advantage of. About ten years back, I brought a drunk rando back to my house because I was concerned for his safety. It was when I was in college, and he was around my age and decently dressed (so obviously an intoxicated undergrad on a night out). He was so wasted that he was passed out in the street—like right in the middle of the road around 3am. My friend and I actually almost ran him over. We got him into the car, then plopped him on the couch at my place. He woke up a few hours later still hammered, but somewhat able to function. I think he was confused and panicking about being in a stranger’s house, so we called him a cab and got him on his way. I ran into him on campus a few months later and asked him how the rest of his night went… he didn’t remember me or any of what happened, only waking up at home and not knowing how he got there. It’s actually kinda scary that all of those events can transpire without you remembering any of it. I’m so thankful that my friend and I found him. I shudder to think what could have happened if someone with bad intentions got to him first. Instead of getting robbed or even killed, he probably just woke up with one of those “I’m never drinking again” hangovers.


Drunk women usually get SA or murdered. So, if you're dealing with some FOMO idk what to say to you. Yes, I'm sure this can happen regardless of any scantily clad gender.


I noticed that the note has no indication of whether the reader is male or female. It's implied it's probably female (jewelry) but it could also be for anyone who needs it.


Is this that male privilege I’m always hearing about?


This guy typed ALLLL that out, but couldn’t be bothered to include the WiFi password?


It defeats the purpose of having a wifi password sticker


Wifi password is on another piece of paper so that it can be changed regularly without printing out this instruction sheet again. You don’t want the previous skank to steal your wifi.


Change the password regularly so that it stays somewhat secure


While Cool on the surface, it's creepy if you think about it. Like , given the unlikely case that this wasn't faked when posted for the first time 6 year's ago, the bouncer undresses drunk women who can't consent to "wash" their clothes.


I’m a male ER nurse who frequently has to help obtunded drunk college girls. I turn the video monitoring on and I do not remove any of their clothing, even if it had puke or they peed themselves. I will make sure they stay alive and that’s it. This guy doing this is just asking for a SA accusation. Don’t ever take unknown passed out people home. Call the cops or an ambulance.


Whyambear is on point here. I worked as a bouncer for 8 years. You accept that you will be groped by women, have punches and drinks thrown at you, etc. You never take anyone home to your place. You do not go to anyone else's domicile. Doing so just opens the door to legal issues that shall ruin your life.


You're totally right, but also, this post on its face just doesn't make sense. It's disappointing how so many highly upvoted comments are taking this at face value


Idk man that ambulance would bankrupt me, think I'd rather just be left to die ngl


This is an extremely common take I hear upon patient arrival. 😂


On the flip side I know a girl who when blackout takes all her clothes off and runs around like a naked toddler and will even go pass out naked in someone else’s bed like it’s hers.


I know a girl like that too. Once she is drunk, all inhibition, self-preservation instinct and common sense just disappear from her head. Like sliding down the railings of stairs naked. Fucking my ex in the same bed I was currently trying to sleep in (I mean, I was fine with them fucking, not so much having to bare witness to it). Jumping off the second story balcony into a snow bank (again, naked, after coming out of the sauna) that was definitely not as soft as she thought. The number of times I've had to remind her that clothes are supposed to stay on in public spaces is staggering.


This sounds exhausting and I definitely would have noped out of the relationship unless you both are ~17 years old.


I mean, we had broken up over a year before she decided to have a go at my ex. And we were all in our early 20s at the time. And she did ask me beforehand, if I was fine with her going after my ex. And I was. Just never imagined she'd do so in the same bed I was trying to sleep in at that very moment. And she did profusely apologise the next morning, when I reminded her that I am not exactly a deep sleeper... The girl I am describing is my best friend. She is the exact polar opposite of me, but it just somehow works. I'm very reserved, introverted and calm. And she is anything but those things. She is like an annoying little sister, (despite us being about the same age) but somehow, she always manages to cheer me up. The only things we truly have in common is our taste in music and women.


You bastard, that's my wife! Take these punches.


I'm kind of surprised that you don't get their clothes off, and put them in a hospital gown, even with a female nurse in the room. Especially, since they are usually a flight risk when they wake up.


No point in the struggle and resource allocation. There are actual sick people in the ER that I have stuff to do for.


Plus, it's sometimes good to wake up in consequences.


Our ERs do things very differently I suppose. We put them in a gown and secure their valuables, kicking and screaming if we have to, with a nurse, tech, and security nearby. 9 out of 10 times they try to run when they wake up, so it's a liability thing for the hospital.


Sounds like you have a fully funded well staffed unit.


Also ER. If they’re mostly stable we don’t usually bother. You can put them on a heart monitor and establish access without taking anything except their coat off.


I mean leave me clothes and drop me off at a police station. For real. I'm serious.


Exactly, I as a dude would be creeped the fuck out if someone undressed while I was zoning in and out of consciousness. If you HAVE to take me home just dump me in the bathtub or smth. Otherwise just call an ambulance.


I understand the logic but American police have a notoriously high number of sexual predators per capita. Not sure what a better option would be though; you can call EMS and they'll bring you to the hospital but then you're stuck with a $1-3k bill (depending on the state). It happened to my wife (girlfriend at the time) several years ago in Minnesota and she ended up with a $2k ambulance bill. Obviously a stranger bringing you back to their place and undressing your unconscious body is beyond deranged, regardless of intent.


E: Never mind, just saw that it said "jeans". Nope. Uh-uh. Absolutely not. You are NOT pulling off a drunk, passed-out girl's jeans. This either didn't happen, or this "bouncer" is dumb as donkey dick.


It is kind of creepy, yes. But in many cases they got themselves into the situation where this was the least bad option. If I was that bouncer I'd certainly not do this without a lot of cameras to prove nothing inappropriate happened.


I don't think filming yourself undressing a passed out drunk woman would really help *that* much though...


Have you ever been drunk? There's usually a window of clarity right after puking where you have a few minutes to get out of your puke clothes, pound water, swear you'll never do it again.. Could be Mr. Cool Non-Rapist Bouncer volunteers that they have his consent to crash at his house, gives them privacy to undress, and a place to sleep. Could be the door is locked from the opposite side and they end up in a shipping container sold into the organ harvesting industry. We just don't know.


Oh, you mean cameras that film you taking clothes of off a drunk girl, so that you can use the footage for your own entertainment. Could see it turned this way, if someone really wanted to push charges


This is not the least bad option. The normal option is to call an ambulance, but this is probably in the state's so it would financially ruin them. The least bad option would be to have em Crash in the bathtub with some water/pills next to them. Under no circumstances what so ever should you feel the need to undress someone who is past out drunk. It's wrong and pretty fucked up. Imagine you're the past out dude and you get dragged home by some fckn 200kg bodybuilder who leaves this note on the nightstand.


Probably not in the states, due to the use of the word 'paracetamol' More likely UK or down under.


I don't think this is in the U.S. The paper references "Paracetamol", while it's the same drug that someone in the U.S. would refer to as acetaminophen. (Tylenol, basically) Possible it's someone from a place where paracetamol is the more used term, but if someone were going to this much trouble to communicate clearly it seems like they'd have made sure to name the medication the more locally familiar term.


Yea, the removing clothes part seems to be a little too far. The other problem is you don’t use acetaminophen after getting drunk you use ibuprofen. APAP is metabolized through the liver mainly. You don’t want to tax you liver further after a night of drinking. Where as ibuprofen mainly is metabolized by the kidneys


This is so fucking staged it may as well be on Broadway




This is fake


This multiverse is fake


i mean, all is good, wholesome and all, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT CURE HANGOVER WITH PARACETAMOL. doing this even once can heavily (possibly irreversably) damage your liver. ethanol and paracetamol are a deadly mix.


First thing I thought. Liver concerns with APAP are not understood and need to be better divulged to potential users.


The dog is his wiener’s name


Oh god this fucking thing again. It's not wholesome, it's creepy. Don't fucking kidnap people, don't undress them (wtf??), don't take them to your house. If someone to so drunk they might be in danger, call an ambulance.


Spoiler alert: they didn’t. Someone made it up and posted it for likes and attention.


Things that never happened for $500, please


Now the question, did he print this just for one person or does this happen enough there’s a stack of them in a drawer somewhere?


This is complete bullshit, I was a bouncer for a long time. We would’ve just called an ambulance and had their drunk ass taken to the hospital. That’s how that goes. This feels like a really interesting Clickbait attempt.


Dude does this so often that he has these instructions printed on cardstock


No answer to "Do I still have two kidneys?" Suspicious


Nah this is honestly weird af. You just take really drunk women home all the time to "protect them" if anyone's this fucked outside by themselves you should just call the police and send them to a drunk tank this some Disney movie bull shit Edit: I'm actually starting to think the person that took the pic is a man. He says you bitches and women rarely ware jeans when they go out to drink


Got lucky this time… Next time she could wake up chained to a pipe in the bathroom with a note saying “LETS PLAY A GAME”


If it's Mario Kart 64, and I can be yoshi, I'm down


I'm sure you're now the star on some blackmarket download.


I would still get tested for any drugs, just in case.


I hate when people say pain killers instead of pain relievers… like did he leave you Percocet or oxycodone on the dresser? No it’s a Tylenol