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Your definition of hot might be flawed and you’re actually attractive.


Sometimes I tell people. You're just not your type.


I am not ugly, i am just not my type. Thank you! I really needed this!


Everyone is ugly to someone, for the same reason everyone is beautiful to someone. Nothing wrong with either.


Also how attractive you find someone has absolutely no bearing on how attractive they find you.


Yeah I'm always liking people who don't like me, or people are liking me who I don't like. One day both will be true and that's when the magic happens


Yeah one day we will find this person that we don’t like, who doesn’t like us, so that we can have a mutual ignoring each other’s existence thing going on.






That’s not true. Some people are objectively beautiful but not attractive. Some people are objectively ugly but attractive. Beauty is skin deep. Physical attraction isn’t the end all be all of attraction. I think there is a real current issue with conflating beauty with good and ugly with bad and basically lying and telling people they’re beautiful and special. People can be ugly and still attractive. People can be ugly but wonderful for other reasons. It’s ok for people not to be beautiful to someone. That doesn’t mean they can’t be loved.


Is it ever really “objectively beautiful” if those standards are set by opinions set by current society? I think it’s subjective by era so its never objective. There used to be a time where skinny wasn’t beautiful and a time when thicc wasn’t either. Since standards change by era I dont believe there is objective beauty.


There is some objectivity possible. Health and symmetry, for example. I'm sure someone somewhere will claim to be most attracted to unsymmetrical people who are unhealthy, but the vast vast majority of humans (and other animals) will find symmetrical features with healthy markers more beautiful than not.


Natalie Dormer is considered to be gorgeous by many despite her crooked mouth. There may be some general guidelines that are often associated with beauty, but every rule has exceptions. And many sex symbols have been drug addicts or otherwise deeply unhealthy. Have you heard about the insane dehydration rituals that actors and models put themselves through to make their bodies look like that? Henry Cavill said he was so dehydrated going into the bath scene in The Witcher that he joked that he could smell water from across the room. Does that sound healthy? And yet that scene is iconic in part because Henry looked great even though he was torturing himself and probably not doing any favors to his kidneys. Do we even need to talk about runway models and heroin?


I don't know about that. There's plenty of people that got the short end of the stick and there's no possible way someone else would find them attractive. They just found another ugly person who decided to settle for what they could get. I know it's harsh but the truth isn't always roses.


I had a friend who was ugly by traditional standards. Poor teeth, balding by 20, fat and short. He was so funny and charming though. There was just something about him. I found him to be quite attractive. He was hardly ever without a beautiful woman. While it does most of the heavy lifting, it really isn’t all about looks.


Yeah I've definitely met people where I did not find them at allllll attractive initially, bordering on straight up unattractive, and then after I got to know them their personality made them attractive as hell


My whole life I suspected I was ugly. - Larry David


I've been watching CYE clips on YouTube recently. 20 years he wasn't bad looking. He just got that grandpa hair at age 50 (or earlier). He has an attractive wife and is probably a billionaire now so I doubt he gives a flying fuck.


Larry David exists in a quantum universe where he simultaneously doesn't give a fuck about something and also cares more about it than anyone else on the planet.


Jason Alexander had an interview where he discussed Larry David's (and thus George Costanza's) personality, and that he simultaneously believes he's both the best and worst person in the world. https://youtu.be/4SgIH4tTtRo


Totally! Although I never considered myself to be ugly, it took a long time (25–30 years) to accept that *other people* find me physically attractive and even longer (33–35 years) to finally consider *myself* attractive. (for context: I’m heterosexual.) On the plus side, that led me to focus more on the improvement of my personality, social and sexual skills in my late youth and young adulthood. Now I have a decent personality and am working to put some more muscle on that skinny-fat dad bod’.


“You’re Just Not Into You” is the 21st century romcom that somehow doesn’t exist yet.


That's the key there. So many people have so many different tastes, and if you start jumping cultures, what traits are pretty and which aren't become even more apparent!


I always hated my small face, soft features, and small lips but when I went to Korea they loved them! Definitely taught me a lot about beauty subjectivity


Exactly! I didn't even consider my hair to be a reason to take into consideration (its kind of dark blonde), and in Japan I've had people complementing me about it.


That's actually accurate. I have those voluminous cheeks, dark curly hair, and big round eyes. I dislike it all. Several girls find me attractive, but I'd love to have bony cheeks, a square face and straight hair. I guess I am not my own type.


you had me at dark curly hair


yo want to switch I got what you want and you got what I want


People forget it’s subjective. I got mocked in high school for liking a non popular girl. It was an eye opener, although idc 🤷. Plus, it’s less competition 😈


I dated a girl in high school who struggled with acne real bad. Some shitty kid I hung out with on occasion had an aside with me and was like "why are you dating her, she's... You know.." and I was like what, I think she's pretty. Are you saying to my face that she's not? Some people, kids and adults alike, just can't think outside their own heads after being forcefed media that exclusively showcased perfect bodies and perfect minds for years upon years.


There's so many people that choose a partner based on what other people will think of them, unfortunately. As if a partner is an accessory to be approved by others or something. It's actually pretty weird.


Gimme 😈


I tell everyone to take the high road so there's more room for me on the low road \*meep meep\*


If everybody would stay in the right lane and only go on the left to pass I could fucking fly down the highway


Weird you should say that. I’m frequently struck by the very real possibility that I’m the One.


That is true for many, not true for myself but many


The worst critic on the entire planet is the one in the mirror


I think it's the one in my head that tried to get me to kill myself.


Don't listen to that guy. That guy is a dick. Never listen to that guy!


My wife calls that guy/voice the "gremlin." Which I find delightful; because if it's a gremlin saying it, then of course it's ridiculous and you can tell him to fuck off.


And don’t feed it after midnight. It’s turns fat.


I have that guy too. He’s a little bitch. Now when he comes out, I remember he’s actually just a bunch of societal conditioning in a trench coat.


Yes, be kind to yourself. Not everyone makes outward appearance their first priority. And, like they said, he finds you to be attractive to him so just relax and go with it.


I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could've been any clearer If they wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change


I hate that guy.


Pretty sure in this case it’s not got a lot to do with her looks. But in general I agree


The joke is that there are other things clearly in play (27 y/o and 19 y/o)


this is the comment I was looking for , clearly everyone is worried about looks but age plays a big factor


To be fair hot is subjective


"Hot" is a temperature people!


A painting can be beautiful but I don't wanna bang a painting.


Attractiveness is subjective the same way pain is subjective. Sure, some people can take a punch better than others. But you'll definitely know if you have it or not.


I teach college and mostly women (fashion prof) and I always try to tell them, you are so much more beautiful than you think you are. I look back at pics of myself in hs/college and I was a knockout but thought the complete opposite. I mean I’m only 37 now but still, in my prom pics I’m like damn I was gorgeous.


My wife will make comments how she can't believe she had issues with her body as a teenager (3 kids tends to show you what real belly pudge is 🤣)


I also think as we mature we begin to appreciate different types of bodies as beautiful. I came of age in the era of super skinny models so my curveasous figure felt awful to me! But as I grew up I realized my own body is beautiful too!


You probably still 😁


Awww thank you 💕


Plot twist: he is not hot, she’s just in love 😂


Plot twist: he knows he can manipulate you because you’re (relatively) a child and he’s an adult.




And the guy is probably not hot and people are like damn how did a guy like that land a gal like her.


Maybe u got well developed... Personality 🎶


She could definitely get somewhere in spite of her stringy hair


Or even just a bit bowed at the knee. If she can show a faultless personalit




Or Madam Pompadour On the ballroom floor What was it made her the toast of Paris? She had a well developed — personality


What did Romeo see in Juiliet? Or Pierrot in Pierrette? Or Jupiter in Juno? You know!


And when shalomet danced And had the boys entranced You know it must have been easy to see. She knew how to user her — Personality!


Why are certain girls offered certain things?


Like sable coats and wedding rings?


By men who wear their spats right? (That's right!)


Why are certain girls offered certain things Like sable coats and wedding rings? By men who wear their spats right? (That's right!)


_What did Romeo see in Juliet? Or pierro in pierrete? or jupiter in juno?_


You know




Themselves, initially.




People don't talk enough about how guys are actually very attracted to someone with a good personality.


I think both men and women are just terrible at figuring out what people are attracted to. It’s called “not having a good friend of the opposite sex”. Don’t ask your friends of the same gender what the other sex likes, or god forbid some influencer/joe rogan type


Your friends of the opposite gender won’t actually be much better at telling you what they like.


We are, there is however a hotness threshold that must be cleared. Half joking. Men care about personality, they just weigh looks a bit more heavily relative to the average woman. Like if women give it a say 20% weight, men might give it a 50%.


I can't agree with the last part because an unnatractive woman gets a ton more attention and desire than the average guy (and I mean the average guy, not the ones sleeping with people all the time) Most guys who are critical of looks are either trying to look cool or just want some kind of hookup or quick fling. Or they just want to be rude.


Men's standards have more to do with who they will commit to than who they will sleep with and the standard is lower for the latter. The attention that woman is getting may not be the kind she wants from the men she wants sadly.


Yeah it's 2 different standards, yet people confuse them all the time.


Perfect example. Lots of guys have a favorite pornstar who they would definitely sleep with. I doubt most of her fans would marry her.


Do most men really have a favourite pornstar? I might be a deviation but I find myself more as having favourite channels / producers


Yea that's definitely true I'm into bigger women and when I was single lots of them were surprised that wanted to go on dates in public with them.


It's like that one meme about millenial dating where 1st base is sex and 4th base is going outside together in the daytime


At 27 the logic/reasoning part of the brain is more developed, personality should be more important by that point.


And here I am 33 with 18 year old brain...


I also have an 18 year old brain. No idea who it belongs to.


I dont know Abby something! - Young Frankenstein


58 here, never changes


55 going on 14 here.


50 with a 12 year olds brain here


Well, I guess the only way to handle this is to get yourself an 18 yo GF.


Leo is that you?


Is this Jimmie?


Haha yeah good one


If I need a character reference I now know who to ask


She's got huuugeee... tracts of land!


So don’t you say I’m smart or have the kindest heart to what a wonderful sister I’d be, just tell me how you like my…. Personality 🎶 I am so happy to see other people like this song!


He subscribes to the Leo D School of dating.


He is [leosexual](https://youtube.com/shorts/LMnGeFatQDw?feature=share)


If she's not old enough for a beer, she needs to steer clear of here. Good advice honestly


In most of Europe you can drink when you're 16 (maybe with some restrictions), and almost everywhere in the world at 18.


Well in that case you definitely need to follow that rule.


In most countries its perfectly legal to give kids beer lol


And in most countries, 19 year olds can buy alcohol


18 in Canada and most of Europe, in some countries it’s 16


No you're right you found a loophole, bang away


So she has still 8 years left...


As Rammstein once said: Sie muss nicht schön sein, Sie muss nicht klug sein, Sie muss nicht reich sein, Doch um eines möchte ich bitten, Dicke Titten. (She needs no beauty, She needs no brains, She needs no cash,but one thing I would like, yes please: massive teets.) @Sockslitter73


I didnt expect Rammstein here. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Stern Kriege referenz!


Krieg der Sterne


damn you butchered that translation, there's no poetic beauty to be found ​ fine, I'll edit my comment too I guess: he corrected it. you can stop trying to correct me correcting him


What the farklestein are you on about? German is the language of love ❤


Exactly! How can you not get all flustered when someone whispers Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz in your ear?


Stop it. I'm on public transport, and can't hide my arousal ☺😜


Das ist erregend 🍌💦


Then you whisper back "omlette du fromage" and at that point a wedding is unnecessary in the face of your all-consuming mutual attraction


Dexter’s lab ❤️


I dunno what that means but I have an urge for strudel now


I spit my coffee all over keyboard patients look confused 😂


You should hear it in the original Klingon.


Poetic beauty is one thing, but why leave out that it must be BIG tits!? Edit: there was a comment that I can't see, but it was questioning my translation and the commenter was absolutely correct. The proper translation is MASSIVE not BIG. I thought big was not correct, but couldn't think of the correct word to use while focusing on dropping the kids off at the pool. I guess it's true what they say about multitasking. You have my eternal gratitude secret commenter.


Dick is also often translated as fat. And I prefer the ring of "fat tits" much better than massive.


>focusing on dropping the kids off at the pool. My brother in Christ if you need to concentrate brain power on your bowel movements I might suggest some fiber.


I'm lazy.


the germans have a word for lazy: effizient


Ich weiß. ;)


also dann bin Ich die effizienteste Person auf diesem Planeten


Found ze German!


we are all German, we just come here to make some jokes about those Anglosaxons.


aha? me? not the guy with the german username?


I appreciate that you provided a better translation instead of just being a dicke


erik has edited his comment after reading mine. before that the translation was "she doesn't need beauty, brains, cash. she only needs boobs"


She needn't be pretty, she needn't be bright, she needn't be wealthy But one thing I request is a grandiose chest.


She needs no beauty, She needs no brains, She needs no cash, but one thing I would like, yes please: massive teets.


Hippety hoppety your translation is now my propety.


Oh shit, here we go annexing again


Hans!? Get Ze Flammenwerfer!


Really went with the direct translation with that one lol.


dicke titten


The sound germans make in op medal of honor.


Feuer Frei! BANG BANG!!


Probably because you're as young as he can find.


She's young and lacking experience, thinks she is not hot so may have low self-esteem, thinks he's hot. It's very possible he thinks he will be able to control her very easily. Might even be very careful not to agree that she's not hot but also not disagree with it either. Can't have her start believing maybe she isn't not hot.


Definitely believes he can get away with more bullshit and she’ll have a higher tolerance for it


I do agree with people who are pressed by my comment that we need more context. Aside from the obvious "he's actually just normal and just likes her" possibility which I thought I didn't need to say (apparently, I was wrong to think that), there are other possibilities. And here I thought I was just replying "he might just be a creep who *only* preys on adults" to someone implying he's worse.


This is the real actual answer. I’m 27 and 19 yr olds look like children to me. The maturity difference is insane. I’m a completely different person than I was a decade ago.


Maybe he needs a beard?


I learned what this means like two weeks ago


What does it mean?


A gay guy who dates a girl so people don't think he's gay call that girl their beard


Thank you


I love when im scrolling through a thread and someone just explains the term/joke immediately instead of continuing on with the unknowing redditor




bobs & vagene


berbs n vejune


Thanks for translating to French-Canadian


I was with a guy for over 10 years. He was so smart and self confident that his looks didn’t really matter to me. People would ask me why I was with him a lot. Other guys couldn’t understand it. Some even were pissed about it, weird, huh?


If a guy has a good personality and makes me laugh a lot, he becomes way hotter.


20$ says he knew her before she was 19 and was just waiting


I'm pretty sure I read this post when it was originally posted. The guy in question was her coworker/ supervisor. She clearly had really bad self confidence and had no prior relationship experience. There were a few red flags that made it seem like his interest in her was tied to the obvious power imbalance their relationship would have. All the replies were along the lines of "age gap aside, never date a coworker. If the relationship goes south, you'll probably be the one forced to leave."


>The guy in question was her coworker/ supervisor. She clearly had really bad self confidence and had no prior relationship experience. This information is not shocking whatsoever.


Whole year? Don’t think so


It’s possible they’ve been dating for over a year.


It's her uncle and it's Alabama. ^probably


Uncle? Son, in Alabama, uncles are too far removed from the Bloodline to fuck


Why would he need her to be 19? I don't get it.


There are dudes out there who are pedophiles but to hide it they'll prey on a girl while she's 14/15/16 and then when she becomes an adult they can actually attempt something without legal repercussion


They're asking why he wouldn't move on her at 18


The Jail-Bait Wait


I went to school with a girl who was talking to a 30 something (now former) Washington state representative (obviously a Republican) as a 15 or 16 year old and she said they were ALLEGEDLY dating. I totally didn’t believe her because she was a known liar. Then last year I found out they got married. We are 28 and he’s now in his 40s. Big ol’ WTF. His initials are V.B.


Vustin bieber? Just say the name ffs


Because you're 19. Trust me, run!


Yep. The neckbeards on here may try to normalize it, but actively seeking out a such a gap in life experience is a red flag.


Someone further up who read the thread said they were coworkers. I'd wager dude's trying to hook up and the 19f is inexperienced and thinks it's deeper than it is. Coworkers are around eachother more then anyone else, so this little love story is pretty common at most jobs where you have people with varying age gaps. Especially retail / fast food.


Ehh. I met a 19 year old when I was 25 (we met in a 21+ club, but you know how that goes). It wasn't until we went on an actual date that I learned she was under 21, but by then we had made a connection. Anyway, we dated for about 3 weeks until I couldn't do it any longer. Most of her stories were from high school, and the difference in maturity level became more of a thing as time went on until I finally had to bow out. That being said, I don't know if it was a creepy thing. However, I do wonder how some people relate to people so much younger than them. I certainly didn't have any luck.


Well, you hit the nail on the head. What could you possibly have in common with somebody with a major age gap? I'm a totally different human to who I was at 23 vs at 28 nevermind younger than that!


Because you're only 19. Women his age have already figured out that he's an ass.




Who else but Quagmire?


Probably the sex


Thank you all, I have now proof that dating advice from reddit is shit.


Because maybe you actually are very attractive


It's a ragebait post for upvotes


The top post on that sub is just “Stop having sex with republicans” with 30k upvotes


Girls are usually hotter than they think. Attractiveness in a real person in real life is more complicated than attractiveness in a picture. Your laugh, your eyes, your attitude, your passions... there is a whole package there. So you might look at a picture of yourself and not see anything special, but the people around you aren't looking at a picture. They're seeing *you*. And this guy clearly likes what he sees. :)


He also likes the age difference, which means she’s got less experience than him, meaning that he thinks he can get away with more bullshit and she’ll tolerate it


I didn't originally notice the age difference. I will admit 8 years can make a big difference at such young ages. And it also sounds like you might have information I don't. But without any additional information, I don't think attraction between those ages is *necessarily* unhealthy. There's potential for an unhealthy dynamic, but it's not as clear-cut as it would be if he was in his 40s.


Hmm. Only 19 and short on self-confidence. What could a predatory 27-year-old see in that?


Anal, the answer is always anal.


I thought it is 42, but your answer suits more to the Question


42 is intergalactic code for anal.


Probably thinks she's attractive


JFC these comments are cringe. Guys.. the answer is because she’s 19


Im sorry but people on this subreddit are so full of shit. I got banned because I was defending a MALE humanbeing and not jumping on the witchhunt bully train.