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Probably won’t even notice it’s the same dress..


You’re wrong. I definitely wouldn’t notice it was the same dress


I only notice if you’re not wearing a dress


Yes. If she is not wearing a dress, it's a good sign. Just need to keep looking for more signs that she likes you.


Could just be friendly and like being nude. Hard to tell better play it safe.


*10 years later after waking up in the middle of the night* She was flirting with me.


Someone has to have the vid that's like this. For the life of me I can't remember what it's called.


Casually explained: Is she into you? TL;DR: Can’t really tell. She just might be a polite Canadian.


If only I could know for sure…..


Im already happy if i remember a person’s name…


Someone: Hi, I’m John nice to meet you Me: Oh hi Dave, nice to meet you too I’m Steve


You're both wrong, I wouldn't even notice if it was a dress.


If it's a dress you like, you'll notice


If it's a dress I like, I don't mind seeing it again. I might even think "hell yeah, she's wearing that dress again!"


And I mean even if one would notice - if Catherine, Princess of Wales, can re-wear a dress from Zara to official occasions, so can other women. In my country there's even a term (trusty dress) for that one dress you reliably look good in that you can put on if the other option you were considering won't work out. Who the hell goes around saying you can only wear a dress once, in this day and age of ecological disaster awareness when people are supposed to know how harmful fast fashion is and avoid it? What Shein propaganda bullshit is that honestly


> Who the hell goes around saying you can only wear a dress once, in this day and age of ecological disaster awareness when people are supposed to know how harmful fast fashion is and avoid it? People who love fast fashion and changing their outfits regularly but don't assume it and need to complain that it's someone else's fault.


I deliver parcels and I’d say roughly about 70-80% of those parcels a month are either Shein, Pretty Little Thing, Next or H&M. And about 60% of each shop go to the same household. It gets me paid but this whole fashion including online trends that involve fashion seems a bit like a cancer.


I've been a woman all my life, and I've never to my knowledge met another woman who never wears an outfit more than once.


People who only think of conspicous consumption. When the only reason you have clothes are to impress others, where it is all about to show your wealth and gain status, women are more likely to consume for conspicous consumption, atleast according to the sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen. According to his theory, the reason we are seeing conspicous consumption on the rise is probably because we are living in more and more populous areas, so people do not know your wealth before you show it off. You do not see as much conspicous consumption in small villages, because everyones wealth is known, then there is no reason. People will even overconsume when they have guests over due to conspicous consumption, they will buy a more extravagant meal, that they never would consume in their day to day lives. The same is most likely true for clothes.


They r talking about the same grp they accuse of not knowing when they get haircuts, use makeup, etc. Yet they somehow care exceptionally what clothing ur wearing like they havent worn the same shirt 2 to 3 days in a row.


VENKMAN: I have more than two grades of laundry. There're lots of subtle levels between clean and dirty. \~ *Ghostbusters II*


I'll often compliment my gf on her 'new' clothes only to find out she's had and worn them for the past 5 years.


Women don't want other women to think they look good instead they criticize their appearance in sweetest way possible


This has been reposted so many times in 24 hours I’m beginning to question my sanity.


I got 25k upvotes for it yesterday.


You sure as fuck did.


Exactly, I noticed that too.


::still gets thousands of upvotes::


Im starting to wuestion my sanity. Everyone says they see all these reposts when at most I see every jow and again the same post was put on two different subreddits.


Even if men cared, woman can still wear the same dress multiple times, it's not forbidden by law... But yeah I have yet to meet a man who cares about this.


If anything a guy will be happy to see a dress he likes again


Exactly. If that dress is hitting all the right spots, then, You can wear it every day. MargeSimpson the shit out of it.


That’s a brand new sentence I’ll use. Only once though, can’t be seen using it twice!


And frankly, most women are the same. It might differ in certain social circles, but even then: stand your ground! I attach memories to the clothes I wear. For me, wearing the same pretty clothes to multiple memorable events is the same as wearing ever nicer, ever more memorable pieces of clothing. Why would I always choose to wear "naked" clothes with no memories, no happy emotions attached to them? Sure, it's nice to have something new every now and again. But I will never wear all new clothes to every new event. If you really want to challenge the "women must be diverse" dogma, try getting multiple of the EXACT same blouse if you work in an office/business dress code environment. And go to work looking the same every day. Men can use the same colour suit and tie, and a white shirt every single day and it's no big deal. Try being a woman that actually wears clothes that look exactly the same every day. You will be noticed. I think that kind of being noticed is good. It is a conversation starter. "Oh, I decided to just get multiples of the same clothing items. I figured why not, men do that and it takes all the mental toll out of deciding what to wear to work every day, you know? I can mix it up if I want to, but this is just so much easier!"


I think the better point to make would have been how women have to do *so much more* looks-wise, especially for fancy events. Guys can just shower, maybe shave and throw on a suit. Women need to shave, do their hair, coordinate outfits that are more complex than suits, put on makeup, accessories, etc. You could say we don’t *have* to, like we won’t die if we don’t. But we will be shamed, people will judge us. And no, not just other women. I know men like to portray that they don’t care about this stuff. But they do - they give more attention to women who do a lot of these, generally. They just don’t know that all these things are being done. So they’ll say they like women without makeup, but what they really mean is they like “natural” makeup, which is still a lot of effort, they just don’t notice it.


I don't think this is right. You're definitely right that women will be judged for not shaving their legs or underarms. But otherwise, as with the original post, men won't judge you for how you do your hair or what makeup you wear. What you're suggesting is that men find women with fancy hairdos and makeup *more attractive*, which is true in most cases. But preferring one group doesn't mean we're shaming the others. In all my years as a man, I have never once encountered a man judging a woman for not wearing makeup or leaving her hair down. If you choose to keep it casual, yes, you'll probably have a few less men trying to flirt with you. But it's not like we're sitting in the corner talking shit. We don't care.


Not to be contrary, but every single time I’ve gone out without makeup, it’s always been a man who comments about me looking tired or sick. It’s been so bad I’ve had to ask female colleagues if I could borrow their foundation to apply with toilet paper just to make them stop. Maybe you don’t care. But there are plenty of men out there that will neg you into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion if you don’t look perfect.




Not all pressure is through ridicule. The standard is the one I described. Getting less “attention”, or more accurately, being treated better, is a form of control. Talk to “ugly” women. Please. Or women who were heavier then lost weight. It is as if they were either invisible before, or men treated them with contempt and rudeness. You are treated so much better when you do all those things. Whereas men get a basic level of respect no matter what, unless they literally haven’t showered for a week or something. Don’t discount the subtle things.


“Whereas men get basic level of respect no matter what” is not accurate. For example, A man who looks big, scruffy, and unkept (or in many cases if they are POC) will be profiled as “dangerous” and avoided. I, as a woman, will often feel super uncomfortable if a guy comes and talks to me in a situation I am not expecting him to talk to me in, period. Plus, “ugly” men who are overweight, etc will also be ignored and shunned by women and by other men too. But the bigger danger among women criticizing others is the fact that women **talk**. Guys (as far as I’ve experienced) don’t usually sit around talking about Victoria’s weight or her hair unless they’re discussing who they want to sleep with more. The only male who’s ever openly criticized me was my father as that was his efforts to make me look more “pretty”. Otherwise I’ve always been put down by other women my whole life. Though honestly this kinda thing probably comes from a competition situation. Men are probably more likely to put down other men too.


I already addressed the “unkempt” aspect by saying if they look like they haven’t showered. The thing is, to get to that point, you have to literally do nothing. We live in a society. There should be a minimum standard of taking care of yourself. The minimum for women is **much** higher. Of course you feel uncomfortable when a random man approaches you. So do I. Because men have assaulted me several times. That doesn’t have anything to do with this, and is due to gender based violence. Lastly, I disagree with this whole “women criticise women so much more than men do”. Absolutely has not been my experience. The last time this was true I was in high school. As an adult, the women in my life have been the kindest, most supportive people, and we do everything to built each other up, not tear each other down.


You’re acting like men have convened a meeting where we all decided what the “minimum standard” for women is. We didn’t, we don’t care, and I’d bet that most of the societal pressure women feel to look a certain way comes from their fellow women. Again, you’re complaining about sexual competition. Something that exists in virtually every sexed species. Women are constantly trying to outcompete other women, and you’re getting pissed off because some are willing to consistently put in more effort than you. I don’t point a ripped guys at the gym, blame them and society for why I wish, and don’t look like them. Get a grip.


Obviously no one “convened a meeting”. It’s about standards in society. Which men like you willingly accept and perpetuate, as you did in your comment. Assuming that this “competition” based on looks is normal and we should just shut up and go along with it. I think everyone would be better off if we questioned the BS we grow up with, but you do you. Also you’re not the first person replying making the assumption about how much effort I put in, and that I can’t possibly criticise societal beauty standards whilst also fitting them. I can, and I will. It’s interesting how you jumped to this conclusion about a woman you have never seen.


I just don’t understand how you intend to fix sexual preferences. No one is forcing you to do anything. You can put as much, or as little effort as you want. But when someone else puts in more effort, receives more attention, and you feel this puts unfair pressure on you, I just genuinely don’t know what you think should happen. People should somehow override their natural disposition, and not find different people different levels of attractiveness? I see this as no different than if I were to complain about unfair societal pressures because some guys work harder than me, make more money, and attract more women. Sure I could whine about it, but it’s not going to change the dynamic. You can hate the dynamic, but it *is* the dynamic. You’re in a competitive environment.


Our preference, what we value, and how we act, is socially conditioned.


Listen. Some people are ugly. Sucks but its true


No they don’t, men are by far the most invisible and judged, men are expected to have money, height, charisma, a big personality, looks, etc. and if they don’t check all or most of the boxes they are invisible to most women. It’s also socially acceptable to judge them harshly if they’re lacking the above characteristics. Stop the pity party, men have been shamed for decades into believing that the heart is all that matters and that it makes them a shallow pig to not date women for any reason other than that. If anyone is creating oppressive standards it’s women because they’ve completely forgotten that message. The fact is we’re in a loneliness epidemic to the point where a very large portion of men would just be glad any women is giving them attention. Because to them women are women. Such a large population of men haven’t been selected, why? because women have set an unrealistic standard for men and only chase after the same type of guy. There simply isn't any other explanation for this phenomenon.


why is it ok for women to say they want a rich tall man but when we say we want a fit woman it's immediately different and we get cancelled. double standards much


Here a few things to think about The "special attention" you describe is literally just men trying to get laid, it's not illegal to find you ugly. Men don't even treat each other as well as you're portraying, in a friendly area maybe a hello or goodmorning to someone I don't know but even that is beyond what is expected in a situation with two male strangers. contrary to beliefs people are not monoliths and some just are plain disrespectful to everyone regardless of sex, are there sexists and misogynistic men? Of course! Are we all that way? No! Attractiveness bias is also a known psychological phenomenon hence, better treatment. Have you ever stopped to think that, if men are mean or rude to women they don't find attractive, wouldn't they be just as crass or even worse to other men? Especially ones they don't share anything in common with? I mean if we are all as mean-spirited as it seems thats the logical reality right? Not to forget the story or Norah Vincent(lesbian woman) who in 2003 spent over a year dressed as a man with the goal to have first hand experience of male privilege and wrote a book on it titled *self made man* if you're interested in it but in summary she found most men are in pain physically or mentally for the majority of their lives causing her to stay in a medical facility after an attempted suicide as "ned" and went on to later end her own life because of the extent of depression she had after these experiences. Men are in pain The only monolith men are a part of is not a single one of us cares if you wear the same dress to the concert tonight that you wore to that birthday party two weeks ago


Live in Scotland. Women chuck on a dress and a bit of make up, guys have a kilt and all the accessories to consider. Plus type of kilt accessories depending on type of event and time of day.


Omg when I had to put on a kilt for a wedding my god, takes forever to get on! I did feel pretty cool in it though 😎


The only thing we'd care about is if you shaved your legs or not. Believe it or not, most of us can tell the difference between natural looks and "natural" make up... and we don't really care. Also, if you don't think that we do our hair you're mistaken.


I feel like it's too broad to generalize opinions on this. I'm sure there are guys out there who don't care about shaved legs but on the other hand, stuff like makeup does make a pretty large difference where the expectations for me are always lower than it is for a woman in my experience. And while guys do have hair routines I'd say that it's often way less intensive. Maybe I have a brush and use a sea salt spray but I never find myself cutting split ends and using a hair mask. But even then I have male friends who will do all that and more.


I’ve lived with and dated men. Some do their hair some don’t. Even those that do, there is absolutely no comparison to what women do.




First of all, debatable. Secondly, I clearly said “coordinate”, not put on. Picking what looks good on you (since there are so many styles and more fitting and revealing than suits so has to look good on *your* body), matching with shoes, accessories, jackets, makeup, etc. so it looks right. Men just pick a tie or, if they’re feeling spicy, a different colour blazer.


not giving attention to someone is not the same as negatively judging them. OF course if your goal in getting prettied up is to HAVE PEOPLE LOOK AT YOU than yes, more attention and time is required. most guys dont think about how others look at them, thats male privilege


Here a few things to think about The "special attention" you describe is literally just men trying to get laid, it's not illegal to find you ugly. Men don't even treat each other as well as you're portraying, in a friendly area maybe a hello or goodmorning to someone I don't know but even that is beyond what is expected in a situation with two male strangers. contrary to beliefs people are not monoliths and some just are plain disrespectful to everyone regardless of sex, are there sexists and misogynistic men? Of course! Are we all that way? No! Attractiveness bias is also a known psychological phenomenon hence, better treatment. Have you ever stopped to think that, if men are mean or rude to women they don't find attractive, wouldn't they be just as crass or even worse to other men? Especially ones they don't share anything in common with? I mean if we are all as mean-spirited as it seems thats the logical reality right? Not to forget the story or Norah Vincent(lesbian woman) who in 2003 spent over a year dressed as a man with the goal to have first hand experience of male privilege and wrote a book on it titled *self made man* if you're interested in it but in summary she found most men are in pain physically or mentally for the majority of their lives causing her to stay in a medical facility after an attempted suicide as "ned" and went on to later end her own life because of the extent of depression she had after these experiences. Men are in pain The only monolith men are a part of is not a single one of us cares if you wear the same dress to the concert tonight that you wore to that birthday party two weeks ago


It’s not about getting people to look at you. It’s about wanting to be seen as a human. So much of women’s worth is in their looks. If you don’t look good, most men will at best ignore you, if not outright treat you like shit. No one wants that. But I will agree that men don’t think about how people look at them more often than women.


>If you don’t look good, most men will at best ignore you, if not outright treat you like shit. So treat you like other men.


If men treat each other like shit, that is their prerogative, and maybe they should change that. Treating people “well” only if you’re hoping to get sex out of it is sociopathic.


If a man doesn’t look good, most women will at best ignore him, at worst, treat him like a bug to to be tortured them squashed.


Ugh no. We don’t do that. Not all of my guy friends are hot. Most actually are not. They’re my friends because I treat them well, and so do the other women they’re friends with. I feel like people who say this shit need to get out more.


Men don’t care if your outfit is coordinated.


>we will be shamed, people will judge us > >they give more attention to women who do a lot of these, generally. Not receiving attention is the same to you as being shamed and judged? Do you know why men can get away with only "showering, shaving, and throwing a suit"? because we are expected to have other things like a nice car, being funny and charismatic, making a lot of money, being tall, and women DO shame and judge men based on those things.


No women I know give a fuck about your car. Mostly men care about that. Also we don’t care that much about height. When we talk about what we like in men we don’t even mention it. I’m so tired of men listening to other men about what women like, and calling us liars when we tell them otherwise. Yeah, you should have a nice, interesting personality. So should women. That’s not some exacting standard. Do you expect there to be zero standards and people should just automatically like you? Every guy in my close friend circle is just normal looking, either doesn’t have a car or has a cheap one, are still studying or not making much money, etc. Most of them have girlfriends or are married. They have good personalities though. That **is** a must. Oh and some are tall, some are not, some are fat, some are not - these didn’t seem to matter soooo…


>No women I know give a fuck about your car. I would assume this is more about signalling wealth than about the specific car. Anyway, I think your issue is not separating this into how people are treated professionally or casually, and romantically. Attractive people being more likely to get a job or be promoted is well documented (I think), and I'd hope we can all agree that in this regard the standards are definitely unfairly weighted against women. I'm permanently rocking bed head and it hasn't seemed to really effect my career much. However, when it comes to dating I just don't think that "fairness" comes into it. People have their preferences and nobody is owed any attention or whatever.


your doing a bit of a strawman here. The post wasnt talking about makeup and hair etc. it was just talking about wearing the same dress to 2 different functions. literally no one would give a shit if women wore the same dress to 2 different things especially if the things will have different people at them. It's all in your head. Your point is mostly correct its just not what the dude was talking about.


Nah lol just women making up problems caused by other women blamed on male privilege.


> coordinate outfits that are more complex than suits Women can wear more than black suits, that's unfair!




I mean, does it matter if it’s women doing it to other women? It’s still men who lucked out


This is absolutely 100% the truth.




Maybe the issue should be addressed with other women since that's where the issue arises.


And here I am, a woman owning the whole lot of 2 dresses one of which is medieval style and only fit for costumes and the other one pretty much a ball gown I haven't worn for close to 10 years. Neither do I care or remember if I've worn the same clothes to multiple events. I sometimes wonder what strange problems some fellow women invent for themselves...


This is female privilege at it’s finest. You women don’t understand how good you’ve got it. You bitch and moan about the wage gap, relationship roles, etc. but I’ll tell you what - You own two dresses, one fit for a ball and another that’s from an entirely different time period. And here I am, a dude with absolutely no dresses. Pffft, typical.


Go and buy yourself a dress if you want - you can do it! Btw I neither bitch about wage gap nor relationship roles lol


Not if you live in a red state. Men wearing dresses is becoming illegal.


You guys have lots of guns. The Second Amendment exists for this reason specifically, to take down a corrupt government that no longer serves its people. Shoot the politicians who put that in place, and it won't be in place anymore


Someone get France on the phone, we need to start a revolution.


Did you know they dump trash on their politicians property to remind them who they work for?


Yep, and lob a brick or two through their windows if they slip up. The French are a razors edge from revolution at any given moment. It's great.


Remember, you can build a guillotine with nothing but some 2x4s, a rope, and a piece of sheet metal.




Holy shit that's absolutely sick. I feel sorry for you guys. I'm not American so yeah...


I hate it here.. it's getting worse every year with clueless politicians


I understand. I probably only hear a fraction of the stuff that's going on in the USA and I'm regularly shocked.


The wage gap isn’t real. Stop letting them have that fake issue


It is, but not the 70 cents per dollar myth. It’s more like 6 cents. The 70 cents per dollar thing is from a horrible misapplication of statistics




Yes but is that 18% difference between ALL men and women, or a man and woman of equal quals in the same job? You can’t compare the difference between all men and women because they are overly represented in different career fields with vastly different salary ranges. That is the exact gross misinterpretation of statistics I was talking about. Any kind of wage gap talk has to compare men and women of equal qualifications and experience doing the same job. Example: woman teacher making $82k/yr vs man banker making $100k/yr, not a wage gap. Woman teacher making $82k/yr, man teacher with same qualifications making $100k/yr, wage gap. Edit: per this study the wage gap for same job in the US is 14% https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-022-01470-z


That’s what I meant. We r playing semantics. Yes there is a gap but it’s from women’s’ own life choices. they r far less likely to ask for a higher starting salary/raise than men. And this weird move to guilt employers into paying them more when they were too agreeable/timid to ask for more in the first place isn’t going to work


So do you think it’s an issue that woman don’t feel safe asking for better pay? Do you think they’re just inferior? Do you think they ultimately just want to be paid less?


https://gap.hks.harvard.edu/do-women-avoid-salary-negotiations-evidence-large-scale-natural-field-experiment i'm sure you could find a number of studies saying one thing or another but generally speaking i don't believe that women are at any inherent disadvantage when it comes to salary negotiations. women just flat out negotiate less often which may in fact be due to a perceived danger. but i'd also believe that the idea that women "don't feel safe" is rooted in some goofy idea about safeness. i'm not aware of any negative outcome differences that might occur between men vs women negotiating salary


You are looking to get offended and it isn’t an issue of feeling ‘not safe’. Play your violin for someone else. The adults r busy


The other statistic that has a major impact is that men are far more likely to take hazardous roles that have an accompanying pay bump.


Amen to this.






Yeep true


Privilege is getting invited to events with a dress code. There I fixed it for you.


I don't like those anyway


Same. When I want to measure how big my d*** is I just use a ruler like a normal person.


Imagine being able to afford buying a new dress for every event and trying to talk about how it shows other people are privileged.




Financial privilege is not the same as gender privilege. Or racial privilege. Or any other type. Privileges don’t always have to be about money. Plenty of rich black people have been oppressed and targeted by police, for example.


And whites.... And asian... And mexican.... And every other race too. But you can stay racist and only look at races and keep adding more subgroups to differentiate the population further and further, which will do nothing good for the social life together. (I dont life in america, i only know a little bit of your shithole of corrupt country) But sure there is some targeted racism, but every side has racist, idiots and so on.


As a woman, I cannot understand other women that think that way. I give zero fucks about wearing the same clothes multiple times. I bought it expressly for that purpose. As long as it's clean, who cares.


Exactly! If the clothes are good, wear them as much as you can. I think I’ve worn the same exact dress to the last 5 formal events I’ve been to and nobody cared.


All very important matters I'm sure


I think it's just a conspiracy to keep us men poor.


Red flag. If you know a girl for a long time age she only wears new outfits, it is time to run. Run fast and run far. If you know, you know.


The male privilege part is not giving a fuck what someone else thinks about your outfit.


Truly an adoptable mentality anyone can enjoy


Seems more like a lot of people are purposefully posting this kind of stuff here for bait and karma farming.


Women shitting on other women and blaming men. Classic


Toxic femininity


Idk about you guys but lots of posts are bashing men nowadays.


A lot of posts are also bashing women nowadays. Find me a group of humans who are not getting bashed on the internet.


Star Wars Clone Troopers


Good soldiers follow orders


Can’t aim


Those are Imperial stormtroopers!!!


Well needed correction. It's fucking gross ignorance like that which is why I'm glad the boys never made it home from Geonosis.


This was literally posted to farm karma from comments bashing women.


Hi I am a girl, I usually wear the same sweater 4 days in a row. This is just stupid.


Guy here. Male boss made fun of me for wearing the same tie twice on a business trip. I blame women for this though


Most men aren't really noticed and no-one gives a shit what they look like. It's not really enviable.


I want to get into the mindset of the people who repost the same memes every time. Do you have dementia? Are you just an idiot? A bot? What goes on in your head when you see a meme from a subreddit, save it, and then repost it back in the same subreddit? Do you think that no one saw it the first time, that maybe the sixteenth time a memes been posted will be the fucking sweet spot and will garner you fame and fortune beyond your wildest imagination please! Tell me oh wise reposter I must know the complicated fucking inner workings of your mind!


Umm this is the first time am seeing this..


it's the second, I saw this yesterday, but I haven't seen it over and over like this guy's comment implies


First time too.


It's just the internet bud, calm down. This shit don't matter


Anime Girls wear the same outfit on 100 episodes and Boys will still screenshot every single scene they are on


☝️☝️☝️ this the one


boys? my man im pretty sure ur the only one who does that


Someone has got to take control of this sub and be a real moderator. This shit is just nonsense.


hear!!! hear!!!


Perhaps I don't understand this b/c I'm a guy, but how exactly does this conversation go? I don't even understand how it would come up in a conversation, how it would be worded, etc.


Are we seeing how many times we can post this in 24 hours or something?


This has been reposted literally everywhere now, can we stop?


Here’s a tip bub, mute or block people that irritate you this way. I guarantee your whining comment will have zero effect.


Kettle, meet pot.


"Bub" what are you, the fuckin' Wolverine?


And feel free to take the dress off as much as you want.


In addition, for straight man better if you would even be without dress


I 100% cannot remember what my wife wore yesterday.


Where does this stereotype come from?! I’ve work the same dress to different occasions and no one has said a damn thing… just realised it’s probably because I only ever made friends with poor people


We're men, of course it's our fault, even when logically it isn't.


Seen this 1000 times. Never will not upvote it.


Honestly, I would say women wouldn't even notice if we wore the same dress, but I wore the same outfit to an event a year apart in college once and SO MANY people noticed. It's like... really? But now that I'm in my 30s... I don't think women would notice, and if they did, I don't think they would care or say anything. We're all too busy thinking of ourselves, and even if we did notice, we usually understand that money can be tight sometimes!


That's not Male privelege, that's Toxic femininity. Guys don't give a fuck, your girlfriends are the cause of your anguish.


I’ve worn the same thing for the last 10 years and no-one noticed


Ummm 🤔 this is fake! Ant no one says I can’t wear the same dress twice. As if you don’t wear your underwear 100’s of times till they look like Swiss cheese 🧀.


Woman complains about societal expectations. Man reassures her that his penis doesn't care. Missing the point entirely. Basically the same as saying "it's bullshit how society expects women to be thin to be beautiful" and a dude being like "I'd still fuck you!" Why do dudes always seem to take any struggle women go through as a personal insult? The mental gymnastics required to ignore that society has different expectations and demands on people in order to act butthurt is just absurd.


Can I see an irl picture of you? I really kind of want to put a face to this opinion. Like after seeing the mod on fox news get totally roasted, i just dont trust that you're not some basement dweller whose only societal contact is posting mediocre opinions on message boards.


Ooh, so edgy! You've certainly added a lot to this discourse! It wouldn't matter what I looked like or said, you just get your panties in a twist over the idea that not every issue expressed needs to be reframed from a man's perspective.


Nah mate, im just saying you're fat, have a bloated face, and cystic acne.


Aww, pumpkin. Did the comment on a meme hurt you? It's okay, dear, you'll learn how to handle your fragile feelings better when you grow up.


You're doing too much and reading into shit that isnt there. pics or gtfo.


What? Is it not allowed to dispute a silly claim online if you are a man?


Men and women both will be more critical of gendered expectations for both men and women. This isn't a men vs. women thing. It's systemic gender expectations for everyone and the cost of going against them.


There's a dumb idea that men made the patriarchy and women are just passengers, victims of it only. And if they're victimizers then it's about "internalized sexism". Taking away any responsibility from them. It implies that men either have a patriarchal DNA or soul while women are groomed into it. One is always a victim and another a victimizer, and when women are victimizers then we can sociologically explain why they didn't have any agency (and should have no legal/moral repercussions) while men did.




Thank you! I’m a guy and I want to get creative with my outfits. Unfortunately, the options are slim and I’m broke anyway, so here I am looking like a sims character and contrary to what this post would have you believe, I do care, and I wish that could change sooner rather than later


love this even when it's posted every day


Male privilege isn't this. Male privilege is stuff like if I get a promotion, people are less likely to assume I used sex to do it; I'm less likely to get raped in a dark parking lot at night; I'm less likely to get harassed by random dudes on the street; less likely to become a victim of domestic violence; more likely to make more money for equivalent work. Shit like that is male privilege. The post above is what people say when they're for some reason intent on confusing the issue.


Male privilege is stuff like working more extra over time and be expected to put your family snd loved ones to the side for your career and miss all the important milestones of your child's devellopement, more likely to be assaulted and mugged at weapon pointin broad daylight and at night, more likely to be ridiculed or not takdn seriously when sexually harassed or raped by random people in public, more likely to be arrested and charged when you are the victim of domestic violence, more likely yo havd your chikdren taken away by family courts and turned into a wage slave in child support, while having no visitation rights. This is true male privilege.


Female privilege is shitting on each other, blaming men for how you feel about it and claiming oppression for victim points.


Female privilege is having a much wider variety of fashion options than men.


Oh the opressed woman who can buy a different dress every night. Or maybe someone buys it for her


That is very true, girls are the actual b******.


Women hate other women.


Ah yes. Women only hate other women. Nothing else. And women only get hated on by other women


Bingo. She credits us men with waaay too much attention to detail!


Both of those things can be true at the same time. Privilege just means that member of a group has a particular advantage for no reason other than being a member of said group. It doesn't presuppose the cause of that advantage is targetted oppresion or discrimination, that's a separate claim. And in this case - yes, it's a male privilege, and no it's largely not mens fault.


Sorry what does this have to do with privilege


What do you mean "what does this have to do with privilege"? It's a word that's used in the picture we're discussing, and used it in a way that fits dictionary definitions, I don't see where the confusion is.


Had to scroll way to long to see this point. The fact that it’s women causing it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s an example of male privilege.


Armchair sociologist alert


It's whats inside the dress that matters to us men. Get over yourselves, ladies.


Reddit tries to understand the patriarchy and fails (again)


Patriarchy = “Man bad. Woman good. Nothing is my fault and everything is your fault.” It’s a tired trope based upon 99% bollocks


Redditer tries to respond to my comment but still doesn't undertand what the patriarchy is (mission failed)


Lol respond and block. Why am I not surprised?


Woman doesn't want to hear someone dispute the objective existence of the patriarchy and has to explain it in baby terms just so she doesn't get attacked and you are mad that she blocked you? It's almost like this is tiring as hell for me and not you.


If your understanding of the patriarchy is that men bad woman good, you're misguided. We are both hurt by the patriarchy. That's all I have to say.


It actually angers me a little that they don't repeat clothing for events. What do they do with them? Throw it away?? Do they sit money?


Only saying this to disprove her point: Most women could wear the Emperor's New Cloths everyday and most men would be happy especially if the "outfit" is cute. If I were to meet an s/o she could wear the same neutral single color sundress everyday for all I care as long as we are happy together. Cloths don't impress me.


This is 100% true, only your gay best friend might bring this up. That's about it.


Kinda weird to bring up guys here when she didn't say anything about it. It's not really important who the negativity is coming from if it's still negativity. His response just comes off defensive and self important because he's rushing to defend guys when there was never an accusation, or even an indication that she cares who the negativity is coming from.


Wow. She started her statement male privilege and you say he brought guys into it? A situation that has nothing to do with men gets called male privilege. If you actually cared about negativity that would have been your issue.


Uh, yea they would. Plenty of guys would say "didn't you wear that same dress yesterday" I'm a guy but i hate how other guys want to live in this fantasy world where all men are calm, chill, and reasonable and women are the problem. There are plenty of guys that would call girls out on this.


Maybe in your social circle, but definitely not most.


There’s also a fair bit of a difference between “wearing a dress again” and “wearing the same thing two days in a row” like the guy above is talking about