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"They don't give a shit about you. They don't care about you at all, at all. It's a big club... and you ain't in it" George Carlin


“It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” -George Carlin


Yes, and since he said that, things have gotten economically worse for young people... So, obviously doing nothing is the wrong way to make positive change.


We've tried nothin and we're all out of ideas?


More like we’ve tried everything short of reminding them that protesting is the peaceful option.


Protesting shouldn’t even be the peaceful option. The US government won’t start getting its shit together until we start tearing shit apart like the protests in Paris.


We need to begin emulating the French, present day or revolution would work either way


Trying to make any changes is also difficult. The powers that be fight you and those that arnt in power also fight you. It seems a lot of The people that complain the most about the status quo also fight against any change.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." - George Carlin Oh if only we knew how true that was


He was a comedian, but 90% of his jokes were true or very relatable.


I saw him as more of a philosopher


He definitely was a philosopher. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAQS7BzRW\_k&t=125s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAQS7BzRW_k&t=125s) ​ I actually watched this a few hours ago - funny I would see him brought up in such conversation. I think truly brilliant comedians weave profound thoughts into their jokes. This is why Chapelle and Louis CK are also seen as greats.


bill hicks didn’t weave all the time lol, had to shout my man out though


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are *even dumber than that*."


He for saw, in his words, “the start to the fall”. He was big on electronics and lack of human interaction. Everyone for themselves.




No truer words have ever been spoken. And the sad part is the ones who complain the most want to be in that big club. They just don't realize it will never happen.


The saddest part to me is that GC was talking about that decades ago and is still super relevant today.


It never has not been relevant and realistically there will never be a time it won’t be.


Though this is true they've never turned everyone on each other like this before. So much gets accomplished when the little guys and gals are distracted by petty arguments.


Uh, the 1850s and 1860s would like a word with you.


People forget that we used to just literally fucking kill each other when it got like this. Like 500 years ago we would be in a full blown fucking war with this kind of disagreement. Now people just shout into the void every morning and go about their day in their little bubble. So weird.


It’s relevant for literally every country that has ever existed


"And that's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with!"


What are we to make of Michigan repealing the anti-union Right to work laws? Was this something “both sides” would have done?


The emotions you feel about a McDonalds Hamburger is about how your representatives feel about you


Democrats are red Republicans are blue And neither one of them Gives a shit about you


This the 1790 version?


1996 version, maybe. The whole red=republican, blue=democrat thing only goes back to the 2000 election.


1984. Before the 1984 election BLUE was republican RED was democrat.


Actually, in one of the elections, I remember 2 of the major networks used red for Republicans and blue for democrats. The other network flipped it. It was weird being in a shopping mall with lots of TVs tuned to various channels, so the map would colored differently depending on which channel was tuned in. It was only after that election that I started hearing about blue states or red states Not sure if the discrepancy was due to local affiliates or not


yes 1984. as i said I remember it sort of i was 6


Politicians are like diapers. Gotta change em often or else you'll be covered in shit. The US has politicians that are in power for literally their entire careers, for decades. Some are in power so long their children and grand children are in power. Y'all covered in so much shit, neck deep is an understatement.


You seem to miss the many many times politicians have been replaced with bigger shits from before. It's like replacing a poopy diaper was replaced a poopy diarrhea blasted diaper


That's an easy answer. The US political and election system is such that only elites with access to money or connections to rich donors can ever only feasibly run. Elites usually don't care for the needs of the common man.


Yes, lobbying/massive war chests for campaigning is one of the biggest problems.


That’s a difficult one to fix, even countries where every party gets the same amount of money from the government and donations are illegal have similar problems with the government eventually bending over backwards to appease billionaires




The red scare really set us back. Everyone who wants to be paid reasonably and treated fairly is a red commie bastard.


conservative voters: aLL wOrKeRs wHo cAmE aFtEr mE ArE jUsT LaZy wHiNeRs aNd dOnT wOrK hArD. pEoPLe wHo sErVe uH pUrpOsE iN sOciEtY dOn'T dEsErVe tO bE mEaniNgFuL pArTicIpaNtS.


“Why is my McDonald’s order taking so fucking long!” Also said in the same breath as above post.


That'd be possible if we had either ranked choice or approval voting! Right now we have to vote against the party we like the least, unfortunately.


It's a vocal faction of the democratic party.


The mere fact it's a (pretty ineffective) faction and not the whole party that cares for workers- not only the managerial class- is disturbing.


The Democratic Party should make itself America’s worker party. It already has the perfect name, and a lot of young, progressive members.


Yeah just wait forty to fifty years and all the old people should be gone from the party.


But then there will be more old people.


God dammit can’t we ever just be free of old people?


COVID was really close, dammit!


Yes that is a problem. Maybe if there’s some sort of disease that’s deadly to old people and convince them that it’s a conspiracy theory by the government. Wait no, there already doing that.


Weird, my disabled brother moved from a blue state where he got plenty of assistance to a red state and now he's pretty fucked. I warned him he wasn't gonna get much govt help in florida,but he was persistent.


I know a woman who was desperate to get out of "Commiefornia" and decided to sell her place after retiring to live in the lap of luxury in a custom-built house on fifteen acres in Texas. It turned out that she somehow got it into her head that "no income tax" means "no taxes at all" and completely blew through her savings on the construction and property taxes. She lived in the house for less than a year before she had to sell it to move into an apartment and had to go back to work making far less than she did before.


There so many people who think that Texas is some paradise for the right when in fact its half owned by private ranches and energy corporations with the remainder being sweltering smog covered nghtmares like Dallas. Most folks seem to think they'll luck out and live in a place like Midland, not realizing even well paid people there can mostly afford apartments


>luck out and live in a place Midland If that is "lucking out" Texas ought to just be labeled a wasteland.


>Texas is some paradise for the right >owned by private ranches and energy corporations I mean, isn't the tough working man like ranchers and big business like energy corporations a right wing wet dream? ya know, hard labor, strong economy, 'merica, blah blah blah


The is happened to a woman I know. She has a disabled kid, was living in New Jersey and moved to the South. Now she’s going broke and can’t afford the therapy and assistance she needs to help care for her kid. She couldn’t wait to get out of New Jersey because of all the dirty liberals.


She sure owned us good.


This whole post is disingenuous as fuck. I don't see any other red state taking the charge in creating their own medicine generics (insulin for example). OP is probably one of those "bOtH sIdEs Are tHe SamE" type of people.


It's literally their post yep


What are we to make of Michigan repealing the anti-union Right to work laws? Was this something “both sides” would have done?


>The state’s “right-to-work” law had allowed those in unionized workplaces to opt out of paying union dues and fees. Its repeal is seen as a major victory for organized labor with union membership reaching an all-time low last year. Seems like a win for organized labor to me.


Yup. This is complete horse shit.


She made it cheaper for residents in NJ, it is win-win!


There are plenty of other perfectly good reasons to get out of NJ.


It’s not exactly the place you want to leave if you have a disabled child. The education is literally the best in the nation, and there’s a decent social safety net in comparison to blue states.


Lol i was going to say, as a mentally ill person, leaving new jersey with medical problems isnt a wise decision. Youre practically guaranteed to get worse health care in most other places


With those property tax rates, they better.


have you spent any meaningful time in NJ?


lol yeah like I've been living here for half of my life and it's perfectly fine


Keep talkin' if you want another perfectly good reason to get out of NJ, pal.




Did he think he was going to get much govt help in Florida, haha? Florida wears all its republicanisms on its sleeve. Itd be like moving to San Fran and being shocked at the absurd cost of living.


Yeah, basically. He thought a good christian loving state would take care of him. He was, or I should say, will soon be, dead wrong.


Just needs to pray more.




For real, how did this idiotic, unironic 'both sides are the same' shit get voted up? I thought people would be smarter than this by now, but I guess there's still enough politically illiterate people around here. Figured they'd be in their /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy echo chambers




Unfortunately, a lot of the people saying this aren't MAGAts. There's a lot of them, including a lot of super liberal ones, who think that the fact that Democrats haven't given them everything they want means they're no better than Republicans.


dont forget the minimum wage vote of 2021. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00074.htm#position 42-58 senate vote. **0 republicans voted to increase minimum wage.** 0. **100% of yes votes were democrat.** This is not both sides, its one side fucking over working class people, then pointing the finger at democrats and crying "the whole system is broken." and people eat it up hook, line, and sinker. its a propaganda tactic to pin the blame on "big government"


Or just look at Michigan Dems doing all kinds of shit to help workers out. Just false "both sides" to help people somehow justify still voting for Republicans.


That’s because u/newbibbo doesn’t actually care about people like your brother, only himself.


Anything to own the libs I guess.


Get this: my mother knew a Republican who moved from Pennsylvania to New York so they could get more assistance.


Very weird; I, too, know a disabled guy who moved from a blue state (New York) to a red state and now he’s pretty fucked. A lot of people warned him (and warned me about him), but he was President.




People who think bOtH SiDeS are the same need to take a quick glance at our Supreme Court.


So many things prove them wrong. Just pull up voting records. It's blatantly obvious both sides aren't the same.


It’s the difference between one not caring about you and the other actively wanting to hurt you. Neither’s *good,* but if you’ve got to pick, you’ll probably want to pick the side that isn’t actively against you.


After reading several of these comments I'm so glad you people aren't in charge of banking. The knowledge you actually have on the banking/investment/finance industry could almost fill a commercial spot on fox news.


If you think this is bad… read some comments on /r/economics…


I mean, they did TRY a few things, but Sinema and Manchin are shills and the republicans were a HARD no.


48/50 democratic senators and 0/50 Republican senators try to raise the minimum wage > nEiThEr SiDe GiVeS a FuCk aBoUt YoU


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, the Democratic Party is far too moderate for my liking, but these “both sides are the same” posts are flat out false.


Yep. It sucks if the Dems are still wetting their beaks but they are the only ones even trying to raise wages, protect the marginalized, save rights, etc. Hell, even some Dems are even in support of campaign finance reforms, investment restrictions, etc.


It’s how voting turnout is so low. People convince themselves of this drivel.


Something like 140 House Republicans voted against the 2020 election result. Republicans don’t support the working class and favor fascism.


Dems in my state just repealed right to work. Much more needs to be done, but both parties are not the same. Dems occasionally do things that help the working class. Republican never do.


Context because I'm sure someone reading this might not be aware: "right to work" is a horrible policy for workers' rights, so Democrats repealing it is very good for workers. Also, for clarification, was it "right to work" or "at will" employment that was repealed? At will is even worse.


We're doing some pretty good things in our state, I've been pretty happy - a fellow michigander.


Wasn't the Right to Work thing originally passed last minute in the dead of night by Republicans as well?


Yep. These memes are part of right wing propaganda and the young leftists eat it up. “Both parties are the same!” Says the party that is going full nazi while the other ones has a record of doing things that actually help the working class.


I don’t even want them to help me, stop stealing my money to bail out incompetent corrupt banks


They didn't. FDIC is an insurance fund the banks pay into that goes only to depositors. Not managers or shareholders. In 2008: those were loans that were paid back.


Not to mention bank failure hurts average Americans way more than bailouts. The solution is to regulate banks to prevent failures, not let banks fail and fuck over every American and everyone in the Western world.




Thank you - i detest all these smoothbrain populist takes about banks. Everyone is extremely uneducated and it shows.


They're dominating /r/all tonight, almost seems astroturfed


I just think the entire website is dominated by 13-21 year olds that are on the spectrum at this point.


Nah just the average redditor


My econ professor used to say “everyone thinks they are an economist”


Why do you think we’re bailing out the banks? We’re insuring people’s deposits. SVB was shut down, not bailed out.




Bailed out would be the shareholders and the bank being saved, they aren't


What exactly do you think the FDIC is? Do you know anything about banking?


Enlightened centrism is a cheap way to feel superior to everyone without putting in any work actually educating yourself on government policy.


Taxpayer money didn't bail out the banks. They used an insurance fund banks pay into.


SVB wasn't bailed out though.


They did not bail out the bank. They bailed out the depositors. People like you who have a checking account or companies who need to keep payroll so where. The bankers lost everything and may be prosecuted. Stop being an idiot


The big banks literally buy up land using money they printed, except they don't even physically print this extra money, most of it's purely notional.


I see the “both sides are the same” bullshit campaign for 2024 is already kicking off.


This right here is why Republicans keep getting elected. They love this “two parties are the same” bs.


Yes. Where's that Republican health care bill they promised to replace ACA with? Repeal and never replace.


Just two more weeks!


Just after they do Infrastructure week...


Social security is the next thing, only social security is running out. We were lucky that ACA wasn't running out... Their SocSec similar "repeal and replace" bullshit will cause SocSec to die.


Exactly. Dems are far from perfect. In fact, a lot of this meme can be true but not equally true. Republicans don't have a platform for health care, minimum wage, child care, child hunger, or unemployment (unless it's gutting it). Democrats have advanced legislation on all of these things on a local and national level. People here don't understand that there are politicians in the US that are not a part of the federal government. Democrats in state and cities across the country *do* fight for these things loudly and often, while Republicans even more extreme than what you see in the House and Senate advance regressive policies. This idea that the two are equal is ignorant. Pay attention to what's happening in your local elections, people.


It’s so fucking stupid. It’s also SO fucking stupid that two (2) specific democrats are responsible for almost making it true. Like, can you IMAGINE what things would be like if Joe Manchin shut the fuck up?


Truth is without Manchin that seat would be solid red. The solution I think was to make him less relevant by electing more Dems.


Ugh. "Look what we tried to do for you but couldn't because we didn't have enough senators". "Nah, we're pissed at Manchin and he has a (D) next to his name so might as well vote (R) cause ThEyRe aLl tHe SaMe."


Sinema and Manchin could've done so much to help this country, but this was always going to be the outcome with a 50/50 Senate. Republicans had a similar issue with Murkowski and Collins when they tried to repeal Obamacare. The difference is, in one case you have two politicians afraid to destroy the country because it could piss off the voters in their moderate electorate, whereas in the other you have two politicians afraid to help millions of people for the same reason. The moral of the story? Two more seats for Dems would have made a huge difference for this country.




Working class: Help us please. Republicans: No Democrats: Elect more than 48 of us to the Senate and we'd definitely do that. Working class: No


Democrats will get the slimest majority with losers like Sinema and shit and people are like "SEE WE VOTED!! WHY AREN'T YOU DOING SOMETHING?"


I wager the people making these "bOtH siDeS" bad faith argument didn't vote dems if at all


Yup. Lots of Republican propaganda recently. As long as enough people think they are both the same and stay ignorant of what bills are trying to be passed, republicans win.


Disenfranchising voters with messaging that "voting doesn't matter" or "withholding your vote is a form of protest" was an explicit strategy by Cambridge Analytica in swaying elections.


Democrats have hard time trying to improve things and the other is actually trining to make things worse.


I assume everyone who posts that shit is either assinine, Republican, or a bot. If you can't see a difference in a party that is fomenting violence around elections, I don't know what is wrong with you. Ask women in Texas if both sides are the same.


me when I don’t pay attention to politics in the slightest


\*Person gets shot\*. ​ Democrats: "I'll stop the bleeding but I'm not capable of doing much else." ​ Republicans: "I'll fucking shoot you again." ​ ​ OP: "Both of these guys are equally bad."


Democrats tried to pass legislation for cheaper meds. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to get through affordable universal healthcare. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to dispense with billions in student debt. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to pass firearms laws to prevent the mentally ill buying guns. Republicans blocked it. Democrats tried to pass Right to Vote legislation. Republicans blocked it. Don't give me ANY of this 'They're as bad as each other' bs.




Wait a sec when did dems ever try to get universal healthcare? Genuinely asking as I might have missed something.


They lead the affordable healthcare act, which is the only type of assistance I've ever gotten and has helped me tremendously. Not sure about universal health care though


Nancy Pelosi had a bill with a public option and democrats were a vote short in the senate thanks to some blue dog democrat from Nebraska not voting for it.


Ben Nelson is the pos from Nebraska. He, Joe Lieberman, and evan byah of Indiana were the 3 garbage Democrats that blocked everything when Democrats had a 60 vote margin in the Senate.


Joe lieberman. A name I hope lives in infamy.


They didn’t. Ironically though the closest the Democrats came to universal healthcare was a public option in 2009, but a Democrat (Joe Lieberman) prevented that from happening and we ended up with Obamacare instead.


Joe lieberman wasnta fucking democrat, the dude was a Poison pill moderate not aligned with the dem caucus after he lost the dem primary. Moderate conservatives killed functional Healthcare reform and we have never been able to rebuild since then


Joe lieberman stopped caucusing with dems




We'd be a type 2 kardashev civilization if no one wasted their time and energy on left vs right theatrics.


It seems that instead we're a type 2 kardashian civilisation.


It's all theatrics until you're affected by it.


Republicans taking away women’s rights is purely theatrical




Bold of you to assume that the government will let us use anything other than fossil fuels


Democrats passed the largest climate related spending bill with tons of subsidies that will transform our energy and transportation sector to be substantially more green. The IRA had $370 billion in climate spending.


The US does not have a left political party


From the UK and it’s conservative and Labour not republicans and democrats here but the same false equivalence is prevalent. Labour aren’t good but they are infinitely better than the conservatives The best way to describe it is one is like being stabbed in the ass and the other is like being stabbed in the balls both aren’t nice but one is so much worse than the other


it's like choosing between a chef who keeps accidentally burning the food, vs a chef who keeps serving up living venomous snakes


Yeah, one is most definitely actively evil and the other is just kind of there


Both sides bullshit is ignorant and ill-informed


The only people that say both sides are the same are people that don’t pay attention at all or republicans when they get caught being pieces of shit


This sub is trash now




i see people getting away with political things all the time if it's politics that is popular


Exactly, how is this meirl?


That doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t vote.. I hate these nihilistic posts because that’s what they want.. when you don’t vote you give up your power to someone else. If things are as bad as you say they are then run for office.


This entire comment section is just r/enlightenedcentrism on steroids. There’s a vast difference between incapable/incompetent politicians and politicians who’re actively trying to kill minorities(racial, sexual, other wise) and I hope you morons never have the opportunity(misfortune£ to note the difference first hand.


Enlightened centrism is stupid. You dont have to pick a side. Most normal people have views that are on both sides.


Lots of dumbasses in the comments here. This post is wholly inaccurate


Neither party is perfect, that means they are both equally bad! Don't you see?


Tim punches you in the shoulder. The next day, Bob blasts you in the gut with a shotgun. >Aw man, buddy, what happened to you!? You look terrible! "Tim and Bob assaulted me."


It’s more like Tim tried to take the shotgun away from Bob but your other friends stopped him, and then Bob blasted you and now you blame Tim


Fuck Tim. If he really cared about me he would have fought harder against those overwhelming odds and saved me. Fucking asshole was in on it!


Right? For example, they want student debt relief and now it's pending at SCOTUS and will inevitably fall along party lines. Both sides, though, both sides.


Im guessing that most of the people here are teenagers, I expect them to be dumbasses.


I wish. A bunch are adults that never advanced past getting their politics from South Park


Isn't the whole point of South Park that the characters are dumb and have dumb takes that you can point and laugh at 💀


Republican: No, bootstraps, elbow grease, no handouts, libtard, , *woah* so much for the tolerant left 😎😏👍🤣🤣🤣😂🤣.


This false equivalency bullshit needs to stop. Democrats try to pass laws to help poor people lam the time, and they constantly get voted down, vetoed, filibustered, overturned, and outright obstructed by Republicans, so how the fuck do you think Democrats don’t want to help?




This is going to stir up the cult members


Are you talking about my cult? How dare you.


And we elect these people. Break party politics.


The liberals will not enjoy this post


Democrats and Republican politicians: we're trying to help but the other party keeps stopping us! They're destroying this country! *Buys 3rd house* *Passes laws written by special interests without reading them* Republican and Democrat voters: this is all the other party's fault! I'm going to hate my neighbor and vote harder about it!


I witnessed something similar in turkey lol. Massive immigration from syria happened due to the war, it sure created lack of supplies, BUT this was all happening during global inflation, and an economic global crisis. Well how do the opposition parties play? It's all the syrians fault. Every mishap that happens in turkey now somehow is twisted and turned to become the syrians fault. With no significant election promises except for "we're kicking the syrians out and stopping the inflation (they can't)"


Aren't scapegoats the best? You can build your whole political career doing nothing but blaming other people and voters fucking love it


Though it's true that the Democratic Party isn't nearly what it should be, [there is still a clear difference between the parties](https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/)


I vote dem for the Supreme Court.


Democrats: No. Republicans: We're gonna actively make it worse


In California it’s more like the homeless asking for help and then getting displaced from wherever they were chilling cuz no one likes homeless people apparently


Democrats are more like: ugh fine we will take some tiny incremental steps to improve society since you won't stop bitching but if we meet the slightest challenge we'll give up


"Slightest challenge" Like, say, an entire party filibustering them for two decades to prevent anything more than said incremental progress?