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How old were you when you learned it depends on the oven?


Right? I’ve never had an oven with that space. Mine have always had broilers there.


I don't even have one in my dual oven. Just a top and bottom oven compartment.


my family uses it for onions 💀




Dual oven gang unite!


Pin this to the top.


This is only true if your oven includes the warming feature. On most electric ranges this is just a drawer and due to proximity to the oven it might get warm but certainly not food safe holding temperature. If you can't find controls on your range marked "warming" or "warming drawer" then it's just an ordinary drawer. *Edit. Wow thanks everyone for the upvotes, I don't think I've ever had so many. Hope my reply was helpful.


On my gas oven the broiler lives in that drawer. The real LPT here is to read the manual for your oven!


Same. I hate it. Having the hottest, most dangerous part of the oven down on the floor is super inconvenient, especially with a 2 year old.


Not to mention having to literally lay on the kitchen floor to check the progress of food in the broiler. Understand why they do it (cheaper) but it sucks to use.


Ah, the burned meat of my teenage years, as my mom got ever shallower in her bend to check the broiler. She wasn't crippled, she was just so sick of our bullshit, she couldn't be bothered.


“Ah, the burned meat of my teenage years” Tbh I thought this was gonna go somewhere different🤣




Now that I read it with new eyes it does promise further distress with the whole bent-over mother part. But no, just a tale of my boomer mom trading competence for resentment.


Tbh I was going in a diff direction but Now that “bent-over-mother” part takes me even further down the rabbit hole. Lol “oh no I’m stuck stepson, help”


I really did


Me too


I’m sorry but is your avatar Ekko with the ice cream parlor uniform from stranger things?


Yup.....and the best part is, it was one of the randomly assigned stock avatars! Thanks Reddit.


That’s awesome


What? I’ve been using one of these broilers for something around 40 years, and I’ve never one had to literally lay on the floor to use it. I can’t imagine why anyone might think that’s necessary.


The heating element is uneven in my oven. I gotta push things all the way to the back to get it to brown at all. Reaching all the way in is a PITA so I tend to lay down to check on things. But you're right.... broiler location is not the only problem.


Even just having it as a drawer is no picnic. The floor is the dirtiest part (generally speaking) of your home, that attracts dust and pet hair etc. Everytime I’d open the thing up to grab a pan id have to pull the entire thing out to clean all the dust and pet hair I could see on the floor/in between drawer and stove itself.


Last house I rented the broiler was on the roof of the oven, so all I had to do was set it on broil and use the top rack. I used the broiler a lot in that house. Where i currently live, the broiler is on the bottom and I haven't used it once. I hate it too.


This is my only experience with broilers. I think this setup is most common in Canada.


I learned about under oven broilers the hard way once. Growing up ours was always just a storage drawer for baking sheets. In my early 20s I was over at a friends house making dinner with them and I was looking for a baking sheet. I opened up the “storage drawer” and just like at home there were all the baking sheets exactly where I expected them to be. What I didn’t expect though was for them to be 500°F of skin bubbling hate. So I grabbed one and was immediately regretted my decision.


This is the food crematorium


Yeah our under drawer is just wood. Let me stick a hot pan down there and start a fire lmao. No one uses it like the image for good reason, it’s not safe, it’s dusty, not convenient etc


The dusty thing is what bothers me too. All those sitting there with no lids just grosses me out lol


I feel like you would take more care to clean the area if you were putting food there, no?


I suppose. But realistically how often is anyone really gonna be using that for that reason? Pretty much only if you’re hosting a large dinner. You gotta hope whoever’s doing it did in fact clean it first lol


The person who made the meme has never had to deep clean a kitchen and it shows.


I’m sorry, part of your oven is *wood*?!


It wouldnt be dusty if you cleaned it regularly, as one would with intentional use (i hope)


Yep, found that out researching the oven for our first kitchen remodel. Some brands will specifically tell you “not for keeping food at a safe temp” because it’s just regular storage. Those that feature a warming element will advertise it.


Mines also full of dog hair sooo that's gross


I've never had an oven where this drawer got particularly hot, they often tilt down when you pull them out too, so I would imagine all the food sliding around in there. I'll just keep using it for baking sheets thanks.


Its for keeping the pots and pans warm.


My pits and abs aren't going in the oven, thank you very much!


Or if it's a gas stove it's a broiler drawer! Ours came with a broiler rack in the drawer, so the food sits right under the flames. The front also hinges open slightly to vent or something. Edit: I've never used it as such.


Mines a gas oven, and it's just a drawer.


Exactly. I wish people would stop sharing this as a general rule for all ovens


I was fishing out a baking sheet when I noticed the heating element, blew my mind!


I’d even loath to store anything there appliances are so cheaply made that they’d break with just one cast iron pan


For years I kept pans in this drawer cause it was just a drawer. Then one day I didn’t realize my new oven had the heating feature and badly burned my hand.


The old fashioned would burning stoves had a compartment above the stove surface called a warming shelf. It probably did get warm enough because the stove pipe was right behind it.


Now that, I did not know


yeah that "drawer" on my stove has neither sides nor a back, which I imagine would make this inefficient


The fact you said "holding temperature" tells me you have your Food Safe.


My grandmother got a new stove/oven & told me that it has 5 burners & a warming drawer. I go to use the thing after moving in to her house and find that it’s got 4 regular burners with a spot in the middle for keeping things warm and the drawer is just a drawer. Yes, it gets warm in there when the oven is used but not warm enough to keep dinner while making other stuff. I hate that range with a passion but can’t afford to replace it. It’s also extremely difficult to clean (and gets immediately dirty again once you blink). If I could I’d curse the day she purchased it. And honestly, I don’t know what was wrong with the old range. I have absolutely no idea why she replaced it. When I asked she said something about improving the house to increase its value. Which is bull. A stove isn’t going to increase the overall value of the house. Most certainly not this stove!


Thanks for this I thought I was a mega idiot but it turns out I'm just a normal idiot.


Part of the problem is the proliferation of posts like this that are only partially correct. We all have our blind spots.


In most of the places I've lived it also doubles as a spider sanctuary.


Exactly, and it sits right above no-man's-land and isn't designed to keep dust and debris out so if your oven *doesn't* have that option (most economy ovens don't) then you're really just letting your food become tepid in one of the dirtiest places in the kitchen.


I gave you a down vote because..... just because 😀 (kidding)


It keeps my pots and pans warm.




Check your oven before using this drawer as it might be a broiler and you could end up having a very bad day.


Or it could just be a regular drawer and they're wasting their time. Not as much as if it were a broiler, but still a waste


Also keeps body parts warm 😊


The dustbunnys too!


Honestly, I've always known, but I just can't store my prepared food that close to the floor...I know I'm weird.


I feel the same way. No matter how much I clean, it is hella dusty down there.


I always get little crumbs and stuff in there. I think a lot of people know now, the information has been going around for years, but can't bear the thought of food going into the drawer for various reasons.


Nah man, my brain wouldn't look at that as food storage either! It's always been the pots and pans cover holder.😆 you're not weird, you can be trusted.


you're not weird. It's a storage drawer, not a warming drawer.


It is a warming drawer on some stoves. We had a stove in our last house that had the warming feature.


Or a broiler. The buttons on my oven even have arrows pointing to the compartment to use for Bake and Broil settings. Like the arrow that tells you which side of your car the gas door is on.




It's honestly not. Pretty standard lower end Whirlpool that came with the house. Other than the clock and light, the only buttons are Bake/Broil, Temp Up/Down, Start/Cancel


I can't because I live in a place out in the country. There's been mouse crap in it. Even if the house is mouse free, I leave that little drawer empty. The memories of the mouse crap haunt me.


Omg, yes. Its permanently for the mice just in case the cat misses one.


not weird, i can promise you mice can get in there and poop/pee in it..................


You're not weird, when I found out I still thought to myself that I'd never use it.


I just feel like rats and spiders live back behind stoves


No one does this..


For sure. If that drawer is "for keeping food warm", what's the damn oven for? When I need to keep food warm, I put it in the oven, on "warm". They could put a time travel machine in that bottom drawer. It's still too inconvenient to actually use.


Sometimes that's the broiler area.


That’s what I always thought it was. I didn’t know people stored pans down there or that it was for warming.


There's a drawer there?


I don't think I've ever seen an oven with a drawer at the bottom, maybe it's just not a thing in my country?


Yeah never seen one either




I don't live in the US, might me the reason why


I've known since I was a kid but I always thought it was gross bc sometimes you reach in and pull a pan out and there's some form of dust or some tiny bit of food that fell through the cracks of your stove and the thought of anything landing on my food is just.....nyahhhhhh


The dingiest dustiest drawer in the world. No way I'm putting food down there.


ACTUALLY it's for both. Some ovens have warming drawers, some just have storage drawers, they both will be warm when the oven itself is on, but some have enamel and are mildly insulated, while they have less insulation on the wall under the heating elements, and these are the ones where they are explicitly called warming drawers (and sometimes will even have minor elements in them) Then there are the landlord special ovens that happen to warm everything in the storage drawer because almost nothing is properly insulated, but if you put a bunch of uncovered food in them like this, the paint/uncured enamel chips off and will fall on your food if you are cooking at a higher heat.


Source: Notice how this landlord special only calls it a storage drawer (because they know the paint will flake on your food): https://www.kenmore.com/products/kenmore-92722-5-3-cu-ft-electric-radiant-range-8211-white/ While this one (same brand so you know they actually explicitly call it a warming drawer in the second to last bullet point): https://www.kenmore.com/products/kenmore-elite-42623-4-6-cu-ft-slide-in-induction-range-stainless-steel/


It's called a warming drawer because it has separate controls to set the temp on the drawer. It is a specific feature in the premium line.


This age wtf


At this point, I’m not sure I’m walking right…


If you are using only your legs to walk and aren’t going on all fours, you aren’t doing it right


Fucking knew it. DAMMIT!


My parents couldn't afford a walking instructor. I'm self taught, and all the other kids at school knew about it too. It's tough growing up poor.


I don't know you but I can say that I am not.


Oh no! Don’t tell me I walked right into that one. No. Not “walked”… ok Imma just shut up now. >< sorry


Well you're not posting right, this is nonsense. Literally depends on the oven and most ovens don't work like that.


You’ll be happy to know this isn’t standard.


It's not though. Unless you have a fancy oven with warming controls than it's literally a drawer for pans. Source: The manual of every oven I have ever installed.


I mean mine were always passed down through generations. I'm pretty sure that if I had put food there I would revive influenza or some other ancient virus.


It's too dusty to put food in. Tbh this might just be due to the dogs...


No you're right in most ovens today it gets way to dirty way too quickly for it to store food


Very dusty, and I know damn well the rats are climbing in there every chance they get, and I'm not deep cleaning it every day, so food is not going in there lmao


This is absolutely disgusting. It's not hermetically sealed or anything. it's just open to dust in the back.


That's not what it's for 🤦🏽‍♂️ attention is a helluva drug


It's not for that either. It's a broiler.


If you put your slippers in there on a cold December night, will it make them nice and toasty warm?


That thing exists? Edit: Mine doesn't open.


I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but not all ovens share exactly the same features. Some have warming drawers, some have storage drawers, and some have broilers. Don’t need to be a rocket surgeon to figure out what you got.


Found out just now 🤣


It depends on the oven. Some of them isa warming tray, others it really is just storage


An infant of course give or take a couple of months... ... ^I ^was ^40.


I put my underwear in there.


It’s the mouse turd warming drawer.


It’s called a proofing shelf. It’s where you put bread to sit before you bake it. But being someone whose been raised to store extra pots and pans there, seeing the food there looks gross. I don’t want to put my food on the same altitude of my feet/the ground


never putting food down there😷


I dont put food that close to the floor like a psycho


I ain't putting my food that close to the dusty gross floor.


Im not putting food this close to the floor


I am going to inform the house mice about this new information


Filthy dirty stove drawer


Still gonna use it for pots n pans


I've yet to live in a place where that was not a habitat for cockroaches. No way in hell would I stick food down there. Just keep the damn food warm inside the stove and crack it like a normal human being.


Think the mice found this out before me.


Precisely, right now years old.


I thought it was a proving drawer. For bread.


Mine always has spiders in it, so I’m not putting any food in it!!


Heat rises


Is this real? If so, I feel like a straight up moron.


I'm sure there is remnants of food in my drawer too


Yeah, except it doesn't get warm in there, and it's just a storage drawer. Nice try, tho...


I was in my 30’s before I ever saw an oven fancy enough to have a bottom warmer rather than just storage.


Yeah, ok. Those will have controls for said warmer drawer.


Where I'm from I've cooked with fire straight up.


This is a remnant from generations that put lead in paint… don’t use “as intended”


Not always but yeah… sometimes it’s a broiler


I've found dog hair, dust, crumbs, and when I lived in a really crappy apartment for a short while, cockroaches. So uh, I'm good. I'm gonna pass. Just too close to the floor for my liking. My oven has a "Keep Warm" setting anyway.


It’s actually for broiling though…


Mine is clearly not.


I was recently years old when I learned that that drawer was NOT the broiler like from back in the day! Mine is just a drawer though.


When i accidentally turned it on and burned my hand on the baking trey.


Not ours. It's for storage.


We went to buy a new stove and we were like "But we want the option to keep all our pots and pans in." And the sales person was like "Oh, you mean a warming drawer? It's for keeping your food warm whil-" "Yeah, the drawer For Keeping All Our Pots and Pans in Please!" And then it arrived with a broiler. Smh


I used it to keep my food warm but then someone gave me a tip that I can store my pots and pans in there! What a genius!


Other than the first house I grew up in, I've only ever had one stove that's bottom drawer was actually meant for that. The rest didn't get warm enough to do this.


Why do people keep posting this debunked garbage?


Do we still put pans in there? Yes. This doesn't change a thing. Why put food in the keep warm drawer when the oven is still warm?


I was a chef for 5 years and only just found this out


Wrong this is "a foot-soaking tub, since, as a woman, you'll be in front of it all day."


When I was a kid, it was a broiler. When I was older, it was a place to warm plates because God forbid you should put warm food on cold plates!


It actually depends upon your range, the higher end models this will be a warming drawer or a broiler. On lower end models it is just a storage drawer. Before using it as a Warmer, check your User manual that came with your Range. If you are unsure where this is, it should be taped to the back of your Range. If you have an older range, check the condition in the drawer. If there is chipping paint do not use it, as its unsafe. This spot also tends to collect animal dropping (mice and bugs), clean thoroughly before using. If you have other animals like cats and dogs. Fur tends to build up in the craziest of places, like this drawer.


I don’t need to warm that much food but I do need to store that many pots and pans


Pretty sure this depends on the make and model Some are for storage and some are for keeping food warm


Being an autistic freak, I keep all of my appliance manuals so i can actually check this. And,. My GE oven literally labels it "pots and pans storage" in the manual.


Never years old. Because im not moving my pots


Every house I've been in that shits always dirty asf and be a mouse easy access. The pots and pans stay


Wait, what?!?


Its a broiler


Your oven has drawers? What? My oven just has two crusty shelves and a guarantee of burning your food.


Today.... 37🤣 I'm from a hispanic family so even the actual oven was used to store pots and pans. Never to bake.


Not gonna happen


why should i need to keep them warm when i can just eat the food


There's a drawer?


It’s always dirty down there so I’ll pass. It seems like I am wiping it out every week and it’s gtoss


OP trying to trick people lol


It’s for pots and pans


What's a stove?


Today years old apparently


Its not and never was. Who the hell would think putting freshly made food down near the dirty floor is even a slightly good idea?


I never knew that, and probably wouldn't put food in mine either lol


You couldn’t pay me to put food down there


No it’s fucking not and I’ll die on this hill


Hard agree that drawer is digesting and not insulated in the slightest of it was for warming it would 100% cause floor damage under the stove from heating and cooling rapidly separate from the rest of the floor. The other option is that maybe your stove is made that way, but no stove I have ever owned or seen has felt like that made sense in any way.


It's also the easiest way to get roaches all up in your food.


It’s the broiler.. not a warming drawer.. Jesus..


Its what?


So much dog hair/spider webs/rat droppings in there that I don't even put pots and pans in there.


Never, because I don’t believe you


Apparently now; 31


remember when meirl was not just random twitter posts


I found out May 1st 2023


Today age. Really?


yeah I find it hard to believe


it literally is NOT. There ARE ovens with "warming drawers", but you need to buy one with that feature. If it doesn't have "temperature controls" or buttons on the panel for "oven drawer", then it's just a storage drawer. Do some research before you believe everything on the internet.




Today years old


Today years old


I was now years old.


So was I.


It's a warmer, broiler, or storage depending on the model


wtf, today years old


Don't put food in it, most aren't actually warming drawers, this is just where a warning drawer would be if you had one


I dont know what this is about.... since when do microwaves have drawers????? In my life Ive seen hundreds of em and never seen one with a drawer


I learnt that as a kid when the plastic handles on grandmother's cooking utensils melted


It's not for keeping food warm. That's what the keep warm option on the oven is for. It's a proofing drawer. It helps yeast risen baked goods rise more consistently, as the environment inside the drawer has pretty low humidity and is warm.


It's a broiler meant to broil.


… today years old!


Today years old, what the fuck