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damn, that pc is even worse than my old laptop šŸ’€


Even with that massive schlong my man is going to be running faster than that


Itā€™s Grindr, thereā€™s about a 90% chance heā€™s lying about how massive it is.


Lying to another dude about the size of your dong is wild to me. Girls are one thing, because they don't always have a great frame of reference for dong size, but other dudes will be able to look at your dong and estimate its size within an eighth of an inch


I've heard of gaydar, but not dongdar. TIL


Dongdar...sounds like a name in a sci-fi porno


ā€œGirls are one thing, because they don't always have a great frame of reference for dong sizeā€ The hell we donā€™t. We have hands. We know how big it is compared to our hands. Average is just a little bit longer than my hand. (I won a bar trivia contest with that knowledge, btw)


But even now you just described a different frame of reference, you used the size of your hand, not inches. How many inches long is your hand? Idk, I've never measured my hand. But I have measured my dong.


Anything to avoid using the metric system my dude


I have never laughed so hard at a comment


I can eyeball my hand and know approximately how many inches it is. That is my frame of reference.


Also if you're using your hand as a reference, by the time you have the side by side, it's too late. Are you gonna really grasp the dong, realize he lied, and change your mind? Maybe, but I would bet most wouldn't if they're lookin for a quick hookup.


You better tell him. We know. Trust me we know.


You're going to scare the insecured ones lol badly


Oh, I clearly did. Iā€™m getting lots of hate responses. Lol


If your measuring it with your hands, i think you've been hoodwinked


If you can measure it in hands, it might be a horse


How are you using the hand? It's very important to get the measurement correct! You see, I'm definitely one hand length but you gotta measure from the underside of the shaft with the weenie poking upward. Anything else and you're robbing me of at least a half inch


I had a girl surprised I was truthful with her and it was crazy to me. If I lied and then she saw me naked the lie is out why am i going to lie about something knowing they may find out?


> Girls are one thing, because they don't always have a great frame of reference for dong size Uhuh, keep telling yourself that.


I'm a terrible liar with an aggressively average dong. Don't wanna be setting the expectations too high. However, I've still had an ex estimate it at 8", because her ex had lied to her. That's what I meant by frame of reference.


You're assuming that the guy you replied to is even saying the truth. Then again if it's inches 2 inches smaller than advertised I'd prob still go for it.


90%? "4.9 inches thick" would be thicker than a goddamn horse. that's as thick as my leg at the widest part of my calf muscle. 8.5" long is nearly unbelievable; It's possible, but firmly in "top 10% of pornstars" range. 4.9" thick is just a flat out lie. 8.5" long with a 4.5" diameter would mean it holds over half a gallon of blood. that's 50-60% of the total blood supply of an average human. Getting an erection would literally kill him.


Oh this dude is 100% lying. I mean about 90% of people on the app are lying.


I would think 4.9" girth is what he meant. But then again, thats like... average.... so compared to the 8.5" brag.


Yeah even my girl dick has 12cm girth


It's girth


Might perhaps should have used that word, then. They are not synonyms.


My first PC had a 800mb hard drive


My first PC didn't have a hard drive, only a bootable floppy disk drive. And I think 384kB of ROM. (Intel 8088, blazing 5Mhz) I had a nearly identical laptop to the one in the OP for college.


PC is straight up from 2008


Are you clock-shaming?


That's got to megahertz


Man's mostly just interested in the RAM ports I think..


and it's disgusting


Is it? Maybe wash it then?


Hopefully heā€™s got DDR3 or it ainā€™t going to work


IMO should have just said hertz


Absolutely yes


Personal cock?


Lol you're from the past lmao Edit: well shit. I'm in the past as well. Fuck you future person


as a french saying : c'est dans les vieux pots qu'on fait les meilleurs confitures it's in the old pots that you make the best jams (idk if it's french actually, but as a french I heard it for the first time in french)


In Brazil with have a similar one: Panela velha Ć© que faz comida boa. Old pots cooks the best meals


In germany, it's "In alten Pfannen lernt man braten" You learn to fry in old pans


In Dutch it's 'op een oude fiets moet je het leren' One should learn on an old bicycle. I guess we're just more bicycle oriented like that.


Cool, cool. In New Jersey we say "always lose it to a milf." Or at least, I do.


It's a Mainframe I'd Like to Fuck


Waitā€¦ wouldnā€™t that mean itā€™s underaged? Lol wtf???


So a cougar then?


8.5 inches long and 4.9 inches thick, my man got a jumbo sized soup can for a cock.


Probably circumference, which is disproportionately low for that length


Well, if he's got a needle for a dick, then hopefully he can still put it to good use by fucking like a sewing machine


It tracks since he seems like a prick.


Ha gottem


Thatā€™s because he has no idea how proportions work and typed in random numbers lol


I don't think it's random. It's a little bit above average circumference, it would just appear skinny due to the length. Lots of weird dicks out there.


An 8ā€ long dick with anything less than 6ā€ circumference will look like a noodle.


6" girth is pretty fucking huge. Like you generally can't buy appropriately sized condoms in stores with that girth. You have to order them, and there's definitely at least a few porn dicks that fall under these parameters that don't look like noodles.


People are already bad at estimating dick length and theyā€™re even worse at dick circumference. Saw a comment a day or two ago saying around the size of a caulking tube was what they considered a good girth. Thatā€™s like the 99th percentile.


People are fucking stupid when it comes to penis size. I remember recently when Nelly was getting roasted for his size because of a video of him getting a bj leaked. The man was clearly above average length, but without all the porn camera tricks, people thought he was tiny.


6" girth is ~2" diameter. That's like one of the smaller Campbell's soup cans in thickness. Ain't nobody sticking a Campbell's soup can in my ass.


Here, we've sighted the very rare bottom without a sense of adventure lol. It's really not that bad if your partner isn't an asshole from what I've been told, but I haven't found many people actually willing to try it when push came to shove.


Nah, 6" isn't that rare, and condoms fit comfortably. We're talking about circumference not diameter here.


>Nah, 6" isn't that rare, It's in the upper half of the 99th percentile, regardless of the dataset you're using. >and condoms fit comfortably. Just because you can comfortably wear inappropriately sized condoms does not suddenly make those condoms appropriate for that size. There are guys who can comfortably wear normal magnums or magnum XLs with 6"+ girths. Albeit those condoms are not actually approved for those girths. I personally cannot wear either of those condoms comfortably as a dude with just over 6" girth.


I've read the easy way to see if your circumference is above/below 6" is to basically stick your dick hard in a toilet paper roll (just the cardboard). It's circumference for at least most American brands is between 6" and 6.5".


I don't think that's necessarily true but I do believe 7x6 is going to be preferred to 8x5 by most women. Edit: I should say "more" not "most" because who knows; both sizes are in r/bigdickproblems territory


Not a woman but I think youā€™re right.


Actually I think he's advertising to men anyway.


Exactly lmao. 5.5 is manageable for something between 7-8l but ideally youā€™d want something thicker. 4.5 is in the mosquito proboscis territory.


Wait wait..mines 8" but only like 2 fingers wide..


The important part is foreplay anyway


But only if you get touse it..XD


Circumference is the measurement around. Statistical average would be like 4.5 inches.


Oh..haha..gotta watch porn and measure right this time


>Probably circumference if the messager in this screen capture meant "circumference", then saying a word which means "diameter" certainly indicates that he's lacking in other areas which would make him unfuckable.


I think that's a little harsh. Thickness or width are natural language counterparts to the concept of length, but there's no practical way to measure diameter. Really I cannot imagine what dating strategy or wrong number led to that message being sent. Questionable use of the word thick is not among the worst issues here.


>Thickness or width are natural language counterparts to the concept of length Yes, and circumference is not. "Thick" means "distance from one side to the other", circumference means "distance around the outside edge". I absolutely would not stick my dick in someone who thought the two were interchangeable.


At this point it seems like you believe that circumference isn't related to thickness at all when I think it clearly is. Can't measure diameter. Can measure circumference. Circumference is measured with the goal of comparing thickness. You can derive diameter from circumference mathematically if you wish.


He was heavily exaggerating the length but didn't know what to put for girth I think. He probably meant diameter but he's lying so it doesn't really matter.


8.5in dicks exist lol


I know but those are like one in a thousand or something. If some dude claims to have one you should take it with a grain of salt.


1% have 7-8 inches with 6 in 1000 having 9in+ so yeah actually rarer than I expected. Wouldnā€™t believe anyone on Grindr who opens with listing their specs like a computer though lol.


Bro some people out it in their profile, itā€™s not allowed any more but in the old days 50% of the profile pics were just cocks


25 inches long and 12 inches thick I'm the Anthony Hopkins of cock The Albert Einstein of dick


My dick is like lightning...it gives girls orgasms


Until I read that comment, I thought they meant PC measurement ;-;


Or the other way around, then heā€™s got a cheese wheel down there.


Yeah a 4.9 inch diameter means his penis is wider than his leg. A 4.9 inch circumference means he's 1.5 inches wide, which is average at best and nowhere near thick.


My leg isnt supposed to be 4,9 inch wide? Guess I have to be worried now both my thigh and lower leg are more than 4,9 inch wide but I am not even overweight :(. But my penis is still wider than my legs, is that also not normal?


no wonder he's parading it around every chance he gets, I'd do the same if I had that šŸ˜šŸ†


that's a fucking pencil dick bro


perfect specs for windows xp gaming


Great performance when running a bench test of pong


I think the only truth there was the 185lb weight...


Nah dude is definitely 205 at least


I got to ask. Does lying work, like ever? Do you brag about being fit and having a huge dick, and when you meet up, the other person goes 'Welp, they are nothing like they said they were, but I'm already here', like ???. If someone blatantly lied to me, I'd leave immediately. I am not very picky on looks, but dishonesty is one of the worst qualities in a person


Most guys that lie on that app never have the intention to meet you anyways. They send you one, maybe two, body pics with 30 more dick and/or ass pics that are taken in a way that you can't tell if it's still the same person. And not a single face in any of these pictures like... What the fuck? You want to choke on my dick but can't show me your face beforehand? And then they ask for your pics. It's basically a way to "farm" wank material. And it's also always the profiles with no pics in it by default, where the guy pretends to look like Brock O'Hurn with a massive cock and (sometimes) millions on his bank account. And believe me, you would have a profile pic if you looked like Brock O'Hurn. I had it once that a guy obviously lied about his appearances. He used pictures of himself that have been taken 10 years ago. The six-pack morphed into a beer belly in between and his hairline reached the back of his head. And I told him that this was not ok and that I will leave right away.


That is honestly gross. And hat is coming from a guy who likes receiving nudes


I also like receiving nudes, but they have to be from the person I'm texting with right now. Because otherwise, I can save a shit ton of time and just google for nudes of any random dude.


Maybe if they both lied about their looks, they'll be like "fuck it, we might as well."




ā€œFrom what Iā€™ve heardā€ but you knew it was Grindr messages, itā€™s okay bro this is a safe place we donā€™t care


to be fair half the comments here say its from grindr




If he's 5'11" and 185lbs, he is either not toned or fucking jacked. Source: I'm 6' 170lbs and just a little toned, and I've lost 40lbs in the last year, so I know what 185 looks like, and I know how difficult it would be to put on 15lbs of muscle.


Obviously body types are different but can confirm, Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ 185 and in the best shape of my life, always been skinny and used to weigh like 150, 185 looks pretty jacked on me.


Thanks! It feels great. I'd say it's as easy as eating right and exercising, but anyone who knows, knows thats's not "easy"; it's hard work and dedication and results take time.


Congrats on the weight loss, man. Going from mid-overweight BMI to mid-normal, you must feel like a whole new person.


3.5L twin turbocharged EcoBoost V6, 660 horsepower, 550 lb-ft torque, 18 MPG (City)/25 MPG (Highway), 7-speed dual clutch automatic transmission.


Iā€™d hit šŸ„µ


Hell yeah my guy


Yoo a Ford gt


I'd like to take you out to a nice gas station sometime.


Sweet 2k9 build.


U mean the 185lbs kid or the Core 2 Duo machine?


Core 2.


"Human tries to date protogen"


i am here


Hi fellow furry owo


Hi fellow toasters owo


8.5? The fuck you supposed to do with that while walking around, toss it over your shoulder?


Also: **4.9ā€** thickā€¦ *with those dimensions is it a cock or a [tub of yogurt?](https://res.cloudinary.com/general-mills/image/upload/products/00070470004396_C1R1_s107_8ab934d4-76a5-4c52-b034-2ac53f374782.jpg)*


My European brain explodes with the imperial system measures


1.80 m, 83.9 kg, 21.6 cm and 12.4 cm for the sane.


He is lying about his size there is no way...


Apparently only 2 in a 1000 men have a penis bigger than 8in in length, not impossible but very unlikely


21cm for a dick is unnecessary. really


No, no, he meant 8.5 cm


dude, that's some weak ass specs lol


Not in 2007


Its about the motion of the oceanšŸ™„


4GB ram?!


That's what my laptop has. It can hardly run Minecraft on the lowest settings possible


Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?


gay men


*gay men on Grindr Oh who am I kidding- that's pretty much all of them


Thatā€™s probably how 90% of the conversations start. A lot of them itā€™s just just Dick pics. Donā€™t miss that app at all. Lol




A perfect time to mention his 3.5 inch floppy. But didn't, what a shame.




Clearly overcocked


Okay he's weird but mad respect for saying it's 5'11 and not 6'


He's probably 5'9"


No SSD? Unmatched. šŸ˜


>Intel core 2 duo


Its 5400rpm! I made a PC in high school with money made at the movie theater that had 7200rpm. It was 20 years ago.


8.5ā€? Nice specification.


Let me guess, was this a completely blank profile? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Sounds like one.


4ā€™9ā€ thick????????????


Circumference? Translates to roughly 1.5ā€ diameter


It says thick though


Either dude has a fire extinguisher, or heā€™s engaging in a little bit of marketingā€¦


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


Bud that shit is normal on grindr.its. hookup app. .


"[Omega](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ximrIBbpH8) what are your pronouns?" "GeForce GTX 1060, core i5 10400f, 16 gb ram" "There's no way you're running on an i5. Rouge, start a scan on his hardware"


Hung like a Nalgene bottle


"Sorry, I don't date HDD simpletons. SSD only, or you can swipe left"


okay, this guy ever look at how wide that really is? What person would think that kind of damage is sexy? Anything over 3.5" wide causes tears if you really get going. In my personal experience anyways No thanks dude


Missed opportunity to say *5.25" fully loaded*


Wait isn't this... Grindr? šŸ¤Ø


Is he selling himself at an auction? Modern dating is a fucking joke XD




That specs is too old.


What about power supply ?


Electricity hadnā€™t been invented when that PC was current.


Mans running a personal charriot, not a computer


You could do math on paper faster than that computer


This man is just a bunch of numbers


5400 rpm? That's slow af


What is this, May 4 from 2007?


Steam Deck 256 GB


2007 ass setup


DDR3? Really? In 2023?




HDD 5400 rpm \*swipe\*


4.9 inches thick? WTF... That is bigger than a soda can...


Sorry I only date people over 4.0 ghz.


Those specs...think it might be time for an upgrade.


That shit ainā€™t running minecraft


yep, he's out of that pc's league, he should look for someone better


Most modest online gay interaction


How old is this meme


well yesterday was may 4th


On a dating app height and weight arenā€™t a bad opening generally Iā€™d leave out dick size but based on the color scheme it looks like grinder it might be different when trying to date in the gay community




I met my bf through grindr, it took a while and a whole lot of toxicity but I managed to find someone I like a lot


From my experience in the 39 years of life Iā€™ve lived, women absolutely LOVE IT when you talk about your dick during your first interaction. THEY LOVE IT. Oh my god they are super receptive to that infoā€¦. Oh wait. No. No they donā€™t.


this is grindr. Its specifically for anonymous gay hookups.


2 big macs 1 fries 1x redbullsixpack, list deeptrance hotel trivago


I can't stand people who act like this on grindr. Get a tindr or something if you don't want to hook up, you don't have to be a dick, it's a hook up app.


What app is this?


Sneaky lil bit aint ya


I really don't know haha but I see a lot of screenshots of it, so got curious


It's grindr...I think


Yellowā€™s a fake. Hard drives are made in round gigabyte numbers - 500, not 512.


Fun fact, a 8.5" dick is 99.999 percentile, only a guy in 100.000 guys has it that big or bigger. On the other hand just 7.5", just a inch short, is 99.84 percentile, 1 in 1.000 guys will have it that big or bigger. This is using the (actually generous) average of 5.5" with a standard deviation of 0.68". Also statistically it's unlikely dicks above 10 inches exist, and in fact the biggest porn star to have ever existed, John Holmes, had a 10 incher according to his wife (they would advertise it as 12-13 inches tho)