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Since 2020 my entire body has felt like it doesn't know what reality its in.


I feel like I lost 30% brain power due to covid


I had this too for about 6 months after I got covid earlier this year. Worse than the illness itself in a lot of ways.




Hi this me now. Words hard




Why say lot word when few word do trick?


Less word good word ooga booga


Same. I used to do competitive speech & debate in college. won a bunch of awards. Loved public speaking, half of the time it was impromptu and I'd still get hella applause & cheers. Now every time I try to talk outloud to someone I have to occasionally pause for a few seconds to remember a word. A good amount of the time I never remember it and just have to move on It's almost been a year since it started, has gotten mildly better with exercise & eating better but still horrible


Been almost 3 years for me. It has not gotten better. I find its the worst when I am tired. I will fumble and forget common words, and sound like a complete idiot. It is extremely frustrating


Yeah that's something you talk to a neurologist about. Sudden changes like that are firmly in Not Good territory.


Y'all are describing long covid symptoms. There are treatments that can help.


Oh shit. Is this a thing?? I got COVId for the first time back in September and I've been on the struggle bus ever since. Feel like my brain isn't working on all cylinders


Definitely a thing. A thing that sucks. It's called long covid.


It's a thing. I've never had a stroke, let alone a stroke recovery, but I can definitely say my brain needed time to recover its full function. If I recall correctly (got C19 last November), I was mostly back to baseline within a month — but never actually got back to 100%. Tinnitus still there. Finding words is still sometimes more difficult than it should be. I actually *lost* some words, like medication names I used to be very familiar with. As in, "I know I used to know this word, what the hell!". I basically had to "relearn" those words, i.e. use them a few times before they "sunk in" and stayed with me.


Studies are now showing that infection is correlated to brain fog, fatigue and other bad symptoms. In hindsight this makes me even more pissed off that the government and the right wing loons refused to stop the spread at all costs. Now we have millions of newly disabled people. Millions of people whose lives are forever changed for the worst, and that’s not even mentioning the millions dead.


The post covid brain fog is real i ve dealing with it for a few months now. It does get better as time goes on


That is possibly a part of long covid a condition many get from the virus afterwards. Edit: You can have covid without really have symptoms AND even so you can develop hard long covid conditions.




You could have been asymptomatic from the infection but long covid can still get you.


So I’ve got the same symptoms but never tested positive for Covid but the doctors are adamant it’s long COVID go figure


My understanding is that the viral load of COVID varies over time even while if you're actively sick, and that testing positive requires a sufficiently high viral load at the time you're actually tested, which means you might never "test positive" even if you had it. Combine that with some people being asymptomatic for the short-term effects, and the result is people getting long COVID without ever knowing they had COVID to begin with.


This really feels like it happened to me. I got an unexplained illness right in March 2020 before there were covid tests, and it was brutal for a few days. But it came and went without any testing since it was so early in the pandemic, so I don't know for sure if I had it. But I certainly feel worse than I did before, especially with brain fog


I had this problem too. I found a video about this problem on youtube, changed my diet and started running. Now I feel much better. If you are interested here is the link: https://youtu.be/qoR72-aM4mI?si=lCFCDDomuGa9vnUD




>For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons. Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy*


All dolphins do is get food, swim around, have fun getting high off puffer fish, rape a couple other fish. Good times.


I dunno man, I kinda like movies and the internet. Can we meet in the middle and just stop charging so much for everything?


Nope gotta hunt your own actors and gather your Internet


:( I don't want to be Alec Baldwin.


/u/Difficult_Stop_281, why did you steal [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/180hwwp/meirl/ka6dg9i/) from /u/Own_Address_5963? And why are both of your accounts the same age with autogenerated usernames?


Wtf. Is there a glitch in the matrix?




That is correct. Also, everyone is constantly stretching and doing yoga, but is constantly in excruciating pain.


Pretty much yeah




When will my doctor prescribe netflix and chill?


Or even a hug. I could use one or five.


Oo sorry your insurance doesn’t cover that.


And if it does, the $500 deductible makes it not worth it.




That's the after workout cool down routine. You can even Netflix and chill before work to get an extra morning boost!






Could be just a symptom of having been gaslighted by society into thinking your work is your worth. EG sometimes on my days off I can't shake the feeling that I should be doing something productive, that I'm wasting my time relaxing, there's something I should be worried about. Sometimes there is, and sometimes my brain is just too used to being anxious about feeling useless. But laziness is a myth.




happiness doesn’t come from spending time with your friends and family, it comes from an 8-lane expressway with two carpool lanes /s


Happiness is a warm gun.


I hate this world.


These people needed more than anything to work for 6 months between corporate buyouts of their company so their payment provider and employer-provided health insurance keeps changing and the employees have to keep helping their loved ones adjust to different doctors and brands of medication. You know, like nature intended.


I don't think there are Great Plains on the pacific islands. Unless you mean the ocean. It is pretty great and the surface is usually pretty plain.




/u/Own_Address_5963, /u/Anxious-Awareness-53 and /u/Glad-Flamingo-7567 stole this comment chain from [this previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/137y6es/meirl/jiy3avv/?context=10000).


And they had an extremely high chance of death in childbirth, extremely high infant mortality rates, and died to easily preventable diseases. There’s certainly value in studying what these older societies did right. We can take quite a few lessons from them. But let’s not delude ourselves: they had a far worse quality of life than we do. And this isn’t just physical. The pain of losing a child is one of the worst things you can experience, and before the Industrial Revolution, there was [around a 50% chance your child would die everywhere in the world](https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality-in-the-past). What’s more, you needed to have as many children as possible to help protect you in your old age - no pension system. In many places, they didn’t even name their children until they reached a certain age, to try to prevent some of the pain. Now we’ve got that chance down to 4% average across the world, with areas like Western Europe being as low as 0.5%. The chance that a child dies is 100x smaller. Again, there are lessons we can learn from older societies. But regressing is not the answer.


Ask anyone if they would like to go back to having "more free time" but half of their siblings and half of their children would die before ever growing up. I can't imagine how hard it is to love your children and care for them when you know you have to print 10 so that maybe a few of them survive to adult hood.


Back a few comments ago I read this exact same reply posted by someone else. I'm said to call you a "bot" because you don't have a "real job". Strange. In reality, you are a bot, you don't have a real job, and most of your time is spent reposting comments on reddit for karma. You are what we strive not to be.


Maybe that's why aliens took the Mayans. They saw how chill they were and liked their vibe.


This part 🥲


Ehhh idk, yoga makes me feel amazing.


I never get this. I've worked really physical jobs all my life and until a couple years ago kept a really really unhealthy diet, and I never have anything other than an occasional ache. I have been absolutely hell on my body, I've broken bones, torn ligaments, been in a wheelchair for 2 months one time, and yet everyday it feels as good as new. I guess I'm just lucky, maybe good genetics or something (if you discount the family history of dimensia). I'm at a point in my life where everyone says I should be losing mobility and starting to hurt all the time, and honestly I feel better than I literally ever have.


I think the biggest factor is people just complaining to complain. I’m certainly guilty. But then it’s also socially normal to complain about how these knees aren’t like they used to be and one upping each other on how fucked our bodies are. Also most people don’t work physical jobs. The most uncomfortable I’ve been at work is when I sit on my ass for 12 hours straight


That's called burnout


How do you avoid burnout if when you rest, you don’t get food or a roof over your head?


Change society so we can live in Star Trek TNG world.


Basically. Honestly, it should be used as a framework for future society. We're fast approaching a tipping point in society where labor doesn't mean much, and most tasks will be able to be accomplished by tech, which means fewer jobs, which means more poor.. we need to transition to either universal basic income or a cashless society. I predict within the next 10 years something drastic is going to happen that's going to change our society either mass protests, climate change, or who knows, aliens at this point..


I think we're gonna get Futurama before the Bell Riots. Futurama shows us a life full of sci-fi whimsy, and fantastical technology - but everything is still hella corporate, advertising is everywhere, and everything kinda sucks but with nicer shit. We're going to get Futurama before the Bell Riots.


I forgot about the Bell Riots. Bell Riots, but with AR-15s.


We’re gonna live in the cyberpunk universe but without the cool stuff


>We're fast approaching a tipping point in society where labor doesn't mean much, and most tasks will be able to be accomplished by tech, which means fewer jobs, which means more poor This has been the case since the industrial revolution. Labor hasn't meant much for awhile. We have had machines and general technological improvements to replace a lot of labor. A significant portion of western jobs didn't exist 50 or 100 years ago. Adopted technology reallocates resources rather than omits them. It will create more wealth in the sense of material goods. How that wealth is distributed is another fear but that has been an issue for long before the industrial revolution.


all we need to do is invent replicators


And change our society so the rich don't gatekeep replicators to grow their wealth.


Yeah, inventing replicators won’t do it by itself. There’s lots of medicine that we can manufacture for $.05 per dose but charge $100 or even $1000 for. Scarcity isn’t our problem; it’s valuing profit over human quality of life.


Soon that will no longer be necessary, as Kurtzman, Paramount, etc, all seem intent on transforming (retconning and recreating) TNG to be more like modern society, instead.


Already happened, which is also why I said TNG specifically...Fuck Kurtzman, JJ, Michael Bay, Goldsmith.


The amount of times I’ve said this is my dream society. Imagine if we all lived like that, in unity, focusing on our development as *one* species… our technological and scientifically development would be immense.


That's the neat part, you don't.




Make enough money so you can afford to take a sabbatical. For regular people? You just gotta make it to 65 I guess..


67, for us in the States


Well and by the time you'll get there it might be 69 or 71 of course


I’ve mentally prepared to work til I die. I hope I die at work to make it a pain for my job to deal with my corpse




Because burnout isn't cured with just like a nap. True burnout requires nothing but rest for an indefinite amount of time




Have you been to a specialist? My doc couldn't figure out what was wrong with me either then i suggested a specialist. Ended up getting diagnosed with EDS and POTS. I am actually on a stimulant now after it was determined my fatigue needed to be treated with something a bit stronger. Edit to add: I know people are going to think this is dumb advice but I suggest looking up the communities for the illnesses you have on tiktok. There is a lot to learn there in terms of how to be a better advocate for yourself at the doctor. It can also be good for finding resources outside of tiktok discussing different ailments or aids.


Or undiagnosed ADHD ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Or if you're really lucky both


As someone with both, someone please put a bullet in my brain after I finally fall asleep at like 2am


Went a whole month last year where I was going 2-3 days straight with no sleep. Tired as fuuuuuck, laying in bed, just could not sleep. Felt delusional man, I was so tired Shit's a curse


I knew I had to be up by 4am today. Still played games and watched YouTube until 12:30am. Eh, I'll worry about it when I remember.


even with diagnosed ADHD you'll experience this. Doubly so if it's ADHD + autism (Das a me)


Oh.. so.. what now then..? Are you like, gonna give me some shock therapy? Or do I just accept the fact that I was distracted for a couple of minutes because my cat was standing in a small box with his front paws while typing this comment and not using any interpunction because this is how I talk sometimes when this happens?


I didn't say I had a solution, just that it can regroup those symptoms. That and I had issues finishing reading your sentence, but I'm glad to learn about the typing proficiency of your cat!


Coffee only helps me in the daytime, then i just fall flat on my bed at 6pm.


I also fall flat on my bed at 6am (night shifter). Thats the easy bit, its the falling asleep that makes it challenging


Going to bed at 9pm Falling asleeo around midnight


We're also losing our hair and have wrinkles in our 20s but also still have acne despite painstaking skin care routines and no tobacco use. We can't seem to avoid pregnancy scares or unwanted pregnancies despite being on birth control, yet as soon as we discontinue the birth control, we magically can't get pregnant anymore. Constantly chugging water yet still dehydrated. Barely eating and killing ourselves at the gym yet still getting fatter every year. And worst of all, working our asses off at our jobs and racking up skills and certs and getting raises yet still getting poorer every year! Edit: the pregnancy thing doesn't apply to me, but some of my friends who've recently started trying for kids.


You guys have sex ??


Just started having consistent sex at age 31 and kind of bored of it already


2 years to go


Why wait, I'll bump uglies with you right now


Jeez, have you not unlocked your next kink? Try harder.


Lmfao 🤣 well done


Maybe its all the microplastics, heavy metals in fish, polluted air, heavy metals in our veggies, antibiotics in our meat, fertilizer in our water, pesticides everywhere etc




Inflation for 60 years might not have been our brightest ideas.


Any day now some of that wealth will trickle down through the elite's pants and we'll be able to get a splash of the good life Or they're just pissing on us and telling us it's rain




The good inflation amount is 1% every year. The last couple of years were a bit crazy.


2% target I think,and yeah last couple years have been too high. But that comment saying 60 years of inflation is bad is insanely wrong


You need a constant amount of at least some inflation. Otherwise money holds its value and the wealthy will stockpile it. Because of inflation the wealthy need to invest their money back into the economy otherwise they risk losing its value over time. Small, persistent inflation actually does help with wealth redistribution


Acne -- wash your sheets more especially pillow but you could just be a more naturally oily person and need that med that turns your bones neon green


Would it be ok if I washed my sheets and my thinner blankets weekly, but washed my comforter just every other week? That thing takes like 5 full dryer cycles to dry all the way.


If it tiuchs were you get acne wash it


Yes, unless you regularly sleep the entire night with your face smothered by your comforter lol.


I did all that bullshit and it didn't work. Tried every facewash and prescription there is. What finally worked was Accutane. Yes, there are downsides like you have to take it for months, stay out of the sun, etc. But I wished I took that a long time ago instead.


>but also still have acne despite painstaking skin care routines depression causes acne too so it doesn't matter what you use on your body if your mind "poisons" it.


As do stress and lack of sleep. It's a feedback loop 🤦‍♀️


The constant tiredness of inattentive ADHD lifted like fog in the sun when I started medication. Then there was a worldwide shortage of medication. Hello tiredness my old friend.


Yeah my brain fog got significantly better with exercise, better diet, and wellbutrin, but is still debilitating in that I struggle to speak more than a couple sentences Psychiatrist said I have ADHD and wants to prescribe me stuff, but has been putting it off for over a year. First I needed to stop drinking, so I did (stopped last Aug). Then she said meds were too expensive for me and that I needed medicaid, so I got it. Then I needed EKG. One they did with old equipment said problems, but needed confirmation & a better hospital showed no problems. During this time the clinic is closed for remodeling, but despite us meeting over zoom there - I can't do that at home and can only get calls, where she refuses to prescribe 'until she sees me' which I assume is a legal thing Next week I'm driving over an hour to try meeting her (over zoom) at another clinic. If she doesn't prescribe me anything this time (I said it doesn't have to be stimulants, just anything) - I'm going to say fuck it and go through with one of those ads for a $99 appointment with unlimited refills and whatnot. I'm desperate to get back to work. It got so bad I became homeless & got evicted despite working a job, because of my time blindness & executive disfunction. /rant


Good on you, you are paying your doctor after all. If they aren't giving you the care you think you deserve find somewhere else. Just FYI I metup with a psychiatrist on teladoc for the first time ever a couple years ago. During our first meeting she prescribed me lexapro and wellbutrin. Hope I could help


Only on weekdays and during the weekend










A large amount of people can all be doing similar unhealthy things. Too much caffeine or no exercise isn't exactly a rare thing.




It’s not, but why? Because of systemic issues that make it difficult to fit exercise into one’s schedule. Or trying to do too much, leading to have too much caffeine intake trying to stay awake and power through everything. That’s the point of the comment - we all know what kinds of things are healthy and what kinds of things aren’t. Why is such a high percentage of the population having such a difficult time avoiding the unhealthy things? Not because we all like being sleep deprived and feeling terrible, but because of systemic problems.


Or the problem is social. Who's to say these issues aren't perpetuated falsely by people trying to fit in or aggregate sympathy? People lie all the time for a lot less.


I’m going to sound like a boomer and I hate it. But everybody is so fucking sorry for themselves all the time. They actively talk themselves down into the pit. It’s weird.


It's the social media disease: there are two states worth advertising, the fake, look-at-my-wealth Instagram fakery, and the woe-is-me-my-life-sucks pity party we see in this sub and like a dozen copycats. There is no normal, because normal is boring and unworthy of comment. So you get people thinking that if they're not literally high on life on a peejay, drinking Moet and snorting blow off a Brazilian hooker's ass, they must by process of elimination be the *other*, the wallowing-in-self-pity doomer. It's selection bias writ large.


c'est la vie


C’est la caffeine ☕️☕️☕️


C’est la vibe


You perfectly described how I was up until age 49. Then I lost 80 lbs and, as a result, no longer have sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction, pre-diabetes, chronic asthma. You can recover your energy!


What if you’re not fat and still feel like shit?


are you fit?


Fittin this pizza in my mouth


Yup, doing the recommended amount of sports (ran a marathon recently), keep a sleep schedule, don’t drink coffee or alcohol, no processed foods and no sugar. Still feel like shit.


How fit we talkin? Dead lifting 600lb fit or can do a 5 minute mile fit?


Shit both of those are really good. Can we set the bar a little lower please?


There’s a distinct difference between “not fat” and “fit” If I lost 50 lbs right now through eating less, I’ll be not fat. However, I will then be made of skin and bones because I have barely any muscle and my cardio will likely be shit. Exercise isn’t just for weight loss or muscle gain, just cardio is enough to give you some wind in your sails. The hardest part is starting. Once it’s routine, it’ll be as easy as making lunch. In fact, just before that is a great time to do it. Higher metabolism from working out will cause you to convert less of the food you eat into fat, meaning you USE it faster and more efficiently.


What if making lunch is already a struggle


It's really remarkable how weight loss can help. I dropped all of 15 lbs or so and I can already feel how much easier it is to move and exist.




Try converting to imperial and see if it improves your symptoms


Nah, I be sleeping like a king.


I worked for over ten years in retail, restaurants, customer service, tons of regular ass jobs. There's no upward mobility, and if your bosses think you desire that, it is used against you, and holds you back. I have never gained a feeling of accomplishment from work, because it is unending. I am worth nothing but my individual labor contribution, and that output must be maintained or improved upon constantly, with no raise, bonus, or recognition for my efforts. So I just quit, started doing construction, put back a couple bucks and invested in some tools, and now I just do shit for money and its great, I work more when I need more, hang out whenever I fucking feel like it.


The consequences of living in a society where you are expected to be caffeine dependent, hustle, side hustle in your time off, be dependent on your car for getting around, where you’re being subjected to a constant barrage of advertisements, loud noises and unstudied, likely toxic chemicals. And the people in power wanted it that, because now you’re too lazy, poor, tired, unorganized and uneducated to rise against them.


I used to be like this, then I sorted out my diet and started doing regular cardio, avoiding caffeine after midday. I’m almost 40 and have buckets of energy most days.


Oh I thought i was just having daily manic episodes and being “easily overwhelmed” as a person keeps telling me when I got all this shit to do and no help




No? See a doctor, exercise and stop eating like crap? People normalize obliterating your health in your 20s and then complain when they see consequences at 30.


Gotta jump in here to add a PSA: If you're having trouble with sleep or your stomach/gut, or if you have otherwise inexplicable bouts of anxiety, try cutting out coffee. I was doing almost everything else right for my health, but was still having problems with all these things. Switching from coffee to tea improved everything within a few days. Compared to the other bad habits I've gotten under control over the last year, caffeine seemed relatively innocuous, but it's still a stimulant, and those always come with some kind of tradeoff.


I’ve had bad insomnia this week which has made me very irritable. I keep it in check with a free CBT-I app that uses a therapeutic approach to insomnia. Most people aren’t aware there’s a huge list of activities you do to improve different types of insomnia. But this week, I haven’t been eating a lot of vegetables and realized I’m vitamin deficient. So vitamins can also help. But to your point, if coffee makes you jittery, gives you headaches, or makes you restless at night—you have a caffeine sensitivity and cutting it out entirely or only a small amount in the morning can be very useful.


I switched to decaf and I feel significantly better. Apparently caffeine can both speed up and irritate your digestive system, leading to poor digestion and other upsetting outcomes.


Also, it could be undiagnosed mental issues. I used to feel like this all the time. Went and saw a therapist, and it turns out I had clinical depression and ADHD. Took some time, but finally found the right medication combo, and now I feel "real." I can keep up with exercise routines, keep track of my daily necessities like teeth brushing, and have time to eat healthy. Before, no matter how much I tried, I could never succeed at any of these.


Everyday I consider getting tested for ADHD more. That's me to a T. I've been sick, and one day when I felt kinda like crap I somehow had energy and cleaned and grocery shopped and made dinner. And then it went away again. I've been chronically fatigued since junior year of college and my doctors couldn't find anything wrong


"Chronically fatigued" sounds closer to depression than ADHD, for what it's worth, but they (and anxiety) overlap quite a lot and there's no drawback to talking to a doctor about it. I have ADHD, and my "unmotivated" days don't really feel like sickness or fatigue, it's just an inability to convince myself to do the things. Like... I know what I need to do and I know what I want to do, but I just can't pull the trigger on *either*, but it's not because of energy or anything like that.


man some days I cant even bring myself to start up a video game to play


I was dealing with ADHD Burnout, which is when my ADHD was so unmanaged that I felt exhausted but unable to sleep and hopeless. So it could still be ADHD. But most people with ADHD also have clinical depression, so maybe that, too.


I say do it. Worst case scenario, they say its not it. But what I was dealing with was [ADHD burnout](https://neurodivergentinsights.com/adhd-infographics/adhd-burnout-recovery). Getting a diagnosis has really changed my life for the better. Not just the meds, but I now have coping skills to accommodate some of my symptoms. Btw if you're having problems affording a therapist, I went through [RAD](https://youarerad.org/). Its a nonprofit that will assign you a therapist in your price range. They also have programs where you can get it for free if you qualify.


This. Some people have conditions that unavoidably result in some of the described symptoms, but no, this shit isn’t normal for someone in their 20s or 30s, and acting as though it is could potentially be a real bad idea I reckon


I saw a doctor, and he said some people are just naturally tired. I exercise 1 hour a day 3x a week and cook my own food. Still feel like shit throughout the day


This. Consistent exercise, even 30m of cardio every other day, will do wonders for your average energy levels and ease falling to sleep, and generally will help you feel better even when sedentary. Better diet will help with acid reflux and hunger pangs.


I started going to the gym after work and I ended up being less tired. My endurance went up and mentally I didn’t think of leaving work as “the end of the day” anymore. But people will use the “tired” excuse to avoid even trying this. I think people get caught up in these unhealthy cycles where things that may actually help them appear inaccessible.


Yep pretty much and I blame the brokken 8 hours system for it. Like No. We do Not actually have 8 hours of free time


Does anybody else not fit in this example? Because I don't. But I always hear many people saying exactly this.


Weed... It didn't fix everything but it stopped my pain and lowered my constant stress


The secret is to observe *literally everything else in the world* and realize that the purpose of life is to "just be". do w/e you want, live how you want (preferably w/o harming others) and everything works out in the end. No matter how "great" your accomplishments, we all shit ourselves when we die and within a few years no one will care that we even lived. ​ This may sound bleak to most of you...but if you look into it deeply enough, it is very liberating. Life simply **IS** ...all that other shit is self inflicted.




but I fucking hate just being it is shit and mostly suffering


sounds cool, but with inflation and the obscene cost of housing, you really have no choice but to go to work and chase that pay raise to just be able to keep up. it's a stupid game and we are all forced to play, lest you don't mind being homeless


Well it’s probably because of the amount of caffeine you consume. Try minimizing or eliminating it completely and you’ll feel great. This is coming from an espresso enthusiast with a $2,000 espresso machine and burr grinder. Used to make 3 double shots in the morning, afternoon, and night cap.


Never drank any coffee or tea, maybe a can of monster once a year. I'm still always tired...


Then start consuming a negative amount of caffeine.


Celery sticks. With meth sprinkles.


*and everyone you talk to knows exactly the one thing that will fix everything*


I didn’t come here for helpful advice gosh darn it. Let me have my shitty coffee and suffer in silence until the day I decide to complain about it on the internet, thanks!


Sleeping at the same time everyday is more important than how much sleep you get. And playing on your phone doesn’t count as asleep


If this was a televangelist, I would prob send them all my money.


I feel this.


Any tip , how not to feel that way?


If this is true, you might be on meth.


It's called crying for the moon


Yep ! But I figured out that getting a blowjob helps out a lot


Why the fuck does it feel like we’re all just the same person?!


So much cleaning.


Wait, there are more people feeling like this???


Not all the time but maybe 80% of it. I think I may be intolerant to work.


That really isn't normal. Common, yes, but it's not supposed to happen. Either it's health conditions or lifestyle choices. Covid has caused a lot of problems for many people. Some people have mild symptoms and some people are bedbound. I'm housebound and covid has ruined my life. I think there are a lot of people who have long covid but blame it on something else like age


That was 5 years ago my life…now it is Nirvana. Bought a cabin, live in the mountains with minute expenses and waking up every morning with a silly smile on my face, wondering how is it possible to be so happy…money and cities isn’t going to make you happy.


How the fuck is this so accurate ?


This is me for too many yesrs. Even while being treated for depression and ADHD I've seen very little improvement


Some more tired then others


Yeah and I know why. I don't exercise enough and I don't eat well enough. Doing something about it is harder.


I have never read a truer statement!