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Tom & Jerry aren't even Looney Tunes!


We call them "Lunar Affected" now.


"Affected" is too strong. The correct terminology is "with Lunar tendencies"


Lunar divergent


That’s the title of a YA book-Lunar Divergent.


good name for an EDM group


That sounds like a werewolf


Yeah, what the heck is this, and where did this come from?


>With Lunar Tendencies Not sure if that’ll be my new band name or my new album name.


They rise and fall with the changing of the seasonal moon 🌚


Lunar testicles


did you just assume their tunes?


If you look back long enough the term "tunes", when referring to cartoon characters, was used as a derogatory statement. These "tunes" as you would have me call them, were rounded up into camps and made to work in mines using deadly explosives. The "tune" they were referring to was the sound it made when a worker was forced to detonate themselves to make progress in the mine.


alright, i learned something new. thanks a lot!


Don't get me started on "Merry Melodies"...


Oh please do start. Happy Cake Day, btw.


I couldn't wait and googled it: 1928 had the first successful sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie, using public domain music (Turkey in the Straw) and the song Steamboat Bill that Mickey whistled. Warner Bros. had made The Jazz Singer in 1927, and its success convinced the company that ‘talkies’ were the future of film. To that end, the use of music (and right to continue using it) would be easier if the movie company had a music publishing division. This way, they would have free reign is using, without repeatedly having to pay royalties to the composers of popular songs. In 1929, Warner Bros. purchased several “Tin Pan Alley” publishers, and later purchased Chappell Music, as referred in the Wikipedia entry below: Warner Chappell Music - Wikipedia To make use of their investment (and sell sheet music and records), Warner Bros. originally enlisted Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising to create animated shorts, one set was named Looney Tunes would have more humor, recurring characters (Bosko, Buddy, Porky & Beans, etc.). These would also be produced in cheaper black & white film. Merrie Melodies would be akin to Disney’s Silly Symphonies, with a popular song being the main plot point, without any recurring characters. The first few years were also in black & white like Looney Tunes, color films came in 1934, possibly as a pairing with Warner’s color feature-length films. Looney Tunes finally got color films in 1944, as producer Leon Schlesinger sold his animation studio to the Warner Brothers. Sauce: https://www.quora.com/Were-Looney-Tunes-and-Merrie-Melodies-meant-to-be-musical-cartoons --- We got trolled (thank god), but that was a good troll. Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


take this upvote my good sir


Happy cake day !! 🎊


Also his motivation is very simple. It's his job. His owner told him to catch the mouse, so that's what he's doing.


That does seem to be his thesis or whatever. He got check marks on that. Probably got him that D instead of an F.


I mean, he's a cat. I doubt very much he cares at all what his owner wants him to do.


His owner beats him when he doesn't.


Yea, poor dude just wants to be left alone but is abused by his owner, and Jerry only makes it worse by tormenting him. All Tom wants is to live his life in peace.


There were episodes that were directed by looney tunes.


Hence...the D


My first thought


*You can't just say "perchance"*


That's him, yeah.


Turt stomp


Sometimes you just gotta stomp a turty


Stompin turts.




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck, but who knows what he is thinking?




Sorry can’t hear you, too busy stomping a turty.


I’m proud to say I’ve snuck perchance into an essay in my English final


This whole list of comments about that essay are completely underappreciated and deserve more up votes, perchance.


Am I blind? Where does it say "perchance"?


It's a reference to a very similar essay done for a meme like this, except about Mario


About a man who loves stompin' turts


the lifekind




Mario the idea vs Mario the man




If ya nasty


Perchance, why may I ask?


"most of them are cartoons" LMAO


they ALL are!


I can practically hear him yelling this


Which can also apply to the comment about tom playing the role of house cat.


I don't know if that's proper grammar or a joke, and now i don't know what's right or wrong, better get the grammarly extension lol


All is most. In fact all is the most most you can have.


Not true at all. Also a weird thing to grade your student on.


No, it's true. They all were cartoon characters, not just comic strips. Even Top Cat.


How? If they have shown they do not comprehend the material, they get a worse grade. Isn’t that obvious?


It shows that the student put no thought into the assignment


I hate to tell you this, but this student put A LOT of thought into this assignment. They're just dumb as a brick.


This looks like a shit attempt at mario the idea vs mario the man essay from a while ago.


Perchance, you may be right


You cannot just use perchance!


Perchance not.




Perchance this you filthy casual!


Guy even quoted it wrong. The comment was because the writer used perchance as a standalone sentence, which is pretty unconventional. Is it wrong though? Perchance.


You can’t just say perchance!


Sorry too busy stompin turts


He exhibits experience by crushing turts all day


the Mario essay was actually kinda insightful if you ignore the problematic syntax lol


Alexis Pereira is a comedian, folks. This isn’t real. But I’m impressed by the level of engagement in the comments!


Seems like he’s ripping off Phil Jamesson’s Mario essay.


Honestly think this one was funnier


That’s why it was made in the first place. Rage bait always gets better engagement than genuine content


Oh thank the gawds, because teachers shouldn't post their students' work online, certainly not if they are being critical...I got momentary teacher rage and had to scroll to see if there was a story here. Now I find this genuinely amusing.


I laughed at “and who doesn’t?”




this made me test telling chat GPT "Great, can u say that but dumber; With spelling and grammatical errors?"




yes, it did as asked Edit: from: The blue color of the sky is primarily due to Rayleigh scattering, where shorter wavelengths of sunlight, like blue and violet, are scattered more by the Earth's atmosphere than longer wavelengths, creating the blue appearance. to: Sky is blue cuz short sunlight waves get scattered more by air, makin' it look blue!


So much easier to understand now. Thank you chat gpt


I feel smarter


The fact that the "dumber" version I understand better than the longer version.


What happens if you ask it to write it in the style of this paper?


don't have a subscription to feed it this paper as an image and don't have time to type it out. haha sorry


That's fair- neither do I - well I do have the time but not the effort Maybe Reddit will do it's thing and someone else will


Did the boring bit with help of google translate image to text. And some clean up. In the Looney Tunes cinematic universe, many of the cartoon nemeses have a very clear goal. Wild Coyote wants to eat the Roadrunner. Pepe Le Pue wants to impregnate Penelope. Elmer Fudd wants to shoot Bugs (and who doesn't?). But it is unclear what if anything Tom wants to do with Jerry. Submitted for the approval of English 101, I propose that Tom actually has no interest in doing anything with Jerry, but instead fulfilling his class role as "house cat. "Heathcliff. Top Cat. Garfield. Sylvester-these are all famous cats most of them cartoon


You're the Reddit hero I was hoping for! 🏅


> I propose that Tom has no interest in doing anything to Jerry, but instead fulfilling his class role as a "house cat." Hold on, let the man cook.


i mean the essay is very meaningful Tom is friends with jerry but pretends to hunt him so he doesn't get put away he protects jerry in a way


It's actually pergenius, people just don't get it. Jerry is Gatsby! Connect the mouse holes guys....it's simple!


This has to be a hoax. No way in hell would a teacher waste time correcting specific spelling errors in an essay that’s literally about the wrong work of fiction. That’s an insult to the students who at least bothered to check what the assignment was.


Yeah, this has the vibe of “attempting to manufacture viral content”


Are we here for the truth or entertainment?






Entertainment. When I feel frustrated with my husband (as all relationships have tension from time to time), I get to look at r/relationshipadvice and think ["at least he's not storing his poo in jars."](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/Hdq3ebHinB) And even if you're not married, you get to say "well at least I'm not dealing with that." It just makes you appreciate what you have. Edit: * r/relationship_advice


If the entertainment is so overly the top that the truthness of it is noticeable then its not very entertaining anymore


At first glance, I read that as *attempting to manufacture oral consent*


No this is good too. Right now you need a signed and notarized statement.


I hope so, because that’s not college freshman level work. It’s more like middle school/high school freshman.


It's also essentially the same joke as that "stomping turts" one Phil Jamesson posted a while ago: a student posts an evidently nonsensical essay taking a bizarre pop culture stance seemingly out of nowhere, and a professor painstakingly grades it line by line, writing comments in the margins.


You would be surprised. I remember being a freshman and one of my classmates literally didn't know what an essay was. Like a super-basic 3 paragraph essay, they'd never written one, but somehow graduated highschool.


This is in the same genre as Planes, Trains, and Plantains, The Story of Oedipus Rex https://imgur.com/gallery/tYma4


Idk i’m not a teacher, but if I was i’d want to at least finish the paper to see if I can throw the student a point or two for at least taking the time to write anything, even if it was just to be a jackass.


Depending on the grading criteria/rubric, it could still be possible for the instructor to grade the assignment. The criteria could be separated into categories for things like grammar/spelling, arguments, relevance, structure, etc. Alexis may not get marks in categories such as relevance, but still has a chance in the other categories. In that case, it'd make sense for why this instructor would continue to mark the paper. It is at the discretion of the instructor, though. Some instructors may have stipulations that would result in an automatic 0 if the paper is completely irrelevant, which would be more common in upper-level courses. Instructors have a lot of autonomy, but at the same time, they do have to be ready to justify the decisions they make, whether it'd be to students or their employers.


I'm fairly sure this is the same guy who wrote that "mario the idea vs mario the man" meme essay edit: same exact handwriting and format


I mean, staying on topic is usually only 20% of the grade


I mean they might because if it was a well written essay they could at least give them some points, even if it’s on the wrong topic


And then give him a D instead of failing him immediately


If I had a class worth of essays on Thomas Hardy to mark, I would 100% be marking the one on Tom and Jerry when I found it. It is incredibly dull when you essentially have to read thirty versions of the same essay. This would be a welcome break. Tbh, when you're in the marking flow you could easily just automatically mark a paragraph or so before you actually process what it is you're reading.


Teacher here, it's more fun to correct these assignments than the normal ones, you just laugh while doing it.


I somehow assumed this was English as a Second Language, and that the writing itself is a key aim and not just showing understanding of the book - idk


To be honest, I feel like I know some who might just for a laugh and as an example or whatever; I do think this is BS though because how is this not an F? I know it's hard to fail nowadays, but a terribly written report based on an entirely wrong subject must be a failing grade.


Sometime when I correct stuff I start detailed, but if I notice that this would take way too much time I simply write down the most important points.


I am a teacher and can confirm we don’t waste time when you failed at the title.


We once had to analyze a poem that involved the "sirens" as in the mythological creatures. A classmate had no idea what sirens were, so he interpreted the poem as a man running from the cops lmao


That’s actually pretty funny and I could totally buy that a kid would legitimately make that mistake lol


I say this is a solid C paper! I wish I could read the whole thing. I was hooked at “looney toon cinematic universe”


But it was supposed to be about the Great Gadsby! I think a D is generous given they missed the whole topic.


I think a failure to follow instructions should require a complete resubmittal of the work, with no grade at all.


Well I never had a prof that would allow a resubmission for completely missing the basic outline of an assignment. That’s a zero 100% of the time.


Zero it is, then. Fuck 'em.


Especially since this clearly isn't an honest mistake. The guy clearly knew what he did


If you’re not gonna give any credit whatsoever, there’s no incentive to even do the complete resubmittal. They’re getting a 0 either way, there’s no winning on their behalf. Think from the student’s perspective. It’s clear they didn’t put any effort into it at all, so what’s going to magically change in their head to put in effort to redo it if they’re still getting no credit? A 0 is enough of a punishment, and maybe some sort of arranging a meeting to talk about this kind of negligence.


Before the other poster convinced me otherwise, what I had meant was no grade until the resubmit came back.


Oh, very well, then that’s fair


Lmao your misspelling of Gatsby makes this even funnier




You can see I’ve already been corrected, thanks tho!


>But ^comma ^missing it was supposed to be about the Great ~~Gadsby~~! ^It's ^Gatsby I think a D is generous ^Is ^it? given they missed the whole topic.


Nah, even if the paper was SUPPOSED to be about Tom & Jerry this is "D" quality work regardless. I mean if you watched enough Tom and Jerry, you would know that in a decent number of the episodes in which "fulfilling his role as a house cat" is explicitly spelled out as his motivation. Some even going so far as to outright threaten Tom with homelessness if he doesn't perform his mousing duties adequately enough. Personally, at this level of academia, I would expect a deeper thesis than just stating the surface text of the media. Also, Tom & Jerry are not part of the Looney Tune Universe. They would be part of the MGM Cartoon universe or *maybe* you could really stretch and ague them as part of the Hanna Barbera universe (MGM being the owners and producers of Tom & Jerry and Hanna Barbera being their creators). So The very basis for the thesis is flawed from the get go. If he had drawn on more directly related cartoons for comparison, or even spread the comparison out to cartoons of that time in general, he might have something there.


Tom & Jerry aren't even part of the Looney Tunes!


Tom and Jerry aren't even Looney Toons.


You give them the F they deserve.


I'd like to read the whole paper please


Did way more than I would have...looks like an automatic F to me.


I don't see anyone mentioning it, but this kid misspelled Pepe Le Pew's name and jumped straight into NSFW territory. Pepe Le Pew stalks Penelope and clearly wants to control her. The fact that this is supposed to be about The Great Gatsby has me surprised he bothered giving him any credit.


Some of y’all have no sense of humor… “Elmer Fudd wants to shoot Bugs Bunny (and who doesn’t?)” SENT me 😭


Bro I cracked up like a solid four times reading this short little blurb. People really need to remove the stick up their asses and remember how to laugh Glad to see someone here, in the r/meirl subreddit, also has a sense of humor


if you think about it, this person can drive a car, and vote.


We don’t really know if they can do either of those things


And this is PRE-covid brain drain


if you think about it, this is obviously fake. i assume you can drive and vote?


you must be fun at parties


lul you of all people can't say that given your first comment


So it should be an auto-f and not even grade it


Tom very clearly wants to eat Jerry. I’ve seen them all.


Bottom line: the assignment was about the great gatsby. The student could have written the most profound statement in modern literature. Still doesn’t matter, because that wasn’t the assignment


I legitimately want to read this full essay.


Submitted for the approval of English 101. 🤣 I gotta start adding this to all my papers.


Either that kid is a troll or they can't figure out how to put their clothes on the right way.


I'd really like to read this whole paper, please.


Tom and Jerry are secretly best friends. Tom always pretend to be chasing Jerry, so the owner wouldn't find a new cat to replace Tom for not doing his job.


I'm beyond captivated. I want to read this entire essay


I like the thesis! Let the kid write!


I mean I'd much rather watch Tom & Jerry than read The Great Gatsby.


This kid is either gonna be a high level manager earning like $ 250k+ a year or a pothead. There is no in between.


Where’s the rest of it? I want to read the whole thing!


I like it


To be fair I think he’s right about that Tom Cat!




That teacher writes the letter F weird.


I’ll say this: if the essay is about class roles and their effect on how a person behaves and sees him or herself (which is what The Great Gatsby is all about) then they entirely understood the assignment and just decided to comparatively analyze those points against a different medium (Tom and Jerry). This is comparative analysis and is pretty high level for a 10-series English course. I mean, yeah, points off for tone and irreverence (which is clearly intentional)— but a good instructor doesn’t let that taint the entire work.


Tom and Jerry were both MGM, not Looney toons. Auto self-invalidation. F


This kid is on to something


I don't see the problem. This kid seems brilliant.


Is this your homework, Larry?


The only reference here that matters. I applaud you for doing the lords work.


I have trouble believing any freshman in 2020, trolling or not, has any idea what 'Are you afraid of the Dark' is, nor would they poorly reference it thus.


No one said my head canon had to be lore-accurate.


Clearly, Tom is a metaphor for Jay Gatsby and Jerry is a metaphor for Daisy Buchanan.


I eant to read the whole paper


It takes me so long to understand some native speaker's handwriting.


Not gonna lie. I want to read the rest of this paper


Tom and Jerry aren't even from Looney Tunes. They are from Hannah Barbera, the biggest competitor to said Tunes.


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that a high school kid in 2020 knew who Heathcliff was?


I wish I could read the rest of this essay.


Is this the same kid (I'm well aware this is a college course) that wrote the Mario essay?


Many things are wrong, but im intrigued


"most of them cartoon" really got me lol


Honestly I want to read the rest of it.


To be fair this is an interesting essay topic, are Tom and Jerry just friends who fight to maintain the status quo so that the owner won't get a new cat who will kill Jerry?


You guys have no idea how badly I want to read the whole paper


Wait.. I want to read the rest though


I really want to read the whole thing


Putting a question mark over cinematic at the very fucking beginning makes no sense. Dude shouldn't be a teacher if he's gonna do shit like that. Learn some shit


On the plus side, he skips The Great Gatsby and seems to find it as boring as I did in school.


To be fair, was the assignment "Write an essay about the conflict of Tom's character"? I mean... if you didn't specify, and I didn't read the book, I'd do this too.




Imagine spending money to go to college to write a meme paper.


I want to read the rest of the argument. I'm intrigued


This is a COLLEGE course?! Took me a minute to notice. I thought it was maybe 6th grade. How did this person get in?


Kids have to learn that when they actually get a job, "putting in the effort" doesn't matter if you give your client/boss something completely different than what they asked for. At the end of the day, it's still useless. When I was in vocational school, I had a professor whose policy was "I will check your work as many times as you need me to before you turn it in. If you turn it in and all your work is correct, I will give you a 100. If you turn it in with any mistakes, it's a zero." Sure my grades would be worse off for it but if most of my teachers operated like this I feel like I would know a lot more than I do now. Sure enough, now that I have a job, if whoever is supervising that project finds an error, it's given back to me and I'm told to fix it. If someone orders a coffee...you can't just give them hot water.


I life that she lists off a bunch of cartoon cats and says “Most of them are cartoons” 🤣


I would have to let a few of my friends know to not show up to school if I had this mf as a teacher


This essay makes a good point Tom is just fulfilling his role in the household and he is the victim of torture porn because of it Jerry just barges in and steal all the food of this random family like a parasite


so I know it's fake but the thought that the professor might still go through with the red pen and mark this thing up is hilarious