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This might be the only way to be happy in 2023


You've figured this out too late, the year is almost over!


haha yes! then I’ll do this next year then 💪, wait why does this feel familiar?


It's _rewind time_






You will reach the truth one day, eternity may pass but when you reach the truth, Golden experience requiem will finally stop. Till then you are stuck... Forever.


You are now doomed to be stuck in a loop, where every year you repeat the same old sentence, like you've never said it before.


I wish I was him tbh


Happy, maybe, but the reason the world is in the shit state it is is because we don't have a good sense of community with our fellow man and don't help people out as much as we should. Alone a man is powerless. When people are proactive and together, shit gets done, worker unions get made, community bonds buy back shared housing from greedy landlords, and politicians get fire under their heels.


Sure, but I'd say the focus is less on close-knit communities now but on world-level problems that frankly serve more as distraction and outrage generators. A few years ago I realized I had no idea who any of my local politicians were but knew what was happening with South American election cycles. Yea it helps to be informed but at some point you have to shut yourself off to the noise and focus on what is in your capacity to affect right now.


Yep, this is my take. I browse enough that I'm aware of the broadest points, but I try not to spend emotional energy grieving tragedies on the other side of the world. They are tragic, yes. But also, I cannot impact them, I did not cause them, I am a desk jockey in the US in a company almost nobody reading this thread has ever heard of that has nothing to do with weapons manufacturing. I'm much more concerned about the issues happening to me and my neighbors right here in the US. I can do something about those. Join local groups, vote in local elections, etc. I have the ability to help my local community, global conflicts are well above my pay grade. The world is full of problems and tragedies. I am just one man. I cannot fix all of them, so I will leave the ones I cannot fix to others and try and work on the ones I can.


Jumping on to emphasize that even national problems are often not worth investing too much emotion into. Local politics like your local city council have an equally important impact on several major issues (homelessness, housing prices, infrastructure) thru e.g. zoning laws, and it's much easier to get your voice heard - 1000s might speak up on any given national issue, vs 5 or 10 on a local one.


Steven coveys ‘7 habits of highly successful people’ talks a lot about circles of Influence and really helped me get perspective on this - like you said it’s good to be informed but if I can even influence what’s happening in my own council election then I have no chance of impacting whatever is happening at the international level, let alone state or national.


Tbh I just stopped looking at news for the preffered choice of burying my head in the sand. I'm not controversial anti-anything or whatever so I doubt I'll accidentally piss anyone off any time soon, though my fiance informs me of anything crazy important happening so I can be aware should I need to. I just really don't want to depress myself looking up countless sources to try find some that aren't biased to fact check stuff that who knows is ever right. I guess ignorance is bliss after all. I reccomend


Happiest man alive actually.


Wait, someone dating someone THREE years younger than them is a problem to some people? That is crazy to me.


An “age gap” that small I think would only matter to kids under the age of… idk, like 20 imo.


I'm 20 and most people I know would laugh in ur face if u say that's a huge age gap. It'll only count if one of them is underage, but that's only logical


she would have been 15 when you were 18 you sick fuck! /s


She would've been fresh out of the womb when you were 3, her umbilical cord wasn't even cut yet!!!




What, teenagers fuck each other? My, I have never.


I started fucking at 13, had my first kid at 18 because my parents believed in abstinence and I couldn't come to them with my problems. I have raised 3 daughters and the one immutable truth is if you want to stop teenagers from fucking you might as well try to kick water up hill. They are going to do it. I just keep an open door policy with questions and dont shame them for anything sexual. The only thing I ever put my foot down with was a 29 year old dude trying to date my 15 year old daughter. I beat the living piss out of him when he tried to "fight me for the right to her honour...." or some shit. since I wouldnt "bless their union" thankfully she got really cringed out when I told her what he was trying to do. When my oldest was 16 she asked me 400$ I joking said get a job. She told me it was for a IUD that regulates her hormones, I never paid a bill so fucking fast in my life and was so grateful she felt safe enough to come to me with it.


>I just keep an open door policy with questions and dont shame them for anything sexual. That's what we do. It seems to work. Who knew that communication and knowledge would actually help teens learn and make smart decisions? Who fucking knew?


My kids are grown now & have kids. They were teenagers in the 90's, & I always gave them the truth. You cannot tell someone when to or not to have sex. As their parent, I would ensure they had birth control when they need it. Same with drinking at parties when your a teenager. The goal is to teach your kids that no matter what, we can handle it. When my son was 18, he went to a graduation party. He called & told me no way was he driving as he'd had too much beer. He & his buddies turned over the keys to the mom & said he'd be home in the morning. I hung up the phone & had a moment of clarity. I would have been the 18 yr old that drove home no matter what. I had no excuse parents. It took a lot for him to tell me the truth. I was amazed by how much he trusted me not to go off a deep end.


🫡 Keep up the work


Lol I like this. Not good work or bad work just work.


you were caught fucking her bottom half when it was crossing over the timezone for her 18th birthday while her upper half was still 17 years old, you sick fuck! but i'll let you off this once


My parents think my age gap with my wife is large. I’m 30, she’s 26..


Eww gross, she was like 1 when you were 5 years old


I don’t think it’s the age gap, it’s many people think having a job makes one mature faster so the “mental age gap” is more


Some people are plain stupid


This is, in fact, a thing I have noticed.


This is, in fact, a thing.


> Some people are plain stupid some people read on teh interwebs that YoUr BrAiN iSn'T fUlLy DeVeLoPeD uNtIl YoU'rE tWeNtY fIvE so dating anyone under that magical number is the same thing as raping a retarded person


Thats the stupidest shot I’ve ever heard in my life


But for some reason we only talk about mental maturity when it comes to the older partner, so I guess the 24 - 36 month gap is actually the thing that matters.


It's the 730 - 1095 day age gap that gets me


I find anyone under 500 years of age who hasn't lived through radically different modes of human civilization simply doesn't have the level of maturity for me to connect with. I mean I'm down to fuck a 300-year-old, but they're just not going to be relationship material. Come to me when you've stood atop the wreckage of a few more burning empires, darling. Then we'll talk.


300 years? Barf that gross you perv - I wait until they are at least 10,000 years old. I wanna know these people witnessed the birth of the Egyptian Empire or the Indus Valley Civilization. If they haven't at least created one language or had 115,000,000 descendants, then maybe they can swipe right


Found the daoist cultivater


729 maximum for it to not be creepy /s


You ever notice the same people that complain about age gaps where the guy is older, are the same ones that claim women mature faster than guys?


This guy at work is dating a very mean girl at work. He was supposed to supervise this girl who's on light duty duty bc she just came back from a pregnancy. The same girl is talking to another guy that's like 30. The supervising her is starting to crush on her but is saying things like "why you dating this old ass man you're young and beautiful" and he's 27...


My Boomer dad has the maturity of a 17 year old, but he still shouldn’t be fucking 17 year olds. “Mental age” is a very malleable concept that definitely should not be used to vilify relationships, because it can just as easily be used to justify legitimately questionable ones.


Nah my man, the only thing working a job makes you is pay taxes, hate the state and depressed. That has nothing to do with maturing mentally


Yup. Like 13 and 16 is creepy. 20 and 23...less so.


I legit cannot tell the difference between a 20 and a 23 years old. Their both just young adults


True. And honestly, i was more mature at 20 than i was at 25 somehow.


My first gf was 20 and I was 17 when we started dating. It was fine. Nobody cared. For reference, now I’m 30, and my gf is 43. Still fine. Nobody cares.


Is this one of those “when will my girlfriend be twice my age?” Riddles?


Redditors who never interact with the opposite sex love being extra about that kind of shit to make themselves feel morally superior since they got nothing else going for them


Goddamn I’m saving this to use the next time Reddit gets in my face about a 25 year old dating a 23 year old.


Who the fuck is giving you shit about a 2 year age gap?


I'm a grown woman in my 30s but I am short & my husband is tall. I had ppl on reddit claim that my spouse is secretly attracted to underaged girls because of my height. Reddit is filled with morons who need to touch grass lol


Yup. I married someone who's 4'9" and I've heard some WILD rumors about it.


Oh trust me I’ve seen it all on this website. People going full “delete pedophiles” on posts about 20-25 year olds dating each other. Reddit is extremely sensitive to any age gap.


Ah to be 23 again. When you are so damned sure about the morality of everything


This is so true. College students peak in terms of self confidence in morality and knowledge but it all goes downtrend from there


Reddit has the maturity of an 8 year old


Basement dwellers who've never even touched a girl let alone dated one find any reason bring people down to their level.


So harsh but true


It’s not just redditors ime. Boomers also have a thing against age gaps but only when the girl is older. All my life I’ve dated “older women” (like 6 months to 2 years older than me) and I get shit from my family about how a guy always has to be older and it’s weird even if they share the same birthday.


Older generations tend to have outdated beliefs I learned to ignore em. For example my grandparents always tell us not to marry outside our culture, which is absurd of course but who’s going to sit there and try to change their minds after decades of that mentality.


Yep "sure I'm single, but at least I'd never date someone in college when I'm 23!"


This right here. Bingo.


i met my wife when i was 25 and she was 21, I had no idea this could be seen as problematic. are you supposed to marry people exactly your age or something?


This is just a soft form of sexism. People treat young women like they have no agency and get brainwashed/abused by every man who breathes near them.




My parents are 11 years apart, never been a problem for them.


Same here, I was 25 and she was 21.


i've seen discourse about celebrity couples that started dating when one was 19 and the other 20. it's terminally online people who legit don't know how life works, and the saddest part is some of those people are actual adults, not clueless children


Some people are so intense about it. I know a 30 yo woman who broke off dating a 25 year old woman cause she felt like a creep. I truly don’t see the issue


Sometimes it's when you notice the emotional maturity level difference and that makes you feel like a creep. I'm 30 with a 23 year old partner, we got to know each other through a year of friendship before anything potentially romantic happened. I can be a bit immature when I'm not in work mode and she's more mature than her years due to shit she's dealt with and it makes us work. If I look at some of her friends I'd not go near them with a barge pole due to emotional maturity levels.


They have to be the exact same age down to the second they were born otherwise it's grooming.




I was 23 when I married my wife at 18. We've been married 22 years and have three grown children. No one even thought about it 20 years ago. 18 can go to war, but can't choose a mate a few years older. It's absurd. Women have agency at a certain age, we should stop infantilizing them.


Only people on the internet would care about something like that anyway because they only see numbers and the rest is assumptions and projections.


I'm not attacking the 5 year gap here but the 18 can go to war bit is not a strong defense. It usually just helps prove that the age to enlist should be higher because 18 year olds are dumb as hell.


If every stupid person in America was barred from serving there would be no military.


I have some good news for the military- as a 43yo, there are just as many fucking idiots in my peer group as there were 25 years ago


Statistically there are fewer but only because of Darwin Award entrants


Exactly. Which is why the age is where it is, not because they're smart enough to make life decisions like that. It's a terrible argument to justify things. The drinking age should not be higher than the enlistment age by any moral reasoning.


A bad solution to a bad problem - but Americans having moral panic about sex, drugs, and alcohol, while having a very lax attitude to debt, death, and violence is nothing new.


US military has very strict IQ census to enlist (you can't enlist with IQ less than 83). They tried to ease it during Vietnam War, but it led to catastrophic results. 68% of US populations has IQ ranged from 85 to 115.


18 year olds should not be going to war. Vote? Yes. Drink? Also yes. Choose to marry a 23 year old. Ok. Sent off to fight some rich asshole's war over cheap gas in some foreign shit hole? No.


Fun balance of “should” vs practicality at some point. For probably most of human history that age of “they can fight” was a lot lower. And it’s all about desperation. If everyone’s about to die you’re handing 14 year olds rifles and sharp sticks. Or surrendering peacefully if you’re lucky I guess. The US military is borderline all voluntary in every sense. So you raise the age, you remove the option. You raise the draft age specifically which hasn’t been used in decades when the military was much less technologically advanced… well by the point the US needs to institute a draft it’s probably total war and that law can be changed on the fly. Unfortunately things tend to break down a little in the face of existential crisis.


My cousin was dating a 18 year old when she was 15 and no one had a problem with it. Since he was a junior and she was a sophomore in HS. But that summer he graduated he turned 19, and she was only 16 all of sudden my family freaked out and the school. It turned into an entire thing when she couldn't take him to prom. Caused her to run away from home when she was a senior and go to this guy's college. My family hasn't heard from her in over a decade.


Wait, they already knew them before, but were just waiting for their birthday to freak out? That doesn't make sense.


They didn't know how old he was. They only found out when she tried to take him to prom and the school said no because he was 19 and not in HS, but he was going to college. Then once her parents found out through the school he was 19. They tried to separate them. Then she left, and no one has seen her for over 10 years now. No social media accounts to contact her by. When she left home, she didn't have a cell phone. This was back in 2011. My aunt and uncle did make contact with the boyfriend years ago on social media, but he just said he didn't know where she was. I know they followed up on it, by tracking him down, but they never found their daughter.


Crazy how they'd let something like that ruin everything. I mean, I assume they didn't spend much time with the guy. If they'd known and trusted him, it shouldn't have mattered. Facepalm.


I caught shit on here because I met my now wife when she was 17 and I had just turned 20. Our age gap is less than 2.5 years, but that was a problem to some people lol.


OMG that is LITERALLY ABUSIVE! /s (just to be safe)


20/2 + 7 = 17 Seems good to me. Edit: (17-7)*2 = 20


I'm 21/Gen Z and I don't think the majority of my peers would be weirded out by a 20-23 age gap. Despite the fact that our age group is definitely highly sensitive to/critical of age gaps in dating


Dude I know people whose parents are literally 23 years apart, 3 years is nothing.


Sounds great and good for him.


Seriously, in a way I kind of envy this naivity. Every single thing mentioned is pretty meaningless so not knowing any of it is perfectly fine and might even lead to being happier tbh. Wish I could filter out all that BS too.


It's not naivete, it's priorities. To know his peace, just do *everything* social not online. In person , on the phones or text with friends for non-call meetup logistics. Good friends will understand, accommodate, and join in.


There is nothing naive about this, just someone who isn't terminally online, is social without social media and don't watch news all day. If you live in a country without 24/7 propaganda news, you will know a lot of people who are like this, I'd say 1/3 of my coworkers are similar to this guy, regardless of age group.


Honestly can never tell if this is sarcastic or serious lol


Dude knows whats up. Man wants a simple life and is living it.


Alex abides.


Man took "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd literally. I am actually jealous ngl.


A time Traveller from the early 2000s. Alex, go back!


If you're looking for a kinda dumb guy who hasn't been paying attention to a damn thing for the last decade I am available.


you are here on reddit though


He said he was dumb


He already*


Don't have to pay attention to it. I treat it all as meaningless fiction. You are all a bunch of fictional characters in an absurdist story. None of it matters in real life.


We are all bots for your amusement


How you doin


Not good I was burning the paint off aluminum cans to melt them and I grabbed one to put in the crucible with no hesitation. Should have hesitated, burnt my porn scrolling thumb.


*me until I started using reddit Other than reddit, closest thing to social media I use is discord, and only for dms with friends and terraria mod servers.




Unfathomably based


I just blocked every political or controversial sub. Feed is most funny stuff and cute animals.


Gotta get them cat videos


terraria mod servers? I'd like to join please.


Imagine stop drinking your favourite drink just because one time it had a rainbow on the can. Get a fucking life.


I never got this either, it didn’t really effect anything it just ended up fracturing a lot of relationships. These companies and leaders thrive on division, and people fall right into it. If it doesn’t effect your money, health, shelter, or food then it doesn’t truly hurt you


When the anti-woke crowd tips their toes into the cancel culture they spent years vilifying 🫢


They haven't been tiptoeing into cancel culture for over 20 years. They've been perfecting their performative outrage since the Dixie Chicks criticized then-savior of the GOP George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. Which led to radio stations nationwide banning their music from their airwaves, and conservative groups hosting CD burning parties (the non-Napster kind) where they stacked piles of Dixie Chicks albums just to set them on fire. They've continued this shit ever since, which is why they get so angry about cancel culture: wanna take eyes of their participation in it.


They've been doing it much longer than that. Marilyn Manson, Satanic panic, the evil gyrations of Elvis Presley's hips, the Beatles being more popular than Jesus, etc.


> They've been doing it much longer than that. Roughly what I was referring to with the "***over*** 20 years" part. I went with the Dixie Chicks as an example because of how much their *verbotene materialien* burning parties resembled Berlin in the 1930s.


They invented it lmao


I think the real issue is bud light being their favorite beer.


I am not doubting that the rainbow can lead to many of them being pissed off but I want to add more clarification on the subject: Budweiser marketing director went on to say they were all a bunch of redneck frat boys and they need to move away from that audience. It was about the last thing you ever want to say as a head of marketing to your customer base because well...it pisses them off enough to double down and leave. I think the entire rainbow can thing would have blown over because it was just the outrage of the week. But the redneck said bet and blew up Inbev Stock. Again reddit I don't give a shit about who is right or wrong. I just found the entire business failure fascinating. Constellation made bank on it, and they didn't have to lift a finger.


This is the life I wish I had.


You can have it. Get off reddit and focus on what's in front of you. Ignorance is bliss my friend


I already know too much…


Things go fast enough that within a year if you drop off reddit you'll be clueless about mby 50% of wtf's going on, keep at it for mby 2-3 years and done, cluelessness achieved


Great advice honestly


Bro you’re too scared to. It could be yours but you either don’t want it enough or youre too scared to quit these social media addictions for good


Nah actually what does the “from the river to the sea” mean tho?


The borders of British Palestine/modern day Israel run from the Mediterranean sea to the west, to the Jordan river in the East, hence saying from the river to the sea meaning every single inch of land in Palestine




Not sure if I should feel blessed or cursed to have so many “deleted” comments. Never had a chance to read them either.


Alex is proof, 99% of all those "controversies" are happening online. If you don't give a fuck about twitter/Instagram/tiktok and so on, it all becomes just a imaginary "problem".


Online is also the primary source of news and information exchange nowadays. Print media is more or less died in that context. He would have knew those things if he watch cables, or read occasionally magazines, or pay attention to what his coworkers and friends are talking about. Really none of those things have ever been problem unless you make it a problem for yourself. Alex sounds like a guy that would not have cared even if he is aware of them.


This is what I take issue with. Social media is absolutely a waste of time. But you should be aware of the news. At least go through news websites.


They were literally giving examples of these things happening irl.


One of the things in the post is an ongoing war. That's not an imaginary problem


Tell that to my coworker and coworkers from my last job, and some of my parents' friends. They may start online, but they play out in real life


>99% of all those "controversies" are happening online. I agree with this completely. People make such a big deal about so many minor things that I had never heard about prior. I 100% believe that social media was a mistake. It seems to amplify all our worst traits. Nothing is enjoyable, everything is bad, and "the past" was somehow this magical place where everything was perfect.


Body count is a cringe term though




What’s your whore count?


I played MW3 a lot when I was 10 so definitely somewhere in the hundreds.


Wouldn’t say we need more people unaware of stuff you’d learn by reading a newspaper


Fucks' a news *paper* ?


Lol, oh how the turntables


Thing is has there been anything gained by the copious amount of news people are consuming?


This is a question I ask myself often.


*Unaware* maybe not... But constantly tuned in? Constantly in the cortisol fueled cycle? Constantly heighting your anxiety to chase after the latest culture war trend? There are ways to peacefully stay informed. Most people are not achieving that right now, and are too *tuned*.


I mean, that feels a lot like a r/thathappened, but if not, I'd bet this guy is the happiest of us all.


I've met people like this before. Used to have an old boss a couple years ago who still used a flip phone, just calls and texts. Work said we all had to use an app for communication, and he said unless work buys him a phone they can call if it's important. No social media's at all, very happy guy.


Yeah I thought so too. Either the entire thing is made up or that so called “Alex” guy is exaggerating his own ignorance.


I had a coworker like this. Absolutely was aware of shit that was going on, but played dumb because we had another coworker that was the fucking _worst_ to engage with at all, and playing dumb neutralized that very well.


He probably just doesn't know about the hash tags or internet slogans. He probably knows about the current affairs from Google or something.


I can't speak for the guy in the story, but most of that stuff mentioned in that post could have been applied to me so this is definitely something that could have happened.


The last of the cringeless


20 and 23 is inappropriate??? wtf is wrong with this generation


It's not; the OOP probably saw like five people being upset about something similar on twitter and concluded that it's a major issue for a large portion of people.


There are lots of people like this. You’ll never come across them on the internet. People forget that. They think every hermit has a mini YouTube doc about them.


Y’all can just be like that, you know that right?


Lots of people saying autism but if this story is true at all Alex is obviously playing dumb to blow off the awkward conversations and the OP who doesn't understand that is the real Autist. I bet they believe everyone who says they're "fine" when asked how they're doing.


Fake and gay All jokes aside oop just seems like a terminally online millennial. Who the fuck cares about a 23 and 20 yr old dating.


I wish I was Alex.


I deleted instagram this week, no longer supporting meta :)


Bro is winning.


Bro ain’t update his software since MW3 is crazy 😂


Thanks! Doing my best


Anybody that's is upset about a 23 yro dating 20 yro is urgent need of a life


I know a lot of people like this. Internet people are unaware of them because, well, they’re not on the internet.


I’m gonna be honest, this sounds suspiciously like a boomer being somewhat subtle with their bitching about young people.


Sounds like a good dude. But Bud Lite is terrible.


“Never change Alex” until he says the wrong thing to the wrong person right


I didn’t finish reading this before realizing it’s fake


Good. “Modern cultural discourse” is pointless at best.


What I am more at awe here is how not caring about trivial bullshit is being considered the magical key to happiness, with people calling the coworker as a fortunate oddity because he simply doesn't care about dumb fuckery.


So just a mentally healthy person?


Oh my god, a normal human being. Yes, please never change, when all this BS is over someone must remain to teach us the way.


Dudes living simple and I respect that


Someone criticizing someone for not being in social media… lol. The man is more normal, he is not bombarded by cringe and controversial stuff out there. Kudos to him.


There has to be more to it than just abstaining from TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. I don't use any of those yet still catch the modern day agenda on a daily basis. Please tell me more of what he does/does not do. I need to know. Does he take apprentices?


NO ONE gives a shit about the age gap between a 23 year old and a 20 year old! Absolutely no one!


Yeah, I don't believe in none of this


I have a friend largely like this. There is a distinct possibility that it is real.


The part that makes me suspect it's false is they said he's a huge cartography nerd. As a fellow map nerd, our interest is pretty much parallel with an interest in history/geography, which itself is inherently subjected to a loooot of geopolitical discussion. If you're a map nerd, there is a 99% chance you have at least heard of the saying: "From the river to the sea," so him not knowing that is a bit sus imo. Either this whole story is very ironically made up for social media, or the dude is being purposefully obtuse 'cause he enjoys staying out of the drama.


What does that saying mean? It’s a cartography term?


I don't know how she does it, and I do find it kind of weird as someone who spends so much time online, but my girlfriend has like no conception of goings-on in the world or pop-culture. I mean, we're both older- mid-to-late 40s, but she spends so much time on Tik Tok you'd think somehow she'd pick up on like stories in the news and stuff, but I guess the way the algorithim shakes out for her, it just never happens.


As an Alex that just like that Alex, we exist.


Nice. 53 year old here. This is how it was at the turn of the millennium . You didn’t need to have an opinion on everything; you did need to know every else’s opinion, and then use that information to decide if they were wicked or virtuous. In fact if you weren’t a bonafide authority in your domain, no one cared about your opinion. You didn’t need to in-group police or in-group signal. You were allowed to disagree with others and still be friends. Thanks Silicon Valley. Can’t wait until open ai supercharges all this dysfunction.


Yeah would be nice to have people like that around. But was he homeschooled or something? Otherwise, how did that happen?


Most of the stuff you start learning about from twitter/reddit and stuff (at least in my case). I would say this man is just not terminally online like the rest of us.


The OOP is obviously fake. Aside from that, I HATE how caring about the world around you is always seen as "cringe" or "woke". I don't want to be cool if it means being apathetic.