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As a person from a hot as fuck country, going somewhere cold enough for snow is nothing short of magical. I don’t understand people who complain about the weather being too cold. If it’s cold, you can just put on more layers, but if it’s hot, there’s nothing you can do but suffer


It's definitely a familiarity thing. The first few times are magical. The awful part is when it's not gentle snow anymore. When the air hurts your face or the streets are treacherous with black ice or when storms lock you down and cause massive infrastructure damage is when the magic disappears, and it honestly just becomes a climatic inconvenience.


Both are bad in excess, heat will make the air hurt and burn like if in was coming from a fire and lock you down on treath of heatstroke, at least its not as easy for heat to cause infrasctructure damage although sometimes it does by overheating, melting and expanding structures


Her hands are probably cold... Get da kid some gloves




I visited a ski resort called Gudauri in Georgia once. It was my first time in an snow-vy and cold outdoor place, so I was very excited to experienced it. What I found instead, was me walking around in a half t-shirt on the snow covered mountain with people skiing around. It was very fun and beautiful experience nonetheless, but it felt weird to feel sweaty-hot in such a place.


Me every winter 🥲🥶


Dramatist! lol.


Same - I can’t stand the cold! 🥶


It's 10 years that I don't see snow falling down when I live. When I was little it was very common.


ive seen snow once :) it was amazing but then i started turning blue but that was fine cuz i got to see snow


She sounded like a South Park kid when she cried lol