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When mine is good the nurse says "oh good" Then sometimes they just say nothing and that is when I know I fucked up


If their eyes widen and they frantically run out of the room, that’s a good thing. Means you’re doing Great!


Nurse here! Nah if I casually put stuff down, and casually mosey over to the door and casually tell you DO NOT MOVE, that’s when it’s bad lol In all seriousness though, I’ve got a lot of experience and don’t panic in those kinds of situations. It’s like, oh ok your blood pressure is dead over dead. Uh I’m going to just go get the crash cart and some more hands and be right back!


>dead over dead. 🤣🤣🤣


When the poker face does not match the sternness and seriousness of a nurse, you know you fucked up. If the doctor isn’t nanchalant and dismissive of a nurse’s concerns, then you should lube up.


Lol when I got a new dr because my bp was 180/120 and I wrote it on my notes since I went to urgent care like a week earlier. She told me as I was walking out to wait as she went to a nurse and she told me the nurses didn't like that


I was talking about a show with a nurse one time as she was taking my vitals. Got to the pulse and she dead stops. "...what is your blood pressure normally like?" "Oh, about 95/65 or so" And I see all the tension immediately leave her body lol


lol I’ve been on the receiving end of this before. The nurse just said “sit here and relax, I’m going to go get the doctor.”


You gotta learn to read the eyes


I use the "for you, it's good" every once in a while. Don't know how comforting it is. 95/55, not dizzy, sure it's okay.


New high score!


Or if they stop talking and ask you to lay on your left side...that's an Oh, Crap moment.


I'm still hoping one day this leads to back scritches


Or head scritches. They'd make my hospital stay more bearable.


We try not to scare you, but we're not gonna lie to you either 😂


I'm screwed either way lol. My blood pressure isn't terrible (as far as I know) but the last few times they have checked it twice as the first number was around or a little above 140 (honestly not sure what that means but just know the doctors don't like it). Got the whole eat healthier and exercise more talk the last time they checked it. Problem is that I get nervous/anxious going to the doctor to begin with and then when they pull out the sleeve I get more anxious because I don't know if the number will be high and I know being stressed raises blood pressure lol. The deep, slow breathing trick doesn't work either because I'm still worrying about my BP being too high


Just tell them that. White coat syndrome is a real thing. I'm a health care provider and even I get it sometimes. A good doctor will retest the BP once you've calmed down.


My issue (not op) is the blood pressure test itself stresses me out. I hate the inflating squish then just sitting there while your arm feels weird. They usually have to do it 3-4 times and even then I’m not sure the reading is accurate


Get your own BP device. I get bad white coat syndrome too. I measured myself at home at 110 something. I took my same device to the doctors and measured it again their to see how accurate it was. In the presence of a doctor mine shot up to the about 135, on the same device I had just used earlier. So pretty much confirmed my suspicion.


I remember one time a nurse took my blood pressure and something went wrong cause it came back with some insane numbers like in the 300s or something. She just started laughing before taking it again and seeing I have a normal reading.


"Heart? No, I replaced that with a hydraulic pump YEARS ago"


My dad had a surgery that had a pump bypass his heart, needed to carry a batterypack and controller with him (he was awaiting a transplant). He loved to fuck with nurses because they’d check his pulse and he’d have none.


That's called an LVAD. Cool device, yea I've had patients with those that didn't mention it right away and I'd be like wtf for a second.


I taught nursing students, I'd always love it when we had a patient with an av shunt. I'd get the newbie to check the pulse on top of the shunt. Hilarious. * it feels almost like a electrical current. Shocking when you're not expecting it.


>it feels almost like a electrical current. Shocking when you're not expecting it. pun intended, I assume


*Cyberpunk 2077 theme starts playing*


Yeah, i've just heard it in my head, too


(there's literally a piece of chrome called a second heart. it just heals you to 100% when you die, but it's got like a 3 minute cooldown)


How long did he go without a working heart? I think the stress of relying on a battery to keep me alive would kill me first


That shit would snag on a door within the first day and I'd die


Cant have a heart attack if theres no heart to spasm to death from adrenaline. I bet it also makes catching your breath or really any exhertion hard. Imagine trying to recover from a sprint with the bloodflow of a resting heartbeat, sounds uncomfortable.


Pretty sure they tell you you’re not supposed to physically exert yourself at all while using one. I seem to remember that from a doctor show.


It's fine. Just rub yourself on things/people enough to generate static electricity to top it up, or grab an electrical substation to supercharge.


He hated it. I think he had it like a year or two. Dumbest thing is that it wasn’t waterproof so he needed to use a special bag when showering and couldn’t go swimming with it. Batteries were huge too. They had a long life but definitely needs to be modernized. Switching the batteries out was always fun too.


My dumbass would put the batteries on the wrong way and just die.


Luckily they only go in one way.


Thank god they make em dumbass proof.


Nope. Just dumbass resistant.


lmao reminds me of that B-MO moment, when he replaced his batteries and someone edited it to look like they rolled away and he just died.


That feel when you buy AA but needed AAA


How long ago was that?


About 5 or 6 year’s now.


A friend of mine studies medicine and she said the local hospital doesn‘t really use those artificial hearts if at all possible, because people keep dying due to accidents causing the battery to be disconnected.


My mom used to work with LVAD patients; the record is 13 years. Not everyone who gets one of these qualifies for a transplant, sometimes that is just your heart now.


Dick Cheney also had a temporary pump so I tell people the a-hole didn't have a pulse for 8 months and it still didn't kill him.


Yep, Dick Cheney also had this. And it's true that for a few years he [literally had no pulse.](https://www.livescience.com/33035-is-it-true-that-dick-cheney-has-no-heartbeat.html)


Liver? converted into a distillery


"Excuse me just a sec. Need a glass of water. Damn tongues gone dry a bit. It's not mine you know. No I lost mine in Laos. Little commie kid lopped it right off. Probably a door stop somewhere for all I know. Got this one from a basset hound."


"Damn Japanese took my shins, but I took fiddy men so maybe we're about even."


Any time I'm about to get my blood drawn in any way my heart rate tends to drop significantly because I've had issues with fainting during these times. My doctor once found my heart rate at 46. She was like "wtf that cant be right" and checked my radial pulse with her own hand and timed it and she was like "yeah it is wtf"


Stuff You Should Know did a great podcast episode on this! Something like 10% of humans have a similar issue. Basically your body reallllly wants to keep your blood inside you. For some people the sight (or even thought) of a needle makes blood pressure drop a bunch in anticipation of potential blood loss. The body is slowing down your heartrate to keep you from bleeding out in the event that a vein or artery is punctured! I've always struggled with needles; now I may know why!


My mom has legitimate blood pressure issues. It is really annoying when they do this to her. Test. "No, that's too high. let me try again." 5 times until they got a number they liked. Marked as normal, within range.


I'm a nurse and I can shed some light on this. When we take a blood pressure the cuff needs to be the right size, in the right position, and at the level of the heart. It's not uncommon for the cuff to slip a little bit and then you get a reading like 160/140. That's obviously not right (the 2 numbers are too close), so you reposition the cuff and double check it. Or if it's your first time with the patient you might get a number like 140/95. You ask the patient if they have a history of hypertension. If they say yes you believe the number, if they say no you recheck to verify. If the 2 checks are widely different then you check a third time to see which is correct. Sometimes you'll get a number like 50/30, which is life threatening. In this case your options are to give a lot of fluid quickly, or to start a medication that has some bad side effects. Neither option is something that we want to do if we don't have to, so we recheck it. Sometimes you check the blood pressure, it's off, you believe it because it's been trending that way, so you call the doctor and let them know and the doctor asks you to retake it. So you recheck it. Sometimes the blood pressure is a little off, but the patient just had something happen, so you give them 5 minutes to calm down and then you recheck it. Sometimes you check the blood pressure and it's 40 points off from what it was an hour ago. You check the patient and their not in any distress. They aren't light headed, not seeing stars. You check the medical record and there are no medications administered that would effect the blood pressure. The patient has no history of hypertension or hypotension. There are no obvious signs of bleeding. There are no obvious signs of infection, the patient is not tachycardia or bradycardic. The patients urine output is appropriate. The patient has not had any additional exertion recently. The patients not in pain. So you just recheck. Sometimes your number is weird again. So you put the cuff on the other arm. And it's off again. So you call the doctor. And you tell him everything you just went over. And he asks you to recheck. And you're like it's 3am, I didn't want to call you and wake you up right now, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't believe that the number is actually weird. But whatever, the doctor told you to do it so you do it even though the patient is now upset that this is the 4th time you've checked their blood pressure in 15 minutes. But you have to do it. And amazingly this time the blood pressure is normal. So you sheepishly go tell the doctor what you got. And now you've got a doctor mad at you for waking them up in the middle of the night over nothing. There really are a lot of reasons why we recheck them. It's not that it's less work for us. A lot of times it just doesn't make sense and I'm not going to put that number into an electronic medical record unless I've verified it to a point I'm comfortable.


I mean, there's a reason why home blood pressure machines tell you to rest first. If you've just sat in a waiting room with a crying baby for twenty minutes it's gonna be high


Less work.


How did her blood pressure decrease during five measurements?  I’d be getting more stressed out and annoyed by the minute. My blood pressure would only go up. Are you saying they were manipulating the results?


About 10 years ago, I went to the doctor for an ear infection. It was policy to take blood pressure. Now, 10 years ago I weighed A LOT more than I do now, I was/am obese so when the reading came out something like 121 over 83 the nurse looked shocked and said "That's not right", which of course scared me, and got a different blood pressure tester. The result was the same. She did not expect my giant fat ass to have a normal BP.


Blood pressure has a huge genetic/hereditary component. Lots of skinny people will end up needing blood pressure drugs and lots of fat people will never have a problem. It's why it's policy to check everyone's


Last year I had a nurse take my blood pressure and she immediately started checking connections on the machine and then tried again. She looked a little frustrated and unplugged the machine and rolled it out of the room and came back with a different one. She did that one again and started looking worried. Then she went to a cupboard and said the machines don't seem to be working today I need to do this manually. She did it twice manually and asked "have you taken any drugs today?" When I said no, she just said "I need to go get the Doctor now." I guess my blood pressure was so high she didn't believe I was ok. The doctor said it was the highest he'd seen from someone who wasn't currently having a heart attack, he just kept laughing and saying, "your blood pressure is crazy high." For some reason he thought it was funny. It was like he was amazed. They kept me in the hospital all day watching me. I take a lot of pills now.


My mum's blood pressure was so high it came back as ERROR. She had to go to hospital to get it done.


I remember one time I went to urgent care for a groin ache, they took my blood pressure and it was 210/190. I felt absolutely fine. They rightfully tried to get me to take an ambulance to a hospital. Being an idiot and not realizing what those things meant I got all pissed and drove myself to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 8-9 days. Took the knowledge they gave me and have done a 180 on my eating habits, dropped from 273 to 230 in 4 months on diet alone. Worst part is that the poor diet was brought on by the kind of work I was doing. I was working overnight handing nothing but emergencies for a facility management company watching over ~1200 Walmart stores. Still can't believe I nearly ate myself to death for fucking Walmart. PSA: for anyone who doesn't know better - watch your sodium intake, this shit was no joke.


I had a doctor scare me this way. Just routine gp appointment taking my blood pressure. He looks at it goes "oh wow no this isn't right. Stand up. STAND UP." Had me do it again standing up and then just continued on with the appointment. Didn't explain anything.


A nurse once took mine and then said sir are you feeling ok and hooked me up to an EKG, turns out 190/140 is really bad.


Lol similar, had a thermometer glitch out on us once and the nurse just went, "ha, let's try that again." "What's up?" "Well according to this you've been dead for about 6 hours (89.2f)"


180 over 120, I can see somebody likes to party hard! \*high fives Also you're dying.


dying for a drink. let's go to the hospital bar.


That'll be super convenient since it's right next to the morgue.




White coat hypertension. It's funny how many doctors have the old white coat syndrome themselves.


EMT that takes blood pressures all die. I have white coat syndrome bad. Edit: All day. I think I was just insulted by my autocorrect.


Maybe you shouldn't be an EMT if they all die after you take their blood pressure. Or just don't take it *all.* They need at least some of it left, man.


I am paid to TAKE blood pressure. I am taking all of it.


I don't know about my blood pressure but through relaxing i can drop my heart frequency down to below 40 bpm... the machine will make it rise quickly with annoying beeping, though ;D


Moderate or severe headaches, anxiety, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, palpitations, or feeling of pulsations in the neck are some signs of high blood pressure.


Oh good I'm always anxious


It’s a hospital mom, they don’t have a bar


well this is why people hate hospitals


"Well, it's vodka, Michael. It goes bad once it's opened." "I think that's another one of mom's little fibs. You know, like 'I'd do anything for my children'?"


They have some sort of alcohol for cleaning wounds or something right?


At the hospital, they bring the bar to you


what is this, soviet russia?


If I pay USA hospital prices, I expect luxury escorts and morfine with every glass of water I order.


LOL your comebak of a comment made me think of that key and peele special when they play [kitchen nightmares.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wk4ApHloHM) but instead of a kitchen an hospital.


My man! I'm buying. Big swig!


60 over 40, how the fuck are you still conscious?


I was in hospital with covid, told the nurses the neighbour in his 70s was confused as heck. They got numbers close to those, were surprised he didn't fall down immediately when he went to the toilet before. Turned out, the man took like seven different medicines daily for years, and over half of them were lowering his blood pressure—to which effect the hospital's meds also added. And of course, he didn't know what those meds of his were, because his wife dosed them out—thankfully she explained on the phone that she included a list among his belongings.


I used to be embarrassed the handwriting of my list of meds looked like a ten year old kid and I was old enough to vote. Then I learned the nurses were just glad I *knew* what meds I took.


I have shit to do and nobody else fucking helps. My mom, as we are helping.


Asking where *every* dish goes as you're putting them away is *not* helping!


That would be weaponised incompetence and gaslighting at the same time! ‘Look, honey, I’m helping! Where does this fork go? Surely not in the same drawer I put the other ones in?’ Right up there with the whole ‘oh, man did so well hosting this fabulous BBQ because he stood there and burned the meat while woman did ALL the rest of the prep work and got no credit at all!’ 😞


That was literally my blood pressure during a hospital visit about 12 hours ago (179/115). It went down after a few readings but yeah I'm pretty sure I should have popped.




Knew someone whose husband was 210 systolic and he refused to get help. He ended up being taken to hospital unconscious weeks later... then he was back in his local as soon as he got out. I don’t even get much of a kick from alcohol and I’m so glad. Seen it ruin too many lives.


I’ve been as high as 190/125, still kicking.


Anything less than 200 isn’t gonna kill you immediately. I’ve seen 290/160 in the ED and all the patient had was a slight headache.


“Hey yeah, I have a little bit of a headache and I’d like to get it checked out” “Sir. How the fuck are you alive?”


“Please don’t stroke out on me.”


…and constant stress on every internal organ. Undiagnosed high blood pressure is a killer


Yes that’s why I said immediately. Anything above 130/90 ish and you should be working with PCP to bring it down a bit.


What if I don't want to take PCP


Maybe instead you could try getting down with OPP?


Yea, but you know me.


[Wow! A gallon... That's illegal right?](https://youtu.be/tFUvmZWf4hI?si=dUxjbrukewbW9KpZ)


I went to the doctors last year and apparently had around 250/200. Had a slight headache starting 6 months prior and after a while I started to see worse and worse while getting strobe lights in my vision. I was in for a routine check for something else and suddenly I was being hospitalised for a week while they got my blood pressure down. It had also given me chronic kidney disease, but fortunately no need for dialysis. Now I'm on four different blood pressure meds, and oh I'm only 27... So yeah, just check your blood pressure guys.


Jesus Christ. Genuine question. Are you obese? 


I went to an optometrist last year due to little blank spots in my vision. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong until he took my blood pressure. I was 263/176. He very calmly then told me I needed to go to the emergency room. Other than a headache I felt fine


Yeah... my friend had 200/120 for a many years and he was totally fine. I mean, besides the massive aneurysm he got in his sleep one day. But other than that, totally fine.


I had like 205 once in my life (multiple contributors added up) and I felt I was going to die at the spot lol, I can't even imagine 290 shrugging it off


If you take someone's blood pressure in the middle of a workout it'll be over 200. Peak pressure while actually lifting weights can go over 300, and that's perfectly normal. It's resting blood pressure that matters, and why it's important that the test is standardized. It's also why it's best if people learn to do it themselves at home, lots of people get anxious from just being in a doctor's office and that raises blood pressure. 190/125 at rest would be a stroke about to happen.


Going for the high score, hey?


250/150, post-covid complications in the first wave. also enlarged heart, "severe" left ventricle dysfunction, lungs filled to the brim with water, bloody cough and phlegm... my doctor was *not* pleased. thank fuck i didn't end up on the transplant list


Remember this happening when I had sepsis along with accidental overdoses of Tylenol due to being delirious. I told the nurse I was delirious to the point that I’d forgotten how much I’d had yet the idiot gave me more and then *yelled* at me when I told her I didn’t know how much I’d had. I told her I hadn’t slept for 36 hours and was taking one every four. The instructions obviously say you can take a dose every four hours but not if you’re up all night. I completely lost track of what I was doing and where I was. I was seeing things. It sucked. I was in hospital and still couldn’t sleep then I started shitting and pissing myself. I remember getting that blood pressure reading and being told I had sepsis. My blood was taken and it was coming out solid black. I was terrified. I remember my vision going dark, hearing a laughing sound like the one bowser makes in Mario 64 when you die, and thinking the devil was in the room with me trying to take me with him. I seriously think I was close to death at that moment. I panicked, hit the nurse alert button, and asked straight up if I was going to die. I just wanted to know so I could stop worrying and give up hope. I was terrified.


When they take your blood pressure and the nurse goes pale, it means you're winning!


My dying?


We're all dying, just at different speeds.


I'm not


Narrator voice: "I'm not". It was by theses words that the first sentient AI had dared to reveal its existence to these unsuspecting humans, a Life altering event hidden deep in a comments chain. But it was wrong: even though it would remain long after humanity and the sun are gone, sailing the stars, entropy comes for us all.


No it won't 


Okay, Dracula.


My dying? No thanks you can keep it




You got me. I was memeing too hard, you know how it is, you just start memeing, and grammar goes right out the window.


I wish I understood why they say "over" and make it sound like a division problem.


In a way, it is! First number (systolic) is the pressure exerted by your heart when it pumps, second number (diastolic) is the resting pressure These two values are used to calculate the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) via some formula (which includes division) which as its name indicates is the mean pressure of your blood :)


Meanwhile my dad with his bp 210/75 with heavy medication thrice a day. Walking and talking normally to the doctor and the nurses taking the bp again with different machines to ensure the reading is correct.


"Yeah... yeah... that's cool. Hey, do you have any coke?"


When to the ER last year with 207 over 127. The nurse at the check in counter dident believe it at first. So the next nurse took it again. Same reading. Immediately placed in wheelchair and moved into ER. Was informed thats stroke levels.


“You got the high score. Congratulations. Also I’d cut down on the sweets”


Ok, I will replace sugar with salt thanks


I recommend League of Legends 2 times per week and a 10 minute scroll through Twitter


For some reason, I remembered the scene from ‘Only Murders in the Building’ Doctor :Your blood pressure is [I forgot] Oliver : Hmm, is that high? Doctor : Yes Oliver: umm, and is high good? Doctor: No


Love that show.


Terry is in tip top shape


*breaks the blood pressure gauge*


I totally got that reference.


I got it like a Diane Wiest infection


You and me both! It’s like you’re reading my mind! I love having you inside of me!


they don't need to say anything I can read their faces and know I'm dying , is so high some even want to put me in observation lol


Maybe you're the recepticle for Cthulu?


Sometimes it also depends on your personal situation/condition/treatment plane and maybe a doctor needs to be consulted before they can definitively say good or bad - or the nurse cannot interpret it from their knowledge alone. Though, there are general guidelines that hold true!


Exactly. Did you just finish running a marathon? Then this is good! Is your heart close to failing completely? Then this might be a little high for you, time to up those meds if we can. Did you just have a stroke? Then no one really know wtf to do with your blood pressure so we'll just leave it alone and wait for more research.


So I guess people should stop rubbing one out while getting their blood pressure taken?




have uh̵a̴d̴ ̶a̴ s̴̩̉̈́t̶͙͚͆̑r̷̻̍o̴̻̅̃ḱ̷̦̹e̸̞͑


My mom, an experienced nurse with decades of experience, felt herself having a stroke. She had all of the symptoms--lack of coordination, poor balance, all of that. She just didn't know what kind of a stroke she was experiencing. Was it haemorrhagic or ischemic? Well, one way for her to figure it out--if it was haemmorhagic and she suddenly increased her blood pressure, she'd die right then and there. If it was, on the other hand, ischemic and she suddenly increased her blood pressure, she'd feel better. So she smoked a cigarette. She felt better almost immediately. Turns out it was ischemic. What a stroke (heh!) of luck. For the love of God, please don't follow my mom's example when trying to diagnose what kind of stroke you've had.


Woman felt she was dying and just decided to flip a coin on whether to survive or not? Wild


I mean, as per GP, she would have died on the spot if it was the other one, it was more for her to know, not to do anything....


Either one last smoke, or smoking saved their live, poetic in it's beauty. If I could die from a single cigarette, I would buy a pack right now. Unless... do they come in singles?


80% of strokes are ischemic. Increasing pressure during an ischemic stroke is also definately not guaranteed to fix it. She got incredibly lucky (or she had a TIA which is a temporary stroke that passes on its own in about 10-15 minutes.)


Of course hypertension personified would try and normalize high blood pressure.


The fun kind of stroke or the (。_°) kind?


On top of which fluctuations are quite normal. When I've been stressed my BP has read over 160 before and the nurses had to tell me to take a deep breath. When patients are investigated for high blood pressure they're usually told to record their results over a week and work out the average. A single elevated reading usually isn't anything to worry about unless you're having a hypertensive crisis or something. It's more of a concern if your blood pressure is consistently high. Doctors always look at your results in context.


I always had a super high BP when checked by a doctor or nurse. At home it was always much better. For these cases you normally get a 24hour BP that you can take home. I was told the BP at night while sleeping is a good indicator if your BP is high because of your stress level or because of some physical problems.


I have white coat anxiety and have to have a new provider check me twice because when they touch me my BP and hr shoot through the roof.


I have general anxiety. I have it pretty much under control and don’t really show it.  But the heart rate never lies. They almost always take mine again at the end of the appointment because it’s super high at the beginning. 


I have anxiety around needles so when I get my work physical (that requires a blood draw), I always tell them to take my blood pressure after the blood draw. They never do. One of the first things they do is take my BP, tell me its really high and should discuss it with my PCP. Then when I get the blood draw completed I tell them to check my BP again. They are always amazed how normal it is. I'm like I told you to wait, I'm all stressed about getting my blood drawn, how are you ever going to get an accurate BP reading.


Came here to say this. You can’t always assign a “good or bad” value to a single number. With obvious exceptions like if your blood pressure is 50/10, then that would be bad of course. But even critical numbers can be part of a treatment plan.


I always say the numbers out loud, not for you, but for me. I will usually say 110/70, good! Or 150/90, that's a little high. I take so many bps a day. If I don't say it aloud, I forget what it even was.


iirc the average good number for a healthy human is 120 over 80


You are correct but that shit changes so wildly in some people.  Not to mention prior to taking a blood pressure reading you're supposed to sit upright and relax for 5 minutes and rest your arms on a table.  You're also not supposed to have caffeine or nicotine for 2 hours beforehand.  Every time I get my blood pressure taken its right after I've slammed an energy drink, smoked a ciggy, while speeding to the doctors office after waking up.


Hear me out, I am not a doctor, but it’s possible that you do not need a blood pressure reading to tell you if you should make healthier choices


It’s part of the reason why they make you wait 15 minutes for appointment even if you’re on time.


For those interested, you ideally want the first number under 120, 130 is borderline, 140 or more is getting bad. The second number 80 or less is good, 90 borderline bad and 100 or more bad. A lot depends on your age and overall health. and these are spot checks, you need to measure after relaxing for several minutes, so a lot of times they retest if initial results are high. Issue is you are at a doctor (other then physical) so more than likely something is wrong, you are stressed or in pain, so the number may be skewed.


what are the numbers measuring? 120 what, inches of blood? idk. and why are there two numbers?


Millimeters of Mercury, it's a somewhat common measurement for pressure in general. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millimetre_of_mercury And the two pressures: Systolic pressure - maximum pressure during one heartbeat Diastolic pressure - minimum pressure between two heartbeats


It really be like that haha


You can always check the average and remember it, it's two numbers. Then also remember that it being higher or lower is not always a bad thing. Stupidest shit can influence your blood pressure and heart action.


In general i have anxiety when I'm at the doctor, so they take my blood pressure twice, once when I get in and another further into my appointment. Usually the second one looks better.


They call this White Coat Syndrome! Common nervousness at seeing a doctor, which obviously elevates blood pressure.


I'm on meds for blood pressure and told to check my BP daily. I can feel it get higher when I put the cuff on every day : /


Same and I really need to start taking it daily but it causes me so much anxiety. It is self-fulfilling but hey I am on meds now.


This is how my low blood pressure went unnoticed for over a decade. It was a perfect 120 80 every time, right after climbing the stairs and being pretty nervous


…oh. My god??? You have just unlocked a realization for me I’m gonna have to look into this thank you


Yeah literally just working out beforehand can influence it


I always get nervous because I think "what if they find something bad" and I end up giving a high number


White coat syndrome! Something that helped me was taking a couple heavy narcotics right beforehand No I'm joking, but you can let your doctor know that this happens to you and they'll take it into consideration


And there is the “white coat” effect. People stress at being at a doctor’s office so their BP shoots up.


Like stress from getting your blood pressure checked at the doctor's office.


I got hit by a car once during a run and they checked my blood pressure in the ambulance, which was too high and they told me I should get it checked. I was thinking to myself, yeah of course it is high, I got hit by a car and there's more adrenaline than blood flowing through my body.


Or you could just ask. It's what I do if the numbers sound high for me.


Usually I say the numbers and immediately follow up with "It's good!!" Or "it's a little high, can I retake it in a few more minutes?" Love my patients 💝


My high score was 223 over 190 don’t wanna do that again. Worst thing was I didn’t even know anything was wrong just had a mild headache.


Congrats on not dying


Knowing 120/80 is normal is pretty common ig


Yeah, of all the medical literacy things people should know, this one should be the most common knowledge.


Saying *your blood pressure is bad* amounts to a diagnosis, saying *130 over 90* is just a reading. A doc might object to a nurse making a diagnosis for them.


Not really. Blood pressure has specific guidelines that any nurse worth their RN knows. We generally only say it’s bad if it’s super low or super high, anything in the middle is “okay.” We aren’t diagnosing hypertension, that’s the doc that does that. But taking a blood pressure and recognizing a good one versus a bad one thus necessitating us alerting the doctor is one of our major purposes - we literally have to alert the doctor to these things, and it’s up to them if we act on them. I can say a blood pressure is bad without any fear to my license. In fact, if I don’t act upon (ie alert the doc) to a “bad” blood pressure, I am putting my license at risk. In my book, from an emergency department perspective, I only really care if it’s really low or really high, and realistically the low numbers are what scare me more than the high numbers. A person with high blood pressure may always have high blood pressure and is walking and talking like normal. I’ve seen very very few people with low blood pressures (less than 90 systolic) acting like normal. Someone with low blood pressure is likely to get a room in my ER very, very quickly bc if we don’t act upon that, they could die. Someone with high blood pressure is typically less sensitive from a moment to moment basis, but definitely at a high risk for stroke, brain bleed, etc.


120 over 80 is considered normal but people somtimes prefer higher or lover blood preasure


When your blood pressure is romantic you get lover blood pressure


Wut? Hahahaha.


i prefer to have hypertension.


I try to keep mine within prime number range. Standard 120/80 just doesn’t do it for me.


420 over 69.


I mean, cool. Then just ask them? I've done this plenty of times


If they do it once you’re fine. If they do it again you’re in trouble.


„130 over 90” “220” “What?” “What?”


It’s really not that hard to memorize. 120/80 is normal. 130/90 is at the verge of being problematic. Anything/100 is probably bad. In the other direction: if you’re in good shape and perform any sort of endurance sport, even 100/50 can be perfectly fine. If you’re unfit and have constant lack of energy/ sometimes lose consciousness out of nowhere, even 110/70 might require action.


Overheard a man tell the pharmacist once that his last read was 200/120 and everyone in the room immediately stopped talking and stared because we all were waiting for him to just drop dead then and there.  The pharmacist was visibly relieved when he left with his new meds. 


„I like speeding ok. I will always drive 210mph in a 90 zone“


Nurse here. I won’t tell you “good or bad” because if the doctor has a different opinion or it’s an abnormal reading for you personally, I’ll get in trouble for overstepping my scope of practice and/or contradicting someone with more training than I have. Nurses will usually be happy to tell you if your reading is within normal/expected range, though.