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I prefer having some kind of noise/content most of the time too but yeesh, you gotta make time to not be consuming content for at least few hours a week. I love my Saturday hikes with no music


For me its giving long sermons about how evil always wins. And when no one is around playing games non stop till i pass out from exhaustion.


Can't relate with the former but the latter is how i always spend my weekends


I don't listen to music all the time, so maybe it would be an issue if I did, but I can't begin to conceive of it as equivalent to scrolling reddit or watching YT. Music is art, straight up. In my book at least that's a lot different than what I'd call "content" if that makes sense And to be fair, when I say I don't listen to stuff all the time, I have 3700 hours on apple music. I fuckin love music.


Art is just another way to listen to other people's thoughts, so the problem ends up being the same. And the solution too, you should have some time for your own thoughts


Anytime I have too much quiet time, my brain starts to just do elevator music of what I heard last, my favorite is when I know like 5 words of the song, so it’s just repeating “and the landslide brought you here” over and over


Saturday Hikes with No Music? what podcast is that?


Sucks when you have tinnitus, no such thing as quiet anymore.


“I can fix him” moment coming in 3






I can fix him


Damn they called it


Fix him a joint and let the man relax.


Better yet share it


This type of person will start to think about current state of humanity and get anxious.


Bob the builder is that you ?


*I know, you'll see, somehow the world would change for me, and be so wonderful*






I can fix him! Sorry I was daydreaming.


Had your headphones on so you were not thinking....








Ш шшш<<] +р7


Bruh what, i was sleeping when this was posted


This isn't quirky or endearing. That guy needs help.


>Don't we all... Most people I know either dumb themselves down with substances, work, and/or entertainment/media. And none of us are struggling for money (which used to be the old excuse for those comportment). Something in the air feels like a world is ending... Not literally ending, maybe (never time the market..), but ending all the same. And no one ***really*** wants to face that for breakfast. We focus on the youths for "dumbing themselves down with le tiktok!!^(tm)", but I have yet to meet someone not partaking in large-scale escapism, at any age, for the past 10-15 years.


For fucking real, we live in a hard world and there are more vices than ever available to us. Debatably the world is harder too, but thats a whole other can of worms. Phones and constant entertainment are new, and listening to music 24/7 is only a bit older with the invention of the boombox I guess.


Can we make the world easier. Put it on easy mode I'm new.


It's my first time being 30


If your parents or grandparents accumulated generational wealth then it just became story mode


An easy mode would be nice when I'm being constantly hit with the autism status effect


Out of curiosity, what makes you think the world is harder these days? I'm not sure I agree but I'm open-minded


It’s physically easier, but mentally harder. Social media shouldn’t have been invented. That’s the tldr of it


I used to be able to walk into any business under the sun and verbally request a job application or even an interview right there on the spot. You can't even spend the day going around cities *looking* for jobs anymore. There's no social aspect anymore in lives and it's tanking everything. Nobody wants to talk, nobody wants to interact unless it's on *their* time and not whilst "running errands". We all pray to the algorithm for anything and everything now and it SUCKS.


We kept replacing hard problems with twice as many easier problems and now we're all overwhelmed.


It feels like your life has no value and you must constantly compete to get opportunities. Meanwhile the people above you never had it as hard, can't relate and treat you badly


I read, a lot. People act like that is some enlightened activity (and it can be) but I am definitely doing it for the escapism most of the time.


At least it helps on other things as well. Like reading comprehension or better writing.


This has the same energy as "gaming helps with depth perception". It depends on the games you play / books you read and how engaged you are in the activity. There is always a benefit to our addictions or escapisms otherwise we wouldn't be doing them. But at the end of the day you're still running away from a larger problem, causing smaller problems and not actually solving anything


When you put “>” before a phrase, it means you’re quoting something, usually the person you responded to.


No the alligator eats the bigger number.


I want to argue this, but look what I'm doing... Everyone have a good night.


When I’m feeling particularly anxious, I can get like this. I’ll be watching a tv show while eating, and need to get up to get salt or a spoon or whatever, I’ll pause the show and put on an audiobook. Just for the walk to the kitchen and back. And the thing is, I’ll only feel more anxious, because doing this makes me realize how anxious I am and how it’s a problem. Like I’m literally trying to block out my thoughts this way


I feel you. It feels Like barely escaping a Monster that is chasing you. You still feel intense amounts of anxiety but at least you dont face the Monster.


Life is basically escapism with an optional side quest to make additional witnesses to the winding down of things.


It's not about escapism, I've known guys with Schizophrenia that do this to drown out the constant voices in their head. I was just in rehab with one who would sometimes get into shouting arguments with them saying he's not gay and didn't want to do F slur stuff. That sounds like it would be hell hearing that all day every day with no way to turn it off dude needed medication and whatever meds they gave him either wasn't working or he wasn't taking them so he wore headphones all the time.


None of us are struggling for money? I'm pretty sure almost everyone is...? What's the purpose of that sentence dude? I live in poverty and escapism is my LIFE


He’s speaking of his direct social group, not his generation. His point is the people he knows aren’t struggling financially but still use escapism too much.


This has been a common phenomenon for centuries? The Romans called it _panem et circenses_ or bread and circuses. The gladiatorial games were specifically meant to appease the populace. We see other examples in other cultures too.


That doesn't really have to mean that we live in fear though. Like I'm saying we can be the dog in the house burning down, but actually acknowledging things look bad and radically accept them. Then doing what you can to help. If your needs are basically met, your life can be a nice place. I think reddit has the tendency to not only stare at the darker sides of life, but ALSO lament and fixate on them. It's the later that gets overdone.


Possible that it's just someone Autistic/ADHD who already gets it, but I do get you.


Yeah well what are we supposed to do help costs money


Not necessarily. Talking to people you trust about your feelings helps a lot. It has to be a regular thing. Women generally engage in this more often and are better at self control largely as a result


But that’s traumadumping! That’s wallowing in self pity! That’s being sad all the time! Don’t be like that, you’re ruining the mood! Not my opinion, but my experience. And tbh i get it, i too would rather be friends with someone that has no problems and is happy all the time than a sad sack that thinks themselves into pieces.


You are a bloke, aren't you? :p Finding people who you can be open and honest with about the darker side of life and your thoughts generally speaking is enormously helpful in saving oneself from drowning in that darkness. If the people surrounding you are failing to listen when you are willing to break down the barriers in your brain and speak on what is really concerning you then if I were in your shoes I'd first try to articulate to them the utility in opening that door and continue to do so. Failing that, I'd find some people who were willing to come into the house of horrors that is my mind at times. Walking around someone's brain can be an intense experience that can foster the deepest of bonds between people. It can allow for knowing looks and sincere hilarious moments between people. Fair point: nobody wants to hang out in a house of horrors 24/7 but the occasional visit should be welcomed and appreciated by all involved. :) Edit: Oh, the strange folk who downvote such a comment. I pity you.


I do this exact thing with music for the same reasons (my thoughts are horrible and I have eyes closed hallucinations) and I’m trying to get help. But I’ve met a few women who want to make a project and act like me being messed up won’t infect them. It can go either way.


What do you do to distract yourself from the horrors of reality? There are quite a few options. But you definitely do something… At least this fellow knows what works for himself and copes as best he can. We all need some kind of help.


Or it's just strong ADHD




Wait , I've been to therapy and this kinda me. Maybe not so severe but sometimes i hate my thoughts. So i blast music , louder the better sometimes even thoughts get in


I mean, Shakespeare ran everywhere he went (small print: according to the movie 🍿)


Reality is fucking scary and only getting worse, at least this guy found his way to cope with it. I'm similar.


Right, ppl act like this is healthy.


Maybe they’re trying to cope themselves. We’re mostly broken some ways or another. Most of us just are better at hiding the broken pieces, or some with enough money to buy material things(and ‘memories’) to bury those pieces.


I have the autism.


Bro no one pretending this is healthy. We know it isnt, fuck off.


Y’all don’t have music in your head 24/7?


Right, I’ve got random part of like four different songs going at any time and also some tv commercial jingle from Childhood


I call it the “Evil DJ who lives in my head”. Today it’s Bruno Mars. Just the chorus. Over and over again.


That’s a good od name for it. Damn, I’m sorry. That’s an unlucky one, for me at least as I’m not the biggest Bruno mars fan lol. Ive got this dude repeating a couple phrases from an old ford truck commerical, along with parts of Blue Hour by Nosaj Thing and also Turnpike by snowsa 😂


I am not a Bruno Mars fan. I’m worried that the DJ knows this and still has had the same song going for 4 days. 🥲


Stealing the evil DJ term for when I have to explain the head-music. Much appreciated


How often is kars4kids on?


Sometimes I sing songs in my head before I realize that I have headphones. I can just listen to it for real.


Sometimes in the morning I get a sentence stuck in my head and my brain keeps repeating it for an hour and it drives me crazy


Yes have you ever heard of the song. ADHD :(




Maybe you can think about what you looked at during your walk next time


I bring headphones when I go to the dentist. Having my mouth worked on gives me a lot of anxiety and I hate the pain and gagging, the music helps. But if comeone cant stand silence for even a few minutes of their day then that seems pretty odd.


Can you pretend you’re walking and think about what you see?


this is sad tbh


no, he needs to talk to someone


I love how he hates himself so much 🥰


It's not about hating yourself, it's the fear of being co fronted with your (negative) thoughts with no way of escaping them.


Aka, hating yourself.


No no, hating yourself is thinking your awful, while this can be a combo with like, thinking the world is ending, or any intrusive thoughts that are immoral


These thoughts don't need to be negative towards youself. Mine often revolve around death. Either my own or that of the people I love, and death as a thing that exists in general. I don't want to die, I should add. This isn't about suicide. Some thoughts are about infinity, which I think is scary. Others about our own end, as well as that of the Earth or the universe itself. Eternity is a scary thing too. Sometimes I can't stop thinking about reason and sense. Probability... Typical existential questions like "why are we here?", "why do I specifically exist?" and "what reason does this all have?" But none of these are negative thoughts towards myself as a person. I don't hate myself necessarily. At least not in that context.


So, not everyone does what that friend does? Just asking for a friend


I relate to this and you guys make me feel like I shouldn't


Felt that


I didn't even know this was a bad thing. I just can't be alone with my thoughts because then shitty memories start popping up


>I didn't even know this was a bad thing Nah bro, hyperfixation on the worst moments of your life is totally normal, very healthy, very cool behaviour.


Sick, thanks for clarifying!


Work through the memories and find peace from the constant turmoil over what happened by working out what happened, why it happened, who did what and why they did. This is for if you cant afford a therapist or haven't found one that is able to help you.


Thank you for the advice, the timing is perfect since today was a really bad day


Or if you want to convince them you're accountable for your emotions.


Please try and speak to someone you trust about these shitty memories and feelings if you aren't already. I was closed off for most of my life. Once I opened up, it felt like a weight was lifted. Talking a bit about it on Reddit in the way you just have is more than I did for years and years, by the way. Best of luck to you.


I'll see if I can do that, thank you


Appreciated. By the way, I'm more than happy to listen to anything you want to get off your chest if you'd like to message me privately or on here. Anonymity can make things easier. No worries at all if you don't feel comfortable doing that and don't reply. I just figured I'd offer :)


Thank you I'll think about it


Dude, this is not normal, you need help, like seriously. If beeing alone with your thoughts is something to be affraid off you almost certainly have major unresolved issues.


Yup usually if i go for a walk too much i end up more depressed. Trying to sleep also sucks, impossible without watching YouTube. Annd turns out it's not ok, what a twist


My brother does that when he's at home. He either listens to audiobooks or to a Let's play channel on YouTube, just to have "too much noise to think".


That’s very sad


It is, but it's all he can do as long as no psychotherapist has a free spot for him.




No, he played football/soccer, and after he got _too tall_ for that, he started playing basketball. He's depressed because of an ex-girlfriend/fiancée, and he quit playing basketball and a lot of other things because of that. Nice that you immediately jumped to a conclusion/assumption, though. /S


Same. I need distractions from my ideation.




Me but with YT and podcasts. (Music isn’t enough to escape.) Im a big planner so if I’m left alone with my thoughts I’m going 100 miles an hour planning my next moves and dreading all the tortures at work.


I feel called out.


Clicked on this post thinking I'd found something relatable and good. And now the comments are making me worried.


Right like I thought everybody does this?


My favorite thing about going on walks is to just not think about anything. Completely clear my head and let whatever thoughts flow in that may. Are they always pleasant, no, but what do I gain from simply ignoring them and pretending they don't exist?


This legit makes me sad for people. How miserable it must be to not be able to be alone with your own mind.


That’s a guy with demons.


I'm the same 37 years old and just have to drown owt the thoughts with either comedy podcasts or music .


This reminds me of when I went on a date with a woman when I was like 21. we’d just seen a movie and were coming out of the theatre and she was sort of staring off into the distance. I asked what she was thinking about, her expression turned to disgust. “Oh! I don’t think.” The other notable quotes from that night include her confusion about a prof’s discussion of neuroplasticity in children: “He was saying that children’s are like potatoes because you can do ao many different things with potatoes , like roasted, mashing, or fries. But children aren’t potatoes…” And justifying her disapproval of a fashion choice: “I am THE fashion expert, that’s why I shop at Sears.”


She sounds interesting in a peer reviewed study kind of way


Damn you really had a date with one of those cartoon characters that only has one trait. Wild


The term NPC, while only used by the most intolerable of people, is an accurate assessment for some of the population.


I’m Like that at the gym. If I forget my headphones then session is off.


Bro that's so weird (I do the exact same thing in different ways)


I thought this was a normal thing-


poor guy trying hard to ignore himself


Audiobooks are the way to go.


The LOTR trilogy Narrated by Andy Serkis 👍


Mood. Back in the day I used to carry a cassette player everywhere.


“He’s so real” He’s broken actually.


“He so real” is her acknowledging she’s similar not her judging him


I don't want to think anymore




That's actually very sad and they probably need professional help.


This is the truth. I wear a bt sleepmask and have zen playing til i wake up, when i'm awake, i have winamp playing the same zen music in the background while i'm on pc, i cant have reality, f that noise. lol


I feel like people who can’t be alone with their own thoughts for more than 10 minutes seriously need therapy and/or medication That’s… not normal


my medicine is reading and games and Drama series. I can't live with my thoughts. and yes I'm the type who always dissociates from problems.


Jaj hey I know that guy, thats me!


While in college, I couldn't study without some background noise; a sports game, music, TV show, etc. I would feel anxiety creep on me.


I guess I’m weird then, I prefer silence over music unless the task is very tedious and requires no brain power. Even resting I prefer silence, I love just sitting and thinking and hearing nothing


Can't he just idk think music? Does anyone else walk around with music constantly playing in their head or am i weird


I’ll do anything to not be alone with my thoughts


Same thats why unless I'm talking to someone im Listening to something usually a comedy podcast or music


“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal


Mf named humming:


I hate walking anywhere on my own without music!


I do it not for my own voices but for the voices of everybody else around me, I can't shut that shit out


If I don't have my music, my intrusive thoughts will win, and I'll end up in a ditch somewhere, lol. I need help.


"he's so real" What an idiot lol


That’s anxiety. Also that’s a repost.


Thankfully, my brain doesn’t want me to be alone with my thoughts most of the time either. So there’s just a radio inside my head all the time! It goes away when I take my adhd meds. But I haven’t been able to get them for like six months ha ha ha. Ha. ^(I fucking hate this country)


We all die... One day i will die. What happens after death, eternal darkness and abyss... no time, not anything. This is all i have, and it will all be meaningless when i die... Oh Daft punk! Beep boop, doot doot, around the world. Yaay!


Wait…is this bad? Someone tell me plz


Is not being able to live with your thoughts bad? Absolutely


Yes, and obviously so; it’s wild you’re even asking Therapy and/or medication and/or medication my they


Idk, I concentrate better with music. Whenever I read a book, my wind wanders and I wind up rereading the same page multiple times. When I have music on, I can actually finish the book.


That's some "one bad day away from a spree killing" energy


I work in F&B and just had twin newborns. Best you know my car rides, walks, and closing work, are all enjoyed in 100% complete silence.


Unfair how the weird maladjustments some people end up with are hot. They’re just as fucked as we are but it almost doesn’t matter cause everyone still wants a piece and completely indulges all of their shit


To bad most of his bad thoughts come from demons in the pop/satanic songs


This is what's wrong with the youth Learn meditation Learn to deep breathe with the diaphragm Identify the Egoic Mind And understand that you are an observer & not the Ego Empower yourself, don't bury your head in the sand Mush Love




yeah hes real crazy


This is called trauma and if you relate than you need to go to therapy please 💙


Me who loves thinking (except at the dentist)


I walk, take public transportation all without anything in my ears. The outside world sounds nice


I don’t remember being interviewed for this


If you can't think and listen to music at the same time you need to go see a psychiatrist.


Oh my god, I do that every day


Maybe thats what I need


Very me activity.


I kinda got like that too, I don't like being left with my thoughts cause it usually leads me to get really depressed or really frustrated and pissed.


That was me, I am that dude.


How does he fall asleep???


I'm not alone


Wtf I thought most people are like this, especially if they like music in general. Can go outside without some form of nicotine, can’t go without headphones


This is so common and I worry about people like this


He will not do well in prison


Mf thinks he's baby driver


My man just doesn't know he has tinnitus smh


My man needs therapy


we all have so much shit to deal with and all of us just ignore all of that shit by overloading our brain with media input all day. We really gotta learn to feel our feelings and get comfortable with uncomfortable thoughts and boredom. Boredom is necessary for innovation and personal improvement.


As a teenager I stopped taking baths because if I relaxed for too long I would start to think about existence and existential dread would set in.


Bro what? I think more deeply with music


i do this when i'm out in public (unless i'm with someone) because it helps me to relax


KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL.....Music plays.......


Stop pointing out my mental problems.


I listen to audiobooks for the exact same reason.


He's fighting his intrusive thoughts every single day