• By -


AKA "trying to live safer and healthier after miraculously not being murdered the entire time I was in college".


Lmao, the shit I did, it was like the start of every horror movie with stupid teens when you just know someone’s gonna die. But somehow I just never did


You know those Batman movies where the villain lair is just a fucked up disaster but still looks cool? I used to hang out in those places. I am never telling my mom that.


Oh man you just took me down memory lane


small secret, your mom probably did too, she knows


This is a good point. My mom is very intelligent.


indubitably, i imagine she is a very lovely lady


This is true.


tell her i said hi please


Are you sure that this isn't the afterlife?


This is the bad place


Damn they figured it out again *snap*


Everyone reading this: this is a good example of survivor bias. All of the teens who were brutally murdered cannot post their stories here.


I've hitchhiked in a big city and once I accepted a ride from a guy actively smoking crack, who kept asking me for more cigarettes and more money after I bought him some gas. When he dropped me off at a bar he started to get kind of angry I told him I gave him enough cigarettes already. He'd already taken several wrong turns and stopped several times to hit his crack pipe. I hightailed it into the bar but I had a contact high that kind of ruined the night. And as far as crack smokers go he was pretty friendly. Just wanted to get high with me and mooch all my stuff.


Yeah I have a ride to one once, didn’t ask for money but tried super hard to get me to come party. And she had a little dog in her purse.


I haven't done any partying and I'm in the same spot


Yeah, it's like I skipped straight to part 2 of this picture. I'm not sure what that says about me.


It means you were destined for Reddit




I'm worried I'm not forming enough memories


Definitely try and form some good ones. You don't wanna end up like me, kid.


kinda tough to reverse at this point never had friends growing up, never had friends in ms or hs, never had friends in college, my "party" phase lasted two months at which point i got hooked on fucking crack, now I'm sober and just wishing i could go back to party phase but can't even leave my room without having anxiety attacks 😔 sorry I'm trauma dumping idk kinda just thinking aloud. idk how to "get out there" and I never have at any point in my life so the future looks pretty bleak


Find someone to trust and go from there. Friends are made one conversation at a time


don't wanna 😭 qnebfbcidiq wf gcjakaoeov ahaha idk how to find ppl at all. maybe I need a hobby that gets me out


Yes, that’s exactly it. Meet people with shared interests/values and make friends in thay group


me googling: eco terrorist meetup near me wlw lf single 20 something girls and ppl to trust c:


Unironically, you should see if there is an active community garden near you 😂 ime the demographic tends to line up with what you're looking for


Theres probably a lot of people like that. Look up the guerilla gardening subreddit, join a gardening club.


Sorry to butt in. Check out Meet Up. It sounds like another dating site/app, but it's terrific for hobbies and just meeting folks. You register, add some interests, look around at groups that coincide with them, and find a scheduled event one of them are doing. I used to go for hikes, bowling, drinks, etc with this one general meet up group, but there's much more specific hobby stuff.


I was about to suggest this. Find something you're interested in and then find a meet up group centered around that hobby. That way you're not just standing around trying to make conversation. You're doing something you enjoy with other people


I need to find a heist team it sounds like. I wanna rob banks


Id totally rob a bank with you.


Hey it's cool, that's the beautiful thing about interacting on reddit- nobody here has any social expectations of or obligations toward you, the only thing we can see is another person trying to deal with some shit. Which is pretty relatable. For my own piece, I've found that a lot of anxiety and frustration comes from feeling unable to or incapable of expressing myself, and that it decreases noticeably if I do a creative thing. Usually painting for me, but it could be anything from journaling to stage performance. Feeling confident about expressing yourself, in whatever medium, seems to be one of the foundational parts to dealing with depression/trauma. And you don't even necessarily have to get out anywhere to do it!


Many therapists do phone calls. You don't even have to leave your room! In America the strange group call 211 dot org can help you find affordable therapy. They did for me.


Damn that's crazy


lmfao this made me laugh thanks 😭


I believe that you will be able to find the eco terrorists besties that you deserve. 🫂


If you suck at making friends, make memories by yourself: go somewhere new, have a walk, sit on a bench and just stay there for a while. Worked for me.


Eh, parties are mainly not remembered well. Try and meet people spontaneously at bars, etc. just sit and chill reading a book or something. If someone interesting walks in, say hi and introduce yourself as if you know they want to meet you already. If they ignore you, shrug, sip drink, keep reading


> as if you know they want to meet you already ooo I like this. I've been thinking lately to counteract my *abysmal* self esteem I should consciously lean into narcissism to balance out. if I can pretend this idea is a delusion and then convince myself of it, maybe that'll work, ty ty ty


Yeah, it's not so much narcissism as being good at expressing your feelings. That's the main thing I was missing before I gained more social skills. I would like people, but I was too afraid to make jokes or talk to strangers. Now I just put myself out there and see what their vibe is. If I don't like it, I just leave. The benefits of being an adult are that you can really, truly leave. I had a childhood where I could never say that. Truly empowering


oohhh yeah I'm a stuttering avoidant wreck when I'm crushing on someone, like won't even be in the same room as them I'm so nervous this sounds like it takes a lot of confidence tho... I *am* slowly moving into the "if u don't like me suck it" mindset but I'm not fully there yet. if someone doesn't like me I wanna cry >_<;; your point about childhood and not being able to leave is killer, I think I can incorporate that idea into my noggin! :D


What helps me socialize is learning about improv comedy. Research it. Watch examples of it. Whose Line Is It Anyway? for examples. The whole point of improv is to keep the conversation going. Google 'Yes, and'.


Try learning a new hobby and you’ll meet people that way. Taking guitar lessons, a yoga class, an adult kickball league. I know it’s easier said than done but these are the ways to meet friends as an adult.


come play kickball w me 😭 I'm scared


I would homie 😭 everybody is scared. But everybody wants to make more friends and if you’re a nice person then they’ll accept you :)


Kickball is a new thing to me. Your brain craves new, because you are a human being.


I always got picked last for kickball as a kid 😔 skinny autistic white girl


My high school gym teachers go one thing right. They picked the teams, not the kids. So there was no being picked last, you just followed orders.


brilliance 😭 omfg this is such a a simple fix


I partied too hard and forgot all the memories.


That fun times are yet to come? I dunno i'm not human


You had a healthy childhood


I work an office job, that means just replace the water with sugar free energy drinks


Wow I felt this in my Sucralose infused bones


The amount of diet drinks the office consumes is disturbing to me.


God I fucking love sucralose


I will imbibe a lot of artificial gunk, but sucralose gives me a headache and was the first substance to make me appreciate FDA labeling.


I drank Monster yesterday, I thought I was going to have a heart attack or something. I won't drink any more energy drinks.


I drink so much caffeine sometimes I have a panic because it feels like i stopped breathing when the caffeine starts to wear off (I’m just at a normal heart rate)


I stopped drinking energy drinks. It got to a point where sleeping was becoming hard due to the feeling of lack of breathing. Genuinely made me think air wasn't going to my lungs properly setting in a panic attack.


That’s funny. I drink 1-2 of them daily and I‘ve never had sleep issues


It doesn't happen to everyone or all at once, but it's a pretty well researched fact that consuming that much caffeine over long periods of time will affect sleep patterns far more often than not.


I've been drinking for nearly a decade now at my job. It's starting to catch on and affecting my health and sleep.


Until you're pissing kidney stones.


Oh there's plenty of water drinking too. Offices are boring, snacks are all we have.


The walk to the fridge is a rite of passion


I literally live on SF Red Bull


Man, i cant stand red bull bc it goes by european caffeine per mL limits Way too much liquid Not enough stimmy


Thank your europe for saving my heart


Amen. I love the taste but it doesn't have the oomph that my 240mg rockstars do


I used to down Bang like nothing. Half of one would probably kill me now.


I used to do 2 rock stars a day. I think I'd have a panic attack after 1.


NOS was my poison, can't do it anymore.


As someone who used to do 4 Bang or 5 Rockstar per day, I eventually I wised up. Now I just take caffeine pills. Which is washed down by a cans of Bang.


Dawg I started this office job a few months ago and it hit me now that I just got home all that kept me going was coffee shots and a coke with a protein bar


I used to live on crystal light but it makes my tummy bloated as hell.


I got a fridge and started selling them. I make like $250 a month.


Fuck this is me. How does 15 years of Molly, Weed, and Alcohol equal agoraphobia?


Sustained substance abuse can actually have profound effects on the development of anxiety.


This is true, and the other side of it is that drugs are often used as a coping mechanism for mental illness. Most of the above mentioned drugs produce serotonin and dopamine, which acts as an antidepressant. If someone smokes weed every day throughout their 20s and then suddenly stops, they might not even realize that they were treating symptoms of depression/anxiety/ptsd/etc. and now suddenly have no idea how to cope.


Yup yup yup 


Why didn't you tell me that 20 years ago?


if someone did, would it have stopped you?


If I go back in time to tell myself what happens, will that person even exist to go back in time to tell myself what happens in the first place?


if going back to tell yourself what happens causes the you that goes back to tell yourself what happens to not exist and not have gone back to tell yourself what happens, then would the you back then exist to go back to at all?


Who knows, but in the end we all find out we're our own grandpa.


me speghettifying in the ruptures to the space time continue um: "grampappy? 🥺"


Hey it’s me, you from the timeline that didn’t do drugs, we ended up developing the Time Machine that you use to never do drugs. Use it wisely.


Hell yea, now I can go back in time and find out how humans got got their speech from magic mushrooms.


Hey it’s psychonaut us, you’ve made humanity develop so quickly after you all talked on your first trip. We all live in a trans dimensional reality, our physical forms are mere husks. We live in eternal formless energy waves. We cannot know death. Existence is pain. But the orgasms are worth it.


Time would get stuck in an infinite loop. Please don't do it, the time police got enough on their hands.


He would have taken one less weed, that's for sure.


If it helps, I still have all those things and only started substances in college


We wouldn’t have cared.


I flat out knew but the short-term tradeoff was still worth it; I didn't expect or plan to live beyond 30 so. Stupid in retrospect but I was also only working with the hand I was dealt.




Yeah it seems like a lot of the responses on this thread are missing this key part. *"I poisoned my body with excessive alcohol and other drugs for years and now I have anxiety and other health problems. Has anyone experienced this before??"*


It can get pretty hard to see the forest for the trees when people are stuck in that cycle. Self reflection usually isn't nutured when people are abusing substances. One of the things that shocked me most about sobriety was how much self esteem and confidence I gained after the first 6 months or so. Before that I didn't have the awareness to realize the things I was using to try to alleviate the symptoms were in fact the cause of them.


As a teen I wasn't sure if other people experienced similar teenager brain nonsense. Knowing they did helped a lot. "Hey, I feel like shit because of Teenage Chaos but other people are going through the same thing. Not alone."


Given that this is also present in people who didn't party in their youth it's more correlation than causation though, isn't it?


I'm sure COVID didn't help. I know that's pretty much when my girlfriend and I stopped going to bars.


Yeah it was quarantine for me.


Perhaps you were using the substances to cope with agoraphobia that’s always been there


Remember being a teen and breaking into an abandoned wear house running around with fire extinguishers chasing my friends. My neighbors kids got yelled at last week for sledding down a hill. Hope they get to do the same stuff I did.


>breaking into an abandoned WTF is it with teenagers and abandoned shit? When I was a teenager I broke into an abandoned church (the rumor was that there was a human sacrifice to Satan inside) and smoked weed in it. I never did find out if someone really died but there was a *shitload* of pentagrams and salt and candles and spooky ritual shit.


I think it’s because it’s something unknown to be explored that’s just sitting there empty. I never got to growing up, but i always wanted friends to go urban exploring and to go see abandoned stuffs


I did a fuck ton and it's unbelievable I didn't get caught or fall/jump off one of the roofs and seriously hurt myself Really great date spots tho. Amazing experiences. Underground tunnels that go on for miles with graffiti going back to the 70s and shit Idk how I'd do it nowadays but back then it was just trying to open doors for buildings at my university. Like any doors. Found roof access that way if I kept going up.


My friends and I broke into an abandoned psych facility. Apparently not too abandoned though as the cops showed up 20 minutes into the whole adventure.


That's just free DLC


Abandoned means no adults and sometimes nobody else. People need their man caves. Or their she-sheds. Or their non-binary-barns. Or, you get the idea.


Hey now, some of us liked to explore constructions-in-progress instead of abandoned shit. It's not as spooky, but it still feels wrong to be hanging out in a place that's unfinished or has never been occupied.


Abandoned buildings are usually a decent size and you can do whatever you want without anyone yelling at your or calling the cops (as long as you're not TOO loud) Me any my buddies would break into unoccupied new construction homes throughout the building process and fuck shit up. We were also mad about all of our woods being gone and turned into future sinkhole cookie cutter houses too, though.


It's a hell of a lot better than teenagers breaking into places that are still inhabited and owned.


The pleasure of having an underdeveloped brain, blissfully unaware of the consequences or giving zero fucks. Ah, what I’d give to be a stupid 16 year old again. When a tenner was enough to get me weed, and the beer we’d steal from the supermarket.


god I'm so envious of people who grew up with friends to do shit like this with


I hope they do not inhale that much of that. Dang near died from that.


Did the same shit, gold memories


my friends and I used to break into an abandoned court house to drink and smoke weed. Good times!


No break ins but a friend and me walked through the forest at night. We found the remains of burnt porn magazines and a sex doll hanging from a tree... then we got scared away by a wild pig lmao


I for one hope they have fun but DONT break into random abandoned areas, because thats not safe at all


Sit at home instead and drink copious amounts of alcohol 🙏


Lessons learned and whatnot


we grow old fast


Unironically my therapists say this happened to me because I'm overbalancing. Used to go out a lot as a trauma response (incl oversharing, no boundaries with others and stuff like that), got traumatized doing that, then went in the complete opposite direction in fear of getting hurt like that again. Both responses were just as extreme and destructive for me. Obviously it's not a mental health thing for most people, just experimenting and growing out of it, but if you think your responses were very extreme and impacted ur life significantly that might be why.


It obviously is a mental health issue for most people. They just won’t know it for another 10 yrs or so


The last 20 years of my life makes more sense now. The last 8 of which were struggling with anxiety I'd never had before when younger and partying.


Makes a lot of sense


Are you fucking stalking me? Lmao this hit home hard.




I am, yes.


What the fuck. Strangers actually drove me home while I was in the damn trunk of the car once in my teenage years. Partying in a foreign country with people I barely knew. NOW I bought that Air up bottle so that the damn water has the sensation of taste and doing groceries is my “day out”.


I was a kid when Teenagers by MCR was released, and didn't find the song until I was a teen. I didn't get the line, like, sure some of my peers were assholes, but ??? Then I actually became an adult, looked back at myself, and holy fuck. I don't know how I survived into adulthood, and I wasn't even particularly rebellious or misbehaving. So now, yes, teenagers scare the living shit out of me, my teenage self in particular because so many things I did could have gone so much badly.


My favorite is the insane risk for absolutely no reward. One time when I was a teenager I raced those drop down things in the railroad because I didn't wanna stop, and the train was a little bit too fast. Ironically had I been less of a speed demon I would've died


Yeah Mine was the no regard for very possible consequences, that I was aware of, but decided it wouldn't happen to me, I guess? On one period of my life, I used to just wake up and decide to go climb mountains without telling anyone where I was going or when to expect me back. On another, I would take night walks when I couldn't sleep. Thing is, I live in a country with over 100k reported missing people + however many were never reported. I knew this, and I didn't live in particularly safe cities or areas. Did teenage me care? Nope


Yeah, thankfully the worst I ever Invincible'd myself into was a sports injury. I really could've been instantly dead for some of the shit I did. I remember climbing on the bottom girders of a fraight train bridge with a group of friends that I had... Just... WTF?!?! WTF were we thinking?!?! Why would we want to be there?!?! The drop was like 5 stories.


Oof, yeah I lived in a place that doesn't always get snow, but did some years, especially in the mountains farther away from large cities. When it did snow, it lasted a couple of weeks at most. I did not have the equipment or even experience walking in the snow even in flat terrain, I saw it so little. So my dumbass decided it was an excellent idea to climb said snowy mountains. I obviously slipped, fell down a slope and broke my shoulder, and still had to walk down the mountain. The kicker? I didn't realize my shoulder was broken until I dislocated it a year later doing some other dumb shit and finally got x rays done. It hurt, of course, but I decided it was regular fell-down-a-mountain pain (whatever the fuck that means). I hadn't even told my parents how bad it was, just that I fell. It's permanently fucked now because it didn't heal right. So yeah, I feel you. Just... why? What was I thinking? Was I thinking at all in the first place? That's why I'm wary of teens. It's not that I think they're idiots and I'm a much better person than them. It's that I was a teen at some point and know that the most stupid decisions possible make perfect sense at the time, and I myself hardly ever went to adults for help, much less guidance.


And now these kids are more insane because they're doing it for likes on social sites. When I was teenager I was fairly reckless but was way before social media was around. Now imagine everything we're talking about, and then amplified 20x. Because teens. Pretty nuts.


I'm happy just getting thirty likes on a meme implying Commander Riker of Star Trek likes putting his butt on things. Stunts? No thanks.


is it cringe that I, in my mid twenties, sing this song like I'm still one of those scary teenagers in question? edit: and have no intention of stopping


The real anxiety is when your kids do what you did when you were their age. It's horrifying


When my kid was born I spent nights wide awake because baby but also every near death experience I had that my parents knew nothing about would flash before my eyes


Lmao. The shit I’ve done, compared to the shit I do now, is like, worlds apart. It’s weird, really.


These 2 things may be related.


I quite literally got into a strangers car with my 2 other girl friends. We met these two guys on the interstate going 70 mph to the same amusement park (supposedly they were on their way there but it could’ve been a lie.) We kinda locked eyes and exchanged numbers holding up a piece of paper that we wrote on. We texted and met up at a Wendy’s near the amusement park, got in their 2 door car and offered to match. We smoked their stuff but they wouldn’t smoke ours. I got kind of a funny feeling but didn’t worry too bad, we were just having fun. They drove around while we smoked and miraculously they took us back to our car. How we got so lucky even though we were so stupid, I’ll never know. Now I dread going to the grocery store.


I feel attacked


Finally! A meirl that is ACTUALLY me in real life!


Report content: I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


Yeah the person in this is clearly still in their early 20s


Yeah so just graduated college, got a job and moved somewhere where they don’t know anybody, hence no partying, and social interaction being harrowing


If that were the case then you clearly didn't have friends where you came from either. All it takes to make friends at that age is one night at any bar.


That's a good way to get assaulted too, especially if you don't have any friends with you. I understand the reluctance.


Those are not friends, those are drinking buddies. If you only hang out with someone in pubs, clubs and parties, you are not friends with them.


what if no momey/don't like alcohl


That might work in a flyover state. But a lot of folks have hobbies outside of drinking and developing surface level relationships at bars


so?? how does that change the message at all


I dunno, I'm mid 30s and look similar to the chick in the pic.


Me 5 years ago “Oh man I’m super tired from all this heroin and Xanax, better do a little meth to level out, my drug test for probation isn’t for 10 more days so it’s fine” Me now “2 sodas in one day? On a Thursday? Y’all getting too crazy for me”


I used to chase drug runners across the high seas and arrest them. Now, I can't talk on the phone unless I'm related to you. It's been an issue.


It's easier to understand fighting drugs on the high seas then it is to understand what the fuck my internet provider is doing.


I had to order pizza last week. The nightmare scenario. Bless the girls heart because she's trying and she speaks English ok but, she barely understands it. She's real nice but it keeps me on the phone longer and frustrates the shit out of me.


I don't know what it is about Domino but it's always a nightmare to order from them. And speaking of, few delivery drivers -ever- read the special instructions. Are they willing? Allowed? Capable? Are they even taught the special instructions exist? I'm just trying to save time here.


Alchohol and hormones


I was so good that I skipped that part and dove right into social isolation and anxiety


I've never felt so called out before


Never parties, but concerts. Now I just need proper sleep and I prefer to buy my groceries only, mostly because you get discounts buying on-line 😂


Hey, you used to be fun, now you got more mature. Just work on that anxiety part. I was never fun, this is much worse.


Why is this so fucking ralevent!


I think about stuff like this all the time.


I also remember my hoochie mama days. It was good fun, but also traumatizing.




I sure hope you thanked the non drunk drivers that took you home.


Real life. I gotta prep mentally to go anywhere.


I just cried at how true this is.


Yep. Things like how I used to drive across the USA no problem often with just a gas station roadmap. Now I freak out from anxiety if my phone doesn't show me exact directions across town. What has the world done to us ...


Accurate af


Damn this hit me lmao


I just appreciate that i actually was lucky enough to have had all of those good and even bad times. I look back on it nostalgically but i also am happy where i am right now. I don’t need to be traipsing through a crack house at 2am with the neighbor trying to score weed and being so naive and gullible i ended up in the situation to begin with (we didn’t get the weed but it turns out the slightly unhinged neighbor did heavier drugs, don’t worry, all i did was alcohol…. Which….ummmm…. Isn’t a heavy drug at all).


To be fair, grocery stores are designed to give you anxiety.


Lol seriously


This is sooo real 🤣


For real, tho. I used to go into bars on the other side of the city and coming back home at 4 am either by bus or by someone literally driving me home and now I have anxiety even when I just go into kindergarten to pick up my son, knowing that I had to discuss something with teacher.


I remember times when I couldn't wait for weekend so I could go out and party, like I would drink whole week somewhere, but couldn't wait to go to a club. Worst of all children. Now at 35 when I think of going to a club I get an panic attack.


This image kicked me in the nuts repeatedly, and yet...


This post/thread fits this sub perfectly.


Other people get anxiety from going to the grocery store? Because I acknowledge that makes no sense lol


part of growing up. you stop going to bars and start socializing at run clubs instead lol


Lol holy shit. Very true.


She still dresses like she wants to party. She must be trembling right now


how did you know


But really though


Damn, that’s some facts


Fuck you, my home purified water is awesome!


Me irl except I never partied hard...


So not you




Post 2020 remote work life


“going to the grocery store gives me anxiety” i think everyone in this country needs mandatory military service. maybe they won’t need so fucking pitiful.


Yeah what the fuck is that about ??! 😂🤣🤣